Exemple #1
                static Interrupter()
                    Menu2.AddGroupLabel("Interrupter Settings");

                    _qInterrupt = Menu2.Add("qInterrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupt low/med-danger spells with Q"));

                    _qInterruptDangerous = Menu2.Add("rInterrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupt high-danger spells with Q"));
Exemple #2
        private static void Loading_OnComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Gragas.Hero != Champion.Gragas)
            Chat.Print("[Addon] [Champion] [Gragas]");

            Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 775, SkillShotType.Circular, 1, 1000, 110);
            Q.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue;
            W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 675, SkillShotType.Linear, 0, 1000, 50);
            R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1100, SkillShotType.Circular, 1, 1000, 700);
            R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue;

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Gragas", "Gragas");

            var Enemies = EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(a => !a.IsMe).OrderBy(a => a.BaseSkinName);

            Menu1 = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Menu1.AddLabel("Combo Configs");
            Menu1.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] on Combo"));
            Menu1.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use [W] on Combo"));
            Menu1.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use [E] on Combo"));
            Menu1.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use [R] on Combo", false));
            Menu1.AddLabel("Use [R] only on:");
            foreach (var a in Enemies)
                Menu1.Add("Ult_" + a.BaseSkinName, new CheckBox(a.BaseSkinName));
            Menu1.Add("MinR", new Slider("Use R if min Champs on [R] range:", 2, 1, 5));

            Menu1.Add("ManaH", new Slider("Mana Percent  > %", 40));
            Menu1.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] on Harass"));
            Menu1.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use [W] on Harass"));
            Menu1.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use [E] on Harass"));
            Menu1.Add("KQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on KillSteal"));
            Menu1.Add("KE", new CheckBox("Use E to KillSteal"));
            Menu1.Add("KR", new CheckBox("Use R to KillSteal"));

            Menu2 = Menu.AddSubMenu("Farming");
            Menu2.AddLabel("LastHit Configs");
            Menu2.Add("ManaL", new Slider("Dont use Skills if Mana <= ", 40));
            Menu2.Add("LastQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on LastHit"));
            Menu2.Add("LastW", new CheckBox("Use W on LastHit"));
            Menu2.Add("LastE", new CheckBox("Use E on LastHit"));
            Menu2.AddLabel("Lane Clear Config");
            Menu2.Add("ManaF", new Slider("Dont use Skills if Mana <=", 40));
            Menu2.Add("FarmQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on LaneClear"));
            Menu2.Add("FarmW", new CheckBox("Use W on LaneClear"));
            Menu2.Add("FarmE", new CheckBox("Use E on LaneClear"));
            Menu2.Add("MinionQ", new Slider("Use Q when count minions more than :", 3, 1, 5));
            Menu2.AddLabel("Jungle Clear Config");
            Menu2.Add("ManaJ", new Slider("Dont use Skills if Mana <=", 40));
            Menu2.Add("JungQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Jungle"));
            Menu2.Add("JungW", new CheckBox("Use W on Jungle"));
            Menu2.Add("JungE", new CheckBox("Use E on Jungle"));

            Draws = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draws");
            Draws.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox(" Draw do Q"));
            Draws.Add("drawE", new CheckBox(" Draw do E"));
            Draws.Add("drawR", new CheckBox(" Draw do R"));

            Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("useEGapCloser", new CheckBox("E on GapCloser"));
            Misc.Add("useRGapCloser", new CheckBox("R on GapCloser"));
            Misc.Add("useEInterrupter", new CheckBox("use E to Interrupt"));
            Misc.Add("useRInterrupter", new CheckBox("use R to Interrupt"));
            Misc.Add("Key", new KeyBind("Key to insec", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, (uint)'A'));

            Game.OnUpdate       += Game_OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw      += Game_OnDraw;
            GameObject.OnCreate += Game_ObjectCreate;
            //GameObject.OnDelete += Game_OnDelete;
            //Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += Reset;
            Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += game_Interrupter;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += Gap_Closer;