Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit a mixin router from a class to the mixin body methods.
        /// </summary>
        public void emitMixinRouter(Method m)
            string parent = FanUtil.toDotnetTypeName(m.parent());
            string name   = FanUtil.toDotnetMethodName(m.name());
            string ret    = FanUtil.toDotnetTypeName(m.inheritedReturns());

            string[] parTypes   = new string[] { parent };
            List     pars       = m.@params();
            int      paramCount = pars.sz();

            // find first param with default value
            int firstDefault = paramCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
                if (((Param)pars.get(i)).hasDefault())
                    firstDefault = i; break;

            // generate routers
            for (int i = firstDefault; i <= paramCount; i++)
                string[] myParams     = new string[i];
                string[] myParamNames = new string[i];
                string[] implParams   = new string[i + 1];
                implParams[0] = parent;

                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    Param  param = (Param)m.@params().get(j);
                    Type   pt    = param.type();
                    string s     = FanUtil.toDotnetTypeName(pt);
                    myParams[j]       = s;
                    myParamNames[j]   = param.name();
                    implParams[j + 1] = s;

                // CLR requires public virtual
                PERWAPI.MethAttr attr = PERWAPI.MethAttr.Public | PERWAPI.MethAttr.Virtual;

                PERWAPI.CILInstructions code = emitter.emitMethod(name, ret, myParamNames, myParams,
                                                                  attr, new string[0], new string[0]);
                code.Inst(PERWAPI.Op.ldarg_0); // push this
                for (int p = 0; p < i; p++)
                    // push args
                    Param param = (Param)m.@params().get(p);
                    FCodeEmit.loadVar(code, FanUtil.toDotnetStackType(param.type()), p + 1);
                PERWAPI.Method meth = emitter.findMethod(parent + "_", name, implParams, ret);
                code.MethInst(PERWAPI.MethodOp.call, meth);
Exemple #2
        static int callMain(Type t, Method m)
            // check parameter type and build main arguments
            List args;
            List pars = m.@params();

            if (pars.sz() == 0)
                args = null;
            else if (((Param)pars.get(0)).type().@is(Sys.StrType.toListOf()) &&
                     (pars.sz() == 1 || ((Param)pars.get(1)).hasDefault()))
                args = new List(Sys.ObjType, new object[] { Env.cur().args() });
                System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Invalid parameters for main: " + m.signature());

            // invoke
                if (m.isStatic())
                    return(toResult(m.callOn(t.make(), args)));
            catch (Err.Val ex)
Exemple #3
        // Complex

        /// <summary>
        /// complex := type [fields]
        /// fields  := "{" field (eos field)* "}"
        /// field   := name "=" obj
        /// </summary>
        private object readComplex(int line, Type t, bool root)
            Map  toSet = new Map(Sys.FieldType, Sys.ObjType.toNullable());
            List toAdd = new List(Sys.ObjType.toNullable());

            // read fields/collection into toSet/toAdd
            readComplexFields(t, toSet, toAdd);

            // get the make constructor
            Method makeCtor = t.method("make", false);

            if (makeCtor == null || !makeCtor.isPublic())
                throw err("Missing public constructor " + t.qname() + ".make", line);

            // get argument lists
            List args = null;

            if (root && options != null)
                args = (List)options.get("makeArgs");

            // construct object
            object obj          = null;
            bool   setAfterCtor = true;

                // if first parameter is an function then pass toSet
                // as an it-block for setting the fields
                Param p = (Param)makeCtor.@params().first();
                if (args == null && p != null && p.type().fits(Sys.FuncType))
                    args         = new List(Sys.ObjType).add(Field.makeSetFunc(toSet));
                    setAfterCtor = false;

                // invoke make to construct object
                obj = makeCtor.callList(args);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                throw err("Cannot make " + t + ": " + e, line, e);

            // set fields (if not passed to ctor as it-block)
            if (setAfterCtor && toSet.size() > 0)
                IDictionaryEnumerator en = toSet.pairsIterator();
                while (en.MoveNext())
                    complexSet(obj, (Field)en.Key, en.Value, line);

            // add
            if (toAdd.size() > 0)
                Method addMethod = t.method("add", false);
                if (addMethod == null)
                    throw err("Method not found: " + t.qname() + ".add", line);
                for (int i = 0; i < toAdd.sz(); ++i)
                    complexAdd(t, obj, addMethod, toAdd.get(i), line);
