public override void ExitTransform(VmstatsParser.TransformContext context)

            // Create a transform out of the information collected and add it to the series
            var transform = new Messages.Transform(currentTransformName, currentParameters);

        public override void ExitTransform_pipeline(VmstatsParser.Transform_pipelineContext context)

            if (inCombine)
                // Add the combine to the end of the list of transforms
                var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                parameters.Add(CombineTransformActor.TRANSFORM_PARAM_COUNT_NAME, numberTransformPipelinesInCombine.ToString());
                var transform = new Messages.Transform(CombineTransformActor.TRANSFORM_NAME, parameters);

            // Create a TransformSeries out of the information collected and add it to all the
            // transform_pipelines found so far.
            var guid = (currentCombineID.Count > 0) ? currentCombineID.Peek() : Guid.NewGuid();

            series.Enqueue(new Messages.BuildTransformSeries(currentMetricName, transforms, guid));