public static void MetalHands_InitializationMethod() { Config = OptionsPanelHandler.Main.RegisterModOptions <IngameConfigMenu>(); var GloveBlueprint = new MetalHandsMK1(); GloveBlueprint.Patch(); MetalHandsMK1TechType = GloveBlueprint.TechType; var GloveMK2Blueprint = new MetalHandsMK2(); GloveMK2Blueprint.Patch(); MetalHandsMK2TechType = GloveMK2Blueprint.TechType; var GRAVHANDBlueprint = new MetalHandsClawModule(); GRAVHANDBlueprint.Patch(); MetalHandsClawModuleTechType = GRAVHANDBlueprint.TechType; if (MetalHands_BZ.Config.Config_Hardcore == true) { BiomesToSpawnIn_pre = new List <LootDistributionData.BiomeData> { new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.TreeSpires_Ground, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.ArcticKelp_CaveInner_Sand, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.GlacialBasin_BikeCrashSite, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.TwistyBridges_Cave_Ground, count = 1, probability = 0.01f } }; } else { BiomesToSpawnIn_pre = new List <LootDistributionData.BiomeData> { new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.TreeSpires_Ground, count = 1, probability = 0.05f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.ArcticKelp_CaveInner_Sand, count = 1, probability = 0.02f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.GlacialBasin_BikeCrashSite, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.TwistyBridges_Cave_Ground, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.TwistyBridges_Shallow_Coral, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.LilyPads_Deep_Ground, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, }; } Databox myDatabox = new Databox() { DataboxID = "MetalHandDatabox", PrimaryDescription = "Metal Hand Safety Glove Databox", SecondaryDescription = "Contains Crafting Tree for Improved Safety Gloves - Alterrra Copyright", BiomesToSpawnIn = BiomesToSpawnIn_pre, TechTypeToUnlock = MetalHands_BZ.MetalHandsMK1TechType }; myDatabox.Patch(); Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Debug, "MetalHands_BZ Initialization"); Harmony harmony = new Harmony("MetalHands_BZ"); harmony.PatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "MetalHands_BZ Patched"); IncreasedChunkDrops_exist = QModServices.Main.ModPresent("IncreasedChunkDrops"); if (IncreasedChunkDrops_exist) { Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "MetalHands has detected Increased Chunk Drops"); ErrorMessage.AddMessage("Attention MetalHands does not work properly with Increased Chunk Drops"); //QModServices.Main.AddCriticalMessage("Attention MetalHands does not work properly with Increased Chunk Drops"); } else { Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "MetalHands has NOT detected Increased Chunk Drops"); } //QModServices.Main.AddCriticalMessage("Warning the MetalHands Mod is in BETA Status !"); }
public static void MetalHands_InitializationMethod() { Config = OptionsPanelHandler.Main.RegisterModOptions <IngameConfigMenu>(); var GloveBlueprint = new MetalHandsMK1(); GloveBlueprint.Patch(); MetalHandsMK1TechType = GloveBlueprint.TechType; var GloveMK2Blueprint = new MetalHandsMK2(); GloveMK2Blueprint.Patch(); MetalHandsMK2TechType = GloveMK2Blueprint.TechType; var GRAVHANDBlueprint = new MetalHandsClawModule(); GRAVHANDBlueprint.Patch(); MetalHandsClawModuleTechType = GRAVHANDBlueprint.TechType; if (MetalHands.Config.Config_Hardcore == true) { BiomesToSpawnIn_pre = new List <LootDistributionData.BiomeData> { new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.BloodKelp_TechSite_Scatter, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.CragField_Grass, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.UnderwaterIslands_TechSite_Scatter, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.SeaTreaderPath_TechSite_Scatter, count = 1, probability = 0.02f } }; } else { BiomesToSpawnIn_pre = new List <LootDistributionData.BiomeData> { new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.GrassyPlateaus_Grass, count = 1, probability = 0.01f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.SparseReef_Techsite, count = 1, probability = 0.02f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.GrassyPlateaus_TechSite_Scattered, count = 1, probability = 0.02f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.CragField_Grass, count = 1, probability = 0.02f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.BloodKelp_TechSite_Scatter, count = 1, probability = 0.02f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.SeaTreaderPath_TechSite_Scatter, count = 1, probability = 0.02f }, new LootDistributionData.BiomeData() { biome = BiomeType.UnderwaterIslands_TechSite_Scatter, count = 1, probability = 0.02f } }; } Databox myDatabox = new Databox() { DataboxID = "MetalHandDatabox", PrimaryDescription = "Metal Hand Safety Glove Databox", SecondaryDescription = "Contains Crafting Tree for Improved Safety Gloves - Alterrra Copyright", BiomesToSpawnIn = BiomesToSpawnIn_pre, TechTypeToUnlock = MetalHands.MetalHandsMK1TechType }; myDatabox.Patch(); Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Debug, "MetalHands Initialization"); Harmony harmony = new Harmony("MetalHands"); harmony.PatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "MetalHands Patched"); IncreasedChunkDrops_exist = QModServices.Main.ModPresent("IncreasedChunkDrops"); if (IncreasedChunkDrops_exist) { Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "MetalHands has detected Increased Chunk Drops"); ErrorMessage.AddMessage("Attention MetalHands does not work properly with Increased Chunk Drops"); //QModServices.Main.AddCriticalMessage("Attention MetalHands does not work properly with Increased Chunk Drops"); } else { Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "MetalHands has NOT detected Increased Chunk Drops"); } //QModServices.Main.AddCriticalMessage("Warning the MetalHands Mod is in BETA Status !"); }