Exemple #1
        public async Task TestConfigFailure(string fileName, Strings expectedMessage)
            var client         = A.Fake <IStoreClient>();
            var logger         = new MockLogger();
            var stringprovider = new StringProvider();
            var command        = new MockCommandBase(client, logger, stringprovider);
            var options        = new OptionsBase
                ConfigFile = $"{this.GetExecutingPath()}\\Files\\{fileName}"
            var result = await command.DoCommand(options);

            logger.Message.ElementAt(logger.Message.Count - 2).Should().Be(string.Format(stringprovider.GetString(expectedMessage), options.ConfigFile), "because there is something wrong with the config file");
            result.Should().BeNegative("the config file is invalid");
Exemple #2
        public async Task TestLoginSuccess()
            var client = A.Fake <IStoreClient>();

            A.CallTo(() => client.Login("myId", "myKey", "myTenantId")).Returns(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => true));
            var logger         = new MockLogger();
            var stringprovider = new StringProvider();
            var command        = new MockCommandBase(client, logger, stringprovider);
            var options        = new OptionsBase
                ConfigFile = $"{this.GetExecutingPath()}\\Files\\.valid_config"
            var result = await command.DoCommand(options);

            result.Should().BeGreaterOrEqualTo(0, "client credentials do not match");
            A.CallTo(() => client.Login("myId", "myKey", "myTenantId")).MustHaveHappened();