private static long InitializeMemory(string[] input, bool includeXMask) { var memoryInitializer = new MemoryInitializer(input.First(), includeXMask); var instructions = input.Skip(1) .Select(ParseInstruction); return(memoryInitializer.Execute(instructions)); }
// Constructor will read in the filepath and store the text in the file to a list. public Parser(string filepath) { filepath = filepath.Replace("\n", ""); // get rid of illegal character from file path var temp = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filepath); lines = new List <string>(temp); instRead = new InstructionReader(); foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.Contains("DATA SEGMENT")) // stop printing at data section { break; } instRead.ParseAndPrintInstruction(line); } MemoryInitializer.InitStaticData(lines); MemoryInitializer.InitStack(); MemoryInitializer.InitTextData(lines); }