Exemple #1
        // Use this for initialization
        async Task Start()
            // Demo mode DME server to run MobiledgeX APIs, or if SIM card is missing
            // and a local DME cannot be located. Set to false if using a supported
            // SIM Card.
            integration = new MobiledgeXIntegration();

            // Use local server, by IP. This must be started before use:
            if (useAltServer)
                host = altServerHost;

            server  = "ws://" + host + ":" + port;
            theBall = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball");
            players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
            client  = new WsClient(integration);
            gameSession.currentGs = new GameState();
            gameSession.status    = STATUS.LOBBY;

            // Create a Mex Paddle (for local user) from the Prefab:
            ghostPlayer = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("PaddleGhost"));
            ghostBall   = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("BallGhost"));

            uiG       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("UIConsole");
            uiConsole = uiG.GetComponent <Text>();

            // Attach a listener to the Room ID input field.
            roomIdInput = GameObject.Find("InputFieldRoomId").GetComponent <InputField>();

                // Register and find cloudlet:
                uiConsole.text  = "Registering to DME: ";
                edgeCloudletStr = await RegisterAndFindCloudlet();


                clog("Found Cloudlet from DME result: [" + edgeCloudletStr + "]");

                // This might be inside a thread update loop. Re-register client and check periodically.
                // VerifyLocation will fail if verification is unavailable at the carrier.
                bool verifiedLocation = await integration.VerifyLocation();

                //bool verifiedLocation = false;

                // Decide what to do with location status.
                clog("VerifiedLocation: " + verifiedLocation);
            catch (HttpException httpe) // HTTP status, and REST API call error codes.
                // server error code, and human readable message:
                clog("RegisterClient Exception: " + httpe.Message + ", HTTP StatusCode: " + httpe.HttpStatusCode + ", API ErrorCode: " + httpe.ErrorCode + "\nStack: " + httpe.StackTrace);
            catch (DmeDnsException de)
                // This app should fallback to public cloud, as the DME doesn't exist for your
                // SIM card + carrier.
                clog("Cannot register to DME host: " + de.Message + ", Stack: " + de.StackTrace);
                if (de.InnerException != null)
                    clog("Original Exception: " + de.InnerException.Message);
                // Handle fallback to public cloud application server.
            catch (HttpRequestException httpre)
                clog("RegisterClient HttpRequest Exception" + httpre.Message + "\nStack Trace: " + httpre.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception e)
                clog("Unexpected Exception: " + e.StackTrace);