Exemple #1
        protected virtual IVsTextLines GetTextBuffer(System.IntPtr docDataExisting, string filename)
            IVsTextLines textLines;

            if (docDataExisting == IntPtr.Zero)
                // Create a new IVsTextLines buffer.
                Type textLinesType = typeof(IVsTextLines);
                Guid riid          = textLinesType.GUID;
                Guid clsid         = typeof(VsTextBufferClass).GUID;
                textLines = _package.CreateInstance(ref clsid, ref riid, textLinesType) as IVsTextLines;

                // set the buffer's site
                // Use the existing text buffer
                Object dataObject = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(docDataExisting);
                textLines = dataObject as IVsTextLines;
                if (textLines == null)
                    // Try get the text buffer from textbuffer provider
                    IVsTextBufferProvider textBufferProvider = dataObject as IVsTextBufferProvider;
                    if (textBufferProvider != null)
                        textBufferProvider.GetTextBuffer(out textLines);
                if (textLines == null)
                    // Unknown docData type then, so we have to force VS to close the other editor.
                    throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(VSConstants.VS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDOCDATA);
Exemple #2
        /// <include file='doc\EditorFactory.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="EditorFactory.CreateEditorInstance"]/*' />
        /// <summary>
        /// This method checks to see if the specified file is one that your editor supports
        /// and if so, creates the core text editor and associated your language service
        /// with it.  To figure out if the file is one that your editor supports it performs
        /// the following check:
        /// <list>
        /// <item>
        /// Call IsRegisteredExtension to see if the file extension is explicitly
        /// registered to your editor.
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// Call GetUserDefinedEditor to see if the user has explicitly mapped the
        /// extension to your editor.
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// If your editor registered the "*" extension, then it also calls
        /// IsFileExtensionWeShouldEditAnyway and IsOurFileFormat to let you sniff
        /// the file and see if you think it contains stuff that your editor recognizes
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// If all this is true then it goes ahead with the next step which is to
        /// get an IVsTextLines buffer and set it up as follows:
        /// <list>
        /// <item>
        /// If existingDocData is non-null then it checks to see if it can get an
        /// IVsTextLines buffer from this docData, and if not, returns VS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDOCDATA.
        /// Otherwise it creates a new VsTextBufferClass.
        /// </item>
        /// Calls IVsUserData.SetData on the IVsTextLines buffer with any code page prompt
        /// flags you have provided via the CodePagePrompt property.
        /// </list>
        /// <list>
        /// Calls SetLanguageServiceID to pass in your language service Guid and
        /// sets the GuidVSBufferDetectLangSid IVsUserData to false to stop the core
        /// text editor from looking up a different language service.
        /// </list>
        /// Lastly it calls CreateEditorView to create the docView.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual int CreateEditorInstance(uint createDocFlags, string moniker, string physicalView, IVsHierarchy pHier, uint itemid, IntPtr existingDocData, out IntPtr docView, out IntPtr docData, out string editorCaption, out Guid cmdUI, out int cancelled)
            docView       = IntPtr.Zero;
            docData       = IntPtr.Zero;
            editorCaption = null;
            cmdUI         = Guid.Empty;
            cancelled     = 0;
            int hr = VSErr.S_OK;

            if (this.promptFlags == __PROMPTONLOADFLAGS.codepagePrompt && existingDocData != IntPtr.Zero)
                //since we are trying to open with encoding just return
                hr = (int)VSConstants.VS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDOCDATA;
                goto cleanup;

            bool takeover = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moniker))
                string ext = Path.GetExtension(moniker);
                docData       = IntPtr.Zero;
                docView       = IntPtr.Zero;
                editorCaption = null;

                bool openSpecific = (createDocFlags & (uint)__VSCREATEEDITORFLAGS2.CEF_OPENSPECIFIC) != 0;

                bool isOurs        = IsRegisteredExtension(ext);
                bool isUserDefined = (GetUserDefinedEditor(ext) == this.GetType().GUID);

                // If this file extension belongs to a different language service, then we should not open it,
                // unless the user specifically requested our editor in the Open With... dialog.
                if (!isOurs && !isUserDefined && !this.IsFileExtensionWeShouldEditAnyway(ext) && !openSpecific)

                takeover = (CheckAllFileTypes() && !isOurs);
                if (takeover && !isOurs && !isUserDefined && !openSpecific)
                    if (!IsOurFileFormat(moniker))

            IVsTextLines buffer = null;

            if (existingDocData != IntPtr.Zero)
                object dataObject = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(existingDocData);
                buffer = dataObject as IVsTextLines;
                if (buffer == null)
                    IVsTextBufferProvider bp = dataObject as IVsTextBufferProvider;
                    if (bp != null)
                        Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(bp.GetTextBuffer(out buffer));
                if (buffer == null)
                    // unknown docData type then, so we have to force VS to close the other editor.
                    hr = VSConstants.VS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDOCDATA;
                    goto cleanup;
                // Create a new IVsTextLines buffer.
                Type textLinesType = typeof(IVsTextLines);
                Guid riid          = textLinesType.GUID;
                Guid clsid         = typeof(VsTextBufferClass).GUID;
                buffer = (IVsTextLines)package.CreateInstance(ref clsid, ref riid, textLinesType);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moniker))
                    IVsUserData iud = buffer as IVsUserData;
                    if (iud != null)
                        Guid GUID_VsBufferMoniker = typeof(IVsUserData).GUID;
                        // Must be set in time for language service GetColorizer call in case the colorizer
                        // is file name dependent.
                        Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(iud.SetData(ref GUID_VsBufferMoniker, moniker));
                IObjectWithSite ows = buffer as IObjectWithSite;
                if (ows != null)

            if (this.promptFlags == __PROMPTONLOADFLAGS.codepagePrompt && buffer is IVsUserData)
                IVsUserData iud = (IVsUserData)buffer;
                Guid        GUID_VsBufferEncodingPromptOnLoad = new Guid(0x99ec03f0, 0xc843, 0x4c09, 0xbe, 0x74, 0xcd, 0xca, 0x51, 0x58, 0xd3, 0x6c);
                Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(iud.SetData(ref GUID_VsBufferEncodingPromptOnLoad, (uint)this.CodePagePrompt));

            Guid langSid = GetLanguageServiceGuid();

            if (langSid != Guid.Empty)
                Guid vsCoreSid = new Guid("{8239bec4-ee87-11d0-8c98-00c04fc2ab22}");
                Guid currentSid;
                Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(buffer.GetLanguageServiceID(out currentSid));
                // If the language service is set to the default SID, then
                // set it to our language
                if (currentSid == vsCoreSid)
                    Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(buffer.SetLanguageServiceID(ref langSid));
                else if (currentSid != langSid)
                    // Some other language service has it, so return VS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDOCDATA
                    hr = VSConstants.VS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDOCDATA;
                    goto cleanup;

                takeover = true;

            if (takeover)
                IVsUserData vud = (IVsUserData)buffer;
                Guid        bufferDetectLang = GuidVSBufferDetectLangSid;
                Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(vud.SetData(ref bufferDetectLang, false));

            if (existingDocData != IntPtr.Zero)
                docData = existingDocData;
                docData = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(buffer);
            docView = CreateEditorView(moniker, buffer, physicalView, out editorCaption, out cmdUI);

            if (docView == IntPtr.Zero)
                // We couldn't create the view, so return this special error code so
                // VS can try another editor factory.
                hr = VSConstants.VS_E_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT;

            if (docView == IntPtr.Zero)
                if (existingDocData != docData && docData != IntPtr.Zero)
                    docData = IntPtr.Zero;