public virtual void TestInvalidIdentifier() { DFSAdmin admin = new DFSAdmin(config); string[] args = new string[] { "-refresh", "localhost:" + cluster.GetNameNodePort (), "unregisteredIdentity" }; int exitCode = admin.Run(args); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("DFSAdmin should fail due to no handler registered" , -1, exitCode); }
// nothing /// <summary>Starts DFS and MR clusters, as specified in member-variable options.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Starts DFS and MR clusters, as specified in member-variable options. Also /// writes out configuration and details, if requested. /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> /// <exception cref="System.IO.FileNotFoundException"/> /// <exception cref="Sharpen.URISyntaxException"/> public virtual void Start() { if (!noDFS) { dfs = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NameNodePort(nnPort).NumDataNodes(numDataNodes ).StartupOption(dfsOpts).Build(); Log.Info("Started MiniDFSCluster -- namenode on port " + dfs.GetNameNodePort()); } if (!noMR) { if (fs == null && dfs != null) { fs = dfs.GetFileSystem().GetUri().ToString(); } else { if (fs == null) { fs = "file:///tmp/minimr-" + Runtime.NanoTime(); } } FileSystem.SetDefaultUri(conf, new URI(fs)); // Instruct the minicluster to use fixed ports, so user will know which // ports to use when communicating with the cluster. conf.SetBoolean(YarnConfiguration.YarnMiniclusterFixedPorts, true); conf.SetBoolean(JHAdminConfig.MrHistoryMiniclusterFixedPorts, true); conf.Set(YarnConfiguration.RmAddress, MiniYARNCluster.GetHostname() + ":" + this. rmPort); conf.Set(JHAdminConfig.MrHistoryAddress, MiniYARNCluster.GetHostname() + ":" + this .jhsPort); mr = MiniMRClientClusterFactory.Create(this.GetType(), numNodeManagers, conf); Log.Info("Started MiniMRCluster"); } if (writeConfig != null) { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new FilePath(writeConfig)); conf.WriteXml(fos); fos.Close(); } if (writeDetails != null) { IDictionary <string, object> map = new SortedDictionary <string, object>(); if (dfs != null) { map["namenode_port"] = dfs.GetNameNodePort(); } if (mr != null) { map["resourcemanager_port"] = mr.GetConfig().Get(YarnConfiguration.RmAddress).Split (":")[1]; } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new FilePath(writeDetails)); fw.Write(new JSON().ToJSON(map)); fw.Close(); } }
public virtual void Setup() { conf = new Configuration(); cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NnTopology(MiniDFSNNTopology.SimpleHATopology ()).NumDataNodes(0).Build(); tool = new DFSHAAdmin(); tool.SetConf(conf); tool.SetErrOut(new TextWriter(errOutBytes)); cluster.WaitActive(); nn1Port = cluster.GetNameNodePort(0); }
public virtual void StartUpCluster() { conf = new Configuration(); cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(NumDatanodes).Build(); fs = cluster.GetFileSystem(); client = new DFSClient(new IPEndPoint("localhost", cluster.GetNameNodePort()), cluster .GetConfiguration(0)); dn0 = cluster.GetDataNodes()[0]; poolId = cluster.GetNamesystem().GetBlockPoolId(); dn0Reg = dn0.GetDNRegistrationForBP(poolId); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> /// <exception cref="Sharpen.TimeoutException"/> private void ChangeBlockLen(MiniDFSCluster cluster, int lenDelta) { Path fileName = new Path("/file1"); short ReplicationFactor = (short)1; FileSystem fs = cluster.GetFileSystem(); int fileLen = fs.GetConf().GetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBytesPerChecksumKey, 512); DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, fileName, fileLen, ReplicationFactor, 0); DFSTestUtil.WaitReplication(fs, fileName, ReplicationFactor); ExtendedBlock block = DFSTestUtil.GetFirstBlock(fs, fileName); // Change the length of a replica for (int i = 0; i < cluster.GetDataNodes().Count; i++) { if (DFSTestUtil.ChangeReplicaLength(cluster, block, i, lenDelta)) { break; } } // increase the file's replication factor fs.SetReplication(fileName, (short)(ReplicationFactor + 1)); // block replication triggers corrupt block detection DFSClient dfsClient = new DFSClient(new IPEndPoint("localhost", cluster.GetNameNodePort ()), fs.GetConf()); LocatedBlocks blocks = dfsClient.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations(fileName.ToString (), 0, fileLen); if (lenDelta < 0) { // replica truncated while (!blocks.Get(0).IsCorrupt() || ReplicationFactor != blocks.Get(0).GetLocations ().Length) { Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(100); blocks = dfsClient.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations(fileName.ToString(), 0, fileLen ); } } else { // no corruption detected; block replicated while (ReplicationFactor + 1 != blocks.Get(0).GetLocations().Length) { Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(100); blocks = dfsClient.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations(fileName.ToString(), 0, fileLen ); } } fs.Delete(fileName, true); }
// nothing /// <summary>Starts DFS as specified in member-variable options.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Starts DFS as specified in member-variable options. Also writes out /// configuration and details, if requested. /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> /// <exception cref="System.IO.FileNotFoundException"/> public virtual void Start() { dfs = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NameNodePort(nameNodePort).NumDataNodes(numDataNodes ).StartupOption(dfsOpts).Format(format).Build(); dfs.WaitActive(); Log.Info("Started MiniDFSCluster -- namenode on port " + dfs.GetNameNodePort()); if (writeConfig != null) { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new FilePath(writeConfig)); conf.WriteXml(fos); fos.Close(); } if (writeDetails != null) { IDictionary <string, object> map = new SortedDictionary <string, object>(); if (dfs != null) { map["namenode_port"] = dfs.GetNameNodePort(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new FilePath(writeDetails)); fw.Write(new JSON().ToJSON(map)); fw.Close(); } }
public virtual void Setup() { conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); SimulatedFSDataset.SetFactory(conf); Configuration[] overlays = new Configuration[NumDatanodes]; for (int i = 0; i < overlays.Length; i++) { overlays[i] = new Configuration(); if (i == RoNodeIndex) { overlays[i].SetEnum(SimulatedFSDataset.ConfigPropertyState, i == RoNodeIndex ? DatanodeStorage.State .ReadOnlyShared : DatanodeStorage.State.Normal); } } cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(NumDatanodes).DataNodeConfOverlays (overlays).Build(); fs = cluster.GetFileSystem(); blockManager = cluster.GetNameNode().GetNamesystem().GetBlockManager(); datanodeManager = blockManager.GetDatanodeManager(); client = new DFSClient(new IPEndPoint("localhost", cluster.GetNameNodePort()), cluster .GetConfiguration(0)); for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < NumDatanodes; i_1++) { DataNode dataNode = cluster.GetDataNodes()[i_1]; ValidateStorageState(BlockManagerTestUtil.GetStorageReportsForDatanode(datanodeManager .GetDatanode(dataNode.GetDatanodeId())), i_1 == RoNodeIndex ? DatanodeStorage.State .ReadOnlyShared : DatanodeStorage.State.Normal); } // Create a 1 block file DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, Path, BlockSize, BlockSize, BlockSize, (short)1, seed); LocatedBlock locatedBlock = GetLocatedBlock(); extendedBlock = locatedBlock.GetBlock(); block = extendedBlock.GetLocalBlock(); Assert.AssertThat(locatedBlock.GetLocations().Length, CoreMatchers.Is(1)); normalDataNode = locatedBlock.GetLocations()[0]; readOnlyDataNode = datanodeManager.GetDatanode(cluster.GetDataNodes()[RoNodeIndex ].GetDatanodeId()); Assert.AssertThat(normalDataNode, CoreMatchers.Is(CoreMatchers.Not(readOnlyDataNode ))); ValidateNumberReplicas(1); // Inject the block into the datanode with READ_ONLY_SHARED storage cluster.InjectBlocks(0, RoNodeIndex, Collections.Singleton(block)); // There should now be 2 *locations* for the block // Must wait until the NameNode has processed the block report for the injected blocks WaitForLocations(2); }
public virtual void TestFailoverOnConnectTimeout() { conf.SetClass(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HadoopRpcSocketFactoryClassDefaultKey , typeof(TestDFSClientFailover.InjectingSocketFactory), typeof(SocketFactory)); // Set up the InjectingSocketFactory to throw a ConnectTimeoutException // when connecting to the first NN. TestDFSClientFailover.InjectingSocketFactory.portToInjectOn = cluster.GetNameNodePort (0); FileSystem fs = HATestUtil.ConfigureFailoverFs(cluster, conf); // Make the second NN the active one. cluster.ShutdownNameNode(0); cluster.TransitionToActive(1); // Call a non-idempotent method, and ensure the failover of the call proceeds // successfully. IOUtils.CloseStream(fs.Create(TestFile)); }
public virtual void TestBlockReplacement() { Configuration Conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); string[] InitialRacks = new string[] { "/RACK0", "/RACK1", "/RACK2" }; string[] NewRacks = new string[] { "/RACK2" }; short ReplicationFactor = (short)3; int DefaultBlockSize = 1024; Random r = new Random(); Conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBlockSizeKey, DefaultBlockSize); Conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBytesPerChecksumKey, DefaultBlockSize / 2); Conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBlockreportIntervalMsecKey, 500); cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(Conf).NumDataNodes(ReplicationFactor).Racks( InitialRacks).Build(); try { cluster.WaitActive(); FileSystem fs = cluster.GetFileSystem(); Path fileName = new Path("/tmp.txt"); // create a file with one block DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, fileName, DefaultBlockSize, ReplicationFactor, r.NextLong ()); DFSTestUtil.WaitReplication(fs, fileName, ReplicationFactor); // get all datanodes IPEndPoint addr = new IPEndPoint("localhost", cluster.GetNameNodePort()); DFSClient client = new DFSClient(addr, Conf); IList <LocatedBlock> locatedBlocks = client.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations("/tmp.txt" , 0, DefaultBlockSize).GetLocatedBlocks(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, locatedBlocks.Count); LocatedBlock block = locatedBlocks[0]; DatanodeInfo[] oldNodes = block.GetLocations(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(oldNodes.Length, 3); ExtendedBlock b = block.GetBlock(); // add a fourth datanode to the cluster cluster.StartDataNodes(Conf, 1, true, null, NewRacks); cluster.WaitActive(); DatanodeInfo[] datanodes = client.DatanodeReport(HdfsConstants.DatanodeReportType .All); // find out the new node DatanodeInfo newNode = null; foreach (DatanodeInfo node in datanodes) { bool isNewNode = true; foreach (DatanodeInfo oldNode in oldNodes) { if (node.Equals(oldNode)) { isNewNode = false; break; } } if (isNewNode) { newNode = node; break; } } NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(newNode != null); DatanodeInfo source = null; AList <DatanodeInfo> proxies = new AList <DatanodeInfo>(2); foreach (DatanodeInfo node_1 in datanodes) { if (node_1 != newNode) { if (node_1.GetNetworkLocation().Equals(newNode.GetNetworkLocation())) { source = node_1; } else { proxies.AddItem(node_1); } } } //current state: the newNode is on RACK2, and "source" is the other dn on RACK2. //the two datanodes on RACK0 and RACK1 are in "proxies". //"source" and both "proxies" all contain the block, while newNode doesn't yet. NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(source != null && proxies.Count == 2); // start to replace the block // case 1: proxySource does not contain the block Log.Info("Testcase 1: Proxy " + newNode + " does not contain the block " + b); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(ReplaceBlock(b, source, newNode, proxies[0])); // case 2: destination already contains the block Log.Info("Testcase 2: Destination " + proxies[1] + " contains the block " + b); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(ReplaceBlock(b, source, proxies[0], proxies[1])); // case 3: correct case Log.Info("Testcase 3: Source=" + source + " Proxy=" + proxies[0] + " Destination=" + newNode); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ReplaceBlock(b, source, proxies[0], newNode)); // after cluster has time to resolve the over-replication, // block locations should contain two proxies and newNode // but not source CheckBlocks(new DatanodeInfo[] { newNode, proxies[0], proxies[1] }, fileName.ToString (), DefaultBlockSize, ReplicationFactor, client); // case 4: proxies.get(0) is not a valid del hint // expect either source or newNode replica to be deleted instead Log.Info("Testcase 4: invalid del hint " + proxies[0]); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ReplaceBlock(b, proxies[0], proxies[1], source)); // after cluster has time to resolve the over-replication, // block locations should contain two proxies, // and either source or newNode, but not both. CheckBlocks(Sharpen.Collections.ToArray(proxies, new DatanodeInfo[proxies.Count]) , fileName.ToString(), DefaultBlockSize, ReplicationFactor, client); } finally { cluster.Shutdown(); } }
public virtual void TestDecommissionStatus() { IPEndPoint addr = new IPEndPoint("localhost", cluster.GetNameNodePort()); DFSClient client = new DFSClient(addr, conf); DatanodeInfo[] info = client.DatanodeReport(HdfsConstants.DatanodeReportType.Live ); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of Datanodes ", 2, info.Length); DistributedFileSystem fileSys = cluster.GetFileSystem(); DFSAdmin admin = new DFSAdmin(cluster.GetConfiguration(0)); short replicas = numDatanodes; // // Decommission one node. Verify the decommission status // Path file1 = new Path("decommission.dat"); WriteFile(fileSys, file1, replicas); Path file2 = new Path("decommission1.dat"); FSDataOutputStream st1 = WriteIncompleteFile(fileSys, file2, replicas); foreach (DataNode d in cluster.GetDataNodes()) { DataNodeTestUtils.TriggerBlockReport(d); } FSNamesystem fsn = cluster.GetNamesystem(); DatanodeManager dm = fsn.GetBlockManager().GetDatanodeManager(); for (int iteration = 0; iteration < numDatanodes; iteration++) { string downnode = DecommissionNode(fsn, client, localFileSys, iteration); dm.RefreshNodes(conf); decommissionedNodes.AddItem(downnode); BlockManagerTestUtil.RecheckDecommissionState(dm); IList <DatanodeDescriptor> decommissioningNodes = dm.GetDecommissioningNodes(); if (iteration == 0) { NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(decommissioningNodes.Count, 1); DatanodeDescriptor decommNode = decommissioningNodes[0]; CheckDecommissionStatus(decommNode, 3, 0, 1); CheckDFSAdminDecommissionStatus(decommissioningNodes.SubList(0, 1), fileSys, admin ); } else { NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(decommissioningNodes.Count, 2); DatanodeDescriptor decommNode1 = decommissioningNodes[0]; DatanodeDescriptor decommNode2 = decommissioningNodes[1]; // This one is still 3,3,1 since it passed over the UC block // earlier, before node 2 was decommed CheckDecommissionStatus(decommNode1, 3, 3, 1); // This one is 4,4,2 since it has the full state CheckDecommissionStatus(decommNode2, 4, 4, 2); CheckDFSAdminDecommissionStatus(decommissioningNodes.SubList(0, 2), fileSys, admin ); } } // Call refreshNodes on FSNamesystem with empty exclude file. // This will remove the datanodes from decommissioning list and // make them available again. WriteConfigFile(localFileSys, excludeFile, null); dm.RefreshNodes(conf); st1.Close(); CleanupFile(fileSys, file1); CleanupFile(fileSys, file2); }
/// <summary>Get the DFSClient.</summary> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> public virtual DFSClient GetDFSClient() { IPEndPoint nnAddr = new IPEndPoint("localhost", cluster.GetNameNodePort()); return(new DFSClient(nnAddr, conf)); }
private string GetHostPortForNN(MiniDFSCluster cluster) { return("" + cluster.GetNameNodePort()); }