private Excel.Range addFirstCol(ref Excel.Range pRng, Excel.Range vCurCol) {
   int vCurColN = vCurCol.Column;
   int vCurRowN = vCurCol.Row;
   int vCurRowsN = vCurCol.Rows.Count;
   vCurCol.Insert(Excel.XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftToRight, true);
   Excel.Range vNewCol = ExcelSrv.getRange(vCurCol.Worksheet, vCurCol.Worksheet.Cells[vCurRowN, vCurColN],
                                                      vCurCol.Worksheet.Cells[vCurRowN + vCurRowsN, vCurColN]);
   vCurCol.ColumnWidth = vNewCol.ColumnWidth;
   return vCurCol;
    }  // end TeamWorkbook()

    public void PasteScores( Excel.Range scores )
      // note: for PasteSpecial to work, both the student and team workbooks must be opend using the same Excel App
      scores.Copy(); // copy scoares to clipboard
      string newCell = "A" + (++currentRow).ToString();  // Note: increment row
      Excel.Range excelRange = excelWorksheet.get_Range( newCell, newCell );  // starts with A7, then moves down

      try {
        excelRange.PasteSpecial( Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPasteType.xlPasteAll,
                                 true );  // transpose the column into a row
      catch( Exception e )
        Console.WriteLine( e.Message );
    }  // end PasteScores()
    }  // end PasteScores()

    public void PasteComments( Excel.Range comments )
      string newCell = "J" + ( currentRow ).ToString();   // very specific
      Excel.Range excelRange = excelWorksheet.get_Range( newCell, newCell );  

        excelRange.PasteSpecial( Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPasteType.xlPasteAll,
                                 false );  
      catch ( Exception e )
        Console.WriteLine( e.Message );

    }  // end PasteComments()
Exemple #4
        public void Paste_Filtered_Data(Excel.Range Filtered_Data_Range)

            Excel.Worksheet PivotTable_WorkSheet = this.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add();

            PivotTable_WorkSheet.Name = "Pivot Table";

            Excel.Range Paste_Range = PivotTable_WorkSheet.get_Range("A1");

            Paste_Range.PasteSpecial(Excel.XlPasteType.xlPasteAll, Excel.XlPasteSpecialOperation.xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, false, false);
        private void AddMDA4(excel.Workbook xlsWorkbook, excel.Worksheet xlsWorksheet, excel.Worksheet xlsSummary, excel.Range rng, List<AdminLevel> reportingUnits, Dictionary<int, DataRow> aggIntvs)
            List<string> typeNames = new List<string> { "IntvAlb2" };
            List<string> typesToCalc = new List<string>();

            for (int i = Util.MaxRounds; i >= 1; i--)
                if (!HasRoundNumber(reportingUnits, aggIntvs, typeNames,  typesToCalc, i))

                xlsWorksheet = (excel.Worksheet)xlsWorkbook.Sheets["MDA4"];
                if (i > 1)
                    xlsWorksheet.Copy(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, xlsSummary);
                    xlsWorksheet = (excel.Worksheet)xlsWorkbook.Sheets[xlsSummary.Index + 1];
                    xlsWorksheet.Name = string.Format("MDA4_R{0}", i);
                int rowCount = 9;
                foreach (var unit in reportingUnits)
                    if (aggIntvs.ContainsKey(unit.Id))
                        AddValueToRange(xlsWorksheet, rng, "F" + rowCount, GetIntFromRow("PcIntvNumPsacTargeted", ref typesToCalc, aggIntvs[unit.Id], i, i, null, typeNames));
                        AddValueToRange(xlsWorksheet, rng, "G" + rowCount, GetIntFromRow("PcIntvNumSacTargeted", ref typesToCalc, aggIntvs[unit.Id], i, i, null, typeNames));
                        AddValueToRange(xlsWorksheet, rng, "H" + rowCount, GetIntFromRow("PcIntvNumAdultsTargeted", ref typesToCalc, aggIntvs[unit.Id], i, i, null, typeNames));
                        AddValueToRange(xlsWorksheet, rng, "J" + rowCount, GetIntFromRow("PcIntvPsacTreated", ref typesToCalc, aggIntvs[unit.Id], i, i, null, typeNames));
                        AddValueToRange(xlsWorksheet, rng, "K" + rowCount, GetIntFromRow("PcIntvNumSacTreated", ref typesToCalc, aggIntvs[unit.Id], i, i, null, typeNames));
                        AddValueToRange(xlsWorksheet, rng, "L" + rowCount, GetIntFromRow("PcIntvNumAdultsTreated", ref typesToCalc, aggIntvs[unit.Id], i, i, null, typeNames));

                        DateTime? startMda = GetDateFromRow("PcIntvStartDateOfMda", ref typesToCalc, aggIntvs[unit.Id], false, i, i, null, typeNames);
                        if (startMda.HasValue)
                            AddValueToRange(xlsWorksheet, rng, "E" + rowCount, startMda.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));

		private void refreshFormulaCols_sub(Excel.Range pSrcFormula, Excel.Range[] pRng){
			for(int i=0; i<pRng.Length; i++){
				Excel.Range vRng = pRng[i];