void Start() { m_DataInstance = this; sDefaultFolderPath = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/XML"; GetFolder(); }
void Start() { m_DataInstance = this; sDefaultFolderPath = Application.dataPath + "/XML"; if (CheckUrl(sLevelsFolderUrl)) { FolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sLevelsFolderUrl); } else { FolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sDefaultFolderPath); sLevelsFolderUrl = sDefaultFolderPath; Debug.LogError("FolderPath not assigned/is null, using default, assigning default as url"); } if (FolderInfo != null) { FileInfo[] infos = FolderInfo.GetFiles("*.xml"); foreach (FileInfo obj in infos) { //Debug.Log("FileInfo name : " + obj.Name); //Debug.Log("FileInfo name through path : " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(obj.Name)); //Debug.Log("FileInfo full name : " + obj.FullName); FileUrls.Add(obj.FullName); FileNames.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(obj.Name)); } } else { Debug.LogError("FolderInfo checked to be null"); } gameObject.GetComponent <LoadedLevels>().vUpdateData(); }