public static void ViewMessageOnScreen(string msg) { Debug.Log("Showing message from AuthMan ... "); // Activate the UI MessageBoxMan.Open(msg); }
void Update() { if (friendAdded) { friendAdded = false; Destroy(this.gameObject); } if (destroyAddReviewPanel) { destroyAddReviewPanel = false; Destroy(addReviewPanel.gameObject); MessageBoxMan.Open("Please reload friends list to see changes ... "); } }
public void AddToFriends() { Globals.currentUser.friends.Add(friend); Debug.Log("Added Friend To List ... "); string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(friend); Friend currentUser = new Friend(Globals.username,, Globals.userId, "", Globals.currentUser.userType); string currentUserJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(currentUser); Globals.showLoadingPanel = true; Debug.Log("JSON Data: " + json); Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference.Child("users") .Child(Globals.userId) .Child("friends") .Child(friend.userId) .SetRawJsonValueAsync(json).ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsCompleted) { Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference.Child("users") .Child(friend.userId) .Child("friends") .Child(Globals.userId) .SetRawJsonValueAsync(currentUserJson).ContinueWith(task1 => { if (task1.IsCompleted) { friendAdded = true; Globals.showLoadingPanel = false; } else { MessageBoxMan.Open("Couldn't add friend. please try again ... "); Globals.showLoadingPanel = false; } }); } else { MessageBoxMan.Open("Couldn't add friend. please try again ... "); Globals.showLoadingPanel = false; } }); }
public static void ViewMessageOnScreen(string msg) { MessageBoxMan.Open(msg); }
public void ViewFriendProfile(bool isInFriends) { Debug.Log("View Friend Profile Btn Clicked ... "); if (friendProfileTextPrefab && friendProfilePanelPrefab && communityPanel) { profilePanel = Instantiate(friendProfilePanelPrefab, communityPanel.transform); innerPanel = profilePanel.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>()[1].gameObject; if (innerPanel) { // Instantiate Profile Info // Username Text GameObject usernameText = Instantiate(friendProfileTextPrefab, innerPanel.transform); usernameText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Username: "******"Email: " +; // User Type Text GameObject typeText = Instantiate(friendProfileTextPrefab, innerPanel.transform); typeText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Role: " + friend.type; // Instantiate doctor reviews if (friend.type == "doctor") { if (reviewLabelPrefab && reviewStarsSliderPrefab) { // Put a separator text for reviews area GameObject reviewAreaLabel = Instantiate(friendProfileTextPrefab, innerPanel.transform); reviewAreaLabel.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Reviews"; reviewAreaLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; reviewAreaLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = 15; // Iterate through reviews if there are any if (friend.ratings.Count == 0) { noReviewsAvailableTxt = Instantiate(friendProfileTextPrefab, innerPanel.transform); noReviewsAvailableTxt.GetComponent <Text>().text = "No reviews available for this user at the moment ... "; noReviewsAvailableTxt.GetComponent <Text>().fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic; noReviewsAvailableTxt.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = 12; } else { for (int i = 0; i < friend.ratings.Count; i++) { GameObject labelTxt = Instantiate(reviewLabelPrefab, innerPanel.transform); labelTxt.GetComponent <Text>().text = friend.ratings[i].review; GameObject reviewSlider = Instantiate(reviewStarsSliderPrefab, innerPanel.transform); reviewSlider.GetComponent <Slider>().value = (float)(friend.ratings[i].stars / 5); } } // Add a button for adding a review if (addReviewBtnPrefab && addReviewPanelPrefab) { GameObject addReviewBtn = Instantiate(addReviewBtnPrefab, innerPanel.transform); addReviewBtn.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { // Open Add Review Panel addReviewPanel = Instantiate(addReviewPanelPrefab, communityPanel.transform); addReviewPanel.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { // Submit review to firebase database string review = addReviewPanel.GetComponentInChildren <InputField>().text; int stars = (int)(addReviewPanel.GetComponentInChildren <Slider>().value * 5.0f); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(review)) { MessageBoxMan.Open("Please enter a review ... "); } else { tempReview = review; tempStars = stars; DoctorRating ratingObj = new DoctorRating(); = review; ratingObj.stars = stars; string ratingJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(ratingObj); Globals.showLoadingPanel = true; Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference .Child("users") .Child(friend.userId) .Child("ratings").Child(Globals.userId) .SetRawJsonValueAsync(ratingJson).ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsCompleted) { MessageBoxMan.Open("Submitted review successfully ... "); destroyAddReviewPanel = true; } Globals.showLoadingPanel = false; }); } }); }); } } } if (isInFriends) { // Add Private Chat Btn if (privateChatBtnPrefab) { GameObject openChatPanelBtnObj = Instantiate(privateChatBtnPrefab, innerPanel.transform); openChatPanelBtnObj.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { //Globals.showLoadingPanel = true; // If chat id is not avaialble create a new one (this means that a new chat is created) FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference .Child("users") .Child(friend.userId) .Child("friends").GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsCompleted) { DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result; // Check if current user has a mutual chat id in the friends list of the other person if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(snapshot.Child(Globals.userId).Child("userChatId").Value.ToString())) // If chat is opened for the first time { // Chat for the first time (save mutual chat id for the two users) Friend modFriend = new Friend(); modFriend.userId = friend.userId; modFriend.username = friend.username; modFriend.type = friend.type; =; =; modFriend.ratings = friend.ratings; Debug.Log("User Chat Id: " + snapshot.Child(Globals.userId).Child("userId").Value.ToString()); string randChatId = "Chat" + Globals.userId + friend.userId; Debug.Log("Generated Chat ID: " + randChatId); modFriend.userChatId = randChatId; string otherUserJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(modFriend); FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference .Child("users") .Child(Globals.userId) .Child("friends") .Child(friend.userId).SetRawJsonValueAsync(otherUserJson).ContinueWith(fTask => { if (fTask.IsCompleted) // Saved the chat id for the other user { // Save the chat id for the current user Friend modCurrentUser = new Friend(); =; =; modCurrentUser.username = Globals.currentUser.username; modCurrentUser.type = Globals.currentUser.userType; modCurrentUser.userId = Globals.currentUser.userId; modCurrentUser.ratings = Globals.currentUser.doctorRatings; modCurrentUser.userChatId = modFriend.userChatId; Globals.currentUser.userChatId = modCurrentUser.userChatId; string currentUserJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(modCurrentUser); FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference .Child("users") .Child(friend.userId) .Child("friends") .Child(Globals.userId).SetRawJsonValueAsync(currentUserJson).ContinueWith(uTask => { if (uTask.IsCompleted) // Saved the chat id for the current user { // Add Chat Panel and get the user channel id openChatPanel = true; openedChatOtherUserId = Globals.currentUser.userChatId; } Globals.showLoadingPanel = false; }); } }); } else { // This is not the first chat between the two users Globals.currentUser.userChatId = snapshot.Child(Globals.userId).Child("userChatId").Value.ToString(); // Open Chat for this chat id and Add Chat Panel and get the user channel id openChatPanel = true; openedChatOtherUserId = Globals.currentUser.userChatId; Globals.showLoadingPanel = false; } } Globals.showLoadingPanel = false; }); }); } } } Debug.Log("Buttons Count: " + (profilePanel.GetComponentsInChildren <Button>().Length - 1)); Button closeProfileBtn = profilePanel.GetComponentsInChildren <Button>()[profilePanel.GetComponentsInChildren <Button>().Length - 1]; closeProfileBtn.onClick.AddListener(delegate { Debug.Log("Terminating profile panel ... "); Destroy(profilePanel.gameObject); }); } }