Exemple #1
        internal MethodHandle(JavaClassImage image, MethodHandleInfo info)
            Kind = info.ReferenceKind;
            switch (Kind)
            case MethodReferenceKind.GetField:
            case MethodReferenceKind.GetStatic:
            case MethodReferenceKind.PutField:
            case MethodReferenceKind.PutStatic:
                _member = new LazyValue <IMemberReference>(() => image.ResolveField(info.ReferenceIndex));

            case MethodReferenceKind.InvokeVirtual:
            case MethodReferenceKind.InvokeStatic:
            case MethodReferenceKind.InvokeSpecial:
            case MethodReferenceKind.NewInvokeSpecial:
                _member = new LazyValue <IMemberReference>(() => image.ResolveMethod(info.ReferenceIndex));

            case MethodReferenceKind.InvokeInterface:
                throw new NotImplementedException();

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Exemple #2
 public bool Equals(MethodHandleInfo x, MethodHandleInfo y)
     if (ReferenceEquals(x, y))
     if (ReferenceEquals(x, null) || ReferenceEquals(y, null))
     return(x.ReferenceKind == y.ReferenceKind && x.ReferenceIndex == y.ReferenceIndex);
Exemple #3
        public int GetMethodHandleIndex(MethodHandle methodHandle)
            var info = new MethodHandleInfo
                ReferenceKind  = methodHandle.Kind,
                ReferenceIndex = (ushort)GetMemberIndex(methodHandle.Member)

            if (!_methodHandleInfos.TryGetValue(info, out int index))
                index = AddConstant(info);
                _methodHandleInfos.Add(info, index);

        internal readonly MethodType[] AdditionalBridges;    // Signatures of additional methods to bridge

        /// <summary>
        /// Meta-factory constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caller"> Stacked automatically by VM; represents a lookup context
        ///               with the accessibility privileges of the caller. </param>
        /// <param name="invokedType"> Stacked automatically by VM; the signature of the
        ///                    invoked method, which includes the expected static
        ///                    type of the returned lambda object, and the static
        ///                    types of the captured arguments for the lambda.  In
        ///                    the event that the implementation method is an
        ///                    instance method, the first argument in the invocation
        ///                    signature will correspond to the receiver. </param>
        /// <param name="samMethodName"> Name of the method in the functional interface to
        ///                      which the lambda or method reference is being
        ///                      converted, represented as a String. </param>
        /// <param name="samMethodType"> Type of the method in the functional interface to
        ///                      which the lambda or method reference is being
        ///                      converted, represented as a MethodType. </param>
        /// <param name="implMethod"> The implementation method which should be called
        ///                   (with suitable adaptation of argument types, return
        ///                   types, and adjustment for captured arguments) when
        ///                   methods of the resulting functional interface instance
        ///                   are invoked. </param>
        /// <param name="instantiatedMethodType"> The signature of the primary functional
        ///                               interface method after type variables are
        ///                               substituted with their instantiation from
        ///                               the capture site </param>
        /// <param name="isSerializable"> Should the lambda be made serializable?  If set,
        ///                       either the target type or one of the additional SAM
        ///                       types must extend {@code Serializable}. </param>
        /// <param name="markerInterfaces"> Additional interfaces which the lambda object
        ///                       should implement. </param>
        /// <param name="additionalBridges"> Method types for additional signatures to be
        ///                          bridged to the implementation method </param>
        /// <exception cref="LambdaConversionException"> If any of the meta-factory protocol
        /// invariants are violated </exception>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller, MethodType invokedType, String samMethodName, MethodType samMethodType, MethodHandle implMethod, MethodType instantiatedMethodType, boolean isSerializable, Class[] markerInterfaces, MethodType[] additionalBridges) throws LambdaConversionException
        internal AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller, MethodType invokedType, String samMethodName, MethodType samMethodType, MethodHandle implMethod, MethodType instantiatedMethodType, bool isSerializable, Class[] markerInterfaces, MethodType[] additionalBridges)
            if ((caller.LookupModes() & MethodHandles.Lookup.PRIVATE) == 0)
                throw new LambdaConversionException(string.Format("Invalid caller: {0}", caller.LookupClass().Name));
            this.TargetClass = caller.LookupClass();
            this.InvokedType = invokedType;

            this.SamBase = invokedType.ReturnType();

            this.SamMethodName = samMethodName;
            this.SamMethodType = samMethodType;

            this.ImplMethod             = implMethod;
            this.ImplInfo               = caller.RevealDirect(implMethod);
            this.ImplKind               = ImplInfo.ReferenceKind;
            this.ImplIsInstanceMethod   = ImplKind == MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeVirtual || ImplKind == MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeSpecial || ImplKind == MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeInterface;
            this.ImplDefiningClass      = ImplInfo.DeclaringClass;
            this.ImplMethodType         = ImplInfo.MethodType;
            this.InstantiatedMethodType = instantiatedMethodType;
            this.IsSerializable         = isSerializable;
            this.MarkerInterfaces       = markerInterfaces;
            this.AdditionalBridges      = additionalBridges;

            if (!SamBase.Interface)
                throw new LambdaConversionException(string.Format("Functional interface {0} is not an interface", SamBase.Name));

            foreach (Class c in markerInterfaces)
                if (!c.Interface)
                    throw new LambdaConversionException(string.Format("Marker interface {0} is not an interface", c.Name));
Exemple #5
 protected bool Equals(MethodHandleInfo other)
     return(ReferenceKind == other.ReferenceKind && ReferenceIndex == other.ReferenceIndex);
Exemple #6
 public override String ToString()
     return(MethodHandleInfo.ToString(ReferenceKind, DeclaringClass, Name, MethodType));
Exemple #7
 public int GetHashCode(MethodHandleInfo obj)
     return(((byte)obj.ReferenceKind << 16) | obj.ReferenceIndex);
        public override String ToString()
            String implKind = MethodHandleInfo.referenceKindToString(ImplMethodKind_Renamed);

            return(string.Format("SerializedLambda[{0}={1}, {2}={3}.{4}:{5}, " + "{6}={7} {8}.{9}:{10}, {11}={12}, {13}={14:D}]", "capturingClass", CapturingClass_Renamed, "functionalInterfaceMethod", FunctionalInterfaceClass_Renamed, FunctionalInterfaceMethodName_Renamed, FunctionalInterfaceMethodSignature_Renamed, "implementation", implKind, ImplClass_Renamed, ImplMethodName_Renamed, ImplMethodSignature_Renamed, "instantiatedMethodType", InstantiatedMethodType_Renamed, "numCaptured", CapturedArgs.Length));