public MigrationResultSet Run(string connection, string workingDirectory, string createScript, string databaseName, string server, int timeout)
            var logger = new RelativityRoundHouseLogger();

            //create migration agent
            var migrationAgent = new Migrate();

            //get default round house settings
            var configuration = migrationAgent.GetConfiguration();


            //get the action delegate settings
            var roundHouseService = new RoundHouseSettingsService
                ServerName = server
            var roundhouseConfiguration = roundHouseService.GetRoundHouseSettings(connection, workingDirectory, createScript);

            //register the delegate
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(server))
                migrationAgent.Set(x => x.DatabaseName = databaseName);
            migrationAgent.Set(x => x.CommandTimeout      = timeout);
            migrationAgent.Set(x => x.CommandTimeoutAdmin = timeout);

            // Update the database
                // Some googling shows that roundhouse may not be threadsafe.
                // This starts a lock context to prevent multiple threads running roundhouse deployments at the same time.
                lock (obj)
            catch (Exception e)
                //This is theoretically already logged by RoundhousE, but if something in RH breaks rather than in SQL, I want to know
                logger.Messages.Add(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, e.ToString()));
                return(new MigrationResultSet(false, logger.Messages));

            return(new MigrationResultSet(true, logger.Messages));