internal void InitStream()
     CheckOK(Bass.ChannelSetAttribute(MidiStream, ChannelAttribute.MidiCPU, 75));
     CheckOK(Bass.ChannelSetAttribute(MidiStream, ChannelAttribute.Volume, (float)0.5));
     CheckOK(Bass.ChannelSetAttribute(MidiStream, ChannelAttribute.Pan, 0));
     if (Font != "")
         string path       = Cfg.SoundFontsPath + "\\" + Font;
         int    fonthandle = CheckHandleHard(BassMidi.FontInit(path, 0));
         //int fonthandle = CheckHandle(BassMidi.BASS_MIDI_FontInit(@"D:\0\Sonar\SoundFonts\FluidR3 GM2-2.SF2", 0));
         //MidiFont font = new MidiFont(fonthandle, -1, 0);
         MidiFont font = new MidiFont();
         font.Handle = fonthandle;
         font.Preset = -1;
         font.Bank   = 0;
         MidiFont[] fontarr = new MidiFont[] { font };
         CheckOKHard(BassMidi.StreamSetFonts(0, fontarr, 1));
         CheckOKHard(BassMidi.StreamSetFonts(MidiStream, fontarr, 1));
         if (indFreeverb[FXTypeSeq])
             SetFreeverb();                  //****SetReverb();
        void InitBass()
            // Setup output - Default device
            if (!Bass.Init())
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Initialize Device");

            // Get default font (28mbgm.sf2/ct8mgm.sf2/ct4mgm.sf2/ct2mgm.sf2 if available)
            var sf = new MidiFont[1];

            if (BassMidi.StreamGetFonts(0, sf, 1) != 0)
                _font = sf[0].Handle;

            // FX enabled by default
            Effects = true;

            // load optional plugins for packed soundfonts (others may be used too)
        void InitBass()
            Bass.VistaTruePlayPosition = false; // allows lower latency on Vista and newer
            Bass.UpdatePeriod          = 10;    // 10ms update period

            // initialize default output device (and measure latency)
            if (!Bass.Init(-1, 44100, DeviceInitFlags.Latency))
                MessageBox.Show("Can't initialize output device");

            Bass.GetInfo(out _info);

            // default buffer size = update period + 'minbuf' + 1ms margin
            BufferLength = _info.MinBufferLength <= 0 ? 41 : 10 + _info.MinBufferLength + 1;

            // enumerate available input devices
            MidiDeviceInfo di;
            int            dev;

            for (dev = 0; BassMidi.InGetDeviceInfo(dev, out di); dev++)
                Devices.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(dev, di.Name));

            if (dev != 0)
                // got sone, try to initialize one
                int a;
                for (a = 0; a < dev; a++)
                    if (BassMidi.InInit(a, MidiInProc))
                        // succeeded, start it
                        _device = a;

                if (a == dev)
                    MessageBox.Show("Can't initialize MIDI device");

            // get default font (28mbgm.sf2/ct8mgm.sf2/ct4mgm.sf2/ct2mgm.sf2 if available)
            var sf = new MidiFont[1];

            if (BassMidi.StreamGetFonts(0, sf, 1) != 0)
                _font = sf[0].Handle;
                MidiFontInfo i;
                BassMidi.FontGetInfo(_font, out i);
                SoundFont = i.Name;


            // load optional plugins for packed soundfonts (others may be used too)
        void OpenExecuted()
            _ofd.Filter = "MIDI files (mid/midi/rmi/kar)|*.mid;*.midi;*.rmi;*.kar|All files|*.*";

            if (!_ofd.ShowDialog().Value)

            Bass.StreamFree(_chan); // free old stream before opening new

            Lyrics = null;          // clear lyrics display

            if ((_chan = BassMidi.CreateStream(_ofd.FileName, 0, 0, BassFlags.Loop | (Effects ? 0 : BassFlags.MidiNoFx), 1)) == 0)
                // it ain't a MIDI
                FileName = "Click here to Open File...";
                MessageBox.Show("Can't play the file");

            FileName = Path.GetFileName(_ofd.FileName);

            // set the title (track name of first track)
            MidiMarker titlemark;

            if (BassMidi.StreamGetMark(_chan, MidiMarkerType.TrackName, 0, out titlemark) && titlemark.Track == 0)
                FileName += $" - {titlemark.Text}";

            // set looping syncs
            MidiMarker loopmark;

            if (FindMarker(_chan, "loopend", out loopmark)) // found a loop end point
                Bass.ChannelSetSync(_chan, SyncFlags.Position | SyncFlags.Mixtime, loopmark.Position, LoopSync);
            // set a sync there
            Bass.ChannelSetSync(_chan, SyncFlags.End | SyncFlags.Mixtime, 0, LoopSync);
            // set one at the end too (eg. in case of seeking past the loop point)

            // clear lyrics buffer and set lyrics syncs
            MidiMarker lyricmark;

            if (BassMidi.StreamGetMark(_chan, MidiMarkerType.Lyric, 0, out lyricmark)) // got lyrics
                Bass.ChannelSetSync(_chan, SyncFlags.MidiMarker, (int)MidiMarkerType.Lyric, LyricSync,
                                    new IntPtr((int)MidiMarkerType.Lyric));

            else if (BassMidi.StreamGetMark(_chan, MidiMarkerType.Text, 20, out lyricmark))
                // got text instead (over 20 of them)
                Bass.ChannelSetSync(_chan, SyncFlags.MidiMarker, (int)MidiMarkerType.Text, LyricSync,
                                    new IntPtr((int)MidiMarkerType.Text));

            Bass.ChannelSetSync(_chan, SyncFlags.End, 0, EndSync);
            // override the initial tempo, and set a sync to override tempo events and another to override after seeking
            Bass.ChannelSetSync(_chan, SyncFlags.MidiEvent | SyncFlags.Mixtime, (int)MidiEventType.Tempo, TempoSync);
            Bass.ChannelSetSync(_chan, SyncFlags.Seeking | SyncFlags.Mixtime, 0, TempoSync);

            // get default soundfont in case of matching soundfont being used
            var sf = new MidiFont[1];

            if (BassMidi.StreamGetFonts(_chan, sf, 1) != 0)
                _font = sf[0].Handle;
