Exemple #1
 public void ShouldReturnCorrectWhenCallABC()
     Assert.AreEqual(target.CallABC(), 3);
Exemple #2
 public void ShouldReturnCorrectWhenCallAB()
     Assert.AreEqual(target.InvokeNonPublicMethod <int>("CallAB", (object[])null), 2);
 public void AzureStorageUtils_TablePropertyShouldBeSanitized()
     var tableProperty = "/A\\C#?";
     Assert.AreEqual("_A_C__", AzureStorageUtils.SanitizeTableProperty(tableProperty));
Exemple #4
 public void ShouldReturnCorrectWhenCallAB()
     Assert.AreEqual(target.CallBaseAB(), 2);
        public void DistributionCentralMomentIntegral()
            foreach (ContinuousDistribution distribution in distributions)
                foreach (int n in TestUtilities.GenerateIntegerValues(2, 24, 8))
                    // get the predicted central moment
                    double C = distribution.CentralMoment(n);

                    // don't try to integrate infinite moments
                    if (Double.IsInfinity(C) || Double.IsNaN(C))

                    if (C == 0.0)

                    IntegrationSettings settings = new IntegrationSettings();
                    if (C == 0.0)
                        // if moment is zero, use absolute precision
                        settings.AbsolutePrecision = TestUtilities.TargetPrecision;
                        settings.RelativePrecision = 0.0;
                        // if moment in non-zero, use relative precision
                        settings.AbsolutePrecision = 0.0;
                        settings.RelativePrecision = TestUtilities.TargetPrecision;

                    // do the integral
                    double m = distribution.Mean;
                    Func <double, double> f = delegate(double x) {
                        return(distribution.ProbabilityDensity(x) * MoreMath.Pow(x - m, n));
                    try {
                        double CI = FunctionMath.Integrate(f, distribution.Support, settings).Value;
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", distribution.GetType().Name, n, C, CI);
                        if (C == 0.0)
                            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(CI) < TestUtilities.TargetPrecision);
                            double e = TestUtilities.TargetPrecision;
                            // reduce required precision, because some distributions (e.g. Kolmogorov, Weibull)
                            // have no analytic expressions for central moments, which must therefore be
                            // determined via raw moments and are thus subject to cancelation error
                            // can we revisit this later?
                            if (distribution is WeibullDistribution)
                                e = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(e));
                            if (distribution is KolmogorovDistribution)
                                e = Math.Sqrt(e);
                            if (distribution is KuiperDistribution)
                                e = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(e));
                            if (distribution is TriangularDistribution)
                                e = Math.Sqrt(e);
                            Assert.IsTrue(TestUtilities.IsNearlyEqual(C, CI, e));
                    } catch (NonconvergenceException) {
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", distribution.GetType().Name, n, C, "NC");
                        // deal with these later; they are integration problems, not distribution problems
        private async Task SendAndReceiveFromQueueAdapter(IQueueAdapterFactory adapterFactory, IProviderConfiguration config)
            Guid          agentId = Guid.NewGuid();
            IQueueAdapter adapter = await adapterFactory.CreateAdapter();

            IQueueAdapterCache cache = adapterFactory.GetQueueAdapterCache();

            // Create receiver per queue
            IStreamQueueMapper mapper = adapterFactory.GetStreamQueueMapper();
            Dictionary <QueueId, IQueueAdapterReceiver> receivers = mapper.GetAllQueues().ToDictionary(queueId => queueId, adapter.CreateReceiver);
            Dictionary <QueueId, IQueueCache>           caches    = mapper.GetAllQueues().ToDictionary(queueId => queueId, cache.CreateQueueCache);

            await Task.WhenAll(receivers.Values.Select(receiver => receiver.Initialize(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))));

            // test using 2 streams
            Guid streamId1 = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid streamId2 = Guid.NewGuid();

            int receivedBatches = 0;
            var streamsPerQueue = new ConcurrentDictionary <QueueId, HashSet <IStreamIdentity> >();

            // reader threads (at most 2 active queues because only two streams)
            var work = new List <Task>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <QueueId, IQueueAdapterReceiver> receiverKvp in receivers)
                QueueId queueId  = receiverKvp.Key;
                var     receiver = receiverKvp.Value;
                var     qCache   = caches[queueId];
                Task    task     = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    while (receivedBatches < NumBatches)
                        var messages = receiver.GetQueueMessagesAsync(CloudQueueMessage.MaxNumberOfMessagesToPeek).Result.ToArray();
                        if (!messages.Any())
                        foreach (AzureQueueBatchContainer message in messages.Cast <AzureQueueBatchContainer>())
                                                        id => new HashSet <IStreamIdentity> {
                                new TestStreamIdentity {
                                    Guid = message.StreamGuid
                                                        (id, set) =>
                                set.Add(new TestStreamIdentity {
                                    Guid = message.StreamGuid
                            output.WriteLine("Queue {0} received message on stream {1}", queueId,
                            Assert.AreEqual(NumMessagesPerBatch / 2, message.GetEvents <int>().Count(),
                                            "Half the events were ints");
                            Assert.AreEqual(NumMessagesPerBatch / 2, message.GetEvents <string>().Count(),
                                            "Half the events were strings");
                        Interlocked.Add(ref receivedBatches, messages.Length);

            // send events
            List <object> events = CreateEvents(NumMessagesPerBatch);

            work.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Enumerable.Range(0, NumBatches)
                                           .Select(i => i % 2 == 0 ? streamId1 : streamId2)
                                           .ForEach(streamId =>
                                                    adapter.QueueMessageBatchAsync(streamId, streamId.ToString(),
                                                                                   events.Take(NumMessagesPerBatch).ToArray(), null, RequestContext.Export()).Wait())));
            await Task.WhenAll(work);

            // Make sure we got back everything we sent
            Assert.AreEqual(NumBatches, receivedBatches);

            // check to see if all the events are in the cache and we can enumerate through them
            StreamSequenceToken firstInCache = new EventSequenceToken(0);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <QueueId, HashSet <IStreamIdentity> > kvp in streamsPerQueue)
                var receiver = receivers[kvp.Key];
                var qCache   = caches[kvp.Key];

                foreach (IStreamIdentity streamGuid in kvp.Value)
                    // read all messages in cache for stream
                    IQueueCacheCursor cursor         = qCache.GetCacheCursor(streamGuid, firstInCache);
                    int messageCount                 = 0;
                    StreamSequenceToken tenthInCache = null;
                    StreamSequenceToken lastToken    = firstInCache;
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        Exception ex;
                        IBatchContainer batch = cursor.GetCurrent(out ex);
                        output.WriteLine("Token: {0}", batch.SequenceToken);
                        Assert.IsTrue(batch.SequenceToken.CompareTo(lastToken) >= 0, "order check for event {0}", messageCount);
                        lastToken = batch.SequenceToken;
                        if (messageCount == 10)
                            tenthInCache = batch.SequenceToken;
                    output.WriteLine("On Queue {0} we received a total of {1} message on stream {2}", kvp.Key, messageCount, streamGuid);
                    Assert.AreEqual(NumBatches / 2, messageCount);

                    // read all messages from the 10th
                    cursor       = qCache.GetCacheCursor(streamGuid, tenthInCache);
                    messageCount = 0;
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                    output.WriteLine("On Queue {0} we received a total of {1} message on stream {2}", kvp.Key, messageCount, streamGuid);
                    const int expected = NumBatches / 2 - 10 + 1; // all except the first 10, including the 10th (10 + 1)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expected, messageCount);
Exemple #7
 private static void CheckRuntimeContext(ISchedulingContext context)
     Assert.IsNotNull(RuntimeContext.Current, "Runtime context should not be null");
     Assert.IsNotNull(RuntimeContext.Current.ActivationContext, "Activation context should not be null");
     Assert.AreEqual(context, RuntimeContext.Current.ActivationContext, "Activation context");
Exemple #8
        public void Sched_Task_SchedulingContext()
            UnitTestSchedulingContext context = new UnitTestSchedulingContext();

            orleansTaskScheduler = TestInternalHelper.InitializeSchedulerForTesting(context);
            ActivationTaskScheduler scheduler = orleansTaskScheduler.GetWorkItemGroup(context).TaskRunner;

            var  result     = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
            Task endOfChain = null;
            int  n          = 0;

            Task wrapper = new Task(() =>

                // ReSharper disable AccessToModifiedClosure
                Task task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    output.WriteLine("===> 1a ");
                    n = n + 3;
                    output.WriteLine("===> 1b");
                Task task2 = task1.ContinueWith(task =>
                    output.WriteLine("===> 2");
                    n = n * 5;
                Task task3 = task2.ContinueWith(task =>
                    output.WriteLine("===> 3");
                    n = n / 5;
                Task task4 = task3.ContinueWith(task =>
                    output.WriteLine("===> 4");
                    n = n - 2;
                // ReSharper restore AccessToModifiedClosure
                endOfChain = task4.ContinueWith(task =>
                    output.WriteLine("Done Faulted={0}", task.IsFaulted);
                    Assert.IsFalse(task.IsFaulted, "Faulted with Exception=" + task.Exception);

            bool ok = wrapper.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            if (!ok)
                throw new TimeoutException();

            Assert.IsFalse(wrapper.IsFaulted, "Wrapper Task Faulted with Exception=" + wrapper.Exception);
            Assert.IsTrue(wrapper.IsCompleted, "Wrapper Task completed");
            bool finished = result.Task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));

            Assert.IsNotNull(endOfChain, "End of chain Task created successfully");
            Assert.IsFalse(endOfChain.IsFaulted, "Task chain Faulted with Exception=" + endOfChain.Exception);
            Assert.IsTrue(finished, "Wrapper Task completed ok");
            Assert.IsTrue(n != 0, "Work items did not get executed");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, n, "Work items executed out of order");
Exemple #9
        public void Sched_AC_Current_TaskScheduler()
            UnitTestSchedulingContext context = new UnitTestSchedulingContext();
            OrleansTaskScheduler      orleansTaskScheduler = orleansTaskScheduler = TestInternalHelper.InitializeSchedulerForTesting(context);
            ActivationTaskScheduler   activationScheduler  = orleansTaskScheduler.GetWorkItemGroup(context).TaskRunner;

            // RuntimeContext.InitializeThread(masterScheduler);

            mainDone = false;

            var result = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            Task wrapper      = null;
            Task finalPromise = null;

            orleansTaskScheduler.QueueWorkItem(new ClosureWorkItem(() =>
                Log(1, "Outer ClosureWorkItem " + Task.CurrentId + " starting");
                Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #0");

                Log(2, "Starting wrapper Task");
                wrapper = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    Log(3, "Inside wrapper Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                    Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #1");

                    Log(4, "Wrapper Task " + Task.CurrentId + " creating AC chain");
                    Task promise1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        Log(5, "#1 Inside AC Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #1");
                    Task promise2 = promise1.ContinueWith((_) =>
                        Log(6, "#2 Inside AC Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #2");
                    finalPromise = promise2.ContinueWith((_) =>
                        Log(7, "#3 Inside final AC Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #3");

                    Log(8, "Wrapper Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId + " sleeping");

                    Log(9, "Wrapper Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId + " finished");

                Log(10, "Outer ClosureWorkItem Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId + " sleeping");
                Log(11, "Outer ClosureWorkItem Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId + " awake");

                Log(12, "Finished Outer TaskWorkItem Task Id=" + wrapper.Id);
                mainDone = true;
            }), context);

            Log(13, "Waiting for ClosureWorkItem to spawn wrapper Task");
            for (int i = 0; i < 5 * waitFactor; i++)
                if (wrapper != null)
            Assert.IsNotNull(wrapper, "Wrapper Task was not created");

            Log(14, "Waiting for wrapper Task Id=" + wrapper.Id + " to complete");
            bool finished = wrapper.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2 * waitFactor));

            Log(15, "Done waiting for wrapper Task Id=" + wrapper.Id + " Finished=" + finished);
            if (!finished)
                throw new TimeoutException();
            Assert.IsFalse(wrapper.IsFaulted, "Wrapper Task faulted: " + wrapper.Exception);
            Assert.IsTrue(wrapper.IsCompleted, "Wrapper Task should be completed");

            Log(16, "Waiting for TaskWorkItem to complete");
            for (int i = 0; i < 15 * waitFactor; i++)
                if (mainDone)
                Thread.Sleep(1000 * waitFactor);
            Log(17, "Done waiting for TaskWorkItem to complete MainDone=" + mainDone);
            Assert.IsTrue(mainDone, "Main Task should be completed");
            Assert.IsNotNull(finalPromise, "AC chain not created");

            Log(18, "Waiting for final AC promise to complete");
            finalPromise.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4 * waitFactor));
            Log(19, "Done waiting for final promise");
            Assert.IsFalse(finalPromise.IsFaulted, "Final AC faulted: " + finalPromise.Exception);
            Assert.IsTrue(finalPromise.IsCompleted, "Final AC completed");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Task.Result, "Timeout-1");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, stageNum1, "Work items did not get executed-1");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, stageNum1, "Work items executed out of order-1");
Exemple #10
        public void Sched_Task_Turn_Execution_Order()
            // A unit test that checks that any turn is indeed run till completion before any other turn?
            // For example, you have a long running main turn and in the middle it spawns a lot of short CWs (on Done promise) and StartNew.
            // You test that no CW/StartNew runs until the main turn is fully done. And run in stress.

            UnitTestSchedulingContext context             = new UnitTestSchedulingContext();
            OrleansTaskScheduler      masterScheduler     = orleansTaskScheduler = TestInternalHelper.InitializeSchedulerForTesting(context);
            WorkItemGroup             workItemGroup       = orleansTaskScheduler.GetWorkItemGroup(context);
            ActivationTaskScheduler   activationScheduler = workItemGroup.TaskRunner;

            mainDone  = false;
            stageNum1 = stageNum2 = 0;

            var result1 = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
            var result2 = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            Task wrapper       = null;
            Task finalTask1    = null;
            Task finalPromise2 = null;

            masterScheduler.QueueWorkItem(new ClosureWorkItem(() =>
                Log(1, "Outer ClosureWorkItem " + Task.CurrentId + " starting");
                Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #0");

                Log(2, "Starting wrapper Task");
                wrapper = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    Log(3, "Inside wrapper Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                    Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #1");

                    // Execution chain #1
                    Log(4, "Wrapper Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId + " creating Task chain");
                    Task task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        Log(5, "#11 Inside sub-Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #11");
                    Task task2 = task1.ContinueWith((Task task) =>
                        Log(6, "#12 Inside continuation Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #12");
                        if (task.IsFaulted)
                            throw task.Exception.Flatten();
                    Task task3 = task2.ContinueWith(task =>
                        Log(7, "#13 Inside continuation Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #13");
                        if (task.IsFaulted)
                            throw task.Exception.Flatten();
                    finalTask1 = task3.ContinueWith(task =>
                        Log(8, "#14 Inside final continuation Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #14");
                        if (task.IsFaulted)
                            throw task.Exception.Flatten();

                    // Execution chain #2
                    Log(9, "Wrapper Task " + Task.CurrentId + " creating AC chain");
                    Task promise2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        Log(10, "#21 Inside sub-Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #21");
                    finalPromise2 = promise2.ContinueWith((_) =>
                        Log(11, "#22 Inside final continuation Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(activationScheduler, TaskScheduler.Current, "TaskScheduler.Current #22");

                    Log(12, "Wrapper Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId + " sleeping #2");

                    Log(13, "Wrapper Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId + " finished");

                Log(14, "Outer ClosureWorkItem Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId + " sleeping");
                Log(15, "Outer ClosureWorkItem Task Id=" + Task.CurrentId + " awake");

                Log(16, "Finished Outer ClosureWorkItem Task Id=" + wrapper.Id);
                mainDone = true;
            }), context);

            Log(17, "Waiting for ClosureWorkItem to spawn wrapper Task");
            for (int i = 0; i < 5 * waitFactor; i++)
                if (wrapper != null)
            Assert.IsNotNull(wrapper, "Wrapper Task was not created");

            Log(18, "Waiting for wrapper Task Id=" + wrapper.Id + " to complete");
            bool finished = wrapper.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2 * waitFactor));

            Log(19, "Done waiting for wrapper Task Id=" + wrapper.Id + " Finished=" + finished);
            if (!finished)
                throw new TimeoutException();
            Assert.IsFalse(wrapper.IsFaulted, "Wrapper Task faulted: " + wrapper.Exception);
            Assert.IsTrue(wrapper.IsCompleted, "Wrapper Task should be completed");

            Log(20, "Waiting for TaskWorkItem to complete");
            for (int i = 0; i < 15 * waitFactor; i++)
                if (mainDone)
                Thread.Sleep(1000 * waitFactor);
            Log(21, "Done waiting for TaskWorkItem to complete MainDone=" + mainDone);
            Assert.IsTrue(mainDone, "Main Task should be completed");
            Assert.IsNotNull(finalTask1, "Task chain #1 not created");
            Assert.IsNotNull(finalPromise2, "Task chain #2 not created");

            Log(22, "Waiting for final task #1 to complete");
            bool ok = finalTask1.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4 * waitFactor));

            Log(23, "Done waiting for final task #1 complete Ok=" + ok);
            if (!ok)
                throw new TimeoutException();
            Assert.IsFalse(finalTask1.IsFaulted, "Final Task faulted: " + finalTask1.Exception);
            Assert.IsTrue(finalTask1.IsCompleted, "Final Task completed");
            Assert.IsTrue(result1.Task.Result, "Timeout-1");

            Log(24, "Waiting for final promise #2 to complete");
            finalPromise2.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4 * waitFactor));
            Log(25, "Done waiting for final promise #2");
            Assert.IsFalse(finalPromise2.IsFaulted, "Final Task faulted: " + finalPromise2.Exception);
            Assert.IsTrue(finalPromise2.IsCompleted, "Final Task completed");
            Assert.IsTrue(result2.Task.Result, "Timeout-2");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, stageNum1, "Work items did not get executed-1");
            Assert.AreEqual(14, stageNum1, "Work items executed out of order-1");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, stageNum2, "Work items did not get executed-2");
            Assert.AreEqual(22, stageNum2, "Work items executed out of order-2");
        public void ToDictionary_returns_non_null_if_object_is_null()
            var result = ObjectExtensions.ToDictionary(null);
