Exemple #1
        MinibatchSource CreateMinibatchSource(string mapFilePath, string featuresName, string targetsName,
                                              int numberOfClasses, int[] inputShape, bool augmentation)
            var transforms = new List <CNTKDictionary>();

            if (augmentation)
                var randomSideTransform = CNTKLib.ReaderCrop(
                    cropType: "RandomSide",
                    cropSize: new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0),
                    sideRatio: new Tuple <float, float>(0.8f, 1.0f),
                    areaRatio: new Tuple <float, float>(0.0f, 0.0f),
                    aspectRatio: new Tuple <float, float>(1.0f, 1.0f),
                    jitterType: "uniRatio");


            var scaleTransform = CNTKLib.ReaderScale(inputShape[0], inputShape[1], inputShape[2]);


            var imageDeserializer = CNTKLib.ImageDeserializer(mapFilePath, targetsName,
                                                              (uint)numberOfClasses, featuresName, transforms);

            var minibatchSourceConfig = new MinibatchSourceConfig(new DictionaryVector()

Exemple #2
        private static MinibatchSource CreateMinibatchSource(string mapFilePath, string meanFilePath,
                                                             int[] imageDims, int numClasses, uint maxSweeps)
            List <CNTKDictionary> transforms = new List <CNTKDictionary> {
                                   new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0),
                                   new Tuple <float, float>(0.8f, 1.0f),
                                   new Tuple <float, float>(0.0f, 0.0f),
                                   new Tuple <float, float>(1.0f, 1.0f),
                CNTKLib.ReaderScale(imageDims[0], imageDims[1], imageDims[2]),

            var deserializerConfiguration = CNTKLib.ImageDeserializer(mapFilePath,
                                                                      "labels", (uint)numClasses,

            MinibatchSourceConfig config = new MinibatchSourceConfig(new List <CNTKDictionary> {
                MaxSweeps = maxSweeps

Exemple #3
        private static MinibatchSource CreateMinibatchSource(string map_file, int[] image_dims, int num_classes)
            List <CNTKDictionary> transforms = new List <CNTKDictionary>
                CNTKLib.ReaderScale(image_dims[0], image_dims[1], image_dims[2], "linear")

            var deserializerConfiguration = CNTKLib.ImageDeserializer(map_file,
                                                                      "labels", (uint)num_classes,
                                                                      "image", transforms);

            MinibatchSourceConfig config = new MinibatchSourceConfig(new List <CNTKDictionary> {

        MinibatchSource CreateMinibatchSource(string filePath, string featuresName, string targetsName,
                                              int numberOfClasses, int[] inputShape, bool randomize)
            var inputSize            = inputShape.Aggregate((d1, d2) => d1 * d2);
            var streamConfigurations = new StreamConfigurationVector
                new StreamConfiguration(featuresName, inputSize, isSparse: true),
                new StreamConfiguration(targetsName, numberOfClasses, isSparse: false)

            var deserializer = CNTKLib.CTFDeserializer(filePath, streamConfigurations);

            var minibatchSourceConfig = new MinibatchSourceConfig(new DictionaryVector()

Exemple #5
        //Function CreateConvolutionalNeuralNetwork(Variable features, int outDims, DeviceDescriptor device, string classifierName)
        //    // 28x28x1 -> 14x14x4
        //    int kernelWidth1 = 3, kernelHeight1 = 3, numInputChannels1 = 3, outFeatureMapCount1 = 4;
        //    int hStride1 = 2, vStride1 = 2;
        //    int poolingWindowWidth1 = 3, poolingWindowHeight1 = 3;
        //    Function pooling1 = ConvolutionWithMaxPooling(features, device, kernelWidth1, kernelHeight1,
        //        numInputChannels1, outFeatureMapCount1, hStride1, vStride1, poolingWindowWidth1, poolingWindowHeight1);
        //    // 14x14x4 -> 7x7x8
        //    int kernelWidth2 = 3, kernelHeight2 = 3, numInputChannels2 = outFeatureMapCount1, outFeatureMapCount2 = 8;
        //    int hStride2 = 2, vStride2 = 2;
        //    int poolingWindowWidth2 = 3, poolingWindowHeight2 = 3;
        //    Function pooling2 = ConvolutionWithMaxPooling(pooling1, device, kernelWidth2, kernelHeight2,
        //        numInputChannels2, outFeatureMapCount2, hStride2, vStride2, poolingWindowWidth2, poolingWindowHeight2);
        //    Function denseLayer = Dense(pooling2, outDims, device, Activation.None, classifierName);
        //    return denseLayer;
        private void ImageLoader(string MapFilePath)
            List <CNTKDictionary> transforms = new List <CNTKDictionary> {
                CNTKLib.ReaderScale(ImageDim[0], ImageDim[1], ImageDim[2])
                //          CNTKLib.ReaderMean(meanFilePath)
            var deserializerConfiguration = CNTKLib.ImageDeserializer(MapFilePath,
                                                                      "labels", (uint)NumClasses,

            MinibatchSourceConfig config = new MinibatchSourceConfig(new List <CNTKDictionary> {
                MaxSweeps = 50

            minibatchSource = CNTKLib.CreateCompositeMinibatchSource(config);
            imageStreamInfo = minibatchSource.StreamInfo("features");
            labelStreamInfo = minibatchSource.StreamInfo("labels");
        static MinibatchSource CreateTrainMinibatchSource(
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> channelNameToMapFilePath, string ctfFilePath,
            int outputShape, int maxEpochsOrSweeps)
            var imageDeserializers = channelNameToMapFilePath.Select(p =>
                var deserializer = CNTKLib.ImageDeserializer(p.Value, p.Key + LabelsName, (uint)1, p.Key + FeaturesName);

            var targetCtfDeserializer = CreateCtfDeserializer(ctfFilePath, outputShape);
            var deserializerList      = new List <CNTKDictionary>(imageDeserializers)

            MinibatchSourceConfig config = new MinibatchSourceConfig(deserializerList)
                MaxSweeps = (uint)maxEpochsOrSweeps,

 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(MinibatchSourceConfig obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
Exemple #8
        public void Main()
            // Create minibatch source
            var transforms = new List <CNTKDictionary> {
                                   new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0),
                                   new Tuple <float, float>(0.8f, 1.0f),
                                   new Tuple <float, float>(0.0f, 0.0f),
                                   new Tuple <float, float>(1.0f, 1.0f),
                CNTKLib.ReaderScale(imageDim[0], imageDim[1], imageDim[2])

            var conf = CNTKLib.ImageDeserializer(@"D:\Microsoft\Presentations\FY18 AI\DotNext17\Data\Train.txt",
                                                 "labels", (uint)numClasses,
                                                 "features", transforms);

            MinibatchSourceConfig config = new MinibatchSourceConfig(new List <CNTKDictionary> {

            var minibatchSource = CNTKLib.CreateCompositeMinibatchSource(config);

            var imageStreamInfo = minibatchSource.StreamInfo("features");
            var labelStreamInfo = minibatchSource.StreamInfo("labels");

            // build a model
            var imageInput = CNTKLib.InputVariable(imageDim, imageStreamInfo.m_elementType, "Images");
            var labelsVar  = CNTKLib.InputVariable(new int[] { numClasses }, labelStreamInfo.m_elementType, "Labels");

            var C1 = ConvolutionLayer(imageInput, 5, 5, 3, 32);
            var C2 = ConvolutionLayer(C1, 5, 5, 32, 1);
            var C3 = ConvolutionLayer(C2, 5, 5, 64, 2);

            var C4 = DenseLayer(C3, 64, true);
            var C5 = DenseLayer(C4, 64, true);
            var z  = DenseLayer(C5, numClasses, true);

            var loss      = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(z, labelsVar);
            var evalError = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(z, labelsVar);

            // prepare for training
            CNTK.TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRatePerSample = new CNTK.TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.02, 1);
            IList <Learner> parameterLearners =
                new List <Learner>()
                Learner.SGDLearner(z.Parameters(), learningRatePerSample)
            var trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(z, loss, evalError, parameterLearners);

            uint minibatchSize = 64;

            // train the model
            for (int ep = 0; ep < 1000; ep++)
                var data = minibatchSource.GetNextMinibatch(minibatchSize);
                trainer.TrainMinibatch(new Dictionary <Variable, MinibatchData>()
                    { imageInput, data[imageStreamInfo] },
                    { labelsVar, data[labelStreamInfo] }
                }, device);

                if (ep % 50 == 0)
                    var _loss = trainer.PreviousMinibatchLossAverage();
                    var _eval = trainer.PreviousMinibatchEvaluationAverage();
                    WriteLine($"Epoch={ep}, loss={_loss}, eval={_eval}");
Exemple #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var device = DeviceDescriptor.CPUDevice;

            int  numOutputClasses = 2;    // need to know these from the start
            uint inputDim         = 6000; // also these
            uint batchSize        = 50;   // not sure how to make this increase to 100% of the file, for now

            // full path works "C:\\...
            //string CurrentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            //string dataPath_test = "Data\\YXFFData6001Test.txt";
            //string dataPath = Path.Combine(CurrentFolder, dataPath_test);

            string dataPath_model = "C:\\Users\\ITRI\\Documents\\Programming\\Csharp\\Learning_CNTK\\Data\\mModelZ1.dnn";
            string dataPath_train = "C:\\Users\\ITRI\\Documents\\Programming\\Csharp\\Learning_CNTK\\Data\\YXFFData6001Train.txt";

            // load saved model
            Function model = Function.Load(dataPath_model, device);

            // the model output needs to be processed still
            // out = C.softmax(z)
            var modelOut = CNTKLib.Softmax(model);

            var feature_fromModel = modelOut.Arguments[0];
            var label_fromModel   = modelOut.Output;

            string featureStreamName = "features";
            string labelsStreamName  = "labels";

            var streamConfig = new StreamConfigurationVector {
                new StreamConfiguration(featureStreamName, inputDim),
                new StreamConfiguration(labelsStreamName, numOutputClasses)

            var deserializerConfig_train = CNTKLib.CTFDeserializer(dataPath_train, streamConfig);

            //StreamConfigurationVector streams = new StreamConfigurationVector
            //new StreamConfiguration("feature", 100),
            //new StreamConfiguration("label", 10)
            //var deserializerConfiguration = CNTKLib.CTFDeserializer(ctfFilePath, streams);
            MinibatchSourceConfig MBconfig_train = new MinibatchSourceConfig(new List <CNTKDictionary> {
                MaxSweeps = 1000,
                randomizationWindowInChunks  = 0,
                randomizationWindowInSamples = 100000,

            var MBsource_train = CNTK.CNTKLib.CreateCompositeMinibatchSource(MBconfig_train);

            var featureStreamInfo_train = MBsource_train.StreamInfo(featureStreamName);
            var labelStreamInfo_train   = MBsource_train.StreamInfo(labelsStreamName);

            var nextBatch_train = MBsource_train.GetNextMinibatch(batchSize, device);

            var MBdensefeature_train = nextBatch_train[featureStreamInfo_train].data;
            var MBdenseLabel_train   = nextBatch_train[labelStreamInfo_train].data.GetDenseData <float>(label_fromModel);

            //Variable feature = modelOut.Arguments[0];
            //Variable label = Variable.InputVariable(new int[] { numOutputClasses }, DataType.Float);

            //define input and output variable and connecting to the stream configuration
            var feature = Variable.InputVariable(new NDShape(1, inputDim), DataType.Float, featureStreamName);
            var label   = Variable.InputVariable(new NDShape(1, numOutputClasses), DataType.Float, labelsStreamName);

            ////Step 2: define values, and variables
            //Variable x = Variable.InputVariable(new int[] { 1 }, DataType.Float, "input");
            //Variable y = Variable.InputVariable(new int[] { 1 }, DataType.Float, "output");

            ////Step 2: define training data set from table above
            //var xValues = Value.CreateBatch(new NDShape(1, 1), new float[] { 1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f }, device);
            //var yValues = Value.CreateBatch(new NDShape(1, 1), new float[] { 3f, 5f, 7f, 9f, 11f }, device);

            //var features = Value.CreateBatch(NDShape sampleShape, IEnumerable<T> batch, DeviceDescriptor device);
            //Value.CreateBatch(inputDim,  ,device);

            // prepare the training data

            //var featureStreamInfo = minibatchSource_train.StreamInfo(featureStreamName);
            //var labelStreamInfo = minibatchSource_train.StreamInfo(labelsStreamName);

            //var minibatchData = minibatchSource_train.GetNextMinibatch((uint)batchSize, device);

            Variable inputVar = modelOut.Arguments.Single();

            var inputDataMap = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>();

            inputDataMap.Add(inputVar, MBdensefeature_train);

            var      outputDataMap = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>();
            Variable outputVar     = modelOut.Output;

            outputDataMap.Add(outputVar, null);

            // evaluate with loaded data
            modelOut.Evaluate(inputDataMap, outputDataMap, device);

            var outputData = outputDataMap[outputVar].GetDenseData <float>(outputVar);

            var actualLabels = outputData.Select((IList <float> l) => l.IndexOf(l.Max())).ToList();
            //var loss = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(classifierOutput, labelVariable);
            //var evalError = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(classifierOutput, labelVariable);
            IList <int> expectedLabels = MBdenseLabel_train.Select(l => l.IndexOf(1.0F)).ToList();

            int misMatches = actualLabels.Zip(expectedLabels, (a, b) => a.Equals(b) ? 0 : 1).Sum();

            int labelsLength = actualLabels.Count;

            string correctness(bool comparison)
                if (comparison)
                    return("Correct prediction");
                    return("Incorrect prediction");

            for (int i = 0; i < labelsLength; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{i+1}.\tPredicted value:  {actualLabels[i]};\tExpected value:  {expectedLabels[i]};\t{correctness(actualLabels[i] == expectedLabels[i])}.");

            Console.WriteLine($"Validating Model: Total Samples = {batchSize}, Misclassify Count = {misMatches}.");

Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrains existing tiny YOLO v2 onnx model on new data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        public static void RetrainTinyYoloV2(DeviceDescriptor device)
            string[] labels = new string[] { "aeroplane", "bicycle", "bird", "boat", "bottle", "bus", "car", "cat", "chair", "cow", "diningtable", "dog", "horse", "motorbike", "person", "pottedplant", "sheep", "sofa", "train", "tvmonitor" };
            float[,] anchorCoordintes = { { 1.08f, 1.19f }, { 3.42f, 4.41f }, { 6.63f, 11.38f }, { 9.42f, 5.11f }, { 16.62f, 10.52f } }; // pairs of height and weight for every anchor box
            float threshold = 0.3f;

            // load model
            Function model = Function.Load(TinyYoloV2ModelPath, device, ModelFormat.ONNX);

            model = YoloDetectionLayer(model, anchorCoordintes, labels.Length, device);

            // get inputVariable and outputVariable of the model
            var inputVariable  = model.Arguments.First();
            var outputVariable = model.Output;

            // create a labelVariable
            Variable labelVariable = Variable.InputVariable(outputVariable.Shape, outputVariable.DataType);

            // create loss and evaluationError Functions
            var loss      = YoloV2Loss(outputVariable, labelVariable, anchorCoordintes.GetLength(0), labels.Length, device);
            var evalError = YoloV2EvaluationError(outputVariable, labelVariable, anchorCoordintes.GetLength(0), labels.Length, threshold, device);

            // create a trainer
            // todo: set the right learning parameters
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRatePerSample = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.0001, 1);
            IList <Learner> parameterLearners = new List <Learner>()
                Learner.SGDLearner(model.Parameters(), learningRatePerSample)
            var trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(outputVariable, loss, evalError, parameterLearners);

            // create minibatchSource
            // before any continuation is possible this issue has to be resolved: https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/issues/3497

            // based on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cognitive-toolkit/brainscript-and-python---understanding-and-extending-readers#configuring-a-reader-minibatch-source-in-python
            // based on https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/blob/master/Manual/Manual_How_to_feed_data.ipynb

            // todo find a way to define a userDeserializar. This is blocking. See: https://cntk.ai/pythondocs/cntk.io.html#cntk.io.UserMinibatchSource & https://www.cntk.ai/pythondocs/Manual_How_to_write_a_custom_deserializer.html
            // todo: lookup the code for FasterRCNN, and replicate that in c#. See: https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/tree/release/latest/Examples/Image/Detection

            var deserializerConfiguration = CNTKLib.ImageDeserializer("mapFilePath", "noUse", 0, "features"); // todo: maybe add streamDef in the list. see: https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/blob/master/Manual/Manual_How_to_feed_data.ipynb
            // todo: maybe use the line below, but set sparse to true, and transform the label date pre training
            var labelDeserializer = CNTKLib.CTFDeserializer("path", new StreamConfigurationVector(new List <StreamConfiguration>()
                new StreamConfiguration("label", 10, false)
            }));                                                                                                                                                                    // todo this must be a custom deserializer

            MinibatchSourceConfig config = new MinibatchSourceConfig(new List <CNTKDictionary> {
                deserializerConfiguration, labelDeserializer
            })                                                                                                                                  // todo: lookup how to sync the two deserializers
                MaxSweeps = MinibatchSource.InfinitelyRepeat

            var minibatchSource = CNTKLib.CreateCompositeMinibatchSource(config);

            // todo: create minibatch transformet to transform the annotated data to the label variable format

            // todo: make sure that the input is transposed from HWC to CHW

            // train the network

            // save model
            // todo: Edit function below so it saves in ModelFormat.ONNX. See: https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/issues/3412
            //model.Save(Path.Join(Program.RootPath, @"Output\Retrained tiny YOLO v2.onnx"));