public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Page()); } var session = await _context.GetSessionAsync(SessionID); var document = new Document { SessionID = this.SessionID, Session = session }; document = await MemoryStreamExtention.FileToDocumentAsync(FileUpload, document); var success = await _context.AddDocumentAsync(document); if (!success) { return(RedirectToPage("/Error")); } return(RedirectToPage("./Details", new { id = SessionID })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { // Get the Assingment AssignmentID = Assignment.AssignmentID; var assignment = await _context.GetAssignmentAsync(Assignment.AssignmentID); var document = new Document { AssignmentID = Assignment.AssignmentID, Assignment = assignment }; document = await MemoryStreamExtention.FileToDocumentAsync(FileUpload, document); var documentSuccess = await _context.AddDocumentAsync(document); var assignmentSuccess = true; if (assignment.DateCompleted == new DateTime()) { assignment.DateCompleted = DateTime.Now; assignmentSuccess = await _context.UpdateAssignmentAsync(assignment); } if (documentSuccess && assignmentSuccess) { var protege = await _context.GetProtegeByIDAsync(assignment.Session.Course.Pair.ProtegeID); var mentor = await _context.GetMentorByIDAsync(assignment.Session.Course.Pair.MentorID); var client = await _context.GetClientByIDAsync(assignment.Session.Course.Pair.ClientID); var subject = $"{protege?.AppUser?.Email} uploaded Assignment {assignment?.Title}"; var message = "<h1>Assignment Uploaded</h1>" + $"<p>The Assigment <strong>{assignment.Title}</strong> was submitted by <strong>{protege?.AppUser?.Email}</strong> at <strong>{assignment?.DateCompleted}</strong></p>"; if (protege != null && mentor != null) { await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(protege.AppUser.Email, subject, message); } if (mentor != null) { await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(mentor.AppUser.Email, subject, message); } if (client != null) { await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(client.AppUser.Email, subject, message); } return(RedirectToPage("./Details", new { id = assignment.AssignmentID })); } return(RedirectToPage("/Error")); }
/// <summary> /// The OnPostAsync method uploads the document to the specified resource /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { //checks to see if the Model State is valid if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Page()); } //Creates a new Document var document = new Document { }; //Passed the FileUpload model and the recently created document to the FileToDocumentAsync function int he applicationDbContext file to put it in the database in bytes. document = await MemoryStreamExtention.FileToDocumentAsync(FileUpload, document); //Creates a new resouce and fills in certain areas of the model and associates the document with the resource. var resource = new Resource { Category = FileUpload.Category, Name = Name, Type = "File", DateAdded = DateTime.Now, CourseID = courseID, Documents = new List <Document> { document } }; //Adds the resource to the database var success = await _context.CreateResourceAsync(resource); if (success) { //Redirects the mentor to the specified course return(RedirectToPage("../Mentor/Course/Index", new { id = resource.CourseID })); } else { return(RedirectToPage("/Error")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Page()); } var document = new Document { }; document = await MemoryStreamExtention.FileToDocumentAsync(FileUpload, document); var success = await _context.AddDocumentAsync(document); if (!success) { return(RedirectToPage("/Error")); } return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Page()); } var session = await _context.GetSessionAsync(SessionID); if (session == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/Error")); } var fileUpload = new FileUpload { Category = "Agenda", Document = FileUpload }; var document = new Document(); document = await MemoryStreamExtention.FileToDocumentAsync(fileUpload, document); var agenda = new Agenda { CreationDate = DateTime.Now, Name = Name, SessionID = SessionID, Session = session, Document = document }; var success = await _context.AddAgendaAsync(agenda); if (success) { var protege = await _context.GetProtegeByIDAsync(session.Course.Pair.ProtegeID); var mentor = await _context.GetMentorByIDAsync(session.Course.Pair.MentorID); var client = await _context.GetClientByIDAsync(session.Course.Pair.ClientID); var subject = $"{protege?.AppUser?.Email} uploaded Agenda {agenda.Name}"; var message = "<h1>Agenda Uploaded</h1>" + $"<p>The Assigment <strong>{agenda.Name}</strong> was submitted by <strong>{protege?.AppUser?.Email}</strong> at <strong>{agenda.CreationDate}</strong></p>"; if (protege != null) { await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(protege.AppUser.Email, subject, message); } if (mentor != null) { await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(mentor.AppUser.Email, subject, message); } if (client != null) { await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(client.AppUser.Email, subject, message); } return(RedirectToPage("/Sessions/Details", new { id = session.SessionID })); } return(RedirectToPage("./Index")); }