Exemple #1
 public ApplicationUserManager(PortfolioContext portfolioContext, IUserStore <ApplicationUser> store, IRoleService roleManager, string accessToken) : base(store)
     this.portfolioContext = portfolioContext;
     this.roleManager      = roleManager;
     if (accessToken != null)
         this.accessToken = accessToken;
         graph            = new MicrosoftGraphUserStoreService(roleManager);
Exemple #2
        public async Task SyncPeople(string viewKey = "odd", bool forceADSync = false)
            log.Add("Syncing people...");

            using (var source = new MigratePortfolioContext <oddproject>("odd"))
                var dest      = ServiceContext.PortfolioContext;
                var portfolio = await dest.Portfolios.Include(p => p.Teams).SingleAsync(p => p.ViewKey == "odd");

                // Sync the people
                foreach (var sourcePerson in source.odd_people.AsEnumerable().Where(p => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.email)))
                    var destPerson =
                        dest.People.Local.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == sourcePerson.email) ??
                        dest.People.Include(p => p.Team).SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == sourcePerson.email);

                    if (destPerson == null)
                        destPerson = new Person()
                            Firstname = sourcePerson.firstname,
                            Surname   = sourcePerson.surname,
                            Email     = sourcePerson.email,
                            Timestamp = sourcePerson.timestamp
                        log.Add($"Added person {destPerson.Firstname} {destPerson.Surname}");

                    if (SyncMaps.emailMap.ContainsKey(destPerson.Email))
                        destPerson.Email = SyncMaps.emailMap[destPerson.Email];

                    // Set the active directory user
                    MicrosoftGraphUserModel adUser = null;
                    if (destPerson.ActiveDirectoryId == null || forceADSync)
                        if (destPerson.Email != null)
                            var graph = new MicrosoftGraphUserStoreService(roleManager);
                            adUser = await graph.GetUserForPrincipalNameAsync(destPerson.Email);

                            if (adUser != null)
                                destPerson.ActiveDirectoryPrincipalName = adUser.userPrincipalName;
                                destPerson.ActiveDirectoryId            = adUser.id;
                                destPerson.ActiveDirectoryDisplayName   = adUser.displayName;
                                log.Add($"USER NOT FOUND! {destPerson.Email}");

                    var teamViewKey = sourcePerson.g6team;
                    if (destPerson.Team == null && destPerson.Team?.ViewKey != teamViewKey)
                        var team = portfolio.Teams.SingleOrDefault(t => t.ViewKey == teamViewKey);
                        if (team == null)
                            team = dest.Teams.Local.SingleOrDefault(t => t.ViewKey == teamViewKey) ?? await dest.Teams.SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.ViewKey == teamViewKey);

                            if (team == null)
                                team = new Team()
                                    ViewKey = teamViewKey,
                                    Name    = SyncMaps.teamNameMap[teamViewKey].Item1
                        if (team.Order == 0)
                            team.Order = SyncMaps.teamNameMap[teamViewKey].Item2;
                        destPerson.Team = team;

                log.Add("Sync people complete.");