public MetadataPropertyType ToProperty(ParameterInfo pi)
            var propertyAttrs = pi.AllAttributes();
            var property = new MetadataPropertyType
                Name = pi.Name,
                Attributes = ToAttributes(propertyAttrs),
                Type = pi.ParameterType.GetOperationName(),
                IsValueType = pi.ParameterType.IsValueType() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsSystemType = pi.ParameterType.IsSystemType() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsEnum = pi.ParameterType.IsEnum() ? true : (bool?)null,
                TypeNamespace = pi.ParameterType.Namespace,
                Description = pi.GetDescription(),

            return property;
 public static bool IsCollection(MetadataPropertyType prop)
     return CollectionTypes.Contains(prop.Type)
         || prop.Type.SplitOnFirst('[').Length > 1;
        public MetadataPropertyType ToProperty(PropertyInfo pi, object instance = null)
            var property = new MetadataPropertyType
                Name = pi.Name,
                Attributes = ToAttributes(pi.GetCustomAttributes(false)),
                Type = pi.PropertyType.GetMetadataPropertyType(),
                IsValueType = pi.PropertyType.IsValueType() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsSystemType = pi.PropertyType.IsSystemType() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsEnum = pi.PropertyType.IsEnum() ? true : (bool?)null,
                TypeNamespace = pi.PropertyType.Namespace,
                DataMember = ToDataMember(pi.GetDataMember()),
                GenericArgs = pi.PropertyType.IsGenericType()
                    ? pi.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().Select(x => x.ExpandTypeName()).ToArray()
                    : null,
                Description = pi.GetDescription(),

            var apiMember = pi.FirstAttribute<ApiMemberAttribute>();
            if (apiMember != null)
                if (apiMember.IsRequired)
                    property.IsRequired = true;

                property.ParamType = apiMember.ParameterType;
                property.DisplayType = apiMember.DataType;

            var apiAllowableValues = pi.FirstAttribute<ApiAllowableValuesAttribute>();
            if (apiAllowableValues != null)
                property.AllowableValues = apiAllowableValues.Values;
                property.AllowableMin = apiAllowableValues.Min;
                property.AllowableMax = apiAllowableValues.Max;

            if (instance != null)
                var value = pi.GetValue(instance, null);
                if (value != null
                    && !value.Equals(pi.PropertyType.GetDefaultValue()))
                    if (pi.PropertyType.IsEnum())
                        property.Value = "{0}.{1}".Fmt(pi.PropertyType.Name, value);
                    else if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(Type))
                        var type = (Type)value;
                        property.Value = $"typeof({type.FullName})";
                        var strValue = value as string;
                        property.Value = strValue ?? value.ToJson();

                if (pi.GetSetMethod() == null) //ReadOnly is bool? to minimize serialization
                    property.ReadOnly = true;
            return property;
        public MetadataPropertyType ToProperty(ParameterInfo pi)
            var propertyAttrs = pi.AllAttributes();
            var property = new MetadataPropertyType
                Name = pi.Name,
                Attributes = ToAttributes(propertyAttrs),
                Type = pi.ParameterType.GetOperationName(),
                Description = pi.GetDescription(),

            return property;
 private string GetDefaultLiteral(MetadataPropertyType prop)
     var propType = Type(prop.Type, prop.GenericArgs);
     if (Config.InitializeCollections && prop.IsCollection())
         return prop.IsArray()
             ? "[||]" 
             : "new {0}()".Fmt(propType);
     return prop.IsValueType.GetValueOrDefault()
         ? "new {0}()".Fmt(propType)
         : "null";
 public static bool IsArray(this MetadataPropertyType prop)
     return(prop.Type.IndexOf('[') >= 0);
        public MetadataPropertyType ToProperty(PropertyInfo pi, object instance = null)
            var property = new MetadataPropertyType
                Name = pi.Name,
                Attributes = ToAttributes(pi.GetCustomAttributes(false)),
                Type = pi.PropertyType.GetOperationName(),
                DataMember = ToDataMember(pi.GetDataMember()),
                GenericArgs = pi.PropertyType.IsGenericType
                    ? pi.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().Select(x => x.GetOperationName()).ToArray()
                    : null,
            if (instance != null)
                var value = pi.GetValue(instance, null);
                if (value != null
                    && !value.Equals(pi.PropertyType.GetDefaultValue()))
                    if (pi.PropertyType.IsEnum())
                        property.Value = "{0}.{1}".Fmt(pi.PropertyType.Name, value);
                    else if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(Type))
                        var type = (Type)value;
                        property.Value = "typeof({0})".Fmt(type.FullName);
                        var strValue = value as string;
                        property.Value = strValue ?? value.ToJson();

                if (pi.GetSetMethod() == null) //ReadOnly is bool? to minimize serialization
                    property.ReadOnly = true;
            return property;
Exemple #8
 public static bool IsArray(this MetadataPropertyType prop)
     return(prop.Type.SplitOnFirst('[').Length > 1);
Exemple #9
 public static bool IsCollection(this MetadataPropertyType prop) =>
 CollectionTypes.Contains(prop.Type) || IsArray(prop);
Exemple #10
 public static bool IsCollection(MetadataPropertyType prop)
     return(CollectionTypes.Contains(prop.Type) ||
            prop.Type.SplitOnFirst('[').Length > 1);
        public MetadataPropertyType ToProperty(PropertyInfo pi, object instance = null)
            var property = new MetadataPropertyType
                Name          = pi.Name,
                Attributes    = ToAttributes(pi.GetCustomAttributes(false)),
                Type          = pi.PropertyType.GetOperationName(),
                IsValueType   = pi.PropertyType.IsValueType ? true : (bool?)null,
                TypeNamespace = pi.PropertyType.Namespace,
                DataMember    = ToDataMember(pi.GetDataMember()),
                GenericArgs   = pi.PropertyType.IsGenericType
                    ? pi.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().Select(x => x.ExpandTypeName()).ToArray()
                    : null,
                Description = pi.GetDescription(),

            var apiMember = pi.FirstAttribute <ApiMemberAttribute>();

            if (apiMember != null)
                if (apiMember.IsRequired)
                    property.IsRequired = true;

                property.ParamType   = apiMember.ParameterType;
                property.DisplayType = apiMember.DataType;

            var apiAllowableValues = pi.FirstAttribute <ApiAllowableValuesAttribute>();

            if (apiAllowableValues != null)
                property.AllowableValues = apiAllowableValues.Values;
                property.AllowableMin    = apiAllowableValues.Min;
                property.AllowableMax    = apiAllowableValues.Max;

            if (instance != null)
                var value = pi.GetValue(instance, null);
                if (value != null &&
                    if (pi.PropertyType.IsEnum())
                        property.Value = "{0}.{1}".Fmt(pi.PropertyType.Name, value);
                    else if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(Type))
                        var type = (Type)value;
                        property.Value = "typeof({0})".Fmt(type.FullName);
                        var strValue = value as string;
                        property.Value = strValue ?? value.ToJson();

                if (pi.GetSetMethod() == null) //ReadOnly is bool? to minimize serialization
                    property.ReadOnly = true;
        public static MetadataPropertyType ToProperty(this ParameterInfo pi)
            var propertyAttrs = pi.AllAttributes();
            var property = new MetadataPropertyType
                Name = pi.Name,
                Attributes = propertyAttrs.ToAttributes(),
                Type = pi.ParameterType.GetComplexTypeName(),
                Description = pi.GetDescription(),

            return property;
Exemple #13
 protected bool IsPropertyTypeSupported(MetadataPropertyType type)
        private string GetDefaultLiteral(MetadataPropertyType prop, MetadataType type)
            var propType = Type(prop.GetTypeName(Config, allTypes), prop.GenericArgs);

            var initCollections = feature.ShouldInitializeCollections(type, Config.InitializeCollections);
            if (initCollections && prop.IsCollection())
                return prop.IsArray()
                    ? "[||]" 
                    : "new {0}()".Fmt(propType);
            return prop.IsValueType.GetValueOrDefault() && propType != "String"
                ? "new {0}()".Fmt(propType)
                : "null";
 public static MetadataPropertyType ToProperty(this PropertyInfo pi, object instance = null)
     var property = new MetadataPropertyType {
         Name = pi.Name,
         Attributes = pi.GetCustomAttributes(false).ToAttributes(),
         Type = pi.PropertyType.Name,
         DataMember = pi.GetDataMember().ToDataMember(),
         GenericArgs = pi.PropertyType.IsGenericType
             ? pi.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()
             : null,
     if (instance != null)
         var value = pi.GetValue(instance, null);
         if (value != pi.PropertyType.GetDefaultValue())
             property.Value = value.ToJson();
     return property;
Exemple #16
 public static bool IsArray(this MetadataPropertyType prop) =>
 prop.Type.IndexOf('[') >= 0;
        public static MetadataPropertyType ToProperty(this ParameterInfo pi)
            var propertyAttrs = pi.GetCustomAttributes(false);
            var property = new MetadataPropertyType {
                Name = pi.Name,
                Attributes = propertyAttrs.ToAttributes(),
                Type = pi.ParameterType.Name,

            var descAttr = propertyAttrs.OfType<DescriptionAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
            if (descAttr != null)
                property.Description = descAttr.Description;

            return property;
Exemple #18
        public static bool?DefaultIsPropertyOptional(TypeScriptGenerator generator, MetadataType type, MetadataPropertyType prop)
            if (prop.Attributes.Safe().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Required") != null)

            if (generator.Config.MakePropertiesOptional)
