public override void update() { base.update(); if (input.wasLeftButtonClicked()) { if (input.rectangle.Intersects(exitRec)) { ModalUtil.removeModal(id); } else if (input.rectangle.Intersects(setDestinationRectangle)) { setDestinationAction(); } } else if (input.wasLeftButtonClickedAndHeld() && input.rectangle.Intersects(buyFuelRectangle)) { buyFuelAction(); } if (input.wasLeftButtonClickedAndHeld() && input.rectangle.Intersects(rect) && input.didMouseMove) { exitRec.Location = rect.Location + exitRecOffset; setDestinationRectangle.Location = rect.Location + setDestRecOffset; buyFuelRectangle.Location = rect.Location + buyFuelRecOffset; } }
/// <summary> /// This is called when the game should draw itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, null, null, null, null,; //TODO: I guess make some states if (isPaused) { for (int p = 0; p < planets.Count; p++) { spriteBatch.DrawString(font, planets[p].name + " visited: " + planets[p].timesVisited, new Vector2(100 * (int)(p / 30), p * 12 % Globals.screenHeight), Color.Pink); } spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Human money: " +, new Vector2(400, 40), Color.Green); spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "AI money: " +, new Vector2(400, 80), Color.Green); } else { foreach (Planet planet in planets) { planet.Draw(spriteBatch); Rectangle planetRect = planet.getCollisionRectangle(); if (inputHandler.rectangle.Intersects(planet.getCollisionRectangle())) { spriteBatch.DrawString(font, planetRect.X + ", " + planetRect.Y, planetRect.Location.ToVector2(), Color.Green); } } ai.draw(spriteBatch); human.draw(spriteBatch); human.ships.ForEach(ship => { if (inputHandler.rectangle.Intersects(ship.getCollisionRectangle())) { spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Fuel: " + ship.fuelRemaining, ship.getCollisionRectangle().Center.ToVector2(), Color.Black); } }); ModalUtil.drawModals(spriteBatch); } spriteBatch.End(); spriteBatch.Begin(); human.drawNoTransform(spriteBatch); headerBar.draw(spriteBatch); inputHandler.draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); }
public override void update() { ships.ForEach(ship => { if (!ship.isDocked) { ship.move(); } }); if (input.wasKeyPressedAndReleased(Keys.C)) { shipLookingForDestination = null; } if (input.wasLeftButtonClicked()) { //TODO: How do we handle displays for multiple ships? //Additional popup asking them to choose which ship? List <Ship> selectedShips = ships.FindAll(ship => input.rectangle.Intersects(ship.getCollisionRectangle())); selectedShips.ForEach(ship => { ShipInfo info = new ShipInfo(ship, () => { shipLookingForDestination = ship; }, () => { buyFuel(ship); }); ModalUtil.addModal(info); }); //Player clicked the 'Select Destination' button on ShipInfo if (shipLookingForDestination != null) { //Make sure the Player clicked a planet to set the destination Planet selectedPlanet = PlanetUtil.getPlanets().Find(planet => planet.getCollisionRectangle().Intersects(input.rectangle)); if (selectedPlanet != null) { if (PlanetUtil.isPlanetInRange(selectedPlanet, shipLookingForDestination)) { shipLookingForDestination.setNewDestination(selectedPlanet); } else { //TODO: Alert that planet is out of range } } //Cancel looking for a destination whether a planet is clicked or not shipLookingForDestination = null; } } }
protected override void Initialize() { //this.IsMouseVisible = true; = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; //graphics.ToggleFullScreen(); whiteSquare = Content.Load <Texture2D>("WhiteSquare"); font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("text"); inputHandler = InputHandler.Instance; mouseTexture = whiteSquare; inputHandler.mouseTexture = mouseTexture; hoverPlanetErrorText = whiteSquare; hoverPlanetSuccessText = whiteSquare; human = new Player(hoverPlanetErrorText, hoverPlanetSuccessText); Globals.screenHeight = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; Globals.screenWidth = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width; = new Camera(GraphicsDevice.Viewport); Vector2(Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenHeight / 2)); for (int i = 0; i < planetNum; i++) { Color randColor = new Color(random.Next(256), random.Next(256), random.Next(256)); Planet planet = new Planet(whiteSquare, random.Next(-Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenWidth * 3 / 2 - planetSize), //+30 for height of HeaderBar random.Next(-Globals.screenHeight / 2 + 30, Globals.screenHeight * 3 / 2 - planetSize), planetSize, planetSize, randColor, i.ToString()); planets.Add(planet); } if (shouldShowFourCornerPlanets) { Planet topLeft = new Planet(whiteSquare, -Globals.screenWidth / 2, //+30 for height of HeaderBar -Globals.screenHeight / 2 + 30, planetSize, planetSize, Color.Black, "Top Left"); Planet topRight = new Planet(whiteSquare, Globals.screenWidth * 3 / 2 - planetSize, //+30 for height of HeaderBar -Globals.screenHeight / 2 + 30, planetSize, planetSize, Color.Black, "Top Right"); Planet bottomLeft = new Planet(whiteSquare, -Globals.screenWidth / 2, Globals.screenHeight * 3 / 2 - planetSize, planetSize, planetSize, Color.Black, "Bottom Left"); Planet bottomRight = new Planet(whiteSquare, Globals.screenWidth * 3 / 2 - planetSize, Globals.screenHeight * 3 / 2 - planetSize, planetSize, planetSize, Color.Black, "Bottom Right"); planets.Add(topLeft); planets.Add(topRight); planets.Add(bottomLeft); planets.Add(bottomRight); } ModalUtil.init(); PlanetUtil.init(ref planets); DrawUtil.init(whiteSquare); HeaderBar.init(human, whiteSquare, font); headerBar = HeaderBar.Instance; BaseInfo.init(whiteSquare, font); base.Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } inputHandler.update();; //TODO: This stupid thing still isn't working 100% right if (inputHandler.wasKeyPressedAndReleased(Keys.F)) { //isFullScreen = !isFullScreen; graphics.ToggleFullScreen(); if (!graphics.IsFullScreen) { = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; } else { graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 640; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 480; } graphics.ApplyChanges(); Globals.screenHeight = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; Globals.screenWidth = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width; } //TODO: I guess make some states if (isPaused) { if (inputHandler.wasKeyPressedAndReleased(Keys.Space)) { isPaused = false; } } else { if (inputHandler.wasKeyPressedAndReleased(Keys.Space)) { isPaused = true; } //AI Ship //if (inputHandler.wasLeftButtonClicked()) { // foreach (Planet planet in planets) { // if (planet.rectangle.Intersects(inputHandler.rectangle)) { // Point planetCenter = planet.rectangle.Center; // Ship ship = new Ship("AI " + ai.ships.Count, whiteSquare, planetCenter.X, planetCenter.Y, 3, 5, 2, 1000, Color.White); // //Well this is weird. Have to set init planet as the one we clicked so that our // //new destination isn't set to the same planet. // //TODO: Make this better // ship.dest = planet; // ship.dest = PlanetUtil.getDestination(ship); // ship.updateAngle(); //TODO: I don't like how this is stuck out here instead of being a private method // ai.ships.Add(ship); // } // } //} //Human ship if (inputHandler.wasRightButtonClicked()) { foreach (Planet planet in planets) { if (planet.getCollisionRectangle().Intersects(inputHandler.rectangle)) { Ship ship = new Ship("Human " + human.ships.Count, whiteSquare, planet, 7, 15, 2, 1000, Color.Black); human.ships.Add(ship); } } } if (inputHandler.wasKeyPressedAndReleased(Keys.Down)) { ai.ships.ForEach(ship => ship.speed--); human.ships.ForEach(ship => ship.speed--); } else if (inputHandler.wasKeyPressedAndReleased(Keys.Up)) { ai.ships.ForEach(ship => ship.speed++); human.ships.ForEach(ship => ship.speed++); } ai.update(); human.update(); ModalUtil.updateModals(); } base.Update(gameTime); }