Exemple #1
 private void AddToTheRightGroup(ref BBox b1, ref int count1, int lp, ref int rp, ObjectWithBox g)
     Swap(lp, rp);
Exemple #2
        static double CommonArea(ref BBox a, ref BBox b)
            double l  = Math.Min(a.Left, b.Left);
            double r  = Math.Max(a.Right, b.Right);
            double t  = Math.Max(a.Top, b.Top);
            double bt = Math.Min(a.Bottom, b.Bottom);

            return((r - l) * (t - bt));
Exemple #3
        private void FindSeeds(int first, int count, out int seed0, out BBox b0, out int seed1)
            seed0 = first;
            b0    = geometries[seed0].Box;

            double area = -1.0f;

            //looking for seed0
            for (int i = first + 1; i < first + count; i++)
                ObjectWithBox g  = geometries[i];
                BBox          b  = g.Box;
                double        ar = CommonArea(ref b0, ref b);
                if (ar > area)
                    seed0 = i;
                    area  = ar;

            //looking for seed1
            seed1 = first;//I'm getting a compiler error: there is no need actually to init seed1
            area  = -1.0f;

            b0 = geometries[seed0].Box;

            for (int i = first; i < first + count; i++)
                if (i == seed0)

                ObjectWithBox g = geometries[i];

                BBox b = g.Box;

                double ar = CommonArea(ref b0, ref b);
                if (ar > area)
                    seed1 = i;
                    area  = ar;

            if (seed0 > seed1)
                int t = seed1;
                seed1 = seed0;
                seed0 = t;
Exemple #4
        private void SplitOnGroups(int first, int count, int seed0, ref BBox b0, int seed1, out BBox b1, out int count0, out int count1)
            b0 = geometries[seed0].Box;
            b1 = geometries[seed1].Box;

            //reshuffling in place:
            //put the next element of the first group on the first not occupied place on from the left
            //put the next element of the second group to the last not occupied place to the right
            Swap(first, seed0);             //this puts the seed0 the most left position
            Swap(first + count - 1, seed1); //this puts seed1 to the right most position

            double ratio = 2;
            //lp points to the first not assigned element to the right of group 0
            int lp = first + 1;
            int rp = first + count - 2; //seed1 stands at first +count-1

            count0 = 1;
            count1 = 1;

            while (count0 + count1 < count)
                //First check the ratio of numbers of elements of the groups.
                //We need to keep the tree balanced. Let's watch that the ratio of the numbers of elements of the
                // two groups is between ratio and 1/ratio.
                ObjectWithBox g = geometries[lp];
                if (count0 * ratio < count1)
                    AddToTheLeftGroup(ref b0, ref count0, ref lp, g);
                else if (count1 * ratio < count0)
                    AddToTheRightGroup(ref b1, ref count1, lp, ref rp, g);
                else   //make decision based on the growing of the group boxes
                    BBox   b             = g.Box;
                    double squareGrouth0 = CommonArea(ref b0, ref b) - b0.Area;
                    double squareGrouth1 = CommonArea(ref b1, ref b) - b1.Area;
                    if (squareGrouth0 < squareGrouth1)
                        AddToTheLeftGroup(ref b0, ref count0, ref lp, g);
                        AddToTheRightGroup(ref b1, ref count1, lp, ref rp, g);
Exemple #5
        //private void SpreadGroupForMDS(MsaglMouseEventArgs args) {
        //    if ((viewer.ModifierKeys & Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing.ModifierKeys.Shift) == Microsoft.Msagl.Drawing.ModifierKeys.Shift) {
        //        Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.Rectangle rect =
        //            new Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.Rectangle(this.mouseDownSourcePoint, viewer.ScreenToSource(args));

        //        double radius = (rect.LeftTop - rect.RightBottom).Length / 2;
        //        Set<IViewerNode> iSet = new Set<IViewerNode>();
        //        Set<Microsoft.Msagl.Node> setToSpread = new Set<Microsoft.Msagl.Node>();

        //        GeometryGraph graph = null;
        //        foreach (IViewerNode node in Nodes()) {

        //            if (rect.Intersect(node.Node.BoundingBox)) {
        //                viewer.InvalidateBeforeTheChange(node);
        //                foreach (IViewerEdge edge in node.SelfEdges)
        //                    viewer.Invalidate(edge);
        //                iSet.Insert(node);
        //                setToSpread.Insert(node.Node.Attr.GeometryNode);
        //                graph = node.Node.Attr.GeometryNode.Parent as GeometryGraph;
        //            }
        //        }

        //        foreach (IViewerNode node in Nodes()) {
        //            viewer.Invalidate(node);
        //            foreach (IViewerEdge edge in node.OutEdges)
        //                viewer.Invalidate(edge);

        //            foreach (IViewerEdge edge in node.SelfEdges)
        //                viewer.Invalidate(edge);
        //        }

        //        if (graph != null) {
        //            System.Console.WriteLine("xxx");
        //            Microsoft.Msagl.Mds.MdsGraphLayout graphLayout = new Microsoft.Msagl.Mds.MdsGraphLayout();
        //            graphLayout.GroupSpread(graph, setToSpread);
        //        }

        //        foreach (IViewerNode node in Nodes()) {
        //            viewer.Invalidate(node);
        //            foreach (IViewerEdge edge in node.OutEdges)
        //                viewer.Invalidate(edge);

        //            foreach (IViewerEdge edge in node.SelfEdges)
        //                viewer.Invalidate(edge);

        //        }
        //        viewer.Invalidate(); //remove it later
        //        args.Handled = true;
        //    }

        private void SelectEntitiesForDraggingWithRectangle(MsaglMouseEventArgs args)
            Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.Rectangle rect =
                new Microsoft.Msagl.Splines.Rectangle(this.mouseDownSourcePoint, viewer.ScreenToSource(args));

            foreach (IViewerNode node in Nodes())
                if (rect.Intersect(node.Node.BoundingBox))

            args.Handled = true;
Exemple #6
        internal Geometry(DObject tag)
            this.tag = tag;

            DNode dNode = tag as DNode;

            if (dNode != null)
                bBox = dNode.DrawingNode.BoundingBox;
                DLabel dLabel = tag as DLabel;
                if (dLabel != null)
                    bBox = dLabel.DrawingLabel.BoundingBox;
Exemple #7
 internal Geometry(DObject tag, BBox box)
     this.tag  = tag;
     this.bBox = box;
Exemple #8
 private static void AddToTheLeftGroup(ref BBox b0, ref int count0, ref int lp, ObjectWithBox g)
Exemple #9
 public static VA.Drawing.Rectangle ToVARectangle(MG.Splines.Rectangle n)
     return(new VA.Drawing.Rectangle(n.Left, n.Bottom, n.Right, n.Top));