Exemple #1
        /// <summary> Calculates gross energy production at referenced mapNode. </summary>
        public void CalcGrossAEP_AtMapNode(ref MapNode thisMapNode, MetCollection metList, TurbineCollection turbineList)
            int numWS = metList.numWS;
            int numWD = metList.numWD;

            thisMapNode.sectorGross = new double[numWD];

            TurbineCollection.PowerCurve thisPowerCurve = turbineList.GetPowerCurve(powerCurve);

            thisMapNode.grossAEP = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < numWS; k++)
                double thisWS    = metList.GetWS_atWS_Ind(k);
                double thisPower = turbineList.GetInterpPowerOrThrust(thisWS, thisPowerCurve, "Power");
                thisMapNode.grossAEP = thisMapNode.grossAEP + thisMapNode.WS_Dist[k] * thisPower;
                for (int WD_Ind = 0; WD_Ind < numWD; WD_Ind++)
                    thisMapNode.sectorGross[WD_Ind] = thisMapNode.sectorGross[WD_Ind] + thisMapNode.sectDist[WD_Ind, k] * thisPower;

            thisMapNode.grossAEP = thisMapNode.grossAEP * 365 * 24 / 1000;
            for (int WD_Ind = 0; WD_Ind < numWD; WD_Ind++)
                thisMapNode.sectorGross[WD_Ind] = thisMapNode.sectorGross[WD_Ind] * 365 * 24 / 1000 * thisMapNode.windRose[WD_Ind];
Exemple #2
        /// <summary> Calculates and returns the average wind speed for specified wind speed range, time interval range,
        /// wind direction range, time of day, and season </summary>
        public double CalcAvgWS(MCP.Site_data[] site, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, double minWD, double maxWD,
                                Met.TOD TOD, Met.Season season, MetCollection metList)
            double avgWS    = 0;
            int    avgCount = 0;

            foreach (MCP.Site_data thisSite in site)
                if (thisSite.thisDate >= startTime && thisSite.thisDate <= endTime)
                    Met.TOD    thisTOD    = metList.GetTOD(thisSite.thisDate);
                    Met.Season thisSeason = metList.GetSeason(thisSite.thisDate);

                    if ((TOD == thisTOD || TOD == Met.TOD.All) && (thisSeason == season || season == Met.Season.All))
                        if (((maxWD > minWD) && (thisSite.thisWD >= minWD && thisSite.thisWD <= maxWD)) ||
                            ((maxWD < minWD) && (thisSite.thisWD >= minWD || thisSite.thisWD <= maxWD)))
                            avgWS    = avgWS + thisSite.thisWS;
                            avgCount = avgCount + 1;

            if (avgCount > 0)
                avgWS = avgWS / avgCount;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>  Returns the count of Site_data for specified start/end time, WD bounds, time of day bin and season bin. </summary>
        public int GetDataCount(MCP.Site_data[] site, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int WD_index, Met.TOD TOD, Met.Season season,
                                MetCollection metList, bool getAll)
            int avgCount = 0;

            foreach (MCP.Site_data thisSite in site)
                if (thisSite.thisDate >= startTime && thisSite.thisDate <= endTime)
                    if (getAll == true)
                        int        thisWD_Ind = metList.GetWD_Ind(thisSite.thisWD);
                        Met.TOD    thisTOD    = metList.GetTOD(thisSite.thisDate);
                        Met.Season thisSeason = metList.GetSeason(thisSite.thisDate);

                        if (((thisWD_Ind == WD_index) || WD_index == metList.numWD) && (thisTOD == TOD) && (thisSeason == season))

Exemple #4

        /// <summary> Generates wind speed estimates at referenced map node using each met and each Continuum model (i.e. each radius of investigation). </summary>
        public void DoMapCalcs(ref MapNode thisMapNode, Continuum thisInst)
            MetCollection  metList     = thisInst.metList;
            int            numMetsUsed = metsUsed.Length;
            int            numRadii    = thisInst.radiiList.ThisCount;
            NodeCollection nodeList    = new NodeCollection();

            Met[] theseMets = metList.GetMets(metList.GetMetsUsed(), null);

            // For each met and each radius of investigation (i.e. each Continuum model), generate wind speed estimate at map node.
            for (int j = 0; j < numMetsUsed; j++)
                for (int r = 0; r < numRadii; r++)
                    int     thisRadius = thisInst.radiiList.investItem[r].radius;
                    WS_Ests newWS_Est  = new WS_Ests();
                    newWS_Est.predictorMetName = theseMets[j].name;
                    newWS_Est.radius           = thisRadius;
                    AddWS_Estimate(ref thisMapNode, ref newWS_Est);
                    int WS_Est_ind = thisMapNode.WS_Estimates.Length - 1;

                    Nodes targetNode = nodeList.GetMapAsNode(thisMapNode);
                    Nodes startNode  = nodeList.GetMetNode(theseMets[j]);

                    thisMapNode.WS_Estimates[WS_Est_ind].pathOfNodes = nodeList.FindPathOfNodes(startNode, targetNode, model[r], thisInst);
                    thisMapNode.WS_Estimates[WS_Est_ind].radius      = model[r].radius;
                    DoWS_EstAlongNodes(thisInst, ref thisMapNode, WS_Est_ind);
        /// <summary> Checks to see if map has already been created. Returns false if has not been created. </summary>
        public bool CheckForDuplicate(string[] metsUsed, double minUTMX, double minUTMY, int numX, int numY, int reso,
                                      int whatToMap, string powerCurve, bool useSR, bool useSepModel, Wake_Model thisWakeModel, bool useTimeSeries)
            bool           alreadyExists = false;
            WakeCollection wakeList      = new WakeCollection();
            MetCollection  metList       = new MetCollection();

            if (ThisCount > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ThisCount; i++)
                    if (mapItem[i].minUTMX == minUTMX && mapItem[i].minUTMY == minUTMY && mapItem[i].numX == numX &&
                        mapItem[i].numY == numY && mapItem[i].reso == reso && mapItem[i].modelType == whatToMap &&
                        metList.sameMets(metsUsed, mapItem[i].metsUsed) && mapItem[i].powerCurve == powerCurve && mapItem[i].useSR == useSR &&
                        mapItem[i].useFlowSep == useSepModel && wakeList.IsSameWakeModel(mapItem[i].wakeModel, thisWakeModel) &&
                        mapItem[i].useTimeSeries == useTimeSeries)
                        MessageBox.Show("An identical map has already been created.", "Continuum 3");
                        alreadyExists = true;

Exemple #6
        public void CalcWS_DeficitEddyViscosityGrid_Test()
            WakeCollection    wakeModelList = new WakeCollection();
            TurbineCollection turbineList   = new TurbineCollection();

            double[]     power      = new double[23];
            string       Power_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcWS_DeficitEddyViscosityGrid\\Power.txt";
            StreamReader sr         = new StreamReader(Power_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                power[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            double[] Thrust      = new double[23];
            string   Thrust_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcWS_DeficitEddyViscosityGrid\\Thrust.txt";

            sr = new StreamReader(Thrust_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                Thrust[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            turbineList.AddPowerCurve("GW 1500/87", 3, 22, 1500, power, Thrust, 87, 16, 10, 1, 0);
            wakeModelList.AddWakeModel(0, 5, 10, turbineList.powerCurves[0], 10, 3.5f, 0.03f, "Linear");
            MetCollection metList = new MetCollection();

            metList.metItem    = new Met[1];
            metList.metItem[0] = new Met();

            double[,] Vel_Def = wakeModelList.CalcWS_DeficitEddyViscosityGrid(2, 30, 0.1f, 0.025f, 8, wakeModelList.wakeModels[0], metList);
            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[16, 2], 0.450777, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 1 r = 0.05");
            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[16, 10], 0.196172, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 1 r = 0.25");
            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[16, 17], 0.03166, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 1 r = 0.425");

            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[40, 0], 0.255068, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 2 r = 0.05");
            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[40, 7], 0.194434, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 2 r = 0.25");
            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[40, 18], 0.02328, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 2 r = 0.425");

            wakeModelList.AddWakeModel(0, 10, 14, turbineList.powerCurves[0], 10, 3.5f, 0.03f, "Linear");
            Vel_Def = wakeModelList.CalcWS_DeficitEddyViscosityGrid(2, 30, 0.1f, 0.025f, 6, wakeModelList.wakeModels[1], metList);
            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[4, 2], 0.513121, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 3 r = 0.05");
            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[4, 10], 0.20352, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 3 r = 0.25");
            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[4, 16], 0.04366, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 3 r = 0.4");

            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[42, 4], 0.18052, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 4 r = 0.05");
            Assert.AreEqual(Vel_Def[42, 19], 0.01031, 0.01, "Wrong Vel Def Test 4 r = 0.25");
        /// <summary> Goes through each met and turbine site and check elev at 8 points +/- 12000 m. If elev = -999, return false </summary>
        public bool NewTopo(TopoInfo topo, MetCollection metList, TurbineCollection turbList)
            bool goodToGo = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < metList.ThisCount; i++)
                goodToGo = TopoCheck(topo, metList.metItem[i].UTMX, metList.metItem[i].UTMY, metList.metItem[i].name, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < turbList.TurbineCount; i++)
                goodToGo = TopoCheck(topo, turbList.turbineEsts[i].UTMX, turbList.turbineEsts[i].UTMY, turbList.turbineEsts[i].name, true);

        /// <summary> Compares turbine name to met site names to ensure there are no duplicate names. </summary>
        /// <returns> Returns false if a turbine with same name exists </returns>
        public bool CheckTurbName(string turbineName, MetCollection metList)
            bool inputTurbine = true;
            int  numMets      = metList.ThisCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < numMets; i++)
                if (metList.metItem[i].name == turbineName)
                    inputTurbine = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("There is a met with the same name as turbine site: " + turbineName + ".  There cannot be a turbine and met site with the same name.", "Continuum 3");

Exemple #9
        public void CalcDAWM_Deficit_Test()
            WakeCollection    WakeModList = new WakeCollection();
            TurbineCollection turbineList = new TurbineCollection();

            double[]     power      = new double[23];
            string       Power_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcDAWM_Deficit\\Power.txt";
            StreamReader sr         = new StreamReader(Power_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                power[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            double[] Thrust      = new double[23];
            string   Thrust_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcDAWM_Deficit\\Thrust.txt";

            sr = new StreamReader(Thrust_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                Thrust[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            turbineList.AddPowerCurve("GW 1500/87", 3, 22, 1500, power, Thrust, 87, 16, 10, 1, 0);

            Turbine[] UW_Turbs = new Turbine[1];
            UW_Turbs[0]      = new Turbine();
            UW_Turbs[0].UTMX = 283000;
            UW_Turbs[0].UTMY = 4553300;

            MetCollection metList = new MetCollection();

            metList.metItem     = new Met[1];
            metList.metItem[0]  = new Met();
            metList.WS_FirstInt = 0.5f;
            metList.WS_IntSize  = 1;
            metList.numWS       = 30;

            WakeModList.AddWakeModel(1, 5, 10, turbineList.powerCurves[0], 10, 3.5f, 0.03f, "Linear");

            double This_Def = WakeModList.Calc_DAWM_Deficit(UW_Turbs, 280000, 4553500, 90, 8, WakeModList.wakeModels[0], metList, 80.0);

            Assert.AreEqual(This_Def, 0.04742, 1, "Wrong wind speed deficit in DAWM");
        /// <summary> Goes through each met and turbine site and check land cover at 8 points +/- 12000 m. If elev = -999, return false </summary>
        public bool NewLandCover(TopoInfo topo, MetCollection metList, TurbineCollection turbList)
            // Go through each met and turbine site and check land cover at 8 points +/- 12000 m. If elev = -999, return false

            bool goodToGo = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < metList.ThisCount; i++)
                goodToGo = LandCoverCheck(topo, metList.metItem[i].UTMX, metList.metItem[i].UTMY, metList.metItem[i].name, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < turbList.TurbineCount; i++)
                goodToGo = LandCoverCheck(topo, turbList.turbineEsts[i].UTMX, turbList.turbineEsts[i].UTMY, turbList.turbineEsts[i].name, true);

Exemple #11
        public void InterpolateFindWakedDist_Test()
            string       fileName = testingFolder + "\\InterpolateFindWakedDist\\Dist.csv";
            StreamReader sr       = new StreamReader(fileName);

            double[] dist        = new double[31];
            double[] wakedDistWS = new double[31];
            int      counter     = 0;

            while (sr.EndOfStream == false)
                double thisVal = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine());
                dist[counter] = thisVal;


            fileName = testingFolder + "\\InterpolateFindWakedDist\\WakedDistWS.csv";
            sr       = new StreamReader(fileName);

            counter = 0;
            while (sr.EndOfStream == false)
                double thisVal = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine());
                wakedDistWS[counter] = thisVal;

            MetCollection metList = new MetCollection();

            metList.WS_FirstInt = 0.5;
            metList.WS_IntSize  = 1;
            WakeCollection wakeList = new WakeCollection();

            double[] wakedDist = wakeList.InterpolateFindWakedDist(wakedDistWS, dist, metList);

            Assert.AreEqual(wakedDist[2], 0.1715, 0.001, "Wrong waked dist Test 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(wakedDist[4], 0.296506, 0.001, "Wrong waked dist Test 2");
            Assert.AreEqual(wakedDist[6], 0.01881, 0.001, "Wrong waked dist Test 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(wakedDist[8], 0.0059, 0.001, "Wrong waked dist Test 4");

Exemple #12
        /// <summary> Calculates overall and sectorwise wind speed distribution for referenced map node. </summary>
        public void CalcWS_DistAtMapNode(ref MapNode thisMapNode, MetCollection metList, int numWD, double height)
            string[] metsUsed = metList.GetMetsUsed();

            int numWS = metList.numWS;

            thisMapNode.sectDist = new double[numWD, numWS];

            for (int WD = 0; WD < numWD; WD++)
                double[] WS_Dist = metList.CalcWS_DistForTurbOrMap(metsUsed, thisMapNode.sectorWS[WD], WD, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All, height);
                for (int WS = 0; WS < numWS; WS++)
                    thisMapNode.sectDist[WD, WS] = WS_Dist[WS];

            thisMapNode.WS_Dist = metList.CalcOverallWS_Dist(thisMapNode.sectDist, thisMapNode.windRose);
Exemple #13
        public void CalcIBL_H1_Test()
            WakeCollection    WakeModList = new WakeCollection();
            TurbineCollection turbineList = new TurbineCollection();

            double[]     power      = new double[23];
            string       Power_file = testingFolder + "\\Calc_IBL_H1\\Power.txt";
            StreamReader sr         = new StreamReader(Power_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                power[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            double[] Thrust      = new double[23];
            string   Thrust_file = testingFolder + "\\Calc_IBL_H1\\Thrust.txt";

            sr = new StreamReader(Thrust_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                Thrust[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            turbineList.AddPowerCurve("GW 1500/87", 3, 22, 1500, power, Thrust, 87, 16, 10, 1, 0);

            Turbine[] UW_Turbs = new Turbine[1];
            UW_Turbs[0]      = new Turbine();
            UW_Turbs[0].UTMX = 283000;
            UW_Turbs[0].UTMY = 4553300;

            MetCollection metList = new MetCollection();

            metList.metItem    = new Met[1];
            metList.metItem[0] = new Met();

            WakeModList.AddWakeModel(1, 5, 10, turbineList.powerCurves[0], 10, 3.5f, 0.03f, "Linear");
            double This_IBL_H1 = WakeModList.Calc_IBL_H1(UW_Turbs[0], 280000, 4553500, WakeModList.wakeModels[0], 90f, 1.9316f, 80.0);

            Assert.AreEqual(This_IBL_H1, 750.4, 1, "Wrong IBL H1");
Exemple #14
        public void CalcEquivRoughness_Test()
            WakeCollection    WakeModList = new WakeCollection();
            TurbineCollection turbineList = new TurbineCollection();

            double[] power = new double[23];

            string       Power_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcEquivRoughness\\Power.txt";
            StreamReader sr         = new StreamReader(Power_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                power[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            double[] Thrust      = new double[23];
            string   Thrust_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcEquivRoughness\\Thrust.txt";

            sr = new StreamReader(Thrust_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                Thrust[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            turbineList.AddPowerCurve("GW 1500/87", 3, 22, 1500, power, Thrust, 87, 16, 10, 1, 0);
            WakeModList.AddWakeModel(1, 5, 10, turbineList.powerCurves[0], 10, 3.5f, 0.03f, "Linear");

            MetCollection metList = new MetCollection();

            metList.metItem     = new Met[1];
            metList.metItem[0]  = new Met();
            metList.WS_FirstInt = 0.5;
            metList.WS_IntSize  = 1;
            metList.numWS       = 30;

            double This_Equiv_Rough = WakeModList.CalcEquivRoughness(metList, 8, WakeModList.wakeModels[0], 80.0);

            Assert.AreEqual(This_Equiv_Rough, 1.9316, 0.01, "Wrong equivalent roughness for DAWM");
        /// <summary> Return Map index of incomplete map if it exists, return -999 if not.  </summary>
        public int GetIncompleteMapInd(Map thisMap)
            WakeCollection wakeList = new WakeCollection();
            MetCollection  metList  = new MetCollection();
            int            mapInd   = -999;

            if (ThisCount > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ThisCount; i++)
                    if (mapItem[i].isComplete == false && mapItem[i].minUTMX == thisMap.minUTMX && mapItem[i].minUTMY == thisMap.minUTMY && mapItem[i].numX == thisMap.numX &&
                        mapItem[i].numY == thisMap.numY && mapItem[i].reso == thisMap.reso && mapItem[i].modelType == thisMap.modelType &&
                        metList.sameMets(thisMap.metsUsed, mapItem[i].metsUsed) && mapItem[i].powerCurve == thisMap.powerCurve && mapItem[i].useSR == thisMap.useSR &&
                        mapItem[i].useFlowSep == thisMap.useFlowSep && wakeList.IsSameWakeModel(mapItem[i].wakeModel, thisMap.wakeModel) && mapItem[i].useTimeSeries == thisMap.useTimeSeries)
                        mapInd = i;

Exemple #16
        public void CalcWakeLosses_Test()
            WakeCollection    WakeModList = new WakeCollection();
            TurbineCollection turbineList = new TurbineCollection();

            double[]     power      = new double[31];
            string       Power_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcWakeLosses\\power.txt";
            StreamReader sr         = new StreamReader(Power_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                power[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            double[] Thrust      = new double[31];
            string   Thrust_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcWakeLosses\\Thrust.txt";

            sr = new StreamReader(Thrust_file);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++)
                Thrust[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            turbineList.AddPowerCurve("GW 1500/87", 3, 22, 1500, power, Thrust, 87, 16, 10, 1, 0);
            WakeModList.AddWakeModel(0, 5, 10, turbineList.powerCurves[0], 10, 3.5f, 0.03f, "Linear");

            MetCollection metList = new MetCollection();

            metList.metItem    = new Met[1];
            metList.metItem[0] = new Met();

            // Load sectorwise wind speed distribution
            string Sect_WS_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcWakeLosses\\Sect_WS.txt";

            sr = new StreamReader(Sect_WS_file);
            double[,] sectorWS = new double[16, 31];
            for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
                string   This_WS_Array    = sr.ReadLine();
                string[] This_Array_Split = This_WS_Array.Split('\t');
                for (int j = 0; j <= 30; j++)
                    sectorWS[i, j] = Convert.ToSingle(This_Array_Split[j]);

            string WR_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcWakeLosses\\Wind_Rose.txt";

            sr = new StreamReader(WR_file);
            double[] windRose = new double[16];
            for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
                windRose[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine()) / 100;

            string Sect_AEP_file = testingFolder + "\\CalcWakeLosses\\Sect_AEP.txt";

            sr = new StreamReader(Sect_AEP_file);
            double[] Sect_AEP = new double[16];
            for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
                Sect_AEP[i] = Convert.ToSingle(sr.ReadLine());

            double[] R_RD = new double[21];

            for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
                R_RD[i] = i * 0.025f;

            WakeCollection.WakeLossCoeffs[] These_Coeffs = new WakeCollection.WakeLossCoeffs[140]; // 5 (DW_RDs) x 28 (WS > 3)
            int Ind_Count = 0;

            for (double DW_RD = 5.5f; DW_RD <= 5.9; DW_RD = DW_RD + 0.1f)
                int DW_ind = (int)Math.Round((DW_RD - 2) / 0.1, 0);

                for (int i = 3; i <= 30; i++)
                    double[] Vel_Def_Rad = new double[21];   // Velocity Deficit profile at X_Length_RD
                    double[,] WS_Def_EV_Grid = WakeModList.CalcWS_DeficitEddyViscosityGrid(2f, 6f, 0.1f, 0.025f, i, WakeModList.wakeModels[0], metList);
                    for (int radiusInd = 0; radiusInd <= 19; radiusInd++)
                        Vel_Def_Rad[radiusInd] = WS_Def_EV_Grid[DW_ind, radiusInd]; // index = 37 corresponds to DW dist = 5.7 (i.e. 2 + 0.1 * 37 = 5.7)
                    Vel_Def_Rad[20] = 0;
                    double[] Coeffs = WakeModList.CalcWakeProfileFit(Vel_Def_Rad, R_RD);
                    These_Coeffs[Ind_Count].freeStream = i;
                    These_Coeffs[Ind_Count].X_LengthRD = DW_RD;

                    These_Coeffs[Ind_Count].linRegInt = Coeffs[0];
                    These_Coeffs[Ind_Count].linCoeff4 = Coeffs[1];
                    These_Coeffs[Ind_Count].linCoeff3 = Coeffs[2];
                    These_Coeffs[Ind_Count].linCoeff2 = Coeffs[3];
                    These_Coeffs[Ind_Count].linCoeff1 = Coeffs[4];
            turbineList.AddTurbine("Target Site", 280050, 4552500, 1);
            turbineList.AddTurbine("UW Site", 280000, 4553000, 1);
            Continuum thisInst = new Continuum("");

            thisInst.turbineList         = turbineList;
            thisInst.metList.WS_FirstInt = 0.5;
            thisInst.metList.WS_IntSize  = 1;
            thisInst.metList.numWS       = 30;
            thisInst.metList.AddMetTAB("dummy", 0, 0, 0, windRose, sectorWS, 0.5, 1, thisInst);

            // Need to define exceed model
            thisInst.turbineList.exceed = new Exceedance();
            thisInst.turbineList.exceed.compositeLoss          = new Exceedance.Monte_Carlo();
            thisInst.turbineList.exceed.compositeLoss.pVals1yr = new double[100];

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                thisInst.turbineList.exceed.compositeLoss.pVals1yr[i] = 1.0;

            WakeCollection.WakeCalcResults WakeResults = WakeModList.CalcWakeLosses(These_Coeffs, 280050, 4552500, sectorWS, 4130, Sect_AEP, thisInst, WakeModList.wakeModels[0], windRose);

            Assert.AreEqual(WakeResults.sectorNetEnergy[0], 79.1604, 0.1, "Wrong net AEP");
            Assert.AreEqual(WakeResults.sectorWakedWS[0], 4.2851, 0.1, "Wrong waked wind speed");
            Assert.AreEqual(WakeResults.sectorWakeLoss[0], 0.2278, 0.1, "Wrong wake loss");
Exemple #17
        /// <summary> Combines all wind speed estimates formed by each predictor met and each wind flow model to form average wind speed estimate at map node. </summary>
        public void GenerateAvgWS_AtOneMapNode(ref MapNode thisMapNode, Continuum thisInst)
            double avgWS     = 0;
            double avgWeight = 0;

            MetCollection    metList   = thisInst.metList;
            ModelCollection  modelList = thisInst.modelList;
            InvestCollection radiiList = thisInst.radiiList;

            int numRadii = thisInst.radiiList.ThisCount;
            int numWD    = thisInst.metList.numWD;

            thisMapNode.sectorWS = new double[numWD];

            double[] sectorWS    = new double[numWD];
            int      numMetsUsed = metsUsed.Length;

            Met[] predMets = new Met[numMetsUsed];

            for (int i = 0; i < numMetsUsed; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < metList.ThisCount; j++)
                    if (metsUsed[i] == metList.metItem[j].name)
                        predMets[i] = metList.metItem[j];

            Model[] models = modelList.GetModels(thisInst, metList.GetMetsUsed(), Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All, thisInst.modeledHeight, false);

            NodeCollection nodeList = new NodeCollection();
            Nodes          MapNode  = nodeList.GetMapAsNode(thisMapNode);

            ModelCollection.ModelWeights[] indivMetWeights = modelList.GetWS_EstWeights(predMets, MapNode, models, metList.GetAvgWindRose(thisInst.modeledHeight, Met.TOD.All, Met.Season.All), thisInst.radiiList);

            for (int r = 0; r < numRadii; r++)
                for (int j = 0; j < thisMapNode.WS_Estimates.Length; j++)
                    bool isMetUsed = false;

                    for (int k = 0; k < metsUsed.Length; k++)
                        if (metsUsed[k] == thisMapNode.WS_Estimates[j].predictorMetName)
                            isMetUsed = true;

                    if (isMetUsed == true && thisMapNode.WS_Estimates[j].radius == radiiList.investItem[r].radius && thisMapNode.WS_Estimates[j].WS != 0)
                        Met    thisMet = thisInst.metList.GetMet(thisMapNode.WS_Estimates[j].predictorMetName);
                        double weight  = thisInst.modelList.GetWeightForMetAndModel(indivMetWeights, thisMet, models[r]);
                        avgWS = avgWS + thisMapNode.WS_Estimates[j].WS * weight;
                        thisMapNode.WS_Estimates[j].WS_weight = weight;
                        avgWeight = avgWeight + weight;
                        for (int WD = 0; WD < numWD; WD++)
                            sectorWS[WD] = sectorWS[WD] + thisMapNode.WS_Estimates[j].sectorWS[WD] * weight;

            thisMapNode.avgWS_Est = 0;

            if (avgWeight != 0)
                thisMapNode.avgWS_Est = avgWS / avgWeight;

                for (int WD = 0; WD < numWD; WD++)
                    thisMapNode.sectorWS[WD] = thisMapNode.sectorWS[WD] + sectorWS[WD] / avgWeight;