            Constructor for MilitaryTask class.
            @param location - vector specifying game board space
            @param radius - area of operation radius (bounds of military task)
            @param GoalsToHold - contains Goals
            @param Owner - the faction to whom the MilitaryTask targets, i.e. the opposition faction

        public MilitaryTask(Vector2 location, float radius, List<Goal> GoalsToHold, Empire Owner)
            this.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.ClearAreaOfEnemies; //enumerated value
            this.AO = location;
            this.AORadius = radius;
            //pools GoalsToHold into this MilitaryTask
            //by "held," the goal is acknowledge as having been accepted for MilitaryTask to fulfill: this.HeldGoals
            foreach (Goal g in GoalsToHold)
                g.Held = true;
            //KeyValuePair is an enumarted variable type from System.Collections.Generic
            //A pin is an embedded sublass of ThreatMatrix; containing details on the threat: location, faction, etc.
            //This "foreach" loop selects all threats in this Empire's recognized threats
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, ThreatMatrix.Pin> pin in Owner.GetGSAI().ThreatMatrix.Pins)
                //if threat is outside the area of operation (AO), ignore it
                //"contine" increments the loop to the next threat (pin)
                if (Vector2.Distance(this.AO, pin.Value.Position) >= this.AORadius || EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName) == Owner)
                //declare new MilitaryTask, assign it equal to this current instance of MiliTaryTask
                //what is the purpose of assigning initial enemy strength, and enemy strenght?
                MilitaryTask initialEnemyStrength = this;
                initialEnemyStrength.InitialEnemyStrength = initialEnemyStrength.InitialEnemyStrength + pin.Value.Strength;
                MilitaryTask enemyStrength = this;
                enemyStrength.EnemyStrength = enemyStrength.EnemyStrength + pin.Value.Strength;
            //what is MinimumTaskForceStrength used for?
            //minimum task force must be at least 75% of enemy strength
            //convential military doctrine requires 3:1 Attackers:Defenders advantage for minimal success potential
            this.MinimumTaskForceStrength = this.EnemyStrength * 3f;//*.75f; //why by 75%?
                                                                    //Ermenildo V. Castro, Jr.
                                                                    //Altered to "* 3f", instead of original  "* .75f"
            this.empire = Owner; //Empire specifies the opposition faction
 //Overloaded constructor
 public MilitaryTask(Planet target, Empire Owner)
     this.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.AssaultPlanet;
     this.TargetPlanet = target;
     this.TargetPlanetGuid = target.guid; //Guid = Gui id?
     this.AO = target.Position;
     this.AORadius = 35000f; //constant planet radius; should be a declared planet constant property. Sloppy.
     this.empire = Owner; //Empire specifies the opposition faction