Exemple #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     NPCdatabase = FindObjectOfType(typeof(MockNPCDB)) as MockNPCDB;
     dialogDB    = FindObjectOfType(typeof(MockNPCDialog)) as MockNPCDialog;
     if (this.name.Contains("Emily"))
         myself = NPCdatabase.Emily;
     else if (this.name.Contains("Riley"))
         myself = NPCdatabase.Riley;
     else if (this.name.Contains("Tyler"))
         myself = NPCdatabase.Tyler;
     else if (this.name.Contains("Lily"))
         myself = NPCdatabase.Lily;
     friendshipPoints = myself.friendship;
     alreadygifted    = myself.gifted;
     firstTalked      = myself.talked;
Exemple #2
    // This is the function where the time is reseted each day
    //not only reseting time values but reseting the soil,
    //checking the state of our crops and reseting the player stamina

    public void resetDay()
        crops    = parent.GetComponentsInChildren <CropBehaviour> ();
        allTrees = FindObjectsOfType <TreeBehaviour> ();
        for (int i = 0; i < s.getSoil().Count; i++)
            if (s.getSoil() [i].soilType == Soil.SoilTypes.PLOWED || s.getSoil() [i].soilType == Soil.SoilTypes.WATERED)
                s.getSoil() [i].soilType = Soil.SoilTypes.NOTPLOWED;
                s.getSoil() [i].getSoil().GetComponent <Renderer> ().material = notPlowed;
            if ((s.getSoil() [i].soilType == Soil.SoilTypes.WATEREDANDPLATED || s.getSoil()[i].soilType == Soil.SoilTypes.PLANTED))
                s.getSoil() [i].soilType = Soil.SoilTypes.PLANTED;
                s.getSoil() [i].getSoil().GetComponent <Renderer> ().material = plowed;

        for (int i = 0; i < crops.Length; i++)
            if (!crops [i].watered && !crops[i].state.Equals(Crops.cropStates.HARVEST))
                if (crops [i].state.Equals(Crops.cropStates.SEED))
                    crops [i].dayToS1      += 1;
                    crops [i].dayToS2      += 1;
                    crops [i].dayToHarvest += 1;
                if (crops [i].state.Equals(Crops.cropStates.ST1))
                    crops [i].dayToS2      += 1;
                    crops [i].dayToHarvest += 1;
                if (crops [i].state.Equals(Crops.cropStates.ST2))
                    crops [i].dayToHarvest += 1;
                crops [i].dry = true;
                crops [i].dry = false;
                crops [i].growing();

        stamina = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <PlayerStamina> ();

        if (stamina.fainted)
            stamina.staminaSlider.value = 50;
            stamina.currentStamina      = 50;
            stamina.staminaSlider.value = 100;
            stamina.currentStamina      = 100;

        foreach (TreeBehaviour howManyDays in allTrees)
            howManyDays.daysToNextStage -= 1;

        MockNPCDB allNpc = FindObjectOfType(typeof(MockNPCDB)) as MockNPCDB;

        allNpc.Emily.gifted = false;
        allNpc.Emily.talked = false;

        allNpc.Riley.gifted = false;
        allNpc.Riley.talked = false;

        allNpc.Lily.gifted = false;
        allNpc.Lily.talked = false;

        allNpc.Tyler.gifted = false;
        allNpc.Tyler.talked = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < spawnFarmAreas.transform.childCount; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < spawnFarmAreas.transform.GetChild(i).childCount; j++)
            spawnFarmAreas.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <SpawnItemsManager> ().spawnedItems = new List <GameObject> ();
            spawnFarmAreas.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <SpawnItemsManager> ().Spawn();

        for (int i = 0; i < spawnRoadAreas.transform.childCount; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < spawnRoadAreas.transform.GetChild(i).childCount; j++)
            spawnRoadAreas.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <SpawnItemsManager> ().spawnedItems = new List <GameObject> ();
            spawnRoadAreas.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <SpawnItemsManager> ().Spawn();

        seconds = 0.0f;
        hour    = 6.0f;
        day     = day + 1;