Exemple #1
    public bool SetAvatarIconById(UITexture texture, int id)
        MeshAssembly mesh = ConfigDataBase.MeshAssemblyConfig.Get(id);

        if (mesh == null)
            LoggerManager.Instance.Error("Can not find mesh assembly in config data base, id is " + id);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mesh.Icon))
            LoggerManager.Instance.Error("Can not find Icon in mesh assembly db, id is " + id);

        return(SetUpControlIcon(texture, mesh.Icon));
Exemple #2
            public void Compute()
                int N = meshToScene.Length;

                slicer = new MeshPlanarSlicerPro()
                    LayerHeightMM = CC.Settings.LayerHeightMM,
                    // [RMS] 1.5 here is a hack. If we don't leave a bit of space then often the filament gets squeezed right at
                    //   inside/outside transitions, which is bad. Need a better way to handle.
                    OpenPathDefaultWidthMM = CC.Settings.NozzleDiameterMM * 1.5,
                    SetMinZValue           = 0,
                    SliceFactoryF          = PlanarSlicePro.FactoryF
                if (CC.Settings.OpenMode == PrintSettings.OpenMeshMode.Clipped)
                    slicer.DefaultOpenPathMode = PrintMeshOptions.OpenPathsModes.Clipped;
                else if (CC.Settings.OpenMode == PrintSettings.OpenMeshMode.Embedded)
                    slicer.DefaultOpenPathMode = PrintMeshOptions.OpenPathsModes.Embedded;
                else if (CC.Settings.OpenMode == PrintSettings.OpenMeshMode.Ignored)
                    slicer.DefaultOpenPathMode = PrintMeshOptions.OpenPathsModes.Ignored;

                if (CC.Settings.StartLayers > 0)
                    int    start_layers       = CC.Settings.StartLayers;
                    double std_layer_height   = CC.Settings.LayerHeightMM;
                    double start_layer_height = CC.Settings.StartLayerHeightMM;
                    slicer.LayerHeightF = (layer_i) => {
                        return((layer_i < start_layers) ? start_layer_height : std_layer_height);

                try {
                    assembly = new PrintMeshAssembly();
                    for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k)
                        DMesh3            mesh     = meshCopies[k];
                        Frame3f           mapF     = meshToScene[k];
                        PrintMeshSettings settings = meshSettings[k];

                        PrintMeshOptions options = new PrintMeshOptions();
                        options.IsSupport    = (settings.ObjectType == PrintMeshSettings.ObjectTypes.Support);
                        options.IsCavity     = (settings.ObjectType == PrintMeshSettings.ObjectTypes.Cavity);
                        options.IsCropRegion = (settings.ObjectType == PrintMeshSettings.ObjectTypes.CropRegion);
                        options.IsOpen       = false;
                        if (settings.OuterShellOnly)
                            options.IsOpen = true;
                        options.OpenPathMode = PrintMeshSettings.Convert(settings.OpenMeshMode);
                        options.Extended     = new ExtendedPrintMeshOptions()
                            ClearanceXY = settings.Clearance,
                            OffsetXY    = settings.OffsetXY

                        Vector3f scale = localScale[k];
                        MeshTransforms.Scale(mesh, scale.x, scale.y, scale.z);
                        MeshTransforms.FromFrame(mesh, mapF);

                        MeshAssembly decomposer = new MeshAssembly(mesh);
                        decomposer.HasNoVoids = settings.NoVoids;

                        assembly.AddMeshes(decomposer.ClosedSolids, options);

                        PrintMeshOptions openOptions = options.Clone();
                        assembly.AddMeshes(decomposer.OpenMeshes, openOptions);

                    if (slicer.Add(assembly) == false)
                        throw new Exception("error adding PrintMeshAssembly to Slicer!!");

                    // set clip box
                    Box2d clip_box = new Box2d(Vector2d.Zero,
                                               new Vector2d(CC.Settings.BedSizeXMM / 2, CC.Settings.BedSizeYMM / 2));
                    slicer.ValidRegions = new List <GeneralPolygon2d>()
                        new GeneralPolygon2d(new Polygon2d(clip_box.ComputeVertices()))

                    result  = slicer.Compute();
                    Success = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    DebugUtil.Log("GeometrySlicer.Compute: exception: " + e.Message);
                    Success = false;

                Finished = true;