Exemple #1
 /// <summary>Runs data fitting computations.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">The Number of interpolation sites.</param>
 /// <param name="site">Array of interpolation sites of size <paramref name="n" />. The structure of the array is defined by the sitehint parameter:
 /// <list type=" ´bullet">
 /// <item><description>If sites form a non-uniform partition, the array should contain nsite values.</description></item>
 /// <item><description>If sites form a uniform partition, the array should contain two entries that represent the left and the right interpolation sites. The first entry
 /// of the array contains the left-most interpolation point. The second entry of the array contains the right-most interpolation point.</description></item>
 /// </list></param>
 /// <param name="result">Array that contains results of computations at the interpolation sites (output). If you do not need spline-based interpolation or integration, set this pointer to NULL.</param>
 /// <param name="ndorder">Maximal derivative order increased by one to be computed at interpolation sites.</param>
 /// <param name="dorder">Array of size <paramref name="ndorder" /> that defines the order of the derivatives to be computed at the interpolation sites. If all the elements in are zero, the library computes the spline values only. If you do not need interpolation computations, set <paramref name="ndorder" /> to zero and pass a <c>null</c> pointer.</param>
 /// <param name="siteHint">A flag describing the structure of the interpolation sites.</param>
 /// <param name="resultHint">A flag describing the structure of the results.</param>
 /// <param name="estimationType">Type of spline-based computations.</param>
 /// <param name="cell">Array of cell indices in partition x that contain the interpolation sites. If you do not need cell indices, set this parameter to <c>null</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="dataHint">Array that contains additional information about the structure of partition x and interpolation sites. This data helps to speed up the computation. If you provide a <c>null</c> pointer, the routine uses the default settings for computations. For details on the datahint array, see table "Structure of the datahint Array" in Intel Math Kernel Library Reference Manual.</param>
 /// <remarks>The argument must be an element of the domain of definition, represented by <see cref="IRealValuedCurve.LowerBound"/> and <see cref="IRealValuedCurve.UpperBound"/>.</remarks>
 public void GetValues(int n, double[] site, double[] result, int ndorder, int[] dorder, MklGridPointCurve.SiteHint siteHint = MklGridPointCurve.SiteHint.DF_NO_HINT, MklGridPointCurve.ResultHint resultHint = MklGridPointCurve.ResultHint.DF_NO_HINT, MklGridPointCurve.EstimationType estimationType = MklGridPointCurve.EstimationType.DF_INTERP, int[] cell = null, double[] dataHint = null)
     CheckErrorCode(_dfdInterpolate1D(m_Task, estimationType, MklGridPointCurve.ComputationMethod.DF_METHOD_PP, n, site, siteHint, ndorder, dorder, dataHint, result, resultHint, cell), "dfdInterpolate1D");
 /// <summary>Runs data fitting computations.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">The Number of interpolation sites.</param>
 /// <param name="site">Array of interpolation sites of size <paramref name="n" />. The structure of the array is defined by the sitehint parameter:
 /// <list type=" ´bullet">
 /// <item><description>If sites form a non-uniform partition, the array should contain nsite values.</description></item>
 /// <item><description>If sites form a uniform partition, the array should contain two entries that represent the left and the right interpolation sites. The first entry
 /// of the array contains the left-most interpolation point. The second entry of the array contains the right-most interpolation point.</description></item>
 /// </list></param>
 /// <param name="result">Array that contains results of computations at the interpolation sites (output). If you do not need spline-based interpolation or integration, set this pointer to NULL.</param>
 /// <param name="ndorder">Maximal derivative order increased by one to be computed at interpolation sites.</param>
 /// <param name="dorder">Array of size <paramref name="ndorder" /> that defines the order of the derivatives to be computed at the interpolation sites. If all the elements in are zero, the library computes the spline values only. If you do not need interpolation computations, set <paramref name="ndorder" /> to zero and pass a <c>null</c> pointer.</param>
 /// <param name="siteHint">A flag describing the structure of the interpolation sites.</param>
 /// <param name="resultHint">A flag describing the structure of the results.</param>
 /// <param name="estimationType">Type of spline-based computations.</param>
 /// <param name="cell">Array of cell indices in partition x that contain the interpolation sites. If you do not need cell indices, set this parameter to <c>null</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="dataHint">Array that contains additional information about the structure of partition x and interpolation sites. This data helps to speed up the computation. If you provide a <c>null</c> pointer, the routine uses the default settings for computations. For details on the datahint array, see table "Structure of the datahint Array" in Intel Math Kernel Library Reference Manual.</param>
 /// <remarks>The argument must be an element of the domain of definition, represented by <see cref="IRealValuedCurve.LowerBound"/> and <see cref="IRealValuedCurve.UpperBound"/>.</remarks>
 public new void GetValues(int n, double[] site, double[] result, int ndorder, int[] dorder, MklGridPointCurve.SiteHint siteHint = MklGridPointCurve.SiteHint.DF_NO_HINT, MklGridPointCurve.ResultHint resultHint = MklGridPointCurve.ResultHint.DF_NO_HINT, MklGridPointCurve.EstimationType estimationType = MklGridPointCurve.EstimationType.DF_INTERP, int[] cell = null, double[] dataHint = null)
     base.GetValues(n, site, result, ndorder, dorder, siteHint, resultHint, estimationType, cell, dataHint);
     VectorUnit.Basics.Exp(n, result);
Exemple #3
 protected unsafe extern static int _dfdInterpolate1D(IntPtr task, MklGridPointCurve.EstimationType type, MklGridPointCurve.ComputationMethod computationMethod, int nsite, double *site, MklGridPointCurve.SiteHint sitehint, int ndorder, int *dorder, double[] datahint, [In, Out] double *r, MklGridPointCurve.ResultHint rhint, [In, Out] int[] cell);
 /// <summary>Runs data fitting computations.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">The Number of interpolation sites.</param>
 /// <param name="site">Array of interpolation sites of size <paramref name="n" />. The structure of the array is defined by the sitehint parameter:
 /// <list type=" ´bullet">
 /// <item><description>If sites form a non-uniform partition, the array should contain nsite values.</description></item>
 /// <item><description>If sites form a uniform partition, the array should contain two entries that represent the left and the right interpolation sites. The first entry
 /// of the array contains the left-most interpolation point. The second entry of the array contains the right-most interpolation point.</description></item>
 /// </list></param>
 /// <param name="result">Array that contains results of computations at the interpolation sites (output). If you do not need spline-based interpolation or integration, set this pointer to NULL.</param>
 /// <param name="ndorder">Maximal derivative order increased by one to be computed at interpolation sites.</param>
 /// <param name="dorder">Array of size <paramref name="ndorder" /> that defines the order of the derivatives to be computed at the interpolation sites. If all the elements in are zero, the library computes the spline values only. If you do not need interpolation computations, set <paramref name="ndorder" /> to zero and pass a <c>null</c> pointer.</param>
 /// <param name="siteHint">A flag describing the structure of the interpolation sites.</param>
 /// <param name="resultHint">A flag describing the structure of the results.</param>
 /// <param name="estimationType">Type of spline-based computations.</param>
 /// <param name="cell">Array of cell indices in partition x that contain the interpolation sites. If you do not need cell indices, set this parameter to <c>null</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="dataHint">Array that contains additional information about the structure of partition x and interpolation sites. This data helps to speed up the computation. If you provide a <c>null</c> pointer, the routine uses the default settings for computations. For details on the datahint array, see table "Structure of the datahint Array" in Intel Math Kernel Library Reference Manual.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The argument must be an element of the domain of definition, represented by <see cref="IRealValuedCurve.LowerBound" /> and <see cref="IRealValuedCurve.UpperBound" />.
 /// </remarks>
 public void GetValues(int n, double[] site, double[] result, int ndorder, int[] dorder, MklGridPointCurve.SiteHint siteHint = MklGridPointCurve.SiteHint.DF_NO_HINT, MklGridPointCurve.ResultHint resultHint = MklGridPointCurve.ResultHint.DF_NO_HINT, MklGridPointCurve.EstimationType estimationType = MklGridPointCurve.EstimationType.DF_INTERP, int[] cell = null, double[] dataHint = null)
     m_DataFitting.GetValues(n, site, result, ndorder, dorder, siteHint, resultHint, estimationType, cell, dataHint);