public int GetRunningDocumentsEnum(out IEnumRunningDocuments ppenum) { IEnumRunningDocuments penum = null; int res = _vs.Invoke(() => { penum = new RunningDocumentsEnum(this); return(VSConstants.S_OK); }); ppenum = penum; return(res); }
public void FromOSPathImportCompletions3x() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var factory = vs.Invoke(() => vs.GetPyService().InterpreterRegistryService.Interpreters.LastOrDefault(p => p.Configuration.Version.Major == 3)); OSPathImportTest(vs, factory); } }
public List <Completion> GetCompletionListNoRetry( int index, bool assertIfNoCompletions = true, ITextSnapshot snapshot = null ) { VS.Invoke(() => { snapshot = snapshot ?? CurrentSnapshot; if (index < 0) { index += snapshot.Length + 1; } View.MoveCaret(new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, index)); View.MemberList(); }); using (var sh = View.WaitForSession <ICompletionSession>(assertIfNoSession: assertIfNoCompletions)) { if (sh == null) { return(new List <Completion>()); } Assert.AreNotEqual(0, sh.Session.CompletionSets.Count); return(sh.Session.CompletionSets.SelectMany(cs => cs.Completions) .Where(c => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c?.InsertionText)) .ToList()); } }
public static IVisualStudioInstance ToMockVs(this SolutionFile self) { MockVs vs = new MockVs(); vs.Invoke(() => { // HACK: The default targets files require a function that we don't provide // The tests are mostly still broken, but they get further now. We should probably // move them into UI tests, as we can't emulate the MSBuild environment well enough // to open projects from here. Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ProjectCollection.GlobalProjectCollection.SetGlobalProperty("NugetRestoreTargets", "false"); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(vs.Solution.OpenSolutionFile(0, self.Filename)); }); return(vs); }
public int ShowMessageBox(uint dwCompRole, ref Guid rclsidComp, string pszTitle, string pszText, string pszHelpFile, uint dwHelpContextID, OLEMSGBUTTON msgbtn, OLEMSGDEFBUTTON msgdefbtn, OLEMSGICON msgicon, int fSysAlert, out int pnResult) { pnResult = (int)_instance.Invoke( () => { MockDialog dialog = new MockMessageBox(_instance, pszTitle, pszText); lock (Dialogs) { Dialogs.Push(dialog); } dialog.Run(); lock (Dialogs) { Dialogs.Pop(); } return(dialog.DialogResult); } ); return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
public List <Completion> GetCompletionList( int index, bool assertIfNoCompletions = true, ITextSnapshot snapshot = null ) { snapshot = snapshot ?? CurrentSnapshot; if (index < 0) { index += snapshot.Length + 1; } View.MoveCaret(new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, index)); VS.Invoke(() => View.MemberList()); using (var sh = View.WaitForSession <ICompletionSession>(assertIfNoSession: assertIfNoCompletions)) { if (sh == null) { return(new List <Completion>()); } return(sh.Session.CompletionSets.SelectMany(cs => cs.Completions).ToList()); } }
public static IVisualStudioInstance ToMockVs(this SolutionFile self) { MockVs vs = new MockVs(); vs.Invoke(() => ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(vs.Solution.OpenSolutionFile(0, self.Filename))); return vs; }
public void DragOntoThis(Key modifier, params ITreeNode[] source) { _mockVs.Invoke(() => DragOntoThisUIThread(modifier, source)); }