Exemple #1
        public void DefaultTags_AreSynchronizedWithFrozenWhenAdded()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions();

            options.DefaultTags.Add("name", "value");
            Assert.True(options.DefaultTagsFrozen.TryGetValue("name", out var value) && value == "value");
        public void Constructor_CanOverrideDefaultTags()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions();

            options.DefaultTags[StringTag.Name] = "default_value";

            // create a metric and make sure the tags on its readings
            // do not have the default tag value
            var source = new MetricSource(options);
            var metric = CreateTaggedMetric(source, StringTag);

            UpdateMetric(metric, "value");
            var readings = metric.GetReadings(DateTime.UtcNow).ToList();

            var reading = readings[0];

                tag =>
                var transformedKey   = options.TagNameTransformer(StringTag.Name);
                var transformedValue = options.TagValueTransformer(transformedKey, "value");

                Assert.Equal(transformedKey, tag.Key);
                Assert.Equal(transformedValue, tag.Value);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates the base class.
        /// </summary>
        protected MetricBase(string name, string unit, string description, MetricSourceOptions options, ImmutableDictionary <string, string> tags = null)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

            name = options.MetricNameTransformer(name);
            if (!options.MetricNameValidator(name))
                throw new ArgumentException(name + " is not a valid metric name.", nameof(name));

            var tagBuilder = options.DefaultTagsFrozen.ToBuilder();

            if (tags != null)
                foreach (var tag in tags)
                    tagBuilder[tag.Key] = tag.Value;

            Name        = name;
            Unit        = unit;
            Description = description;
            Tags        = tagBuilder.ToImmutable();
        public void GetReadings_HasDefaultTags()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions
                DefaultTags =
                    ["host"] = Environment.MachineName

            var source = new MetricSource(options);
            var metric = CreateMetric(source);

            var readings = metric.GetReadings(DateTime.UtcNow).ToList();

            var reading = readings[0];

                tag =>
                var transformedKey   = options.TagNameTransformer("host");
                var transformedValue = options.TagValueTransformer(transformedKey, Environment.MachineName);

                Assert.Equal(transformedKey, tag.Key);
                Assert.Equal(transformedValue, tag.Value);
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of <see cref="ProcessMetricSource" />.
 /// </summary>
 public ProcessMetricSource(MetricSourceOptions options) : base(options)
     _processorTime = AddSamplingGauge("dotnet.cpu.processortime", "seconds", "Total processor time");
     _virtualMemory = AddSamplingGauge("dotnet.mem.virtual", "bytes", "Virtual memory for the process");
     _pagedMemory   = AddSamplingGauge("dotnet.mem.paged", "bytes", "Paged memory for the process");
     _threadCount   = AddSamplingGauge("dotnet.cpu.threads", "threads", "Threads for the process");
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of <see cref="AspNetMetricSource" />.
        /// </summary>
        public AspNetMetricSource(IDiagnosticsCollector diagnosticsCollector, MetricSourceOptions options) : base(options)
            const string MicrosoftAspNetCoreHostingEventSourceName = "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting";

                new EventPipeProvider(
                    arguments: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "EventCounterIntervalSec", "5" }

            void AddCounterCallback(string eventName, string name, string unit, string description)
                var counter = AddCounter(name, unit, description);

                diagnosticsCollector.AddCounterCallback(MicrosoftAspNetCoreHostingEventSourceName, eventName, counter.Increment);

            void AddGaugeCallback(string eventName, string name, string unit, string description)
                var gauge = AddSamplingGauge(name, unit, description);

                diagnosticsCollector.AddGaugeCallback(MicrosoftAspNetCoreHostingEventSourceName, eventName, gauge.Record);

            AddCounterCallback("requests-per-sec", "dotnet.kestrel.requests.per_sec", "requests/sec", "Requests per second");
            AddGaugeCallback("total-requests", "dotnet.kestrel.requests.total", "requests", "Total requests");
            AddGaugeCallback("current-requests", "dotnet.kestrel.requests.current", "requests", "Currently executing requests");
            AddGaugeCallback("failed-requests", "dotnet.kestrel.requests.failed", "requests", "Failed requests");
Exemple #7
 public AppMetricSource(MetricSourceOptions options) : base(options)
     _rng                = new Random();
     _requests           = AddCounter("request.hits", "requests", "Number of requests to the application, split by route", new MetricTag <string>("route"));
     _errors             = AddCounter("request.errors", "requests", "Number of errors in the application, split by route and status code", new MetricTag <string>("route"), new MetricTag <int>("status_code"));
     _randomNumber       = AddSamplingGauge("random", "number", "A random number");
     _randomNumberByType = AddSamplingGauge("random.by_type", "number", "A random number, split by an enum", new MetricTag <RandomNumberType>("type"));
Exemple #8
        public void DefaultTags_HasTransformedHost()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions
                TagValueTransformer = (_, __) => "qwertyYTREWQ"

            Assert.True(options.DefaultTags.TryGetValue("host", out var value) && value == "qwertyYTREWQ");
Exemple #9
        public void DefaultTags_FailedTagNameValidation()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions
                TagNameValidator = _ => false

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("key", () => options.DefaultTags.Add("name", "value"));
Exemple #10
        public void DefaultTags_TagNamesAreTransformed()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions
                TagNameTransformer = v => v.ToUpper()

            options.DefaultTags.Add("name", "value");

Exemple #11
        public void DefaultTags_TagValuesAreTransformed()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions
                TagValueTransformer = (n, v) => v.ToString().ToUpper()

            options.DefaultTags.Add("name", "value");

            Assert.True(options.DefaultTags.TryGetValue("name", out var value) && value == "VALUE");
        public void Constructor_FailedMetricNameValidation_Tagged()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions
                MetricNameValidator = _ => false

            var source = new MetricSource(options);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("name", () => CreateTaggedMetric(source, StringTag));
        public void Constructor_FailedTagValueValidation()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions
                TagValueValidator = _ => false

            var source = new MetricSource(options);
            var metric = CreateTaggedMetric(source, StringTag);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => UpdateMetric(metric, "test"));
        public virtual void GetReadings_Resets()
            var options = new MetricSourceOptions();
            var source  = new MetricSource(options);
            var c       = CreateMetric(source);

            var readings = c.GetReadings(DateTime.UtcNow);

            readings = c.GetReadings(DateTime.UtcNow);
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of <see cref="RuntimeMetricSource" />.
        /// </summary>
        public RuntimeMetricSource(IDiagnosticsCollector diagnosticsCollector, MetricSourceOptions options) : base(options)
            const string SystemRuntimeEventSourceName = "System.Runtime";

                new EventPipeProvider(
                    arguments: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "EventCounterIntervalSec", "5" }

            void AddCounterCallback(string eventName, string name, string unit, string description)
                var counter = AddCounter(name, unit, description);

                diagnosticsCollector.AddCounterCallback(SystemRuntimeEventSourceName, eventName, counter.Increment);

            void AddGaugeCallback(string eventName, string name, string unit, string description)
                var gauge = AddSamplingGauge(name, unit, description);

                diagnosticsCollector.AddGaugeCallback(SystemRuntimeEventSourceName, eventName, gauge.Record);

            AddGaugeCallback("cpu-usage", "dotnet.cpu.usage", "percent", "% CPU usage");
            AddGaugeCallback("working-set", "dotnet.mem.working_set", "bytes", "Working set for the process");

            // GC
            AddCounterCallback("gen-0-gc-count", "dotnet.mem.collections.gen0", "collections", "Number of gen-0 collections");
            AddCounterCallback("gen-1-gc-count", "dotnet.mem.collections.gen1", "collections", "Number of gen-1 collections");
            AddCounterCallback("gen-2-gc-count", "dotnet.mem.collections.gen2", "collections", "Number of gen-2 collections");
            AddGaugeCallback("gen-0-size", "dotnet.mem.size.gen0", "bytes", "Total number of bytes in gen-0");
            AddGaugeCallback("gen-1-size", "dotnet.mem.size.gen1", "bytes", "Total number of bytes in gen-1");
            AddGaugeCallback("gen-2-size", "dotnet.mem.size.gen2", "bytes", "Total number of bytes in gen-2");
            AddGaugeCallback("gc-heap-size", "dotnet.mem.size.heap", "bytes", "Total number of bytes across all heaps");
            AddGaugeCallback("loh-size", "dotnet.mem.size.loh", "bytes", "Total number of bytes in the LOH");
            AddCounterCallback("alloc-rate", "dotnet.mem.allocation_rate", "bytes/sec", "Allocation Rate (Bytes / sec)");

            // thread pool
            AddGaugeCallback("threadpool-thread-count", "dotnet.threadpool.count", "threads", "Number of threads in the threadpool");
            AddGaugeCallback("threadpool-queue-length", "dotnet.threadpool.queue_length", "workitems", "Number of work items queued to the threadpool");
            AddGaugeCallback("active-timer-count", "dotnet.timers.count", "timers", "Number of active timers");
        public virtual void GetMetadata_ReturnsData()
            var options  = new MetricSourceOptions();
            var source   = new MetricSource(options);
            var metric   = CreateMetric(source);
            var metadata = metric.GetMetadata();

                metadata =>
                Assert.Equal(metric.Name, metadata.Metric);
                Assert.Equal(MetadataNames.Rate, metadata.Name);
                switch (metric.MetricType)
                case MetricType.Counter:
                case MetricType.CumulativeCounter:
                    Assert.Equal("counter", metadata.Value);

                case MetricType.Gauge:
                    Assert.Equal("gauge", metadata.Value);
                metadata =>
                Assert.Equal(metric.Name, metadata.Metric);
                Assert.Equal(MetadataNames.Description, metadata.Name);
                Assert.Equal(metric.Description, metadata.Value);
                metadata =>
                Assert.Equal(metric.Name, metadata.Metric);
                Assert.Equal(MetadataNames.Unit, metadata.Name);
                Assert.Equal(metric.Unit, metadata.Value);
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Used by derived classes to pass the name, description and unit for a tag.
        /// </summary>
        protected TaggedMetricFactory(string name, string description, string unit, MetricSourceOptions options)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

            name = options.MetricNameTransformer(name);
            if (!options.MetricNameValidator(name))
                throw new ArgumentException(name + " is not a valid metric name.", nameof(name));

            Name        = name;
            Description = description;
            Unit        = unit;
            Options     = options;
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new snapshot counter. The counter will call <paramref name="getCountFunc"/> at each reporting interval in order to get the current
 /// value.
 /// </summary>
 internal SnapshotCounter(Func <long?> getCountFunc, string name, string unit, string description, MetricSourceOptions options, ImmutableDictionary <string, string> tags = null) : base(name, unit, description, options, tags)
     _getCountFunc = getCountFunc ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("getCountFunc");
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new cumulative counter.
 /// </summary>
 public CumulativeCounter(string name, string unit, string description, MetricSourceOptions options, ImmutableDictionary <string, string> tags = null) : base(name, unit, description, options, tags)
Exemple #20
 public TagDictionary(MetricSourceOptions options)
     _options = options;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of <see cref="GarbageCollectorMetricSource" />.
 /// </summary>
 public GarbageCollectorMetricSource(MetricSourceOptions options) : base(options)
     _gen0 = AddSamplingGauge("dotnet.mem.collections.gen0", "collections", "Number of gen-0 collections");
     _gen1 = AddSamplingGauge("dotnet.mem.collections.gen1", "collections", "Number of gen-1 collections");
     _gen2 = AddSamplingGauge("dotnet.mem.collections.gen2", "collections", "Number of gen-2 collections");
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new event gauge.
 /// </summary>
 internal EventGauge(string name, string unit, string description, MetricSourceOptions options, ImmutableDictionary <string, string> tags = null) : base(name, unit, description, options, tags)
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a new <see cref="AggregateGauge"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public AggregateGauge(IEnumerable <GaugeAggregator> aggregators, string name, string unit, string description, MetricSourceOptions options, ImmutableDictionary <string, string> tags = null) : base(name, unit, description, options, tags)
            var strategy = new GaugeAggregatorStrategy(aggregators.ToImmutableArray());

            // denormalize these for one less level of indirection
            _percentiles     = strategy.Percentiles;
            _suffixes        = strategy.Suffixes;
            _trackMean       = strategy.TrackMean;
            _specialCaseMin  = strategy.SpecialCaseMin;
            _specialCaseMax  = strategy.SpecialCaseMax;
            _specialCaseLast = strategy.SpecialCaseLast;
            _reportCount     = strategy.ReportCount;

            // setup heap, if required.
            if (strategy.UseList)
                _list = new List <double>();

            _snapshot = new double[_suffixes.Length];
            _snapshotReportingMode = SnapshotReportingMode.None;