Exemple #1
            static Drawings()
                Menu = Config.Menu.Add(new Menu("Drawings", "Drawings"));

                Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("SpellRange", "Spell Range"));
                _drawQRange = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawQRange", "Draw Q Range"));
                _drawWRange = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawWRange", "Draw W Range"));
                _drawERange = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawERange", "Draw E Range"));
                _drawRRange = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawRRange", "Draw R Range"));

                Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Oathsworn", "Oathsworn"));
                _drawOathswornPos = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawOathswornPos", "Draw Oathsworn(Soulbound) Position", true));

                Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Soul", "Souls"));
                _drawSoulPosition          = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawSoulPosition", "Draw Souls Position", true));
                _drawSoulWaypoints         = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawSoulWaypoints", "Draw Souls Waypoints", true));
                _displayRemainingRotations = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DisplayRemainingRotations", "Display Souls Remaining Rotations", true));

                Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator"));
                _DamageIndicatorEnabled = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DamageIndicatorEnabled", "DamageIndicator Enabled", true));
                _HerosEnabled           = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("HerosEnabled", "Draw on Heros", true));
                _JunglesEnabled         = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("JunglesEnabled", "Draw On Jungles", true));
                _DrawQDamage            = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawQDamage", "Draw Q Damage", true));
                _DrawEDamage            = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawEDamage", "Draw E Damage", true));
                _QDamageColor           = Menu.Add(new MenuColor("QdamageColor", "Q Damage Color", Color.Orange));
                _EDamageColor           = Menu.Add(new MenuColor("EdamageColor", "E Damage Color", Color.MediumSpringGreen));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LightColorPicker" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component">
        ///     The component.
        /// </param>
        public LightColorPicker2(MenuColor component)
            : base(component)
            Hsl tempHsl;

            this.colorBox = new ColorBox(new Size(200, 200))
                Hsl = Utilities.RgbToHsl(this.Component.Color.ToSystemColor())

            this.verticalColorSlider = new VerticalColorSlider(new Size(40, 200))
                CbHsl = Utilities.RgbToHsl(this.Component.Color.ToSystemColor())
            this.verticalColorSlider.ColorSliderScroll += () =>
                tempHsl           = this.colorBox.Hsl;
                tempHsl.H         = this.verticalColorSlider.CbHsl.H;
                this.colorBox.Hsl = tempHsl;

            this.verticalAlphaSlider = new VerticalAlphaSlider(new Size(40, 200));
            tempHsl   = this.verticalAlphaSlider.CbHsl;
            tempHsl.L = this.colorBox.Hsl.L;
            this.verticalAlphaSlider.CbHsl              = tempHsl;
            this.verticalAlphaSlider.AlphaSliderScroll += () =>
                tempHsl           = this.colorBox.Hsl;
                tempHsl.L         = this.verticalAlphaSlider.CbHsl.L;
                this.colorBox.Hsl = tempHsl;
Exemple #3
 private void AddContainer(Menu menu)
     ContainerHeight =
         menu.Add(new MenuSlider("containerheight", "菜单选项高度", MenuSettings.ContainerHeight, 15, 50));
     FontHeight =
         menu.Add(new MenuSlider("fontheight", "字体大小", MenuSettings.Font.Description.Height, 10, 30));
     BackgroundColor =
         menu.Add(new MenuColor("backgroundcolor", "背景颜色", MenuSettings.RootContainerColor));
        public MainWVM()
            CommandShowMainViews = new RelayCommand(ExecuteShowMainViews);


            this.title = DEFAULT_TITLE;
Exemple #5
            static Drawings()
                Menu = Config.Menu.Add(new Menu("Drawings", "Drawings"));

                Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("SpellRange", "Spell Range"));

                _drawQRange = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawQRange", "Draw Q Range"));
                //_drawWRange = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawWRange", "Draw W Range"));
                //_drawERange = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawERange", "Draw E Range"));
                _drawRRange = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("drawRRange", "Draw R Range"));

                Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator"));

                _DamageIndicatorEnabled = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DamageIndicatorEnabled", "DamageIndicator Enabled", false));
                _HerosEnabled           = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("HerosEnabled", "Draw on Heros", true));
                _JunglesEnabled         = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("JunglesEnabled", "Draw on Jungles", true));

                Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Q", "Q"));

                _DrawQDamage  = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawQDamage", "Draw Q Damage", true));
                _QDamageColor = Menu.Add(new MenuColor("QdamageColor", "Q Damage Color", Color.DeepSkyBlue));

                //Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("W", "W"));

                //_DrawWDamage = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawWDamage", "Draw W Damage", true));
                //_WDamageColor = Menu.Add(new MenuColor("WdamageColor", "W Damage Color", Color.Bisque));

                //Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("E", "E"));

                //_DrawEDamage = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawEDamage", "Draw E Damage", true));
                //_EDamageColor = Menu.Add(new MenuColor("EdamageColor", "E Damage Color", Color.MediumSpringGreen));

                Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("R", "R"));

                _DrawRDamage  = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawRDamage", "Draw R Damage", true));
                _RDamageColor = Menu.Add(new MenuColor("RdamageColor", "R Damage Color", Color.PaleVioletRed));

                Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("AutoAttack", "AutoAttack"));

                _DrawAutoAttackDamage  = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawAutoAttackDamage", "Draw AutoAttack Damage", false));
                _AutoAttackDamageColor = Menu.Add(new MenuColor("AutoAttackdamageColor", "AutoAttack Damage Color", Color.DeepSkyBlue));
Exemple #6
        private static void FinishLoading()
            LeagueSharp.Drawing.OnDraw += Draw;
            Game.OnUpdate                      += OnUpdate;
            Events.OnGapCloser                 += OnGapcloser;
            Events.OnInterruptableTarget       += OnInterruptableTarget;
            DelayAction.Add(3000, () => MyRange = Player.GetRealAutoAttackRange());
            //Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true;
            //DelayAction.Add(1000, () => Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true);
            //DelayAction.Add(5000, () => Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true);
            //DelayAction.Add(10000, () => Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true);
            Menu                     = new Menu("tyler1", "Tyler1", true);
            AutoCatch                = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1auto", "Auto catch axes?", true));
            CatchOnlyCloseToMouse    = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1onlyclose", "Catch only axes close to mouse?", true));
            MaxDistToMouse           = Menu.Add(new MenuSlider("tyler1maxdist", "Max axe distance to mouse", 500, 250, 1250));
            OnlyCatchIfSafe          = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1safeaxes", "Only catch axes if safe (anti melee)", false));
            MinQLaneclearManaPercent =
                Menu.Add(new MenuSlider("tyler1QLCMana", "Min Mana Percent for Q Laneclear", 60, 0, 100));
            EMenu           = Menu.Add(new Menu("tyler1E", "E Settings: "));
            ECombo          = EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1ECombo", "Use E in Combo", true));
            EGC             = EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1EGC", "Use E on Gapcloser", true));
            EInterrupt      = EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1EInterrupt", "Use E to Interrupt", true));
            RMenu           = Menu.Add(new Menu("tyler1R", "R Settings:"));
            RKS             = RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1RKS", "Use R to steal kills", true));
            RKSOnlyIfCantAA = RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1RKSOnlyIfCantAA", "Use R KS only if can't AA", true));
            RIfHit          = RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("tyler1RIfHit", "Use R if it will hit X enemies", 2, 1, 5));
            R1vs1           = RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1R1v1", "Always use R in 1v1", true));

            WCombo   = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1WCombo", "Use W in Combo", true));
            UseItems = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1Items", "Use Items?", true));

            DrawingMenu        = Menu.Add(new Menu("tyler1DrawSettings", "Draw Settings:"));
            DrawAXECatchRadius = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1AxeCatchDraw", "Draw Axe Catch Radius", true));
            DrawAXELocation    = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1AxeLocationDraw", "Draw Axe Location", true));
            DrawAXELine        = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1AxeLineDraw", "Draw Line to Axe Position", true));
            ColorMenu          = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuColor("tyler1DrawingColor", "Drawing Color", ColorBGRA.FromRgba(Color.Red.ToRgba())));

Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 ///     Builds a new handler for the given <see cref="MenuColor" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="component">The <see cref="MenuColor" /> where this handler is responsible for.</param>
 /// <returns>The handler</returns>
 public ADrawable <MenuColor> BuildColorHandler(MenuColor component)
     return(new BlueColorPicker(component));
Exemple #8
 public MenuTemplate(MenuColor normal, MenuColor highlighted)
     this.normal = normal;
     this.highlighted = highlighted;
Exemple #9
 public void AddColor(Menu menu, MenuColor color)
 /// <summary>
 ///     Builds a new handler for the given <see cref="MenuColor" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="component">The <see cref="MenuColor" /> where this handler is responsible for.</param>
 /// <returns>The handler</returns>
 public ADrawable<MenuColor> BuildColorHandler(MenuColor component)
     return new LightColorPicker2(component);
        public void DynamicWindowColor(MenuColor menuColor)
            // This is an overhaul of LoadBorderPalette_Blue that enhances it to JSR to
            // DrawMapPalette first. That allows us to wrap that with a dynamic load of
            // the bg color after it sets it to the default one.

             *      LoadBorderPalette_Dynamic:
             *      JSR $D862 ; JSR to DrawMapPalette
             *      LDY $60FB ; Load dynamic palette color to Y
             *      LoadBorderPalette_Y:
             *      LDA $60FC ; Back up current bank
             *      PHA
             *      LDA #$0F
             *      JSR $FE03 ; SwapPRG_L
             *      JSR $8700 ; Jump out to palette writing code. Dynamic Color in Y
             *      PLA
             *      JSR $FE03 ; SwapPRG_L
             *      RTS
            Put(0x7EB29, Blob.FromHex("2062D8ACFB60ADFC6048A90F2003FE200087682003FE60"));

            // The battle call site needs black not the dynamic color so we jump right to
            // the operation after that when calling from battle init.
            Put(0x7EB90, Blob.FromHex("A00F4C2FEB"));

            // Modify two calls to DrawMapPalette to call our LoadBorderPalette_Dynamic which
            // starts with a JSR to DrawMapPalette and then adds the dynamic menu color.
            Put(0x7CF8F, Blob.FromHex("29EB"));
            Put(0x7CF1C, Blob.FromHex("29EB"));

            // Modify Existing calls to LoadBorderPalette_Blue up three bytes to where it starts
            Put(0x7EAB7, Blob.FromHex("2CEB"));
            Put(0x7EB58, Blob.FromHex("2CEB"));

            // There are two unfinished bugs in the equipment menu that use palettes 1 and 2
            // for no reason and need to use 3 now. They are all mirrors in vanilla.
            Put(0x3BE53, Blob.FromHex("EAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEA"));
            Data[0x3BEF7] = 0x60;

            // Finally we need to also make the lit orb palette dynamic so lit orbs bg matches.
            // I copy the original code and add LDA/STA at the end for the bg color, and put
            // it over some unused garbage at the bottom of Bank E @ [$BF3A :: 0x3BF4A]

             *      LDX #$0B ; Straight copy from EnterMainMenu
             *      Loop:
             *        LDA $AD78, X
             *        STA $03C0, X
             *        DEX
             *        BPL Loop
             *      LDA $60FB ; Newly added to load and set dynamic palette color for lit orb
             *      STA $03C2
             *      RTS
            Put(0x3BF3A, Blob.FromHex("A20BBD78AD9DC003CA10F7ADFB608DC2038DC60360"));
            Put(0x3ADC2, Blob.FromHex("203ABFEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEA"));

            // Dynamic location initial value
            Data[0x30FB] = (byte)menuColor;

            // Hardcoded spot for opening "cinematic"
            Data[0x03A11C] = (byte)menuColor;
            Data[0x03A2D3] = (byte)menuColor;
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 ///     Builds a new handler for the given <see cref="MenuColor" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="component">The <see cref="MenuColor" /> where this handler is responsible for.</param>
 /// <returns>The handler</returns>
 public ADrawable<MenuColor> BuildColorHandler(MenuColor component)
     return new DefaultColorPicker(component);
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlueColorPicker2" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="component">
 ///     The component.
 /// </param>
 public BlueColorPicker2(MenuColor component)
     : base(component)
Exemple #14
        private static void FinishLoading()
            LeagueSharp.Drawing.OnDraw += Draw;
            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Events.OnGapCloser += OnGapcloser;
            Events.OnInterruptableTarget += OnInterruptableTarget;
            DelayAction.Add(3000, () => MyRange = Variables.Orbwalker.GetAutoAttackRange(Player));
            Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true;
            DelayAction.Add(1000, () => Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true);
            DelayAction.Add(5000, () => Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true);
            DelayAction.Add(10000, () => Variables.Orbwalker.Enabled = true);
            Menu = new Menu("tyler1", "Tyler1", true);
            AutoCatch = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1auto", "Auto catch axes?", true));
            CatchOnlyCloseToMouse = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1onlyclose", "Catch only axes close to mouse?", true));
            MaxDistToMouse = Menu.Add(new MenuSlider("tyler1maxdist", "Max axe distance to mouse", 500, 250, 1250));
            OnlyCatchIfSafe = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1safeaxes", "Only catch axes if safe (anti melee)", false));
            MinQLaneclearManaPercent =
                Menu.Add(new MenuSlider("tyler1QLCMana", "Min Mana Percent for Q Laneclear", 60, 0, 100));
            EMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("tyler1E", "E Settings: "));
            ECombo = EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1ECombo", "Use E in Combo", true));
            EGC = EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1EGC", "Use E on Gapcloser", true));
            EInterrupt = EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1EInterrupt", "Use E to Interrupt", true));
            RMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("tyler1R", "R Settings:"));
            RKS = RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1RKS", "Use R to steal kills", true));
            RKSOnlyIfCantAA = RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1RKSOnlyIfCantAA", "Use R KS only if can't AA", true));
            RIfHit = RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("tyler1RIfHit", "Use R if it will hit X enemies", 2, 1, 5));
            R1vs1 = RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1R1v1", "Always use R in 1v1", true));

            WCombo = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1WCombo", "Use W in Combo", true));
            UseItems = Menu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1Items", "Use Items?", true));

            DrawingMenu = Menu.Add(new Menu("tyler1DrawSettings", "Draw Settings:"));
            DrawAXECatchRadius = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1AxeCatchDraw", "Draw Axe Catch Radius", true));
            DrawAXELocation = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1AxeLocationDraw", "Draw Axe Location", true));
            DrawAXELine = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("tyler1AxeLineDraw", "Draw Line to Axe Position", true));
            ColorMenu = DrawingMenu.Add(new MenuColor("tyler1DrawingColor", "Drawing Color", ColorBGRA.FromRgba(Color.Red.ToRgba())));

        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LightColorPicker" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component">
        ///     The component.
        /// </param>
        public LightColorPicker2(MenuColor component)
            : base(component)
            Hsl tempHsl;
            this.colorBox = new ColorBox(new Size(200, 200))
                                { Hsl = Utilities.RgbToHsl(this.Component.Color.ToSystemColor()) };

            this.verticalColorSlider = new VerticalColorSlider(new Size(40, 200))
                                           { CbHsl = Utilities.RgbToHsl(this.Component.Color.ToSystemColor()) };
            this.verticalColorSlider.ColorSliderScroll += () =>
                    tempHsl = this.colorBox.Hsl;
                    tempHsl.H = this.verticalColorSlider.CbHsl.H;
                    this.colorBox.Hsl = tempHsl;

            this.verticalAlphaSlider = new VerticalAlphaSlider(new Size(40, 200));
            tempHsl = this.verticalAlphaSlider.CbHsl;
            tempHsl.L = this.colorBox.Hsl.L;
            this.verticalAlphaSlider.CbHsl = tempHsl;
            this.verticalAlphaSlider.AlphaSliderScroll += () =>
                    tempHsl = this.colorBox.Hsl;
                    tempHsl.L = this.verticalAlphaSlider.CbHsl.L;
                    this.colorBox.Hsl = tempHsl;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Builds a new handler for the given <see cref="MenuColor" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="component">The <see cref="MenuColor" /> where this handler is responsible for.</param>
 /// <returns>The handler</returns>
 public ADrawable<MenuColor> BuildColorHandler(MenuColor component)
     return new DefaultColorPicker(component);