public void MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply_MAPLE_Test2()
            var tileSize = 5;
            var delta = 0.000000001;

            var a = new Matrix<double>(new double[,] { { -32, 9, 25, 50, -40, 3, 66, -11, 73 }, { -92, 71, 80, 26, 95, 31, -23, -70, -88 }, { -60, -59, 87, 16, 63, -45, -78, 25, -69 }, { 19, 57, -34, 22, -64, 75, -53, -61, -98 }, { 43, 64, -59, 51, -24, -84, -35, -79, -9 }, { -16, -74, -77, 91, 32, -88, -28, 39, -16 }, { -49, -91, -11, 78, 40, -21, -32, -98, 11 }, { 95, -30, -39, 90, -6, -65, 86, -76, 49 }, { 29, 17, 72, -90, -10, 41, 56, -14, -52 } });
            var b = new Matrix<double>(new double[,] { { 77, 63, -62, -66, -6, -56, 80, -14, -65 }, { 4, -53, -65, -36, 42, 15, 34, 78, -5 }, { -30, 82, -1, 68, -62, 3, 17, -75, -10 }, { 84, 60, 16, 63, 67, 45, 53, -42, 2 }, { 87, 95, 92, 79, -63, 64, -36, 62, -1 }, { -8, -41, 82, -89, -54, 51, 96, -61, -73 }, { -38, -38, -45, 40, -75, 86, 75, 68, 28 }, { -7, 37, -36, 65, -88, -61, -6, -99, -79 }, { 98, 8, -37, 39, 91, 86, -27, -63, -72 } });

            // MinusMatrixInverseMatrix expects its second argument to be LU Factorized
            b = b.GetLU();

            var expected = MatrixHelpers.Tile(new Matrix<double>(new[,] { { 0.01984508466, 0.9042399904, 0.3995515772, -0.7745771722, 0.2994725178, 0.1084556411, -0.6575886106, -0.05301668731, 0.5444903099 }, { 1.855372611, -5.371281536, -4.104553393, -0.1121640216, -0.7296221045, -1.180498074, 3.045677622, 0.1386335471, 0.2821013684 }, { 1.929588849, -4.235913487, -1.189842573, -0.4245090055, -0.7875419486, -0.8542334129, 2.365695716, -1.087624087, 0.7376953336 }, { -0.3015200144, 0.06444804897, -1.093050084, 1.295819257, -0.3278095393, -0.09936130892, -0.08586242003, 0.2752136949, -1.135640896 }, { -0.6678456488, 1.635971997, 0.7408829678, -0.03480275626, 0.3196134418, 0.6555494623, -0.4839099415, -0.3891630982, -0.1698423028 }, { 0.9195999547, -1.811264799, 0.7645929720, -0.9267010695, -0.04031193539, 0.2576350183, 0.4513746375, -1.641684280, 0.6576041476 }, { 0.8358290298, 0.4796609017, 0.9546484769, -0.7810311114, 0.6595774182, 0.08541865288, -0.1904549301, -0.9345738811, 0.06621834781 }, { -0.6369792740, 3.263015949, 3.301792682, -1.825297016, 0.8801089887, 0.6821136696, -1.785435645, -1.226781234, 0.4676272889 }, { -0.2239907182, -0.3318901401, -0.4804214610, 0.2182583930, -0.2667527668, -0.6941578781, 0.3641733215, 0.4656006742, -0.08591310567 } }), tileSize);

            var opData1 = new OperationResult<double>(MatrixHelpers.Tile(a, tileSize));
            var opData2 = new OperationResult<double>(MatrixHelpers.Tile(b, tileSize));

            OperationResult<double> actual;
            var nmimmProducer = new MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply<double>(opData1, opData2, out actual);
            var pm = new Manager(nmimmProducer);

            MatrixHelpers.Diff(expected, actual.Data, delta);
            MatrixHelpers.Compare(expected, actual.Data, delta);
        static void MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply_GENDATA_Test(int blockSize)
            var tileSize = 30;
            var blockMatrix1 = MatrixHelpers.Tile(Matrix<double>.CreateNewRandomDoubleMatrix(blockSize, blockSize), tileSize);
            var blockMatrix2 = MatrixHelpers.Tile(Matrix<double>.CreateNewRandomDoubleMatrix(blockSize, blockSize), tileSize);
            var clonedBlockMatrix1 = blockMatrix1.Clone();
            var clonedBlockMatrix2 = blockMatrix2.Clone();

            // MinusMatrixInverseMatrix expects its second argument to be LU Factorized
            blockMatrix2 = blockMatrix2.GetLU();

            var opData1 = new OperationResult<double>(blockMatrix1);
            var opData2 = new OperationResult<double>(blockMatrix2);

            Matrix<Matrix<double>> expected = clonedBlockMatrix1.MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply(clonedBlockMatrix2);
            OperationResult<double> actual;
            var nmimmProducer = new MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply<double>(opData1, opData2, out actual);
            var pm = new Manager(nmimmProducer);

            MatrixHelpers.Diff(expected, actual.Data);
            MatrixHelpers.Compare(expected, actual.Data);
        public void MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply_1500x1500()
            var tileSize = 40;

            // prepare data
            var data1 = MatrixHelpers.Tile(Matrix<double>.DeSerializeFromFile(@"C:\Users\eh\Documents\KU\Inversion-of-Block-Tridiagonal-Matrices\Dataset\m1500x1500-a.mat"), tileSize);
            var data2 = MatrixHelpers.Tile(Matrix<double>.DeSerializeFromFile(@"C:\Users\eh\Documents\KU\Inversion-of-Block-Tridiagonal-Matrices\Dataset\m1500x1500-b.mat"), tileSize);
            Matrix<Matrix<double>> expected = MatrixHelpers.Tile(Matrix<double>.DeSerializeFromFile(@"C:\Users\eh\Documents\KU\Inversion-of-Block-Tridiagonal-Matrices\Dataset\m1500x1500-a_b-MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply-result.mat"), tileSize);

            var opData1 = new OperationResult<double>(data1);
            var opData2 = new OperationResult<double>(data2.GetLU());
            OperationResult<double> actual;
            var mProducer = new MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply<double>(opData1, opData2, out actual);
            var pm = new Manager(mProducer);

            MatrixHelpers.Diff(expected, actual.Data);
            MatrixHelpers.Compare(expected, actual.Data);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var tileSize = 40;

            var d1 =

            var d2 =

            // prepare data
            var data1 = MatrixHelpers.Tile(d1, tileSize);
            var data2 = MatrixHelpers.Tile(d2, tileSize);

            var opData1 = new OperationResult<double>(data1);
            var opData2 = new OperationResult<double>(data2.GetLU());
            OperationResult<double> actual;
            var mProducer = new MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply<double>(opData1, opData2, out actual);
            var pm = new Manager(mProducer);


            ////foreach (var rowActionGenerator in AbstractOperationGenerator(5, 5))
            ////    AbstractOperation op;
            ////    while (!rowActionGenerator.Completed)
            ////    {
            ////        op = rowActionGenerator.Find((x) => true);
            ////        Console.WriteLine(op);
            ////    }
            ////    Console.WriteLine();

            //for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            //    foreach (var s in G_ColumnAbstractActionGenerator(i, 5))
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(s);
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine();
            public static IEnumerable<Measurement> MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply()
                foreach (int threadCount in ThreadCountGenerator())
                    foreach (int tileSize in TileSizeGenerator)
                        yield return new TwoBlockMatrixMeasurement
                            TileSize = tileSize,
                            ThreadCount = threadCount,
                            Execute = (a, b, tc) =>
                                var opRes1 = new OperationResult<double>(a);
                                var opRes2 = new OperationResult<double>(b);

                                OperationResult<double> actual;
                                var producer =
                                    new MinusMatrixInverseMatrixMultiply<double>(
                                        opRes1, opRes2, out actual);
                                Runner(producer, tc);