public static PSADGroup ToPSADGroup(this MicrosoftGraphGroup group) { return(new PSADGroup() { DisplayName = group.DisplayName, Id = group.Id, DeletionTimestamp = group.DeletedDateTime, Type = "Group", SecurityEnabled = group.SecurityEnabled, MailNickname = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Mail) ? group.Mail : group.AdditionalProperties.ContainsKey("mailNickname") ? group.AdditionalProperties["mailNickname"]?.ToString() : null, Description = group.AdditionalProperties.ContainsKey("description") ? group.AdditionalProperties["description"]?.ToString() : null, MailEnabled = group.MailEnabled, AdditionalProperties = group.AdditionalProperties }); }
public static IEnumerable <MicrosoftGraphGroup> FilterGroups(this IMicrosoftGraphClient client, MicrosoftObjectFilterOptions options) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Id)) { try { // use GetObjectsByObjectId to handle Redirects in the CSP scenario MicrosoftGraphGroup group = client.Groups.GetGroup(options.Id); if (group != null) { return(new List <MicrosoftGraphGroup> { group }); } } catch { /* The group does not exist, ignore the exception */ } } else { ODataQuery <MicrosoftGraphGroup> odataQuery = null; if (options.Mail != null) { odataQuery = new ODataQuery <MicrosoftGraphGroup>(g => g.Mail == options.Mail); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.SearchString) && options.SearchString.EndsWith("*")) { options.SearchString = options.SearchString.TrimEnd('*'); odataQuery = new ODataQuery <MicrosoftGraphGroup>(g => g.DisplayName.StartsWith(options.SearchString)); } else { odataQuery = new ODataQuery <MicrosoftGraphGroup>(g => g.DisplayName == options.SearchString); } } return(client.Groups.ListGroup(filter: FormatFilterString(odataQuery)).Value); } return(new List <MicrosoftGraphGroup>()); }
/// <summary> /// Verifies that the Azure Active Directory user or group exists, and will get the object id if it is not set. /// </summary> /// <param name="displayName">Azure Active Directory user or group display name</param> /// <param name="objectId">Azure Active Directory user or group object id</param> /// <returns></returns> protected ManagedInstanceAdministrator GetActiveDirectoryInformation(string displayName, Guid objectId) { // Gets the default Tenant id for the subscriptions Guid tenantId = GetTenantId(); // Check for a Azure Active Directory group. Recommended to always use group. IEnumerable <MicrosoftGraphGroup> groupList = null; MicrosoftGraphGroup group = null; var filter = new MicrosoftObjectFilterOptions() { Id = (objectId != null && objectId != Guid.Empty) ? objectId.ToString() : null, SearchString = displayName, Paging = true, }; // Get a list of groups from Azure Active Directory groupList = MicrosoftGraphClient.FilterGroups(filter).Where(gr => string.Equals(gr.DisplayName, displayName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (groupList != null && groupList.Count() > 1) { // More than one group was found with that display name. throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Properties.Resources.ADGroupMoreThanOneFound, displayName)); } else if (groupList != null && groupList.Count() == 1) { // Only one group was found. Get the group display name and object id group = groupList.First(); // Only support Security Groups if (group.SecurityEnabled.HasValue && !group.SecurityEnabled.Value) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Properties.Resources.InvalidADGroupNotSecurity, displayName)); } } // Lookup for serviceprincipals ODataQuery <MicrosoftGraphServicePrincipal> odataQueryFilter; if ((objectId != null && objectId != Guid.Empty)) { var applicationIdString = objectId.ToString(); odataQueryFilter = new Rest.Azure.OData.ODataQuery <MicrosoftGraphServicePrincipal>(a => a.AppId == applicationIdString); } else { odataQueryFilter = new Rest.Azure.OData.ODataQuery <MicrosoftGraphServicePrincipal>(a => a.DisplayName == displayName); } var servicePrincipalList = MicrosoftGraphClient.FilterServicePrincipals(odataQueryFilter); if (servicePrincipalList != null && servicePrincipalList.Count() > 1) { // More than one service principal was found. throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Properties.Resources.ADApplicationMoreThanOneFound, displayName)); } else if (servicePrincipalList != null && servicePrincipalList.Count() == 1) { // Only one user was found. Get the user display name and object id MicrosoftGraphServicePrincipal app = servicePrincipalList.First(); if (displayName != null && string.CompareOrdinal(displayName, app.DisplayName) != 0) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Properties.Resources.ADApplicationDisplayNameMismatch, displayName, app.DisplayName)); } if (group != null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Properties.Resources.ADDuplicateGroupAndApplicationFound, displayName)); } return(new ManagedInstanceAdministrator() { Login = displayName, Sid = new Guid(app.AppId), TenantId = tenantId }); } if (group != null) { return(new ManagedInstanceAdministrator() { Login = group.DisplayName, Sid = new Guid(group.Id), TenantId = tenantId }); } // No group or service principal was found. Check for a user filter = new MicrosoftObjectFilterOptions() { Id = (objectId != null && objectId != Guid.Empty) ? objectId.ToString() : null, SearchString = displayName, Paging = true, }; // Get a list of user from Azure Active Directory var userList = MicrosoftGraphClient.FilterUsers(filter).Where(gr => string.Equals(gr.DisplayName, displayName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); // No user was found. Check if the display name is a UPN if (userList == null || userList.Count() == 0) { // Check if the display name is the UPN filter = new MicrosoftObjectFilterOptions() { Id = (objectId != null && objectId != Guid.Empty) ? objectId.ToString() : null, UPN = displayName, Paging = true, }; userList = MicrosoftGraphClient.FilterUsers(filter).Where(gr => string.Equals(gr.UserPrincipalName, displayName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } // No user was found. Check if the display name is a guest user. if (userList == null || userList.Count() == 0) { // Check if the display name is the UPN filter = new MicrosoftObjectFilterOptions() { Id = (objectId != null && objectId != Guid.Empty) ? objectId.ToString() : null, Mail = displayName, Paging = true, }; userList = MicrosoftGraphClient.FilterUsers(filter); } // No user was found if (userList == null || userList.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Properties.Resources.ADObjectNotFound, displayName)); } else if (userList.Count() > 1) { // More than one user was found. throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Properties.Resources.ADUserMoreThanOneFound, displayName)); } else { // Only one user was found. Get the user display name and object id var obj = userList.First(); return(new ManagedInstanceAdministrator() { Login = displayName, Sid = new Guid(obj.Id), TenantId = tenantId }); } }
/// <summary> /// Update entity in groups /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Represents an Azure Active Directory object. The directoryObject type is /// the base type for many other directory entity types. /// </remarks> /// <param name='groupId'> /// key: id of group /// </param> /// <param name='body'> /// New property values /// </param> /// <param name='customHeaders'> /// Headers that will be added to request. /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// The cancellation token. /// </param> /// <exception cref="OdataErrorException"> /// Thrown when the operation returned an invalid status code /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ValidationException"> /// Thrown when a required parameter is null /// </exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown when a required parameter is null /// </exception> /// <return> /// A response object containing the response body and response headers. /// </return> public async Task <HttpOperationResponse> UpdateGroupWithHttpMessagesAsync(string groupId, MicrosoftGraphGroup body, Dictionary <string, List <string> > customHeaders = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { if (groupId == null) { throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "groupId"); } if (body == null) { throw new ValidationException(ValidationRules.CannotBeNull, "body"); } // Tracing bool _shouldTrace = ServiceClientTracing.IsEnabled; string _invocationId = null; if (_shouldTrace) { _invocationId = ServiceClientTracing.NextInvocationId.ToString(); Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tracingParameters.Add("groupId", groupId); tracingParameters.Add("body", body); tracingParameters.Add("cancellationToken", cancellationToken); ServiceClientTracing.Enter(_invocationId, this, "UpdateGroup", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL var _baseUrl = Client.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri; var _url = new System.Uri(new System.Uri(_baseUrl + (_baseUrl.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + Client.ApiVersion + "/"), "groups/{group-id}").ToString(); _url = _url.Replace("{group-id}", System.Uri.EscapeDataString(groupId)); // Create HTTP transport objects var _httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(); HttpResponseMessage _httpResponse = null; _httpRequest.Method = new HttpMethod("PATCH"); _httpRequest.RequestUri = new System.Uri(_url); // Set Headers if (Client.GenerateClientRequestId != null && Client.GenerateClientRequestId.Value) { _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("x-ms-client-request-id", System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } if (Client.AcceptLanguage != null) { if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains("accept-language")) { _httpRequest.Headers.Remove("accept-language"); } _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("accept-language", Client.AcceptLanguage); } if (customHeaders != null) { foreach (var _header in customHeaders) { if (_httpRequest.Headers.Contains(_header.Key)) { _httpRequest.Headers.Remove(_header.Key); } _httpRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(_header.Key, _header.Value); } } // Set Credentials if (Client.Credentials != null) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await Client.Credentials.ProcessHttpRequestAsync(_httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } // Serialize Request string _requestContent = null; if (body != null) { _requestContent = Rest.Serialization.SafeJsonConvert.SerializeObject(body, Client.SerializationSettings); _httpRequest.Content = new StringContent(_requestContent, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); _httpRequest.Content.Headers.ContentType = System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"); } // Send Request if (_shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.SendRequest(_invocationId, _httpRequest); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); _httpResponse = await Client.HttpClient.SendAsync(_httpRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (_shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.ReceiveResponse(_invocationId, _httpResponse); } HttpStatusCode _statusCode = _httpResponse.StatusCode; cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); string _responseContent = null; if ((int)_statusCode != 204) { var ex = new OdataErrorException(string.Format("Operation returned an invalid status code '{0}'", _statusCode)); try { _responseContent = await _httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); OdataError _errorBody = Rest.Serialization.SafeJsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OdataError>(_responseContent, Client.DeserializationSettings); if (_errorBody != null) { ex.Body = _errorBody; } } catch (JsonException) { // Ignore the exception } ex.Request = new HttpRequestMessageWrapper(_httpRequest, _requestContent); ex.Response = new HttpResponseMessageWrapper(_httpResponse, _responseContent); if (_shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.Error(_invocationId, ex); } _httpRequest.Dispose(); if (_httpResponse != null) { _httpResponse.Dispose(); } throw ex; } // Create Result var _result = new HttpOperationResponse(); _result.Request = _httpRequest; _result.Response = _httpResponse; if (_shouldTrace) { ServiceClientTracing.Exit(_invocationId, _result); } return(_result); }
/// <summary> /// Update entity in groups /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Represents an Azure Active Directory object. The directoryObject type is /// the base type for many other directory entity types. /// </remarks> /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='groupId'> /// key: id of group /// </param> /// <param name='body'> /// New property values /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// The cancellation token. /// </param> public static async Task UpdateGroupAsync(this IGroupsOperations operations, string groupId, MicrosoftGraphGroup body, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { (await operations.UpdateGroupWithHttpMessagesAsync(groupId, body, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)).Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Update entity in groups /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Represents an Azure Active Directory object. The directoryObject type is /// the base type for many other directory entity types. /// </remarks> /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='groupId'> /// key: id of group /// </param> /// <param name='body'> /// New property values /// </param> public static void UpdateGroup(this IGroupsOperations operations, string groupId, MicrosoftGraphGroup body) { operations.UpdateGroupAsync(groupId, body).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
/// <summary> /// Add new entity to groups /// </summary> /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='body'> /// New entity /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// The cancellation token. /// </param> public static async Task <MicrosoftGraphGroup> CreateGroupAsync(this IGroupsOperations operations, MicrosoftGraphGroup body, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { using (var _result = await operations.CreateGroupWithHttpMessagesAsync(body, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { return(_result.Body); } }
/// <summary> /// Add new entity to groups /// </summary> /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='body'> /// New entity /// </param> public static MicrosoftGraphGroup CreateGroup(this IGroupsOperations operations, MicrosoftGraphGroup body) { return(operations.CreateGroupAsync(body).GetAwaiter().GetResult()); }