public string FindMultipleProperties()

            ApplicationData AppdataObj = ApplicationData.Create;
            string ConsoleText = null;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PostalAdress> x in POlog.adressList)
                 * Find Adress of Folder
                OnInformationDownload(new EventArguments() { Name = "Trace: ", Time = DateTime.Now, Details = "Shifting File toS " + x.Value.PCD });
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AppdataObj.PafFileAdress))

                    Messagebox.Size = new Size(350, 150);
                    Messagebox.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

                    input.Size = new Size(200, 30);
                    input.Location = new Point(20, 50);

                    Label label = new Label();
                    label.Text = "Select the Directory Name, Pressing the browse Button";
                    label.Location = new Point(20, 20);

                    Button b = new Button();
                    b.Text = "Browse";
                    b.Click += new EventHandler(b_Click);
                    b.Location = new Point(250, 50);

                    Button ButtonSave = new Button();
                    ButtonSave.Text = "Save";
                    ButtonSave.Location = new Point(120, 80);
                    ButtonSave.Click += new EventHandler(ButtonSave_Click);

                    input.Text = Messagebox_String;

                string PafFileName = GenerateFileName(x.Value.PCD, AppdataObj.PafFileAdress);
                ReadPAFFile(PafFileName, x.Value);

                //  ConsoleText = ReadSPHFile("D://SPH Sample.csv", x.Value);
                //          ConsoleText += handler.ReadPAFFileSingle(PafFileName, x.Value.PCD.Remove(3, x.Value.PCD.Length - 3).ToUpper() + "$", x.Value);
                OnInformationDownload(new EventArguments() { Name = "Trace: ", Time = DateTime.Now, Details = "Finding LandMarks" + x.Key });
                ConsoleText += FilterByLandMark(x.Value);

            return ConsoleText;