Exemple #1
        public void ValidateAllMethods()
            var expectedMethods = new List <MethodArgs>()
                { new MethodArgs(typeof(void), "LoadProduct", typeof(Product)) },
                { new MethodArgs(typeof(Product), "Unload") },

            var vehicleMethods = GetType("Vehicle").GetMethods();

            foreach (var method in expectedMethods)
                bool isNameValid = vehicleMethods.Any(x => x.Name == method.Name);
                Assert.That(isNameValid, "Method name is Invalid");

                bool isReturnTypeValid = vehicleMethods.Any(x => x.ReturnType == method.ReturnType);
                Assert.That(isReturnTypeValid, "Method return type is invalid!");

                MethodInfo currentActualMethod = vehicleMethods
                                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == method.Name);

                ParameterInfo[] currentActualMethodParams = currentActualMethod.GetParameters();

                MethodArgs currentExpectedMethod = expectedMethods
                                                   .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == method.Name &&
                                                                   x.Parameters.Length == currentActualMethodParams.Length);

                foreach (var paramType in currentExpectedMethod.Parameters)
                    bool doesContain = currentActualMethodParams
                                       .Any(x => x.ParameterType == paramType);
                    Assert.That(doesContain, Is.True, $"Method signature does not contain {paramType.Name} as parameter");
        public async Task <T> PostAsync <T>(ServiceMethod serviceMethod, MethodArgs args = null, IDictionary <string, IEnumerable <Stream> > files = null)
            var authData = _authDataRetriever.GetAuthData();
            var endpoint = _apiEndpointFactory.GetEndpoint(serviceMethod);

            #region надо тестить!

            HttpContent content;

            if (files != null)
                var dataContent = new MultipartFormDataContent
                    new FormUrlEncodedContent(args ?? new MethodArgs())

                foreach (var filesPair in files)
                    var filesData = new MultipartContent();
                    .ForEach(stream =>
                        var streamContent = new StreamContent(stream);
                        streamContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data");

                    filesData.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data");
                    filesData.Headers.ContentType        = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("multipart/form-data");

                    dataContent.Add(filesData, filesPair.Key);

                content = dataContent;
                content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(args ?? new MethodArgs());


            var result = await endpoint.PostAsync(

            if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                throw new RequestFailedException(
                          $"Attempt to load URL \"{result.RequestMessage.RequestUri}\" has failed.",

            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()));
        public virtual void InvokeInterceptorsVoid(object[] args, object instance, string typeName, string methodName, string methodToken)
            var methodArgs = new MethodArgs(typeName, methodName, args);
            var getNext    = GetInterceptorChain(args, instance, typeName, methodName, methodToken);
            var first      = getNext();

            first.Execute(getNext, methodName, methodArgs, instance);
        public async Task <Stream> GetFileStreamByIdAsync(Guid id)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(id), id.ToString() }

            return(await PostRequestAsync <Stream>(MethodNames.Files.GetFileById, args));
        public async Task <IEnumerable <FileDto> > GetFilesByExtensionsAsync(IEnumerable <string> extensions)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(extensions), extensions }

            return(await PostRequestAsync <IEnumerable <FileDto> >(MethodNames.Files.GetFilesByExtensions, args));
        public async Task <bool> HasCurrentUserRightAsync(string rightAlias)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(rightAlias), rightAlias }

            return(await GetRequestAsync <bool>(MethodNames.Users.HasCurrentUserRight, args));
        public async Task <UserDto> GetByLoginAsync(string login)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(login), login }

            return(await GetRequestAsync <UserDto>(MethodNames.Users.GetByLogin, args));
        public void Should_return_arguments_as_object_array_without_touching_the_method_info()
            var args       = new object[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            var methodArgs = new MethodArgs(string.Empty, string.Empty, args);

            var result = methodArgs.Arguments;

            Assert.Equal(args, result);
Exemple #9
        public async Task <IEnumerable <GroupDto> > GetGroupsByTypeAsync(string groupTypeAlias)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(groupTypeAlias), groupTypeAlias }

            return(await GetRequestAsync <IEnumerable <GroupDto> >(MethodNames.Groups.GetGroupsByType, args));
        public async Task <bool> SetPerPageCountAsync(string count)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(count), count }

            return(await PostRequestAsync <bool>(MethodNames.SiteSettings.SetPerPageCount, args));
        public async Task <bool> SetDefaultNewsPageTitle(string title)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(title), title }

            return(await PostRequestAsync <bool>(MethodNames.SiteSettings.SetDefaultNewsPageTitle, args));
        public virtual T InvokeInterceptors <T>(object[] args, object instance, string typeName, string methodName, string methodToken)
            var methodArgs = new MethodArgs(typeName, methodName, args);
            var getNext    = GetInterceptorChain(args, instance, typeName, methodName, methodToken);
            var first      = getNext();
            var result     = first.Execute <T>(getNext, methodName, methodArgs, instance);

        public async Task <bool> SetSiteName(string siteName)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(siteName), siteName }

            return(await PostRequestAsync <bool>(MethodNames.SiteSettings.SetSiteName, args));
Exemple #14
        public async Task <PostTypeDto> GetByPostIdAsync(PostDto post)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { "postId", post.Id.ToString() }

            return(await GetRequestAsync <PostTypeDto>(MethodNames.PostTypes.GetByPostId, args));
        public async Task <int> GetPerPageCountAsync(int count = 18)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(count), count.ToString() }

            return(await GetRequestAsync <int>(MethodNames.SiteSettings.GetPerPageCount, args));
Exemple #16
        protected async Task <TReturn> GetRequestAsync <TReturn>(string methodName, MethodArgs args = null)
            var raiseOnFail = GetAndResetShouldRaiseException();
            var response    = await ApiRequester.GetAsync <ApiResponse <TReturn> >(GetMethod(methodName), args);

                ? GetResponseOrFail(response)
                : GetResponseOrDefault(response));
        public async Task <DirectoryDto> GetDirectoryWithPathAsync(string path)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(path), path }

            return(await PostRequestAsync <DirectoryDto>(MethodNames.Directories.GetDirectoryWithPath, args));
        public async Task <PostSeoSettingDto> GetByPostIdAsync(PostDto post)//TODO CHANGED
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { "postId", post.Id.ToString() }

            return(await GetRequestAsync <PostSeoSettingDto>(MethodNames.PostSeoSettings.GetByPostId, args));
        public async Task <bool> SetTitleDelimiter(string delimiter)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(delimiter), delimiter }

            return(await PostRequestAsync <bool>(MethodNames.SiteSettings.SetTitleDelimiter, args));
        public async Task <bool> HasRightAsync(Guid userId, string rightAlias)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(userId), userId.ToString() },
                { nameof(rightAlias), rightAlias }

            return(await GetRequestAsync <bool>(MethodNames.Users.HasRight, args));
        public async Task <bool> MoveAllAsync(DirectoryDto from, DirectoryDto to)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { "from", from.Id.ToString() },
                { "to", to.Id.ToString() },

            return(await PostRequestAsync <bool>(MethodNames.Directories.MoveDirectories, args));
Exemple #22
        protected async Task PostRequestAsync(string methodName, MethodArgs args = null)
            var raiseOnFail = GetAndResetShouldRaiseException();
            var response    = await ApiRequester.PostAsync <VoidApiResponse <string> >(GetMethod(methodName), args);

            if (raiseOnFail)
Exemple #23
        public async Task <TokenDto> GetToken(string login, string password)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(login), login },
                { nameof(password), password }

            return(await PostRequestAsync <TokenDto>(MethodNames.Auth.GetToken, args));
Exemple #24
        protected async Task <TReturn> PostRequestAsync <TReturn>(string methodName, MethodArgs args = null,
                                                                  IDictionary <string, IEnumerable <Stream> > files = null)
            var raiseOnFail = GetAndResetShouldRaiseException();
            var response    = await ApiRequester.PostAsync <ApiResponse <TReturn> >(GetMethod(methodName), args, files);

                ? GetResponseOrFail(response)
                : GetResponseOrDefault(response));
        public async Task <UserDto> GetByLoginAndPasswordAsync(string login, string password)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(login), login },
                { nameof(password), password }

            return(await PostRequestAsync <UserDto>(MethodNames.Users.GetByLoginAndPassword, args));
Exemple #26
        public async Task <PostDto> GetPostByUrlAndTypeAsync(string url, PostTypeDto postType)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(url), url },
                { "PostType.Id", postType.Id.ToString() }//TODO Canged Service

            return(await PostRequestAsync <PostDto>(MethodNames.Posts.GetPostByUrlAndType, args));
Exemple #27
 public void Execute(Func <IMethodInterceptor> getNext, string methodName, MethodArgs args, object instance)
         _method.Invoke(instance, args.Arguments.ToArray());
     catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
         throw ex.InnerException ?? ex;
        public T Execute <T>(Func <IMethodInterceptor> getNext, string methodName, MethodArgs args, object instance)
            string key = methodName + "_" + string.Join(",", args.Arguments.Select(a => a.ToString()));

            if (_cache[key] == null)
                var result = getNext().Execute <T>(getNext, methodName, args, instance);
                _cache.Add(key, result, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(3));
        public void Should_return_list_of_argument_names_and_values_using_reflection()
            var args       = new object[] { 1, null };
            var methodArgs = new MethodArgs(this.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName, "TestMethod", args);

            var result = methodArgs.ArgumentPairs.ToList();

            Assert.Equal(2, result.Count);
            Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair <string, object>("foo", 1), result.First());
            Assert.Equal(new KeyValuePair <string, object>("bar", null), result.Last());
        protected override MethodArgs EntityToArgs(CategoryDto category, ActionType action)
            var args = new MethodArgs
                { nameof(category.Name), category.Name },
                { nameof(category.Alias), category.Alias },
                { nameof(category.Description), category.Description }

            if (action == ActionType.Create)
                args.Add(nameof(category.Alias), category.Alias);

Exemple #31
         * Matches a method against its arguments in the Lua stack. Returns
         * if the match was succesful. It it was also returns the information
         * necessary to invoke the method.
        internal bool matchParameters(LuaCore.lua_State luaState, MethodBase method, ref MethodCache methodCache)
            ExtractValue extractValue;
            bool isMethod = true;
            var paramInfo = method.GetParameters();
            int currentLuaParam = 1;
            int nLuaParams = LuaLib.lua_gettop(luaState);
            var paramList = new ArrayList();
            var outList = new List<int>();
            var argTypes = new List<MethodArgs>();

            foreach(var currentNetParam in paramInfo)
                if(!currentNetParam.IsIn && currentNetParam.IsOut)  // Skips out params
                else if(currentLuaParam > nLuaParams) // Adds optional parameters
                        isMethod = false;
                else if(_IsTypeCorrect(luaState, currentLuaParam, currentNetParam, out extractValue))  // Type checking
                    int index = paramList.Add(extractValue(luaState, currentLuaParam));
                    var methodArg = new MethodArgs();
                    methodArg.index = index;
                    methodArg.extractValue = extractValue;


                }  // Type does not match, ignore if the parameter is optional
                else if(_IsParamsArray(luaState, currentLuaParam, currentNetParam, out extractValue))
                    object luaParamValue = extractValue(luaState, currentLuaParam);
                    var paramArrayType = currentNetParam.ParameterType.GetElementType();
                    Array paramArray;

                    if(luaParamValue is LuaTable)
                        var table = (LuaTable)luaParamValue;
                        var tableEnumerator = table.GetEnumerator();
                        paramArray = Array.CreateInstance(paramArrayType, table.Values.Count);
                        int paramArrayIndex = 0;

                            paramArray.SetValue(Convert.ChangeType(tableEnumerator.Value, currentNetParam.ParameterType.GetElementType()), paramArrayIndex);
                        paramArray = Array.CreateInstance(paramArrayType, 1);
                        paramArray.SetValue(luaParamValue, 0);

                    int index = paramList.Add(paramArray);
                    var methodArg = new MethodArgs();
                    methodArg.index = index;
                    methodArg.extractValue = extractValue;
                    methodArg.isParamsArray = true;
                    methodArg.paramsArrayType = paramArrayType;
                else if(currentNetParam.IsOptional)
                else  // No match
                    isMethod = false;

            if(currentLuaParam != nLuaParams + 1) // Number of parameters does not match
                isMethod = false;
                methodCache.args = paramList.ToArray();
                methodCache.cachedMethod = method;
                methodCache.outList = outList.ToArray();
                methodCache.argTypes = argTypes.ToArray();

            return isMethod;