public override void OnCatch(Player player) { if (Main.netMode == 2 || player.whoAmi != Main.myPlayer) { return; } if (ModWorld.AcAchieve != null) { ModWorld.AcAchieve("SHK_WORLDP_FLY_CORRUPT", null); if (chaos) { ModWorld.AcAchieve("SHK_WORLDP_FLY_CORRUPT2", null); } } }
public override void OnCatch(Player player) { if (Main.netMode == 2 || player.whoAmi != Main.myPlayer) { return; } if (ModWorld.AcAchieve != null) { ModWorld.AcAchieve("SHK_WORLDP_FLY_FLAME", null); if (color1.G == 255) { ModWorld.AcAchieve("SHK_WORLDP_FLY_FLAME2", null); } } }
public override void OnCatch(Player player) { if (Main.netMode == 2 || player.whoAmi != Main.myPlayer) { return; } if (ModWorld.AcAchieve != null) { ModWorld.AcAchieve("SHK_WORLDP_FLY_MOON", null); if (hasRing) { ModWorld.AcAchieve("SHK_WORLDP_FLY_MOON2", null); } } }
public override void OnCatch(Player player) { if (Main.netMode == 2 || player.whoAmi != Main.myPlayer) { return; } if (ModWorld.AcAchieve != null) { ModWorld.AcAchieve("SHK_WORLDP_FLY_HOLY", null); if (hueSpeed != 0) { ModWorld.AcAchieve("SHK_WORLDP_FLY_HOLY2", null); } } }
public void ButtonClicked(int num) { int x = (int)Config.tileInterface.sourceLocation.X, y = (int)Config.tileInterface.sourceLocation.Y; if (Main.netMode == 0) { ModWorld.SetNoteLevel(new Vector2(x, y), num); } else { NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_SETLEVEL, -1, -1, x, y, (byte)num); } Codable.RunTileMethod(false, new Vector2(x, y), Main.tile[x, y].type, "ExternalNoteBlockPlay"); Create(x, y, num); }
public void DrawOnScreen(SpriteBatch sb, double layer) { int xx = 200, yy = Main.screenHeight - 32, ww = Main.screenWidth - 2 * xx, hh = 32; List <ModWorld.NPCInst> list = ModWorld.GetActualNPCs(); foreach (ModWorld.NPCInst npci in list) { if (!ModWorld.IsBoss(npci)) { continue; } Player p = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (Vector2.Distance(p.position + new Vector2(p.width / 2f, p.height / 2f), npci.GetCenterPos()) > 2 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Main.screenWidth, 2) + Math.Pow(Main.screenHeight, 2))) { continue; } sb.Draw(ModWorld.texBack, new Rectangle(xx, yy + 4, ww, hh - 8), Color.White); sb.Draw(ModWorld.texWhite, new Rectangle(xx + 2, yy + 6, ww - 4, hh - 12), Color.Black); int phase = 0; float percent = 1f * npci.GetLife() / npci.GetLifeMax(); Object[] ret = new Object[] { null, null }; if (Codable.RunGlobalMethod("ModWorld", "ExternalGetBossPhase",, npci.GetName(), npci.GetCenterPos(), npci.GetLife(), npci.GetLifeMax(), ret)) { if (ret[0] != null && ret[1] != null) { phase = (int)ret[0]; percent = (float)ret[1]; } } if (phase > 0) { sb.Draw(ModWorld.texPhase[phase - 1], new Rectangle(xx + 2, yy + 6, (int)(1f * (ww - 4)), hh - 12), Color.White); } sb.Draw(ModWorld.texPhase[phase], new Rectangle(xx + 2, yy + 6, (int)((percent) * (ww - 4)), hh - 12), Color.White); DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, npci.GetName(), new Vector2(xx + 4, yy + 4), Color.White, Color.Black); string s = "" + npci.GetLife() + "/" + npci.GetLifeMax(); DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, s, new Vector2(xx + ww - 4 - Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(s).X, yy + 4), Color.White, Color.Black); yy -= hh; } }
//Initialize all variables to their default values public override void Initialize() { if (SGAmod.cachedata == false) { Instance = this; dungeonlevel = 0; Main.invasionSize = 0; customInvasionUp = false; downedCustomInvasion = false; downedSPinky = false; downedTPD = false; downedSpiderQueen = false; downedHarbinger = false; downedWraiths = 0; downedMurk = 0; craftwarning = 0; downedMurklegacy = false; downedCaliburnGuardians = 0; downedCaliburnGuardiansPoints = 0; downedCirno = false; downedSharkvern = false; overalldamagedone = 0; downedCratrosity = false; downedCratrosityPML = false; downedHellion = 0; tf2cratedrops = false; tf2quest = 0; bossprgressor = 0; modtimer = 0; for (int f = 0; f < CaliburnAlterCoordsX.Length; f++) { CaliburnAlterCoordsX[f] = 0; CaliburnAlterCoordsY[f] = 0; } WorldIsTin = WorldGen.oreTier1 != TileID.Copper; int x = 0; for (x = 0; x < questvars.Length; x++) { questvars[x] = 0; } } SGAmod.cachedata = false; }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, int xx, ref int yy, int ww) { if (!Visible()) { return; } if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease && ModWorld.GuiAchievements.MouseIn(sb.GraphicsDevice.ScissorRectangle, new Rectangle(xx, yy, ww, 42))) { toggled = !toggled; if (toggled) { GuiAchievements.setScroll = yy + GuiAchievements.scroll - 120; } } Color white = new Color(255, 255, 255, 191); Color limish = new Color(136, 255, 0, 191); bool achieved = Achieved(); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame1, new Rectangle(xx + 1, yy, ww - 2, 42), achieved ? limish : white); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2, new Rectangle(xx, yy, 1, 42), achieved ? limish : white); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2, new Rectangle(xx + ww - 1, yy, 1, 42), achieved ? limish : white); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, title, new Vector2(xx + 8, yy + 10), Color.White, Color.Black); string value = "" + Value(true) + "/" + Value(false); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, value, new Vector2(xx + ww - 12 - Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(value).X, yy + 10), Color.White, Color.Black); yy += 42; if (toggled) { for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++) { categories[i].Draw(sb, xx + 24, ref yy, ww - 48); } for (int i = 0; i < achievements.Count; i++) { achievements[i].Draw(sb, xx + 24, ref yy, ww - 48); } } }
public void DrawOnScreen(SpriteBatch sb, double layer) { int xx = 4, yy = Main.screenHeight - 100; List <ModWorld.NPCInst> list = ModWorld.GetActualNPCs(); foreach (ModWorld.NPCInst npci in list) { if (!ModWorld.IsBoss(npci)) { continue; } Player p = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (Vector2.Distance(p.position + new Vector2(p.width / 2f, p.height / 2f), npci.GetCenterPos()) > 2 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Main.screenWidth, 2) + Math.Pow(Main.screenHeight, 2))) { continue; } sb.Draw(ModWorld.texBack, new Vector2(xx, yy), Color.White); int phase = -1; Object[] ret = new Object[] { null, null }; if (Codable.RunGlobalMethod("ModWorld", "ExternalGetBossPhase",, npci.GetName(), npci.GetCenterPos(), npci.GetLife(), npci.GetLifeMax(), ret)) { if (ret[0] != null && ret[1] != null) { phase = (int)ret[0]; } } if (phase > 0) { sb.Draw(ModWorld.texPhase[phase - 1], new Vector2(xx, yy), Color.White); } sb.Draw((Texture2D)rt, new Vector2(xx, yy), Color.White); string s = "" + npci.GetLife() + "/" + npci.GetLifeMax(); DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, s, new Vector2(xx + 52, yy + 52), Color.White, Color.Black); DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, npci.GetName(), new Vector2(xx + 52, yy + 72), Color.White, Color.Black); xx += (int)(Math.Max(Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(s).X, Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(npci.GetName()).X) + 68); } }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, Projectile p, ModWorld.Firework f) { trail.Insert(0,new Vector2(pos.X,pos.Y)); for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(trail.Count,5); i++) { Vector2 v = trail[i]; float alpha = (5-i)/5f; sb.Draw(ptFuzzy,v-Main.screenPosition,GetRectFuzzy(),new Color(color.R,color.G,color.B,(byte)(color.A*alpha*.5f)),0f,GetCenterFuzzy(),GetScaleFuzzy(12f),SpriteEffects.None,0f); sb.Draw(ptFuzzy,v-Main.screenPosition,GetRectFuzzy(),new Color(color.R,color.G,color.B,(byte)(color.A*alpha)),0f,GetCenterFuzzy(),GetScaleFuzzy(4f),SpriteEffects.None,0f); } if (trail.Count > 5) trail.RemoveAt(5); pos += vel; vel.Y += .05f; if (timeLeft > 0) { timeLeft--; } else { color.A = (byte)Math.Max(color.A-26,0); if (color.A == 0) dead = true; } }
public void PreDrawFilter(SpriteBatch sb, Texture2D tex, Texture2D tex2, int frameCount, int frame, Vector2 v, bool value) { Color c = value || ModWorld.MouseRegion(v, new Vector2(tex.Width, tex.Height)) ? Color.White : Color.Gray; sb.Draw(tex, v, ModWorld.GetTexRectangle(tex), c, 0f, default(Vector2), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); if (tex2 != null) { float scale = 1f; int ww = tex.Width - 4, hh = tex.Height - 4; if (tex2.Width * scale > ww) { scale = 1f * ww / tex2.Width; } if (tex2.Height / frameCount * scale > hh) { scale = 1f * hh / (tex2.Height / frameCount); } sb.Draw(tex2, v + new Vector2(2, 2) + new Vector2((ww - tex2.Width * scale) / 2f, (hh - tex2.Height / frameCount * scale) / 2f), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, tex2.Height / frameCount * frame, tex2.Width, tex2.Height / frameCount)), c, 0f, default(Vector2), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } }
private static void LoadLegacyModData(BinaryReader reader) { int count = reader.ReadUInt16(); for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { string modName = reader.ReadString(); string name = reader.ReadString(); byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadUInt16()); Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName); ModWorld modWorld = mod == null ? null : mod.GetModWorld(name); if (modWorld != null) { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader customReader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { try { modWorld.LoadLegacy(customReader); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CustomModDataException(mod, "Error in reading custom world data for " + mod.Name, e); } } } } else { var tag = new TagCompound { ["mod"] = modName, ["name"] = name, ["legacyData"] = data }; ((MysteryWorld)ModLoader.GetMod("ModLoader").GetModWorld("MysteryWorld")).data.Add(tag); } } }
public void BeginMainMenu() { moduleConsole = base.gameObject.AddComponent <ModConsoleOpt>(); modulePlayer = base.gameObject.AddComponent <ModPlayer>(); moduleWorld = base.gameObject.AddComponent <ModWorld>(); moduleConsole.CallerEntry = new SkMenuItem("Console Menu\t►", (Action) delegate { menuController.RequestSubMenu(moduleConsole.FlushMenu()); }, ""); modulePlayer.CallerEntry = new SkMenuItem("Player Menu\t►", (Action) delegate { menuController.RequestSubMenu(modulePlayer.FlushMenu()); }, ""); moduleWorld.CallerEntry = new SkMenuItem("World Menu\t►", (Action) delegate { menuController.RequestSubMenu(moduleWorld.FlushMenu()); }, ""); MenuOptions.Add(modulePlayer); MenuOptions.Add(moduleWorld); MenuOptions.Add(moduleConsole); }
internal static void ReadCustomData(BinaryReader reader) { int count = reader.ReadUInt16(); for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { string modName = reader.ReadString(); string name = reader.ReadString(); byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadUInt16()); Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modName); ModWorld modWorld = mod == null ? null : mod.GetModWorld(name); if (modWorld != null) { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data)) { using (BinaryReader customReader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { try { modWorld.LoadCustomData(customReader); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CustomModDataException(mod, "Error in reading custom world data for " + mod.Name, e); } } } if (modName == "ModLoader" && name == "MysteryWorld") { ((MysteryWorld)modWorld).RestoreData(); } } else { ModWorld mystery = ModLoader.GetMod("ModLoader").GetModWorld("MysteryWorld"); ((MysteryWorld)mystery).AddData(modName, name, data); } } }
internal static bool WriteCustomData(ModWorld modWorld, BinaryWriter writer) { byte[] data; using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter customWriter = new BinaryWriter(stream)) { modWorld.SaveCustomData(customWriter); customWriter.Flush(); data = stream.ToArray(); } } if (data.Length > 0) { writer.Write(modWorld.mod.Name); writer.Write(modWorld.Name); writer.Write((ushort)data.Length); writer.Write(data); return(true); } return(false); }
public bool PostDrawFilter(SpriteBatch sb, Texture2D tex, Vector2 v, bool value, string text) { bool ret = false; if (ModWorld.MouseRegion(v, new Vector2(tex.Width, tex.Height))) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; MouseText(text); if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { ret = true; } } if (blockChange) { return(false); } if (ret) { blockChange = true; } return(ret); }
public static void SetModWorldConditions(string modname, string worldname, string ConditionName, object Set_value, bool nopub = false, bool sta = false) { if (ModLoader.GetMod(modname) != null) { Mod mod = ModLoader.GetMod(modname); try { ModWorld world = mod.GetModWorld(worldname); if (world != null) { BindingFlags binding = (sta? BindingFlags.Static : BindingFlags.Instance) | (nopub? BindingFlags.NonPublic : BindingFlags.Public); FieldInfo field = world.GetType().GetField(ConditionName, binding); if (field.FieldType == Set_value.GetType()) { field.SetValue(world, Set_value); } } } catch { throw new Exception("Error in setting world data."); } } }
//Initialize all variables to their default values public override void Initialize() { modtimer = 0; Instance = this; Tiles.Monolith.CelestialMonolithTE.ResetTEs(); if (Dimensions.SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI == null) { downedSpaceBoss = false; } if (SGAmod.cachedata == false) { portalcanmovein = false; oretypesprehardmode = new int[4] { TileID.Copper, TileID.Iron, TileID.Silver, TileID.Gold }; oretypeshardmode = new int[3] { TileID.Cobalt, TileID.Mythril, TileID.Adamantite }; NightmareHardcore = 0; dungeonlevel = 0; //highestDimDungeonFloor = 0; Main.invasionSize = 0; customInvasionUp = false; downedCustomInvasion = false; downedSPinky = false; downedTPD = false; downedSpiderQueen = false; downedHarbinger = false; downedWraiths = 0; downedMurk = 0; craftwarning = 0; tidalCharmUnlocked = false; GennedVirulent = false; downedMurklegacy = false; downedCaliburnGuardians = 0; downedCaliburnGuardiansPoints = 0; downedCaliburnGuardianHardmode = false; downedCirno = false; downedSharkvern = false; darknessVision = false; overalldamagedone = 0; downedCratrosity = false; downedCratrosityPML = false; downedHellion = 0; sharkvernMessage = false; downedPrismBanshee = 0; tf2cratedrops = false; tf2quest = 0; bossprgressor = 0; SnapCooldown = 0; WorldIsNovus = true; for (int f = 0; f < CaliburnAlterCoordsX.Length; f++) { CaliburnAlterCoordsX[f] = 0; CaliburnAlterCoordsY[f] = 0; } WorldIsTin = WorldGen.oreTier1 != TileID.Copper; int x = 0; for (x = 0; x < questvars.Length; x++) { questvars[x] = 0; } if (!Main.dedServ) { Item c0decrown = new Item(); c0decrown.SetDefaults(mod.ItemType("CelestialCrown")); Main.armorHeadLoaded[c0decrown.headSlot] = true; Main.armorHeadTexture[c0decrown.headSlot] = SGAmod.RadSuitHeadTex; } } WorldNoise = new NoiseGenerator(Main.worldName.GetHashCode()); WorldNoise.Amplitude = 1; WorldNoise.Octaves = 4; WorldNoise.Persistence = 0.750; WorldNoise.Frequency *= 1.25; SGAmod.cachedata = false; }
public static void Draw(SpriteBatch sb) { if (!visible) { return; } if (Config.tileInterface != null || Config.npcInterface != null || Main.npcShop != 0 || Main.signBubble || (Main.npcChatText != null && Main.npcChatText != "")) { Toggle(); return; } sb.End(); int guiX = 80, guiY = 120, guiW = Main.screenWidth - guiX * 2, guiH = Main.screenHeight - guiY * 2 - 40; sb.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, _rasterizerState); sb.GraphicsDevice.ScissorRectangle = new Rectangle(guiX, guiY, guiW + 1, guiH); int yStart = guiY - scroll, yy = yStart; for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++) { categories[i].Draw(sb, guiX, ref yy, guiW - 32); } for (int i = 0; i < achievements.Count; i++) { achievements[i].Draw(sb, guiX, ref yy, guiW - 32); } sb.End(); sb.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.NonPremultiplied); int hMax = yy - yStart, scrollMax = hMax - guiH; if (scrollMax < 0) { scrollMax = 0; } if (scroll < 0) { scroll = 0; } if (scroll > scrollMax) { scroll = scrollMax; } float sliderY = scrollMax == 0 ? 0f : 1f * scroll / scrollMax, sliderH = scrollMax == 0 ? 1f : 1f * guiH / hMax; Rectangle rectBlack = new Rectangle(guiX + guiW - 24, guiY, 24, guiH); sb.Draw(whiteTex, rectBlack, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .75f)); Rectangle rectWhite = new Rectangle(guiX + guiW - 22, (int)(guiY + 2 + (guiH - 4 - (guiH - 4) * sliderH) * sliderY), 20, (int)((guiH - 4) * sliderH)); sb.Draw(whiteTex, rectWhite, new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, .75f)); if (scrollDragY == -1) { if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { if (MouseIn(rectBlack)) { if (MouseIn(rectWhite)) { scrollDragY = Main.mouseY - rectWhite.Y; } else { scrollDragY = rectWhite.Height / 2; scroll = (int)(1f * (Main.mouseY - scrollDragY - (guiY + 2)) / (guiH - 4) * hMax); } } } } else { scroll = (int)(1f * (Main.mouseY - scrollDragY - (guiY + 2)) / (guiH - 4) * hMax); if (!Main.mouseLeft) { scrollDragY = -1; } } if (setScroll >= 0) { scroll = setScroll; setScroll = -1; } stateOld = state; state = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState(); if (stateOld.HasValue && state.HasValue) { int mouseScrollDiff = (state.Value.ScrollWheelValue - stateOld.Value.ScrollWheelValue) / 120; scroll -= mouseScrollDiff * 56; Main.player[Main.myPlayer].selectedItem += mouseScrollDiff; while (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].selectedItem < 0) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].selectedItem += 10; } while (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].selectedItem > 9) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].selectedItem -= 10; } } if (scroll < 0) { scroll = 0; } if (scroll > scrollMax) { scroll = scrollMax; } int acAchieved = 0, acTotal = 0, acHidden = 0, acLocked = 0, acPoints = 0, acPointsTotal = 0; UpdateCounters(ref acAchieved, ref acTotal, ref acHidden, ref acLocked, ref acPoints, ref acPointsTotal); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, "Achieved: " + acAchieved + "/" + acTotal + (acHidden + acLocked != 0 ? " (" + (acHidden > 0 ? "+" + acHidden + " hidden" : "") + (acLocked > 0 ? (acHidden > 0 ? ", " : "") + "+" + acLocked + " locked" : "") + ")" : ""), new Vector2(guiX, guiY + guiH + 10), Color.White, Color.Black); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, "Total points: " + acPoints + "/" + acPointsTotal, new Vector2(guiX + guiW - Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString("Total points: " + acPoints + "/" + acPointsTotal).X, guiY + guiH + 10), Color.White, Color.Black); }
public static void PostUpdate() { if (style == "circular_bottomleft") { int xx = 4; List <ModWorld.NPCInst> list = ModWorld.GetActualNPCs(); foreach (ModWorld.NPCInst npci in list) { if (!ModWorld.IsBoss(npci)) { continue; } var gd =; Player p = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (Vector2.Distance(p.position + new Vector2(p.width / 2f, p.height / 2f), npci.GetCenterPos()) > 2 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Main.screenWidth, 2) + Math.Pow(Main.screenHeight, 2))) { continue; } gd.SetRenderTarget(rt); float hpPercent = 1f * npci.GetLife() / npci.GetLifeMax(); int phase = -1; Object[] ret = new Object[] { null, null }; if (Codable.RunGlobalMethod("ModWorld", "ExternalGetBossPhase",, npci.GetName(), npci.GetCenterPos(), npci.GetLife(), npci.GetLifeMax(), ret)) { if (ret[0] != null && ret[1] != null) { phase = (int)ret[0]; hpPercent = (float)ret[1]; } } int angle = (int)(hpPercent * 270); sb.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, bs1, null, dss1, null); gd.Clear(ClearOptions.Target | ClearOptions.Stencil, Color.Transparent, 0, 0); VertexPositionColorTexture[] pointList = new VertexPositionColorTexture[Math.Max(angle / 2 + 1, 3)]; pointList[0] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(48, 48, 0), Color.White, default(Vector2)); for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { pointList[pointList.Length - i] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(48 + LdirX(48, 270), 48 + LdirY(48, 270), 0), Color.White, default(Vector2)); } for (int i = 0; i < angle / 2; i++) { pointList[i + 1] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(48 + LdirX(48, 270 - i * 2), 48 + LdirY(48, 270 - i * 2), 0), Color.White, default(Vector2)); } new ModWorld.PolygonShape(, pointList).Draw();; sb.End(); sb.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, null, dss2, null); sb.Draw(phase == -1 ? ModWorld.texTop : ModWorld.texPhase[phase], default(Vector2), Color.White); sb.End(); gd.SetRenderTarget(null); string s = "" + npci.GetLife() + "/" + npci.GetLifeMax(); xx += (int)(Math.Max(Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(s).X, Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(npci.GetName()).X) + 68); } } }
public override void PostDraw(SpriteBatch sb) { Vector2 v; if (!Main.mouseLeft) { blockChange = false; } if (clockDragAngle >= 0) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; } bool oldBlockChange = blockChange; stateOld = state; state = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState(); v = new Vector2(xo, yo) + new Vector2(texClock.Width / 2, texClock.Height / 2); if (ModWorld.MouseRegionCircle(v, texClock.Width / 2)) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; if (stateOld.HasValue && state.HasValue) { int mouseScrollDiff = (state.Value.ScrollWheelValue - stateOld.Value.ScrollWheelValue) / 120; Main.time -= 3600 * mouseScrollDiff; while (Main.time < 0 || Main.time > (Main.dayTime ? 54000 : 86400 - 54000)) { if (Main.time < 0) { Main.time += Main.dayTime ? 86400 - 54000 : 54000; if (Main.dayTime) { Main.moonPhase--; } if (Main.moonPhase < 0) { Main.moonPhase += moonPhases.Length; } Main.dayTime = !Main.dayTime; } else { Main.time -= Main.dayTime ? 54000 : 86400 - 54000; if (!Main.dayTime) { Main.moonPhase++; Main.bloodMoon = false; } if (Main.moonPhase >= moonPhases.Length) { Main.moonPhase -= moonPhases.Length; } Main.dayTime = !Main.dayTime; } } if (mouseScrollDiff != 0) { NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_SET_TIME, -1, -1, (int)Main.time, Main.dayTime, (byte)Main.moonPhase, Main.bloodMoon, Main.hardMode, Main.dayRate); CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("time|time", "Time: " + GetTimeText(false), 30)); } } if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease && PressStuff()) { clockDragAngle = Util.Direction(v, new Vector2(Main.mouseX, Main.mouseY)); } } bool b = false; v = new Vector2(xo + texClock.Width, yo); if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texNPCBlank2, v + new Vector2(texNPCBlank2.Width * 0, texNPCBlank2.Height * 0), Main.bloodMoon, "Blood Moon: " + (Main.bloodMoon ? "On" : "Off"))) { Main.bloodMoon = !Main.bloodMoon; CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("time|bloodmoon", "Blood Moon " + (Main.bloodMoon ? "on" : "off"))); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texNPCBlank2, v + new Vector2(texNPCBlank2.Width * 1, texNPCBlank2.Height * 0), Main.hardMode, "Hardmode: " + (Main.hardMode ? "On" : "Off"))) { Main.hardMode = !Main.hardMode; CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("time|hardmode", "Hardmode " + (Main.hardMode ? "on" : "off"))); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texNPCBlank2, v + new Vector2(texNPCBlank2.Width * 3, texNPCBlank2.Height * 0), ModWorld.enabledNoclip[Main.myPlayer], "Noclip: " + (ModWorld.enabledNoclip[Main.myPlayer] ? "On" : "Off"))) { ModWorld.enabledNoclip[Main.myPlayer] = !ModWorld.enabledNoclip[Main.myPlayer]; CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("misc|noclip", "Noclip " + (ModWorld.enabledNoclip[Main.myPlayer] ? "on" : "off"))); NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_SWITCH_NOCLIP, -1, -1, (byte)Main.myPlayer); } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texNPCBlank2, v + new Vector2(texNPCBlank2.Width * 4, texNPCBlank2.Height * 0), ModWorld.enabledGodmode[Main.myPlayer], "Godmode: " + (ModWorld.enabledGodmode[Main.myPlayer] ? "On" : "Off"))) { ModWorld.enabledGodmode[Main.myPlayer] = !ModWorld.enabledGodmode[Main.myPlayer]; CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("misc|godmode", "Godmode " + (ModWorld.enabledGodmode[Main.myPlayer] ? "on" : "off"))); NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_SWITCH_GODMODE, -1, -1, (byte)Main.myPlayer); } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texNPCBlank2, v + new Vector2(texNPCBlank2.Width * 5, texNPCBlank2.Height * 0), ModWorld.enabledAllLight, "Lighting Up: " + (ModWorld.enabledAllLight ? "On" : "Off"))) { ModWorld.enabledAllLight = !ModWorld.enabledAllLight; CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("misc|alllight", "Lighting Up " + (ModWorld.enabledAllLight ? "on" : "off"))); } for (int i = 0; i < moonPhases.Length; i++) { if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texNPCBlank2, v + new Vector2(texNPCBlank2.Width * i, texNPCBlank2.Height * 1.5f), Main.moonPhase == i, moonPhases[i] + " Moon")) { Main.moonPhase = i; CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("time|moon", moonPhases[i] + " Moon")); b = true; } } if (b) { NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_SET_TIME, -1, -1, (int)Main.time, Main.dayTime, (byte)Main.moonPhase, Main.bloodMoon, Main.hardMode, Main.dayRate); } if (ModWorld.MouseRegion(v + new Vector2(0, texNPCBlank2.Height * 1.5f), new Vector2(texNPCBlank2.Width * moonPhases.Length, texNPCBlank2.Height))) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; if (stateOld.HasValue && state.HasValue) { int mouseScrollDiff = (state.Value.ScrollWheelValue - stateOld.Value.ScrollWheelValue) / 120; Main.moonPhase -= mouseScrollDiff; while (Main.moonPhase < 0) { Main.moonPhase += moonPhases.Length; } while (Main.moonPhase >= moonPhases.Length) { Main.moonPhase -= moonPhases.Length; } if (mouseScrollDiff != 0) { NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_SET_TIME, -1, -1, (int)Main.time, Main.dayTime, (byte)Main.moonPhase, Main.bloodMoon, Main.hardMode, Main.dayRate); CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("time|moon", moonPhases[Main.moonPhase] + " Moon", 30)); } } } Player p = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; int oldI, max; v += new Vector2(0, texNPCBlank2.Height * 3); b = false; oldI = Main.dayRate; if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 0, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-25 day rate")) { Main.dayRate -= 25; b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 1, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-5 day rate")) { Main.dayRate -= 5; b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 2, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-1 day rate")) { Main.dayRate--; b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 5, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+1 day rate")) { Main.dayRate++; b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 6, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+5 day rate")) { Main.dayRate += 5; b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 7, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+25 day rate")) { Main.dayRate += 25; b = true; } if (b) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("time|rate", "Day rate: " + Main.dayRate, 30)); } if (ModWorld.MouseRegion(v, new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 8, texALeft.Height))) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; if (stateOld.HasValue && state.HasValue) { int mouseScrollDiff = (state.Value.ScrollWheelValue - stateOld.Value.ScrollWheelValue) / 120; Main.dayRate -= mouseScrollDiff; if (mouseScrollDiff != 0) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("time|rate", "Day rate: " + Main.dayRate, 30)); } } } if (oldI != Main.dayRate) { NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_SET_TIME, -1, -1, (int)Main.time, Main.dayTime, (byte)Main.moonPhase, Main.bloodMoon, Main.hardMode, Main.dayRate); } v += new Vector2(0, texALeft.Height * 2); b = false; oldI = p.statLife; if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 0, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "1 HP")) { p.statLife = 1; b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 1, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-20 HP")) { p.statLife = Math.Max(p.statLife - 20, 1); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 2, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-1 HP")) { p.statLife = Math.Max(p.statLife - 1, 1); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 5, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+1 HP")) { p.statLife = Math.Min(p.statLife + 1, p.statLifeMax2); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 6, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+20 HP")) { p.statLife = Math.Min(p.statLife + 20, p.statLifeMax2); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 7, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "" + p.statLifeMax2 + " HP")) { p.statLife = p.statLifeMax2; b = true; } if (b) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("hp|current", "HP: " + p.statLife, 30)); } if (ModWorld.MouseRegion(v, new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 8, texALeft.Height))) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; if (stateOld.HasValue && state.HasValue) { int mouseScrollDiff = (state.Value.ScrollWheelValue - stateOld.Value.ScrollWheelValue) / 120; p.statLife = Math.Min(Math.Max(p.statLife - mouseScrollDiff * 20, 1), p.statLifeMax2); if (mouseScrollDiff != 0) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("hp|current", "HP: " + p.statLife, 30)); } } } if (oldI != p.statLife) { NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_STATS, -1, -1, (byte)p.whoAmi, p.statLife, p.statLifeMax, p.statMana, p.statManaMax); } v += new Vector2(0, texALeft.Height); b = false; oldI = p.statLifeMax; max = Codable.RunGlobalMethod("ModWorld", "ExternalGetMaxHealth") ? (int)Codable.customMethodReturn : 400; if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 0, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "20 max HP")) { p.statLifeMax = 20; b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 1, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-20 max HP")) { p.statLifeMax = Math.Max(p.statLifeMax - 20, 20); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 2, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-1 max HP")) { p.statLifeMax = Math.Max(p.statLifeMax - 1, 20); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 5, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+1 max HP")) { p.statLifeMax = Math.Min(p.statLifeMax + 1, max); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 6, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+20 max HP")) { p.statLifeMax = Math.Min(p.statLifeMax + 20, max); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 7, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "" + max + " max HP")) { p.statLifeMax = max; b = true; } if (b) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("hp|max", "HP Max: " + p.statLifeMax, 30)); } if (ModWorld.MouseRegion(v, new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 8, texALeft.Height))) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; if (stateOld.HasValue && state.HasValue) { int mouseScrollDiff = (state.Value.ScrollWheelValue - stateOld.Value.ScrollWheelValue) / 120; p.statLifeMax = Math.Min(Math.Max(p.statLifeMax - mouseScrollDiff * 20, 20), max); if (mouseScrollDiff != 0) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("hp|max", "HP Max: " + p.statLifeMax, 30)); } } } if (oldI != p.statLifeMax) { NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_STATS, -1, -1, (byte)p.whoAmi, p.statLife, p.statLifeMax, p.statMana, p.statManaMax); } v += new Vector2(0, texALeft.Height * 1.5f); b = false; oldI = p.statMana; if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 0, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "0 MP")) { p.statMana = 0; b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 1, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-20 MP")) { p.statMana = Math.Max(p.statMana - 20, 0); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 2, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-1 MP")) { p.statMana = Math.Max(p.statMana - 1, 0); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 5, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+1 MP")) { p.statMana = Math.Min(p.statMana + 1, p.statManaMax2); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 6, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+20 MP")) { p.statMana = Math.Min(p.statMana + 20, p.statManaMax2); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 7, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "" + p.statManaMax2 + " MP")) { p.statMana = p.statManaMax2; b = true; } if (b) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("mp|current", "MP: " + p.statMana, 30)); } if (ModWorld.MouseRegion(v, new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 8, texALeft.Height))) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; if (stateOld.HasValue && state.HasValue) { int mouseScrollDiff = (state.Value.ScrollWheelValue - stateOld.Value.ScrollWheelValue) / 120; p.statMana = Math.Min(Math.Max(p.statMana - mouseScrollDiff * 20, 0), p.statManaMax2); if (mouseScrollDiff != 0) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("mp|current", "MP: " + p.statMana, 30)); } } } if (oldI != p.statMana) { NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_STATS, -1, -1, (byte)p.whoAmi, p.statLife, p.statLifeMax, p.statMana, p.statManaMax); } v += new Vector2(0, texALeft.Height); b = false; oldI = p.statManaMax; max = Codable.RunGlobalMethod("ModWorld", "ExternalGetMaxMana") ? (int)Codable.customMethodReturn : 200; if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 0, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "0 max MP")) { p.statManaMax = 20; b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 1, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-20 max MP")) { p.statManaMax = Math.Max(p.statManaMax - 20, 0); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 2, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "-1 max MP")) { p.statManaMax = Math.Max(p.statManaMax - 1, 0); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 5, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+1 max MP")) { p.statManaMax = Math.Min(p.statManaMax + 1, max); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 6, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "+20 max MP")) { p.statManaMax = Math.Min(p.statManaMax + 20, max); b = true; } if (PostDrawFilter(sb, texALeft, v + new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 7, texALeft.Height * 0), false, "" + max + " max MP")) { p.statManaMax = max; b = true; } if (b) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("mp|max", "MP Max: " + p.statManaMax, 30)); } if (ModWorld.MouseRegion(v, new Vector2(texALeft.Width * 8, texALeft.Height))) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; if (stateOld.HasValue && state.HasValue) { int mouseScrollDiff = (state.Value.ScrollWheelValue - stateOld.Value.ScrollWheelValue) / 120; p.statManaMax = Math.Min(Math.Max(p.statManaMax - mouseScrollDiff * 20, 0), max); if (mouseScrollDiff != 0) { CheatNotification.Add(new CheatNotification("mp|max", "MP Max: " + p.statManaMax, 30)); } } } if (oldI != p.statManaMax) { NetMessage.SendModData(ModWorld.modId, ModWorld.MSG_STATS, -1, -1, (byte)p.whoAmi, p.statLife, p.statLifeMax, p.statMana, p.statManaMax); } }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { DimDingeonsWorld.Instance = this; }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, int xx, ref int yy, int ww) { Color white = new Color(255, 255, 255, 191); Color limish = new Color(136, 255, 0, 191); Color orange = new Color(255, 127, 0, 191); float progress = GetProgress(); if (achieved) { progress = 1f; } Color c = achieved ? limish : white; if (progress <= 0f || progress >= 1f) { sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame1, new Rectangle(xx + 1, yy, ww - 2, 56), c); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2, new Rectangle(xx, yy, 1, 56), c); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2, new Rectangle(xx + ww - 1, yy, 1, 56), c); } else { int progressW = (int)((ww - 2) * progress); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame1, new Rectangle(xx + 1, yy, progressW, 56), orange); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame1, new Rectangle(xx + 1 + progressW, yy, ww - 2 - progressW, 56), white); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2, new Rectangle(xx, yy, 1, 56), orange); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2, new Rectangle(xx + ww - 1, yy, 1, 56), white); } xx += 4; if (tex != null) { float scale = 1f; if (tex.Width > 48) { scale = 48f / tex.Width; } if (tex.Height * scale > 48f) { scale = 48f / tex.Height; } sb.Draw(tex, new Rectangle((int)(xx + (48 - tex.Width * scale) / 2f), (int)(yy + 4 + (48 - tex.Height * scale) / 2f), (int)(tex.Width * scale), (int)(tex.Height * scale)), Color.White); xx += 52; } ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, title, new Vector2(xx, yy + 8), Color.White, Color.Black); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, description, new Vector2(xx, yy + 28), Color.White, Color.Black, default(Vector2), .75f); string progressText = GetProgressText(); if (!achieved && progressText != null) { ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, progressText, new Vector2((int)(xx + Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(description).X *.75f + 20), yy + 18), Color.White, Color.Black, default(Vector2), .75f); } xx -= 4; if (tex != null) { xx -= 52; } ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb, Main.fontMouseText, "" + value, new Vector2(xx + ww - 12 - Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString("" + value).X, yy + 16), Color.White, Color.Black); yy += 56; for (int i = 0; i < sub.Count; i++) { sub[i].Draw(sb, xx + 24, ref yy, ww - 48); } }
public static void Create(int x, int y) { Create(x, y, ModWorld.GetNoteLevel(new Vector2(x, y))); }
internal static bool WriteCustomData(ModWorld modWorld, BinaryWriter writer) { byte[] data; using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter customWriter = new BinaryWriter(stream)) { modWorld.SaveCustomData(customWriter); customWriter.Flush(); data = stream.ToArray(); } } if (data.Length > 0) { writer.Write(modWorld.mod.Name); writer.Write(modWorld.Name); writer.Write((ushort)data.Length); writer.Write(data); return true; } return false; }
public override void AI() { // calculate target npc.TargetClosest(true); Player target = Main.player[]; // fly away if everyone's dead if (! || target.dead) { npc.TargetClosest(true); target = Main.player[]; if (! || target.dead) { npc.velocity = new Vector2(0f, -10f); if (npc.timeLeft > 10) { npc.timeLeft = 10; } return; } } // rotate towards target Vector2 properDirection = new Vector2((float)(target.Center.X - npc.Center.X), (float)(target.Center.Y - npc.Center.Y)); npc.rotation = (float)(Math.Atan2(properDirection.Y, properDirection.X)); // fire bullets where it's facing if (Main.netMode != 1) {[0]--; if ([0] <= 0f) { float fireSpeed = 3f; bool revengeOn = false; if (Main.expertMode) { fireSpeed = (Main.rand.NextBool(2))?3f:2f; } // check if we're in revengeance mode (calamity) Mod calamityMod = ModLoader.GetMod("CalamityMod"); if (calamityMod != null) { ModWorld calamityWorld = calamityMod.GetModWorld("CalamityWorld"); revengeOn = (bool)calamityWorld.GetType().GetField("revenge").GetValue(calamityWorld); if (revengeOn == true) { fireSpeed = 2f; } } String projectileType = "BossLunar"; int projectileDamage = 55; if ([1] == 2f) { projectileType = "BossTears"; projectileDamage = 40; } else if ([1] == 3f) { projectileType = "BossLuminite"; projectileDamage = 35; } else if ([1] == 4f) { projectileType = "BossCosmilite"; projectileDamage = 95; } if (Main.expertMode && Main.rand.NextBool(12)) { projectileType = "BossRainbow"; projectileDamage = 1; } float lifePercentage = (float) / (float)npc.lifeMax; if (lifePercentage <= 0.25f && revengeOn) // 25% health {[1] = 4f; } else if (lifePercentage <= 0.45f) // 35% health {[1] = 1f; } else if (lifePercentage <= 0.55f) // 55% health {[1] = 2f; } else {[1] = 3f; }[0] = fireSpeed; Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item40, (int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y); Vector2 projectileVelocity = properDirection.RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.ToRadians(10)); int a = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y, projectileVelocity.X, projectileVelocity.Y, mod.ProjectileType(projectileType), projectileDamage, 3f); if (revengeOn || (Main.expertMode && Main.rand.NextBool(2))) { Main.projectile[a].extraUpdates = 1; } } } // chase target while twitching if (target.Distance(npc.Center) > 250f) { Vector2 newVelocity = (target.Center - npc.Center).RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.ToRadians(180)); newVelocity *= 10f / (float)Math.Sqrt(newVelocity.X * newVelocity.X + newVelocity.Y * newVelocity.Y); npc.velocity = newVelocity; } else { npc.velocity = new Vector2(0f, 10f).RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.ToRadians(360)); } }