Exemple #1
        internal static void SimulateMission(Mission mission)
            GarrisonBase.Log("Simulating Mission {0}", mission.Name);

            var firstFollowers =
                Followers.Values.Where(follower =>
                                       (follower.Status == GarrisonFollowerStatus.Idle || follower.Status == GarrisonFollowerStatus.InParty) &&
                                       follower.Level >= mission.Level && follower.ItemLevel >= mission.ItemLevel).ToList();

            var firstFollowerIds = firstFollowers.Select(f => f.ID).ToList();

            var idleFollowers =
                Followers.Values.Where(follower => !firstFollowerIds.Contains(follower.ID) &&
                                       (follower.Status == GarrisonFollowerStatus.Idle ||
                                        follower.Status == GarrisonFollowerStatus.InParty)).OrderByDescending(f => f.ItemLevel).ThenByDescending(f => f.Level).ToList();

            int followerCount = idleFollowers.Count;
            int missionSlots  = mission.Followers;
            MissionSimulatorOptions options = new MissionSimulatorOptions(true, false,
                                                                          false, true, true, false,
            var results = new List <MissionSimulatorResults>();

            foreach (var follower in firstFollowers)
                //int followerIndex1 = idleFollowers.IndexOf(follower);

                //if (followerIndex1 > followerCount - missionSlots)
                //    break;

                GarrisonFollower follower1 = follower._refFollower;
                GarrisonFollower follower2, follower3;
                if (missionSlots > 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < (missionSlots > 2?followerCount - 1:followerCount); i++)
                        follower2 = idleFollowers[i]._refFollower;
                        if (missionSlots > 2)
                            for (int j = i + 1; j < followerCount; j++)
                                follower3 = idleFollowers[j]._refFollower;
                                results.Add(SimulatorResults(mission, new[] { follower1, follower2, follower3 }, null));
                            results.Add(SimulatorResults(mission, new[] { follower1, follower2 }, null));

                    results.Add(SimulatorResults(mission, new[] { follower1 }, null));


            //foreach (var result in results)
            //    string followernames = result.Followers.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, f) => current + f.Name + "\t");
            //    GarrisonBase.Log("Result: Success {0}%, Followers {1}", result.SuccessChance, followernames);
Exemple #2
        private static MissionSimulatorResults SimulatorResults(Mission mission, GarrisonFollower[] followers, MissionSimulatorOptions options)
            var _options = options ?? SuccessOnlyOptions;
            var result   = GarrisonMissionSimulator.Simulate(mission.refGarrisonMission, followers, _options);

            string followernames = result.Followers.Aggregate(String.Empty, (current, f) => current + f.Name + "\t");

            GarrisonBase.Log("Result: Success {0}%, Followers {1}", result.SuccessChance, followernames);

Exemple #3
        public static Tuple<double, double> CalculateSuccessChance()
            var successChance = 0.0d;
            var chanceOver = 0.0d;
            var returnValue = new Tuple<double, double>(-1.0, 0);

            if(enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("----- Start CalculateSuccessChance -----");

            if (DefaultSuccessChanceIs100Percent)
                GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Returning 100% success chance due to DefaultSuccessChanceIs100Percent being true.");
                return new Tuple<double, double>(100.0d, 0.0d);

            // Probably because this mission has a base success chance of 100% and wowhead has no data on it
            if (!valid)
                    GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Mission not valid, manually determine success chance");
                    var hbMission =
                            m => m.Id == mission.MissionId.ToInt32());

                    if (hbMission == null)
                        GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("[Missions] hbMission object is null!");
                        return returnValue;

                    var hbFollowers =
                        GarrisonInfo.Followers.Where(f => followers.Any(fl => fl.FollowerId.ToInt32() == f.GarrFollowerId));

                    if (!hbFollowers.Any())
                        GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("[Missions] hbFollowers returned NONE!");
                        return returnValue;

                    MissionSimulatorOptions options = new MissionSimulatorOptions(
                        true,   // computeSuccessChance
                        false,  // clampSuccessTo100
                        true,   // computerModifiedDuration
                        true,   // computeXpBonusModifier
                        true,   // computerMaterialBonusModifier
                        true,   // computerBuffsAndEnvironmentCounter
                        true,   // computeRewards
                        true,   // computeModifiedRewards
                        true   // computeGoldBonusModifier

                    var result = GarrisonMissionSimulator.Simulate(hbMission, hbFollowers, options);
                    GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("[Missions] MissonSimulatorResults: \nGold Bonus Mod: {0}\nMaterial Bonus Mod: {1}\nSuccess Chance: {2}", 
                        result.GoldBonusModifier, result.MaterialBonusModifier, result.SuccessChance);
                    returnValue = new Tuple<double, double>((double)result.SuccessChance, 0.0d);
                    //var followersToAssign = followers.Take(mission.NumFollowers);
                    //if (!followersToAssign.Any())
                    //    return returnValue;
                    //followersToAssign.ForEach(f => API.FollowersLua.AddFollowerToMission(mission.MissionId.ToInt32(), f.UniqueId.ToInt32()));
                    //var missionInfo = API.MissionLua.GetPartyMissionInfo(mission);
                    //returnValue = new Tuple<double, double>(missionInfo.SuccessChance.ToFloat(), 0.0d);
                    //followersToAssign.ForEach(f => API.FollowersLua.RemoveFollowerFromMission(mission.MissionId.ToInt32(), f.UniqueId.ToInt32()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("ERROR in !valid workaround during CalculateSuccessChance - " + e.GetType() + " - " + e.StackTrace);
                return returnValue;

            var mentorinfo = GetMentorInfo();

            foreach (var currentFollower in followerInfo)
                if (mentorinfo.Item1 > currentFollower.level)
                    if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Mentored follower {0} from level {1} to level {2}", 
                        currentFollower.follower, currentFollower.level, mentorinfo.Item1);

                    currentFollower.level = mentorinfo.Item1;

                if (mentorinfo.Item2 > currentFollower.avgilvl)
                    if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Mentored follower {0} from item level {1} to item level {2}",
                        currentFollower.follower, currentFollower.avgilvl, mentorinfo.Item2);

                    currentFollower.avgilvl = mentorinfo.Item2;

                currentFollower.bias = GetFollowerBias(currentFollower.level, currentFollower.avgilvl);
                if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Follower {0} bias: {1:0.00}", currentFollower.follower, currentFollower.bias);

            var D = mission.NumFollowers*100;
            var B = D;

            if (mechanicInfo.Count > 0)
                foreach (Hashtable currentMechanic in mechanicInfo)
                    //Integers = setkey, id, amount, type, category
                    //Strings = name, description, icon
                    var category = currentMechanic["category"];
                    if (category == null)
                    var categoryInt = category.ToString().ToInt32();
                    if (categoryInt != 2)
                        D = B;
                        var amount = currentMechanic["amount"];
                        if (amount == null)
                        var amountInt = amount.ToString().ToInt32();
                        D = B + amountInt;
                        B += amountInt;

            if (D <= 0)
                return new Tuple<double, double>(100, 0);

            double coeff = 100.0d/(double)D;
            if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("coeff: {0}", coeff);

            for (int followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
                var currentFollower = followerInfo[followerIndex];
                var calcChance = CalcChance(100, 150, currentFollower.bias);
                var z = calcChance * coeff;
                successChance += z;
                if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Added {0} to success due to follower {1} bias - CalcChance returned {2}", z, currentFollower.follower, calcChance);

            var mechanicIndex = 0;
            registeredThreatCounters = new bool[100, 100, 100];
            var typeAmountHashtable = new Hashtable();
            if (mechanicInfo.Count > 0)
                    Hashtable currentMechanic = (Hashtable)mechanicInfo[mechanicIndex];
                    // Category 2 = Abilities
                    if (!currentMechanic.ContainsKey("category") || currentMechanic["category"].ToString().ToInt32() == 2)
                        var amt = currentMechanic["amount"].ToString().ToInt32();
                        //Hashtable currentIndex = o.ContainsKey(currentMechanic["type"]) ? (Hashtable)o[currentMechanic["type"]] : o.Add(currentMechanic["type"].ToString(), );
                        if (typeAmountHashtable.ContainsKey(currentMechanic["type"]))
                            Hashtable currentIndex = (Hashtable)typeAmountHashtable[currentMechanic["type"]];
                            currentIndex["amount1"] = currentIndex["amount1"].ToString().ToInt32() + amt;
                            currentIndex["amount2"] = currentIndex["amount2"].ToString().ToInt32() + amt;
                            Hashtable currentIndex = new Hashtable();
                            currentIndex.Add("amount1", amt);
                            currentIndex.Add("amount2", amt);
                            currentIndex.Add("id", currentMechanic["id"].ToString().ToInt32());
                            typeAmountHashtable.Add(currentMechanic["type"], currentIndex);
                        //var mechanicAmount = currentMechanic["amount"].ToString().ToInt32();

                        //if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)
                        //    for (int followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
                        //    {
                        //        var currentFollower = followerInfo[followerIndex];
                        //        for (int abilityIndex = 0;
                        //            abilityIndex < currentFollower.abilities.Count;
                        //            abilityIndex++)
                        //        {
                        //            var currentAbility = (Hashtable)g_garrison_abilities[currentFollower.abilities[abilityIndex].ToString()];
                        //            var currentAbilityType = (ArrayList)currentAbility["type"];
                        //            var numTypes = currentAbilityType.Count;

                        //            for (var typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < numTypes; typeIndex++)
                        //            {
                        //                var counters = (ArrayList) currentAbility["counters"];
                        //                var amount1 = (ArrayList) currentAbility["amount1"];
                        //                var amount2 = (ArrayList) currentAbility["amount2"];
                        //                var amount3 = (ArrayList) currentAbility["amount3"];
                        //                var currentMechanicType = currentMechanic["type"];
                        //                var currentMechanicTypeInt = currentMechanicType.ToString().ToInt32();
                        //                var counterInt = counters[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                        //                var amount1Int = amount1[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                        //                var amount2Int = amount2[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                        //                var amount3Int = amount3[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                        //                if ((currentMechanicTypeInt == counterInt)
                        //                    && ((amount1Int & 1) != 1)
                        //                    && (mechanicAmount > 0)
                        //                    && !ThreatCounterIsAlreadyRegistered(followerIndex, abilityIndex, typeIndex))
                        //                {
                        //                    var q = CalcChance(amount2Int, amount3Int, currentFollower.bias);
                        //                    var a = currentMechanic["amount"].ToString().ToInt32();
                        //                    if (q <= a)
                        //                        a = Convert.ToInt32(q);
                        //                    RegisterThreatCounter(followerIndex, abilityIndex, typeIndex);
                        //                    // Reduce mechanic amount by amount countered
                        //                    mechanicAmount -= a;
                        //                }
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        //} // if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)

                        //if (mechanicAmount < 0)
                        //    mechanicAmount = 0;

                        //// Calculate success based on how much of the mechanic was countered
                        //var f = ((double)(currentMechanic["amount"].ToString().ToInt32() - mechanicAmount))*coeff;
                        //successChance += f;
                        //if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Added {0} to success due to followers countering boss mechanics {1}.", f, currentMechanic["id"]);
                } while (mechanicIndex < mechanicInfo.Count);
            } //if (mechanicInfo.Count > 0)

            //for(var currentTypeAmountIndex = 0; currentTypeAmountIndex < typeAmountHashtable.Count; currentTypeAmountIndex++)
            foreach (DictionaryEntry currentTypeAmountDictionaryEntry in typeAmountHashtable)
                Hashtable currentTypeAmount = (Hashtable)currentTypeAmountDictionaryEntry.Value;
                // currentTypeAmount produces Hashtable with the following structure:
                // amount1: <int>
                // amount2: <int>
                // type: <int>
                var currentTypeAmount_Amount2 = currentTypeAmount["amount2"].ToString().ToInt32();
                if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)
                    for (var followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
                        var currentFollower = followerInfo[followerIndex];
                        for (int abilityIndex = 0;
                            abilityIndex < currentFollower.abilities.Count;
                            var currentAbility =
                            var type = (ArrayList)currentAbility["type"];
                            var numTypes = type.Count;

                            for (var typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < numTypes; typeIndex++)
                                var counters = (ArrayList)currentAbility["counters"];
                                var amount1 = (ArrayList)currentAbility["amount1"];
                                var amount2 = (ArrayList)currentAbility["amount2"];
                                var amount3 = (ArrayList)currentAbility["amount3"];
                                if (typeIndex >= counters.Count
                                    || typeIndex >= amount1.Count
                                    || typeIndex >= amount2.Count
                                    || typeIndex >= amount3.Count)
                                var typeInt = type[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                var counterInt = counters[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                var amount1Int = amount1[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                var amount2Int = amount2[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                var amount3Int = amount3[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                if (currentTypeAmountDictionaryEntry.Key.ToString().ToInt32() == counterInt
                                    && ((amount1Int & 1) != 1)
                                    && currentTypeAmount_Amount2 > 0)
                                    var q = CalcChance(amount2Int, amount3Int, currentFollower.bias);
                                    var s = currentTypeAmount_Amount2 - q;
                                    if (s < 0)
                                        s = 0;

                                    currentTypeAmount_Amount2 = Convert.ToInt32(s);
                                    //if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Added {0} to success due to follower {1} enemy race ability {2}", q, currentFollower.follower, currentMechanic["id"]);
                    } // for (var followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
                } // if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)

                var v28 = (currentTypeAmount["amount1"].ToString().ToInt32() - currentTypeAmount_Amount2)*coeff;
                successChance += v28;
                if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Added {0} to success due to followers countering boss mechanic type {1}.", v28, currentTypeAmount["id"]);

            for (mechanicIndex = 0; mechanicIndex < mechanicInfo.Count; mechanicIndex++)
                Hashtable currentMechanic = (Hashtable)mechanicInfo[mechanicIndex];
                // Category 1 = Races
                if (currentMechanic["category"].ToString().ToInt32() == 1)
                    if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)
                        for (var followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
                            var currentFollower = followerInfo[followerIndex];
                            for (int abilityIndex = 0;
                                abilityIndex < currentFollower.abilities.Count;
                                var currentAbility =
                                    (Hashtable) g_garrison_abilities[currentFollower.abilities[abilityIndex].ToString()];
                                var type = (ArrayList) currentAbility["type"];
                                var numTypes = type.Count;

                                for (var typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < numTypes; typeIndex++)
                                    var counters = (ArrayList) currentAbility["counters"];
                                    var amount1 = (ArrayList) currentAbility["amount1"];
                                    var amount2 = (ArrayList) currentAbility["amount2"];
                                    var amount3 = (ArrayList) currentAbility["amount3"];
                                    if (typeIndex >= counters.Count
                                        || typeIndex >= amount1.Count
                                        || typeIndex >= amount2.Count
                                        || typeIndex >= amount3.Count)
                                    var typeInt = type[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                    var counterInt = counters[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                    var amount1Int = amount1[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                    var amount2Int = amount2[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                    var amount3Int = amount3[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                                    if (currentMechanic["type"].ToString().ToInt32() == counterInt)
                                        var q = CalcChance(amount2Int, amount3Int, currentFollower.bias);
                                        q *= coeff;
                                        successChance += q;
                                        if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Added {0} to success due to follower {1} enemy race ability {2}", q, currentFollower.follower, currentMechanic["id"]);
                        } // for (var followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
                    } // if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)
                } // if ((double) currentMechanic["category"] == 1.0d)
            } // for (mechanicIndex = 0; mechanicIndex < mechanicInfo.Count; mechanicIndex++)

            if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)
                for (var followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
                    var currentFollower = followerInfo[followerIndex];
                    for (int abilityIndex = 0;
                        abilityIndex < currentFollower.abilities.Count;
                        var currentAbility =
                        var type = (ArrayList)currentAbility["type"];
                        var numTypes = type.Count;

                        for (var typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < numTypes; typeIndex++)
                            var counters = (ArrayList)currentAbility["counters"];
                            var amount1 = (ArrayList)currentAbility["amount1"];
                            var amount2 = (ArrayList)currentAbility["amount2"];
                            var amount3 = (ArrayList)currentAbility["amount3"];
                            if (typeIndex >= counters.Count
                                || typeIndex >= amount1.Count
                                || typeIndex >= amount2.Count
                                || typeIndex >= amount3.Count)
                            var typeInt = type[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var counterInt = counters[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var amount1Int = amount1[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var amount2Int = amount2[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var amount3Int = amount3[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            if (wowheadMissionObject["mechanictype"].ToString().ToInt32() == counterInt)
                                var q = CalcChance(amount2Int, amount3Int, currentFollower.bias);
                                q *= coeff;
                                successChance += q;
                                if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Added {0} to success due to follower {1} environment ability {2}", q, currentFollower.follower, currentAbility["id"]);
                } // for (var followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
            } // if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)

            var y = GetMissionTimes();

            if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)
                for (var followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
                    var currentFollower = followerInfo[followerIndex];
                    for (int abilityIndex = 0;
                        abilityIndex < currentFollower.abilities.Count;
                        var currentAbility =
                        var type = (ArrayList)currentAbility["type"];
                        var numTypes = type.Count;

                        for (var typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < numTypes; typeIndex++)
                            var u = false;
                            var counters = (ArrayList)currentAbility["counters"];
                            var amount1 = (ArrayList)currentAbility["amount1"];
                            var amount2 = (ArrayList)currentAbility["amount2"];
                            var amount3 = (ArrayList)currentAbility["amount3"];
                            var race = (ArrayList) currentAbility["race"];
                            var hours = (ArrayList) currentAbility["hours"];
                            if (typeIndex >= counters.Count
                                || typeIndex >= amount1.Count
                                || typeIndex >= amount2.Count
                                || typeIndex >= amount3.Count
                                || typeIndex >= race.Count
                                || typeIndex >= hours.Count)
                            var typeInt = type[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var counterInt = counters[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var amount1Int = amount1[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var amount2Int = amount2[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var amount3Int = amount3[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var raceInt = race[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();
                            var hoursInt = hours[typeIndex].ToString().ToInt32();

                            switch (typeInt)
                                // Lone Wolf - Increases success chance when on a mission alone
                                case 1:
                                    if (followerInfo.Count == 1)
                                        u = true;

                                // Combat Experience - Grants a bonus to mission success chance
                                case 2:
                                    u = true;

                                // Race - Gnome-Lover / Humanist / Dwarvenborn / etc...
                                // Increases success chance when on a mission with a <race>
                                case 5:
                                    if (CheckEffectRace(raceInt, followerIndex))
                                        u = true;

                                // High Stamina - Increases success chance on missions with duration longer than 7 hours
                                case 6:
                                    if (y.Item1 > 3600*hoursInt)
                                        u = true;

                                // Burst of Power - Increases success chance on missions with duration shorter than 7 hours
                                case 7:
                                    if (y.Item1 < 3600*hoursInt)
                                        u = true;

                                // Doesn't appear to matter anymore??  travel time??
                                case 9:
                                    if (y.Item2 > 3600*hoursInt)
                                        u = true;

                                // doesn't appear to matter anymore??  travel time??
                                case 10:
                                    if (y.Item2 < 3600*hoursInt)
                                        u = true;


                            if (u)
                                var q = CalcChance(amount2Int, amount3Int, currentFollower.bias);
                                q *= coeff;
                                successChance += q;
                                if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Added {0} to success due to follower {1} trait {2}.", q,
                                    currentFollower.follower, typeInt);
                } // for (var followerIndex = 0; followerIndex < followerInfo.Count; followerIndex++)
            } // if (mission.NumFollowers > 0)

            if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Total before adding base chance: {0}", successChance);

            var t = true;
            var k = 100;
            var h = 0d;
            var p = (((100 - wowheadMissionObject["basebonuschance"].ToString().ToFloat()) * successChance) * 0.01d) +
            if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Total after base chance: {0}", p);
            h = p;
            var g = h;
            if (t && k <= p)
                h = k;

            if (t && g > 100)
                if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Total success chance: {0}, ({1} before clamping)", h, g);
                    if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("Total success chance: {0}", h);

            if (enableDebugPrint) GarrisonButler.Diagnostic("----- End CalculateSuccessChance -----");

            returnValue = new Tuple<double, double>(Math.Floor(h), g - h);

            //how do I find encounter data?

            return returnValue;