public bool OnEnterNode(MiniME.ast.Node n)
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.CodeBlock))
                var block = (ast.CodeBlock)n;

            return true;
Exemple #2
        public bool OnEnterNode(MiniME.ast.Node n)
            // Descending into an inner scope
            if (n.Scope != null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(n.Scope.OuterScope == currentScope);
                currentScope = n.Scope;

            // Is is a "var <name>=<literal_int_or_double>", inside a function
            if (currentScope.OuterScope!=null && n.GetType() == typeof(ast.StatementVariableDeclaration))
                var vardecl = (ast.StatementVariableDeclaration)n;
                foreach (var v in vardecl.Variables)
                    // Must have initial value
                    if (v.InitialValue == null)

                    // Must evaluate to a constant
                    object val = v.InitialValue.RootNode.EvalConstLiteral();
                    if (val==null)

                    // Must be a number
                    if (val.GetType() != typeof(long) && val.GetType() != typeof(DoubleLiteral))

                    // Find the symbol in the current scope
                    Symbol s = currentScope.Symbols.FindLocalSymbol(v.Name);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(s != null);

                    // Store the constant value for this symbol
                    if (s.ConstValue == null && s.ConstAllowed)
                        s.ConstValue = val;
                        s.ConstAllowed = false;
                        s.ConstValue = null;

            return true;
Exemple #3
        public bool OnEnterNode(MiniME.ast.Node n)
            // Descending into an inner scope
            if (n.Scope != null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(n.Scope.OuterScope == currentScope);
                currentScope = n.Scope;

            // Is it a variable declaration
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.StatementVariableDeclaration))
                var vardecl = (ast.StatementVariableDeclaration)n;

                for (int i = vardecl.Variables.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                    var v = vardecl.Variables[i];

                    // Find the symbol (must exist in current scope)
                    var s = currentScope.Symbols.FindLocalSymbol(v.Name);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(s != null);

                    // Is it a const?
                    if (s.ConstValue != null)
                        // Yes!  Remove it

            return true;
Exemple #4
        public bool OnEnterNode(MiniME.ast.Node n)
            // Descending into an inner scope
            if (n.Scope != null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(n.Scope.OuterScope == currentScope);
                currentScope = n.Scope;

            // Look for assignments to property
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeAssignment))
                // Is it an assignment
                var assignOp = (ast.ExprNodeAssignment)n;

            // Look for increment/decrement operators
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeUnary))
                var oneOp = (ast.ExprNodeUnary)n;
                if (oneOp.Op == Token.increment || oneOp.Op == Token.decrement)

            // Postfix too
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodePostfix))
                var oneOp = (ast.ExprNodePostfix)n;
                if (oneOp.Op == Token.increment || oneOp.Op == Token.decrement)

            return true;
        public bool OnEnterNode(MiniME.ast.Node n)
            // Define name of function in outer scope, before descending
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeFunction))
                var fn = (ast.ExprNodeFunction)n;

                // Define a symbol for the new function
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fn.Name))
                    DefineLocalSymbol(fn.Name, fn.Bookmark);
                    currentScope.ProcessAccessibilitySpecs(fn.Name, fn.Bookmark);

            // Descending into an inner scope
            if (n.Scope != null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(n.Scope.OuterScope == currentScope);
                currentScope = n.Scope;

            // Descending into an inner pseudo scope
            if (n.PseudoScope != null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(n.PseudoScope.OuterScope == currentPseudoScope);
                currentPseudoScope = n.PseudoScope;

            // Define catch clause exception variables in the inner scope
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.CatchClause))
                var cc = (ast.CatchClause)n;
                DefineLocalSymbol(cc.ExceptionVariable, n.Bookmark);
                return true;

            // Define variables in the current scope
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.StatementVariableDeclaration))
                var vardecl = (ast.StatementVariableDeclaration)n;
                foreach (var v in vardecl.Variables)
                    DefineLocalSymbol(v.Name, v.Bookmark);
                    currentScope.ProcessAccessibilitySpecs(v.Name, v.Bookmark);

                    if (v.InitialValue!=null && v.InitialValue.RootNode.GetType()==typeof(ast.ExprNodeObjectLiteral))
                        // Get the object literal
                        var literal=(ast.ExprNodeObjectLiteral)v.InitialValue.RootNode;

                        // Create a fake/temp identifier node while we process accessibility specs
                        var target = new ast.ExprNodeIdentifier(null, v.Name);

                        // Process all keys that are identifiers
                        foreach (var x in literal.Values)
                            var identifierKey=x.Key as ast.ExprNodeIdentifier;
                            if (identifierKey!=null && identifierKey.Lhs==null)
                                currentScope.ProcessAccessibilitySpecs(target, identifierKey.Name, identifierKey.Bookmark);

                return true;

            // Define parameters in the current scope
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.Parameter))
                var p = (ast.Parameter)n;
                DefineLocalSymbol(p.Name, p.Bookmark);
                currentScope.ProcessAccessibilitySpecs(p.Name, p.Bookmark);
                return true;

            // Automatic declaration of private member?
            // We're looking for an assignment to a matching private spec
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.StatementExpression))
                var exprstmt = (ast.StatementExpression)n;
                if (exprstmt.Expression.RootNode.GetType()==typeof(ast.ExprNodeAssignment))
                    var assignOp = (ast.ExprNodeAssignment)exprstmt.Expression.RootNode;
                    if (assignOp.Op == Token.assign)
                        // Lhs must be an identifier member
                        // eg: target.member=<expr>
                        if (assignOp.Lhs.GetType()==typeof(ast.ExprNodeIdentifier))
                            var identifier=(ast.ExprNodeIdentifier)assignOp.Lhs;
                            if (identifier.Lhs!=null)
                                // For member specs, the identifier must have a lhs
                                if (identifier.Lhs.GetType() != typeof(ast.ExprNodeIdentifier))
                                    return false;

                                currentScope.ProcessAccessibilitySpecs((ast.ExprNodeIdentifier)identifier.Lhs, identifier.Name, identifier.Bookmark);

                        // Assignment of an object literal
                        // eg: target={member:value,member:value};
                        if (assignOp.Lhs.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeIdentifier) &&
                            assignOp.Rhs.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeObjectLiteral))
                            var target = (ast.ExprNodeIdentifier)assignOp.Lhs;
                            var literal=(ast.ExprNodeObjectLiteral)assignOp.Rhs;

                            if (target.Lhs == null)
                                foreach (var x in literal.Values)
                                    var identifierKey=x.Key as ast.ExprNodeIdentifier;
                                    if (identifierKey!=null && identifierKey.Lhs==null)
                                        currentScope.ProcessAccessibilitySpecs(target, identifierKey.Name, identifierKey.Bookmark);

                        if (assignOp.Rhs.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeObjectLiteral))
                            var literal=ast.ExprNode

            // Normally accessibility specs are already processed in the scope builder, but this
            // is a special case for declaring external symbols.  We need to pick up the explicit
            // symbol declaration and add it to the pseudo scope to avoid incorrect warnings.
            // Use case is declaring `x` as an external global var by:
            //			// public:x
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.StatementAccessibility))
                var p = (ast.StatementAccessibility)n;
                foreach (var s in p.Specs)
                    if (!s.IsWildcard() && !s.IsMemberSpec())
                        currentPseudoScope.Symbols.DefineSymbol(s.GetExplicitName(), n.Bookmark);
            return true;
Exemple #6
        public bool OnEnterNode(MiniME.ast.Node n)
            // Define name of function in outer scope, before descending
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeFunction))
                var fn = (ast.ExprNodeFunction)n;

                // Define a symbol for the new function
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fn.Name))

            // Descending into an inner scope
            if (n.Scope != null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(n.Scope.OuterScope == currentScope);
                currentScope = n.Scope;

            // Identifier?
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeIdentifier))
                var m = (ast.ExprNodeIdentifier)n;
                if (m.Lhs == null)

            // Use catch clause exception variables in the inner scope
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.CatchClause))
                var cc = (ast.CatchClause)n;
                return true;

            // Use variables in the current scope
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.StatementVariableDeclaration))
                var vardecl = (ast.StatementVariableDeclaration)n;
                foreach (var v in vardecl.Variables)
                return true;

            // Use parameters in the current scope
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.Parameter))
                var p = (ast.Parameter)n;
                return true;

            // Look for assignment to undefined variable
            if (n.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeAssignment))
                var rtlOp = (ast.ExprNodeAssignment)n;
                if (rtlOp.Op == Token.assign)
                    if (rtlOp.Lhs.GetType() == typeof(ast.ExprNodeIdentifier))
                        var identifier = (ast.ExprNodeIdentifier)rtlOp.Lhs;
                        if (identifier.Lhs == null)
                            // Assignment to an identifier
                            if (currentScope.FindSymbol(identifier.Name) == null)
                                currentScope.Compiler.RecordWarning(identifier.Bookmark, "assignment to undeclared variable `{0}` introduces new global variable", identifier.Name);

            return true;