/// <summary>
        /// Disable processing on a component
        /// </summary>
        public void Disable()
            var status = MmalNativeMethods.ComponentDisable(this.m_handle);

            if (status != MMAL_STATUS_T.MMAL_SUCCESS)
                throw new MMALException(status);
        private /*MMAL_COMPONENT_T*/ IntPtr CreateComponentHandle(MMALComponentName componentName)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating component " + componentName.Value);
            //var status = MmalNativeMethods.ComponentCreate(componentName.Value, out MMAL_COMPONENT_T handle);
            //if (status != MMAL_STATUS_T.MMAL_SUCCESS)
            //    throw new MMALException(status);


            //return handle;

            var status = MmalNativeMethods.ComponentCreate(componentName.Value, out IntPtr handle);

            if (status != MMAL_STATUS_T.MMAL_SUCCESS)
                throw new MMALException(status);

            //for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
            //    byte b = Marshal.ReadByte(handle, i - 1);
            //    Console.Write("{0:X2} ", b);
            //    if (i % 16 == 0)
            //        Console.WriteLine();
            //    else if (i % 8 == 0)
            //        Console.Write("  ");

            //IntPtr namePtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(handle, Marshal.SizeOf<IntPtr>() * 2);
            //string name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(namePtr);

            //MMAL_COMPONENT_T comp = Marshal.PtrToStructure<MMAL_COMPONENT_T>(handle);


            ////throw new NotImplementedException();
            //return comp;
Exemple #3
        public CameraInfo GetCameraInfo(int cameraNum)
            if (this.m_infoCache.ContainsKey(cameraNum))


            param.hdr    = new MMAL_PARAMETER_HEADER_T();
            param.hdr.id = MMALParameterId.MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_INFO;
            //param.hdr.size = (uint)(Marshal.SizeOf<MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_INFO_T>(param) - 4);  // Deliberately undersize to check firmware veresion
            param.hdr.size = 152 - 4;

            MMAL_STATUS_T status = MmalNativeMethods.PortParameterGet(this.Handle.control, param.hdr);
            CameraInfo    info   = new CameraInfo();

            if (status != MMAL_STATUS_T.MMAL_SUCCESS)
                // Running on newer firmware
                //param.hdr.size = (uint)(Marshal.SizeOf<MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_INFO_T>(param));
                param.hdr.size = 152;
                status         = MmalNativeMethods.PortParameterGet(this.Handle.control, param.hdr);
                if (status == MMAL_STATUS_T.MMAL_SUCCESS && param.num_cameras > cameraNum)
                    info.Width  = param.cameras[cameraNum].max_width;
                    info.Height = param.cameras[cameraNum].max_height;
                    info.Name   = param.cameras[cameraNum].camera_name;

                    Console.WriteLine($"Cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for OV5647. status={status} param.num_cameras={param.num_cameras}");
                    //vcos_log_error("Cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for OV5647");
                // Older firmware
                // Nothing to do here, keep the defaults for OV5647
                Console.WriteLine("Older firmware, keeping the defaults for OV5647");

            //Assume defaults
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Name))
                info.Name = "OV5647";
            if (info.Width == 0)
                info.Width = 2592;
            if (info.Height == 0)
                info.Height = 1944;

            this.m_infoCache.Add(cameraNum, info);

 /// <summary>
 /// Destroy a previously created component
 /// Release an acquired reference on a component. Only actually destroys the component when
 /// the last reference is being released.
 /// </summary>
 public void Dispose()
 /// <summary>
 /// Acquire a reference on a component.
 /// Acquiring a reference on a component will prevent a component from being destroyed until
 /// the acquired reference is released(by a call to Dispose).
 /// References are internally counted so all acquired references need a matching call to
 /// release them.
 /// </summary>
 public void Acquire()