// Fixes the language display of the game
        internal static void FixLangDisplay(MessageDirector dir)
            string[] bundles =
                "achieve", "exchange"

            foreach (string bundle in bundles)
                MessageBundle  actor  = dir.GetBundle(bundle);
                ResourceBundle rActor = actor.GetPrivateField <ResourceBundle>("bundle");

                FileInfo fActor = new FileInfo(Application.dataPath + $"/{bundle}.yaml");

                using (StreamWriter writer = fActor.CreateText())
                    writer.WriteLine("# AUTO GENERATED FROM THE GAME");

                    foreach (string key in rActor.GetKeys())
                        writer.WriteLine($"{bundle}:" + key + ": \"" +
                                         actor.Get(key).Replace("\"", "\\\"").Replace("\n", "\\n") + "\"");
        // Populates a game version
        private static void PopulateGameVersion(out string version, out string build, out string revision, out string store)
            MessageDirector dir = GameContext.Instance?.MessageDirector;

            if (dir == null)
                dir = Object.FindObjectOfType <MessageDirector>();

            MessageBundle bundle   = dir.GetBundle(Bundles.BUILD_BUNDLE);
            DateTime      buildRev = DateTime.ParseExact(bundle.Get("m.timestamp"), "yyyyMMddHHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            version  = bundle.Get("m.version");
            build    = $"{buildRev:ddMMyy}";
            revision = $"{buildRev:HHmmss}";

            store = TypeUtils.GetTypeBySearch("EpicDLCProvider") != null ? "Epic" : "DRM-Free";
            if (TypeUtils.GetTypeBySearch("SteamDLCProvider") != null)
                store = "Steam";