public override void OnActivate() { scrollPanel.Append(uiLoader); modPacks.Clear(); Task.Factory .StartNew(delegate { mods = ModOrganizer.FindMods().Select(m => m.Name).ToArray(); Directory.CreateDirectory(ModPacksDirectory); return(Directory.GetFiles(ModPacksDirectory, "*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); }) .ContinueWith(task => { foreach (string modPackPath in task.Result) { try { if (!IsValidModpackName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modPackPath))) { throw new Exception(); } string[] modPackMods = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(File.ReadAllText(modPackPath)); modPacks.Add(new UIModPackItem(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modPackPath), modPackMods)); } catch { var badModPackMessage = new UIAutoScaleTextTextPanel <string>(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModPackMalformed", Path.GetFileName(modPackPath))) { Width = { Percent = 1 }, Height = { Pixels = 50, Percent = 0 } }; modPacks.Add(badModPackMessage); } } scrollPanel.RemoveChild(uiLoader); }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
internal void Populate() { if (SynchronizationContext.Current == null) { SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext()); } Task.Factory.StartNew( delegate { var modSources = ModLoader.FindModSources(); var modFiles = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); return(Tuple.Create(modSources, modFiles)); }) .ContinueWith(task => { var modSources = task.Result.Item1; var modFiles = task.Result.Item2; foreach (string sourcePath in modSources) { var builtMod = modFiles.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Name == Path.GetFileName(sourcePath)); items.Add(new UIModSourceItem(sourcePath, builtMod)); } updateNeeded = true; }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
internal static void ServerModMenu() { bool exit = false; while (!exit) { Console.WriteLine("Terraria Server " + Main.versionNumber2 + " - " + ModLoader.versionedName); Console.WriteLine(); var mods = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); for (int k = 0; k < mods.Length; k++) { Console.Write((k + 1) + "\t\t" + mods[k].DisplayName); Console.WriteLine(" (" + (ModLoader.IsEnabled(mods[k].Name) ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ")"); } if (mods.Length == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine($"No mods were found in: \"{ModLoader.ModPath}\"\nIf you are running a dedicated server, you may wish to use the 'modpath' command line switch or server config setting to specify a custom mods directory.\n"); Console.ResetColor(); } Console.WriteLine("e\t\tEnable All"); Console.WriteLine("d\t\tDisable All"); Console.WriteLine("r\t\tReload and return to world menu"); Console.WriteLine("Type a number to switch between enabled/disabled"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Type a command: "); string command = Console.ReadLine(); if (command == null) { command = ""; } command = command.ToLower(); Console.Clear(); if (command == "e") { foreach (var mod in mods) { mod.Enabled = true; } } else if (command == "d") { foreach (var mod in mods) { mod.Enabled = false; } } else if (command == "r") { ModLoader.Reload(); exit = true; } else if (int.TryParse(command, out int value) && value > 0 && value <= mods.Length) { mods[value - 1].Enabled ^= true; } } }
internal static void ServerModMenu() { bool exit = false; while (!exit) { Console.WriteLine("Terraria Server " + Main.versionNumber2 + " - " + ModLoader.versionedName); Console.WriteLine(); var mods = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); for (int k = 0; k < mods.Length; k++) { Console.Write((k + 1) + "\t\t" + mods[k].DisplayName); Console.WriteLine(" (" + (ModLoader.IsEnabled(mods[k].Name) ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ")"); } if (mods.Length == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsNotFoundServer", ModLoader.ModPath)); Console.ResetColor(); } Console.WriteLine("e\t\t" + Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsEnableAll")); Console.WriteLine("d\t\t" + Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsDisableAll")); Console.WriteLine("r\t\t" + Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsReloadAndReturn")); Console.WriteLine(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.AskForModIndex")); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.AskForCommand")); string command = Console.ReadLine(); if (command == null) { command = ""; } command = command.ToLower(); Console.Clear(); if (command == "e") { foreach (var mod in mods) { mod.Enabled = true; } } else if (command == "d") { foreach (var mod in mods) { mod.Enabled = false; } } else if (command == "r") { ModLoader.Reload(); exit = true; } else if (int.TryParse(command, out int value) && value > 0 && value <= mods.Length) { mods[value - 1].Enabled ^= true; } } }
internal void EnableDependencies(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement) { var modList = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); var missingRefs = new List <string>(); EnableDepsRecursive(modList, _modReferences, missingRefs); if (missingRefs.Any()) { Interface.infoMessage.Show(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModDependencyModsNotFound", string.Join(",", missingRefs)), Interface.modsMenuID); } }
public static void SaveModList(string filename) { // TODO //Main.menuMode = Interface.modsMenuID; //Main.PlaySound(10, -1, -1, 1); Directory.CreateDirectory(ModListSaveDirectory); string path = ModListSaveDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename + ".json"; var foundMods = ModOrganizer.FindMods().Select(x => x.Name).Intersect(ModLoader.EnabledMods).ToList(); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(foundMods, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(path, json); Main.menuMode = Interface.modPacksMenuID; // should reload }
public override void OnActivate() { scrollPanel.Append(uiLoader); modListList.Clear(); if (SynchronizationContext.Current == null) { SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext()); } Task.Factory .StartNew(delegate { mods = ModOrganizer.FindMods().Select(m => m.Name).ToArray(); return(FindModLists()); }) .ContinueWith(task => { string[] modListsFullPath = task.Result; foreach (string modListFilePath in modListsFullPath) { try { string[] mods = { }; //string path = ModListSaveDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + modListFilePath + ".json"; if (File.Exists(modListFilePath)) { using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(modListFilePath)) { string json = r.ReadToEnd(); mods = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(json); } } UIModPackItem modItem = new UIModPackItem(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modListFilePath), mods); modListList.Add(modItem); } catch { UIAutoScaleTextTextPanel <string> badModPackMessage = new UIAutoScaleTextTextPanel <string>(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModPackMalformed", Path.GetFileName(modListFilePath))); badModPackMessage.Width.Set(0, 1); badModPackMessage.Height.Set(50, 0); modListList.Add(badModPackMessage); } } scrollPanel.RemoveChild(uiLoader); }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
internal void Populate() { Task.Factory.StartNew( delegate { var modSources = ModCompile.FindModSources(); var modFiles = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); return(Tuple.Create(modSources, modFiles)); }, _cts.Token) .ContinueWith(task => { var modSources = task.Result.Item1; var modFiles = task.Result.Item2; foreach (string sourcePath in modSources) { var builtMod = modFiles.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Name == Path.GetFileName(sourcePath)); _items.Add(new UIModSourceItem(sourcePath, builtMod)); } _updateNeeded = true; }, _cts.Token, TaskContinuationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
internal void EnableDependencies(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement) { var modList = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); var missing = new List <string>(); foreach (var modRef in _modReferences) { ModLoader.EnableMod(modRef); if (modList.All(m => m.Name != modRef)) { missing.Add(modRef); } } Main.menuMode = Interface.modsMenuID; if (missing.Any()) { Interface.infoMessage.Show(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModDependencyModsNotFound", string.Join(",", missing)), Interface.modsMenuID); } }
public static void SaveModList(string filename) { // Sanitize input if not valid if (!IsValidModpackName(filename)) { VirtualKeyboard.Text = SanitizeModpackName(filename); return; } // TODO //Main.menuMode = Interface.modsMenuID; //Main.PlaySound(10, -1, -1, 1); Directory.CreateDirectory(ModPacksDirectory); string path = Path.Combine(ModPacksDirectory, filename + ".json"); var foundMods = ModOrganizer.FindMods().Select(x => x.Name).Intersect(ModLoader.EnabledMods).ToList(); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(foundMods, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(path, json); Main.menuMode = Interface.modPacksMenuID; // should reload }
public UIModItem(LocalMod mod) { this.mod = mod; BorderColor = new Color(89, 116, 213) * 0.7f; dividerTexture = TextureManager.Load("Images/UI/Divider"); innerPanelTexture = TextureManager.Load("Images/UI/InnerPanelBackground"); Height.Pixels = 90; Width.Percent = 1f; SetPadding(6f); //base.OnClick += this.ToggleEnabled; string text = mod.DisplayName + " v" + mod.modFile.version; if (mod.tModLoaderVersion < new Version(0, 10)) { text += $" [c/FF0000:({Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModOldWarning")})]"; } if (mod.modFile.HasFile("icon.png")) { try { Texture2D modIconTexture; using (mod.modFile.Open()) using (var s = mod.modFile.GetStream("icon.png")) modIconTexture = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, s); if (modIconTexture.Width == 80 && modIconTexture.Height == 80) { modIcon = new UIImage(modIconTexture) { Left = { Percent = 0f }, Top = { Percent = 0f } }; Append(modIcon); modIconAdjust += 85; } } catch { } } modName = new UIText(text) { Left = new StyleDimension(modIconAdjust + 10f, 0f), Top = { Pixels = 5 } }; Append(modName); var moreInfoButton = new UIAutoScaleTextTextPanel <string>(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsMoreInfo")) { Width = { Pixels = 100 }, Height = { Pixels = 36 }, Left = { Pixels = 430 }, Top = { Pixels = 40 } }.WithFadedMouseOver(); moreInfoButton.PaddingTop -= 2f; moreInfoButton.PaddingBottom -= 2f; moreInfoButton.OnClick += Moreinfo; Append(moreInfoButton); toggleModEnabledButton = new UIAutoScaleTextTextPanel <string>(mod.Enabled ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsDisable") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsEnable")) { Width = { Pixels = 100 }, Height = { Pixels = 36 }, Top = { Pixels = 40 } }.WithFadedMouseOver(); toggleModEnabledButton.Left.Pixels = moreInfoButton.Left.Pixels - toggleModEnabledButton.Width.Pixels - 5f; toggleModEnabledButton.PaddingTop -= 2f; toggleModEnabledButton.PaddingBottom -= 2f; toggleModEnabledButton.OnClick += ToggleEnabled; Append(toggleModEnabledButton); Mod loadedMod = ModLoader.GetMod(mod.Name); if (loadedMod != null && ConfigManager.Configs.ContainsKey(loadedMod)) // and has config { configButton = new UITextPanel <string>("Config", 1f, false); configButton.Width.Set(100f, 0f); configButton.Height.Set(30f, 0f); configButton.Left.Set(toggleModEnabledButton.Left.Pixels - configButton.Width.Pixels - 5f, 0f); configButton.Top.Set(40f, 0f); configButton.PaddingTop -= 2f; configButton.PaddingBottom -= 2f; configButton.WithFadedMouseOver(); configButton.OnClick += this.OpenConfig; Append(configButton); if (ConfigManager.ModNeedsReload(loadedMod)) { configChangesRequireReload = true; } } var modRefs = => x.mod).ToArray(); if (modRefs.Length > 0 && !mod.Enabled) { string refs = string.Join(", ",; var icon = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Terraria.ModLoader.UI.ButtonExclamation.png")); var modReferenceIcon = new UIHoverImage(icon, Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModDependencyClickTooltip", refs)) { Left = new StyleDimension(toggleModEnabledButton.Left.Pixels - 24f, 0f), Top = { Pixels = 47 } }; modReferenceIcon.OnClick += (a, b) => { var modList = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); var missing = new List <string>(); foreach (var modRef in modRefs) { ModLoader.EnableMod(modRef); if (!modList.Any(m => m.Name == modRef)) { missing.Add(modRef); } } Main.menuMode = Interface.modsMenuID; if (missing.Any()) { Interface.infoMessage.Show(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModDependencyModsNotFound", String.Join(",", missing)), Interface.modsMenuID); } }; Append(modReferenceIcon); } if (mod.modFile.ValidModBrowserSignature) { keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.itemTexture[ID.ItemID.GoldenKey], Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsOriginatedFromModBrowser")) { Left = { Pixels = -20, Percent = 1f } }; Append(keyImage); } if (ModLoader.badUnloaders.Contains(mod.Name)) { keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Terraria.ModLoader.UI.ButtonError.png")), "This mod did not fully unload during last unload.") { Left = { Pixels = modIconAdjust + 4 }, Top = { Pixels = 3 } }; Append(keyImage); modName.Left.Pixels += 20; } if ( { keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.itemTexture[ID.ItemID.ShadowKey], Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.BetaModCantPublish")) { Left = { Pixels = -10, Percent = 1f } }; Append(keyImage); } if (loadedMod != null) { loaded = true; int[] values = { loadedMod.items.Count, loadedMod.npcs.Count, loadedMod.tiles.Count, loadedMod.walls.Count, loadedMod.buffs.Count, loadedMod.mountDatas.Count }; string[] localizationKeys = { "ModsXItems", "ModsXNPCs", "ModsXTiles", "ModsXWalls", "ModsXBuffs", "ModsXMounts" }; int xOffset = -40; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (values[i] > 0) { Texture2D iconTexture = Main.instance.infoIconTexture[i]; keyImage = new UIHoverImage(iconTexture, Language.GetTextValue($"tModLoader.{localizationKeys[i]}", values[i])) { Left = { Pixels = xOffset, Percent = 1f } }; Append(keyImage); xOffset -= 18; } } } }
public UIModItem(LocalMod mod) { this.mod = mod; this.BorderColor = new Color(89, 116, 213) * 0.7f; this.dividerTexture = TextureManager.Load("Images/UI/Divider"); this.innerPanelTexture = TextureManager.Load("Images/UI/InnerPanelBackground"); this.Height.Set(90f, 0f); this.Width.Set(0f, 1f); base.SetPadding(6f); //base.OnClick += this.ToggleEnabled; string text = mod.DisplayName + " v" + mod.modFile.version; if (mod.tModLoaderVersion < new Version(0, 10)) { text += $" [c/FF0000:({Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModOldWarning")})]"; } if (mod.modFile.HasFile("icon.png")) { try { Texture2D modIconTexture; using (mod.modFile.EnsureOpen()) using (var s = mod.modFile.GetStream("icon.png")) modIconTexture = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, s); if (modIconTexture.Width == 80 && modIconTexture.Height == 80) { modIcon = new UIImage(modIconTexture); modIcon.Left.Set(0f, 0f); modIcon.Top.Set(0f, 0f); Append(modIcon); modIconAdjust += 85; } } catch { } } this.modName = new UIText(text, 1f, false); this.modName.Left.Set(modIconAdjust + 10f, 0f); this.modName.Top.Set(5f, 0f); base.Append(this.modName); UIAutoScaleTextTextPanel <string> moreInfoButton = new UIAutoScaleTextTextPanel <string>(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsMoreInfo"), 1f, false); moreInfoButton.Width.Set(100f, 0f); moreInfoButton.Height.Set(36f, 0f); moreInfoButton.Left.Set(430f, 0f); moreInfoButton.Top.Set(40f, 0f); moreInfoButton.PaddingTop -= 2f; moreInfoButton.PaddingBottom -= 2f; moreInfoButton.OnMouseOver += UICommon.FadedMouseOver; moreInfoButton.OnMouseOut += UICommon.FadedMouseOut; moreInfoButton.OnClick += this.Moreinfo; base.Append(moreInfoButton); toggleModEnabledButton = new UIAutoScaleTextTextPanel <string>(mod.Enabled ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsDisable") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsEnable"), 1f, false); toggleModEnabledButton.Width.Set(100f, 0f); toggleModEnabledButton.Height.Set(36f, 0f); toggleModEnabledButton.Left.Set(moreInfoButton.Left.Pixels - toggleModEnabledButton.Width.Pixels - 5f, 0f); toggleModEnabledButton.Top.Set(40f, 0f); toggleModEnabledButton.PaddingTop -= 2f; toggleModEnabledButton.PaddingBottom -= 2f; toggleModEnabledButton.OnMouseOver += UICommon.FadedMouseOver; toggleModEnabledButton.OnMouseOut += UICommon.FadedMouseOut; toggleModEnabledButton.OnClick += this.ToggleEnabled; base.Append(toggleModEnabledButton); var modRefs = => x.mod).ToArray(); if (modRefs.Length > 0 && !mod.Enabled) { string refs = String.Join(", ",; Texture2D icon = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Terraria.ModLoader.UI.ButtonExclamation.png")); UIHoverImage modReferenceIcon = new UIHoverImage(icon, Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModDependencyClickTooltip", refs)); modReferenceIcon.Left.Set(toggleModEnabledButton.Left.Pixels - 24f, 0f); modReferenceIcon.Top.Set(47f, 0f); modReferenceIcon.OnClick += (a, b) => { var modList = ModOrganizer.FindMods(); var missing = new List <string>(); foreach (var modRef in modRefs) { ModLoader.EnableMod(modRef); if (!modList.Any(m => m.Name == modRef)) { missing.Add(modRef); } } Main.menuMode = Interface.modsMenuID; if (missing.Any()) { Interface.infoMessage.SetMessage(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModDependencyModsNotFound", String.Join(",", missing))); Interface.infoMessage.SetGotoMenu(Interface.modsMenuID); Main.menuMode = Interface.infoMessageID; } }; base.Append(modReferenceIcon); } if (mod.modFile.ValidModBrowserSignature) { keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.itemTexture[ID.ItemID.GoldenKey], Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsOriginatedFromModBrowser")); keyImage.Left.Set(-20, 1f); base.Append(keyImage); } if ( { keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.itemTexture[ID.ItemID.ShadowKey], Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.BetaModCantPublish")); keyImage.Left.Set(-10, 1f); Append(keyImage); } Mod loadedMod = ModLoader.GetMod(mod.Name); if (loadedMod != null) { loaded = true; int[] values = { loadedMod.items.Count, loadedMod.npcs.Count, loadedMod.tiles.Count, loadedMod.walls.Count, loadedMod.buffs.Count, loadedMod.mountDatas.Count }; string[] localizationKeys = { "ModsXItems", "ModsXNPCs", "ModsXTiles", "ModsXWalls", "ModsXBuffs", "ModsXMounts" }; int xOffset = -40; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (values[i] > 0) { Texture2D iconTexture = Main.instance.infoIconTexture[i]; keyImage = new UIHoverImage(iconTexture, Language.GetTextValue($"tModLoader.{localizationKeys[i]}", values[i])); keyImage.Left.Set(xOffset, 1f); base.Append(keyImage); xOffset -= 18; } } } }