protected void MisaMinoAOT(int current, int[] q, int?hold, int combo, int garbage, int spawn_pos) { if (MisaMino.Running) { MisaMino.Abort(); } misasolved = false; if (!Danger()) { MisaMino.FindMove( q, current, hold, misa_lasty = spawn_pos, misaboard, combo, Math.Max( b2b, Convert.ToInt32(FuckItJustDoB2B(misaboard, 25)) ), garbage ); } }
public void Dispose() { Disposing = true; BeforeDispose(); while (!Disposed && Started) { MisaMino.Abort(); PerfectClear.Abort(); } }
protected void EndGame() { MisaMino.Abort(); PerfectClear.Abort(); }
protected bool MakeDecision(out bool wasHold, out int clear, out List <int[]> coords) { wasHold = false; clear = 0; coords = null; bool pathSuccess = false; movements = new List <Instruction>(); pieceUsed = finalX = finalY = finalR = -10; atk = 0; if (MisaMino.Running) { MisaMino.Abort(); } if (PerfectClear.Running && !pcbuffer) { PerfectClear.Abort(); } if (Danger()) { return(false); } if (getPerfectClear() && pcsolved && BoardEquals(board, pcboard)) { LogHelper.LogText("Detected PC"); pieceUsed = executingpc[0].Piece; finalX = executingpc[0].X; finalY = executingpc[0].Y + baseBoardHeight - 21; // if baseboardheight happens to be 22, need to +1 this finalR = executingpc[0].R; movements = MisaMino.FindPath( board, baseBoardHeight, pieceUsed, finalX, finalY, finalR, current != pieceUsed, out spinUsed, out pathSuccess ); if (!pathSuccess) { LogHelper.LogText($"PC PATHFINDER FAILED! piece={pieceUsed}, x={finalX}, y={finalY}, r={finalR}"); } } if (!pathSuccess) { LogHelper.LogText("Using Misa!"); bool equals = BoardEquals(misaboard, board); bool equivalent = BoardEquivalent(misaboard, board, out int diff); int tempY = MisaMino.LastSolution.FinalY; if (!equals && equivalent) { LogHelper.LogText("GARBAGE FIX ATTEMPT"); tempY -= diff; } bool misaok = equivalent && misasolved; bool misasaved = false; if (misaok && (misa_lasty != baseBoardHeight || (!equals && equivalent))) // oops wrong y pos { LogHelper.LogText($"Tryna save Misa... lasty={misa_lasty} baseH={baseBoardHeight} finalY={MisaMino.LastSolution.FinalY} tempY={tempY}"); movements = MisaMino.FindPath( board, baseBoardHeight, MisaMino.LastSolution.PieceUsed, MisaMino.LastSolution.FinalX, tempY, MisaMino.LastSolution.FinalR, current != MisaMino.LastSolution.PieceUsed, out spinUsed, out misaok ); misasaved = misaok; LogHelper.LogText($"misasaved {misasaved}"); } if (!misaok) { LogHelper.LogText("Rush (SOMETHING JUST WENT REALLY WRONG)"); LogHelper.LogBoard(misaboard, board); int[] q = getClippedQueue(); LogHelper.LogText("QUEUE FOR RUSH: " + string.Join(" ", q)); MisaMino.FindMove( q, current, hold, baseBoardHeight, board, combo, Math.Max( b2b, // ideally this should be read from game mem right before calling Convert.ToInt32(FuckItJustDoB2B(board, 25)) ), garbage ); Stopwatch misasearching = new Stopwatch(); misasearching.Start(); while (misasearching.ElapsedMilliseconds < RushTime()) { } MisaMino.Abort(); } if (!misasaved) { movements = MisaMino.LastSolution.Instructions; } pieceUsed = MisaMino.LastSolution.PieceUsed; if (!misasaved) { spinUsed = MisaMino.LastSolution.SpinUsed; } b2b = MisaMino.LastSolution.B2B; atk = MisaMino.LastSolution.Attack; finalX = MisaMino.LastSolution.FinalX; finalY = tempY; finalR = MisaMino.LastSolution.FinalR; Window?.SetConfidence($"{MisaMino.LastSolution.Nodes} ({MisaMino.LastSolution.Depth})"); Window?.SetThinkingTime(MisaMino.LastSolution.Time); pcsolved = false; futurepcsolved = false; pcbuffer = false; searchbufpc = false; } else { LogHelper.LogText("Using PC!"); cachedpc = executingpc.Skip(1).ToList(); bool prev = pcbuffer; pcbuffer = cachedpc.Count != 0; searchbufpc |= !prev && pcbuffer; if (!pcbuffer) { pcsolved = futurepcsolved; searchbufpc = futurepcsolved = false; } Window?.SetConfidence($"[PC] {cachedpc.Count + 1}"); Window?.SetThinkingTime(PerfectClear.LastTime); } misasolved = false; wasHold = movements.Count > 0 && movements[0] == Instruction.HOLD; bool applied = ApplyPiece(board, pieceUsed, finalX, finalY, finalR, baseBoardHeight, out clear, out coords); LogHelper.LogText($"Piece applied? {applied}"); misaboard = (int[, ])board.Clone(); pcboard = (int[, ])board.Clone(); if (pathSuccess && !pcsolved) // pathSuccess here means that I had used PC finder to make the decision { b2b = Convert.ToInt32(isPCB2BEnding(clear, pieceUsed, finalR)); } // Filter L->R and R->L if (movements.Count >= 2) { for (int i = movements.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if ((movements[i] == Instruction.L && movements[i + 1] == Instruction.R) || (movements[i] == Instruction.R && movements[i + 1] == Instruction.L)) { movements.RemoveAt(i); movements.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } } LogHelper.LogText($"Movements generated for piece {pieceUsed} ({finalX}, {finalY}, {finalR}) => {string.Join(", ", movements)}"); return(applied); }