Exemple #1
 public MochaVec4(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 vec)
     x = vec.X;
     y = vec.Y;
     z = vec.Z;
     w = vec.W;
        public override void Construct()
            var font = Root.GetTileSheet("font10");
            var size = font.MeasureString(Text);

            // TODO (mklingensmith) why do I need this padding?
            size.X              = (int)(size.X * 1.25f);
            size.Y              = (int)(size.Y * 1.75f);
            Font                = "font10";
            TextColor           = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
            Border              = "border-dark";
            Rect                = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0, size.X, size.Y);
            TextVerticalAlign   = Gui.VerticalAlign.Center;
            TextHorizontalAlign = Gui.HorizontalAlign.Center;
            OnUpdate            = (sender, time) =>
            if (OnClick == null)
                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
            HoverTextColor     = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.LightGoldenrodYellow.ToVector4();
            ChangeColorOnHover = true;
 public void CopyToEffect(EffectTexture2D.Scalar4 dst, string name, XNAV4 defval)
     dst.Texture   = UseChannelTexture(name);
     dst.Sampler   = UseChannelSampler(name);
     dst.Scale     = GetScaler(name, defval);
     dst.SetIndex  = GetTextureSet(name);
     dst.Transform = GetTransform(name);
Exemple #4
 public static Vector4 ConvertFrom(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 value)
     return(new Vector4()
         X = value.X,
         Y = value.Y,
         Z = value.Z,
         W = value.W
Exemple #5
        public static Matrix <float> CreateTranslation(Vector4 value)
            var m = CreateIdentity();

            m[4, 0] = value.X;
            m[4, 1] = value.Y;
            m[4, 2] = value.Z;
            m[4, 3] = value.W;

Exemple #6
        public static Matrix <float> CreateScale(Vector4 value)
            var m = new Matrix <float>(5);

            m[0, 0] = value.X;
            m[1, 1] = value.Y;
            m[2, 2] = value.Z;
            m[3, 3] = value.W;
            m[4, 4] = 1f;

		/// <summary>Bind the shader, 'ic' indicates the shader instance has changed and 'ec' indicates the extension has changed.</summary><param name="state"/><param name="ic"/><param name="ec"/><param name="ext"/>
		protected override void BeginImpl(Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderSystemBase state, bool ic, bool ec, Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension ext)
			// if the device changed, call Warm()
			if ((state.DeviceUniqueIndex != DepthOutRg.gd))
				ic = true;
			// Force updating if the instance has changed
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | ic);
			this.vbreg_change = (this.vbreg_change | ic);
			this.vireg_change = (this.vireg_change | ic);
			// Set the value for attribute 'cameraNearFar'
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetCameraNearFarVector2(ref this.vreg[9], ref this.sc0));
			// Set the value for attribute 'viewDirection'
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetViewDirectionVector3(ref this.vreg[7], ref this.sc1));
			// Set the value for attribute 'viewPoint'
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetViewPointVector3(ref this.vreg[8], ref this.sc2));
			Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 unused = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4();
			// Set the value for attribute 'worldMatrix'
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetWorldMatrix(ref this.vreg[4], ref this.vreg[5], ref this.vreg[6], ref unused, ref this.sc3));
			// Set the value for attribute 'worldViewProj'
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetWorldViewProjectionMatrix(ref this.vreg[0], ref this.vreg[1], ref this.vreg[2], ref this.vreg[3], ref this.sc4));
			if ((this.vreg_change == true))
				this.vreg_change = false;
				ic = true;
			if ((ext == Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension.Blending))
				ic = (ic | state.SetBlendMatricesDirect(DepthOutRg.fx.vsb_c, ref this.sc5));
			if ((ext == Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension.Instancing))
				this.vireg_change = (this.vireg_change | state.SetViewProjectionMatrix(ref this.vireg[0], ref this.vireg[1], ref this.vireg[2], ref this.vireg[3], ref this.sc6));
				if ((this.vireg_change == true))
					this.vireg_change = false;
					ic = true;
			// Finally, bind the effect
			if ((ic | ec))
				state.SetEffect(this, ref DepthOutRg.fx, ext);
        private void ReactToChangedAnimationFrame(string spriteName, AnimationChainContainer animationChainContainer, LayeredTileMap layeredTileMap)
            AnimationFrame animationFrame = animationChainContainer.CurrentFrame;

            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 textureValues = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4();
            foreach (var mapLayer in layeredTileMap.MapLayers)
                var nameDictionary = mapLayer.NamedTileOrderedIndexes;

                if (nameDictionary.ContainsKey(spriteName))
                    var indexes = nameDictionary[spriteName];

                    foreach (int value in indexes)
                        textureValues.X = animationFrame.LeftCoordinate;
                        textureValues.Y = animationFrame.RightCoordinate;
                        textureValues.Z = animationFrame.TopCoordinate;
                        textureValues.W = animationFrame.BottomCoordinate;

                        var flipFlags = mapLayer.FlipFlagArray[value];

                        if ((flipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedHorizontallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedHorizontallyFlag)
                            var temp = textureValues.Y;
                            textureValues.Y = textureValues.X;
                            textureValues.X = temp;

                        if ((flipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedVerticallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedVerticallyFlag)
                            var temp = textureValues.Z;
                            textureValues.Z = textureValues.W;
                            textureValues.W = temp;

                                                             textureValues.X, textureValues.Z,
                                                             textureValues.Y, textureValues.W);

                        // not sure why it's done this way, copied from MapDrawableBatch...
                        if ((flipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedDiagonallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedDiagonallyFlag)
        private bool TryProjectPrimitive(ref HyperLine hyperLine, Matrix <float> worldViewProjection)
            Vector4 u = new Vector4();

            var pStart = ProjectVector(hyperLine.Start, worldViewProjection, out u.X);
            var pEnd   = ProjectVector(hyperLine.End, worldViewProjection, out u.Y);

            const float epsilon = float.Epsilon;

            if (u.X < epsilon || u.Y < epsilon)

            pStart /= u.X;
            pEnd   /= u.Y;

            hyperLine = new HyperLine(pStart, pEnd, hyperLine.Color);
		/// <summary>Bind the shader, 'ic' indicates the shader instance has changed and 'ec' indicates the extension has changed.</summary><param name="state"/><param name="ic"/><param name="ec"/><param name="ext"/>
		protected override void BeginImpl(Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderSystemBase state, bool ic, bool ec, Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension ext)
			// if the device changed, call Warm()
			if ((state.DeviceUniqueIndex != DrawVelocityBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D.gd))
				ic = true;
			// Force updating if the instance has changed
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | ic);
			// Set the value for attribute 'viewPoint'
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetViewPointVector3(ref this.vreg[7], ref this.sc0));
			Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 unused = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4();
			// Set the value for attribute 'worldMatrix'
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetWorldMatrix(ref this.vreg[4], ref this.vreg[5], ref this.vreg[6], ref unused, ref this.sc1));
			// Set the value for attribute 'worldViewProj'
			this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetWorldViewProjectionMatrix(ref this.vreg[0], ref this.vreg[1], ref this.vreg[2], ref this.vreg[3], ref this.sc2));
			// Assign pixel shader textures and samplers
			if ((ic | this.ptc))
				state.SetPixelShaderSamplers(this.ptx, this.pts);
				this.ptc = false;
			// Assign pixel shader textures and samplers
			if ((ic | this.vtc))
				state.SetVertexShaderSamplers(this.vtx, this.vts);
				this.vtc = false;
			if ((this.vreg_change == true))
				this.vreg_change = false;
				ic = true;
			// Finally, bind the effect
			if ((ic | ec))
				state.SetEffect(this, ref DrawVelocityBillboardParticles_GpuTex3D.fx, ext);
Exemple #11
        public static Vector4 Multiply(this Matrix matrix, Vector4 vector)
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");
            if (vector == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("vector");

            var product = new Vector4();

            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                    product.SetIndex(i, product.Index(i) + matrix[i, k] * vector.Index(k));

        private Vector4 ProjectVector(Vector4 v, Matrix <float> transform, out float uComponent)
            // matrix applied to right side (row-vector)
            float x =
                v.X * transform.Elements[0] +
                v.Y * transform.Elements[5] +
                v.Z * transform.Elements[10] +
                v.W * transform.Elements[15] +
            float y =
                v.X * transform.Elements[1] +
                v.Y * transform.Elements[6] +
                v.Z * transform.Elements[11] +
                v.W * transform.Elements[16] +
            float z =
                v.X * transform.Elements[2] +
                v.Y * transform.Elements[7] +
                v.Z * transform.Elements[12] +
                v.W * transform.Elements[17] +
            float w =
                v.X * transform.Elements[3] +
                v.Y * transform.Elements[8] +
                v.Z * transform.Elements[13] +
                v.W * transform.Elements[18] +

            uComponent =
                v.X * transform.Elements[4] +
                v.Y * transform.Elements[9] +
                v.Z * transform.Elements[14] +
                v.W * transform.Elements[19] +

            return(new Vector4(x, y, z, w));
        private XNAV4 GetScaler(string name, XNAV4 defval)
            var channel = _MaterialSource.FindChannel(name);

            return(channel == null ? defval : new XNAV4(channel.Value[0], channel.Value[1], channel.Value[2], channel.Value[3]));
 public TestbedGameplay()
     m_Selected     = new List <Tantric.Logic.Unit>();
     m_SelectionBox = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4(0, 0, 1, 1);
Exemple #15
 public static float GetW(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 v)
Exemple #16
 public HyperLine(Vector4 start, Vector4 end, Color color)
     Start = start;
     End   = end;
     Color = color;
Exemple #17
 public Color(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 v)
     _color = (Color) new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(v);
Exemple #18
 public static Color FromNonPremultiplied(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 vector)
Exemple #19
 public Vector4(float x, float y, float z, float w)
     _vector = new Vector(x, y, z, w);
Exemple #20
 public static Vector4 Normalize(Vector4 v)
     return(new Vector4(Vector.Normalize(v)));
 private Vector4(Vector v)
     _vector = v;
Exemple #22
 private Vector4(Vector v)
     _vector = v;
Exemple #23
 public static Vector4 Slerp(Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2, float amount)
     return(new Vector4(Vector.SmoothStep(v1, v2, amount)));
Exemple #24
 public static Vector4 Lerp(Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2, float amount)
     return(new Vector4(Vector.Lerp(v1, v2, amount)));
Exemple #25
 public static Vector4 Transform(Vector4 val, Matrix transform)
     return(new Vector4(Vector.Transform(val, transform)));
Exemple #26
 public static Vector4 Hermite(Vector4 v1, Vector4 t1, Vector4 v2, Vector4 t2, float amount)
     return(new Vector4(Vector.Hermite(v1, t1, v2, t2, amount)));
 public static System.Numerics.Vector4 ToCS(this Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 vector)
     return(new System.Numerics.Vector4(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z, vector.W));
 public static SlimDX.Vector4 dx(this Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 v)
     return(new SlimDX.Vector4(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, v.W));
Exemple #29
 public static Vector4 CatmullRom(Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2, Vector4 v3, Vector4 v4, float amount)
     return(new Vector4(Vector.CatmullRom(v1, v2, v3, v4, amount)));
Exemple #30
 public static Vector4 ToSlimDX(this Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 v)
     return(new Vector4(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, v.W));
Exemple #31
 public static Vector4 Barycentric(Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2, Vector4 v3, float a1, float a2)
     return(new Vector4(Vector.Barycentric(v1, v2, v3, a1, a2)));
Exemple #32
 public static Vector4 Clamp(Vector4 val, Vector4 min, Vector4 max)
     return(new Vector4(Vector.Clamp(val, min, max)));
 public Vector4(float x, float y, float z,float w)
     _vector = new Vector(x, y, z, w);