public static void DotMemoryGetDifference(Action <bool, string> assertThat)
                () =>
                _firstPoint = dotMemory.Check();
                () =>
                dotMemory.Check(memory =>
                    var deadObj = memory
                                  .GetObjects(_ => _.Type.Is(typeof(FirstClass), typeof(SecondClass))).ObjectsCount;

                    var newObj = memory
                                 .GetObjects(_ => _.Type.Is(typeof(FirstClass), typeof(SecondClass))).ObjectsCount;

                    var survObj = memory
                                  .GetObjects(_ => _.Type.Is(typeof(FirstClass), typeof(SecondClass))).ObjectsCount;

                    assertThat(deadObj == 0, string.Format(AssertTemplates.AssertObjectsCountTemplate, 0, deadObj));
                    assertThat(newObj == SecondClass.Count, string.Format(AssertTemplates.AssertObjectsCountTemplate, SecondClass.Count, newObj));
                    assertThat(survObj == FirstClass.Count, string.Format(AssertTemplates.AssertObjectsCountTemplate, FirstClass.Count, survObj));
Exemple #2
        public void MemoryAllocationTrendTest()
            IFoo             foo = new Foo();
            MemoryCheckPoint memoryCheckpoint1 = dotMemory.Check();

            IFoo foo1 = new Foo();
            IFoo foo2 = new Foo();

            var memoryCheckPoint2 = dotMemory.Check(memory =>
                long actualObjectsCount = memory
                                          .Where(obj => obj.Interface.Is <IFoo>()).AllocatedMemory.ObjectsCount;

//                long actualObjectsCount = memory
//                    .GetTrafficFrom(memoryCheckpoint1)
//                    .Where(obj => obj.Interface.Is<IFoo>())
//                    .AllocatedMemory;
                Console.WriteLine("CollectedMemory.ObjectCount: {0}", actualObjectsCount);
                Assert.That(actualObjectsCount, Is.EqualTo(2));

            Assert.That(foo, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(foo1, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(foo2, Is.Not.Null);
Exemple #3
        public void LoadTest_PathfindingPerformanceAndMemoryOverhead()
            int  xSize       = 500;
            int  ySize       = 500;
            var  density     = TestGridInfoProvider.GridDensity.Medium;
            bool hasWalls    = true;
            int  rngSeed     = 333;
            int  trailsCount = 100;

            var gip = new TestGridInfoProvider(xSize, ySize, density, hasWalls, rngSeed);
            var rng = new RandomNumberGenerator(rngSeed);

            IRasterLineCreator bresenham = new BresenhamLineCreator();
            var pathfinder = new Pathfinder(gip, new NaturalLineCalculator(bresenham), bresenham);
            var stopwatch  = new Stopwatch();

            var trailsToTest = new Dictionary <Position, Position>();

            for (int i = 0; i < trailsCount; i++)
                Position first  = GetRandomWalkablePosition(rng, gip);
                Position second = GetRandomWalkablePosition(rng, gip);
                trailsToTest[first] = second;

            Func <Position, Position, PathfindingResult>[] findersToTest =

            MemoryCheckPoint lastCheckPoint = new MemoryCheckPoint();            // = dotMemory.Check();

            if (GC.TryStartNoGCRegion(240111000))
                lastCheckPoint = RunPathfindingAndPrintResults(xSize, ySize, density, hasWalls, trailsCount, rngSeed, findersToTest, stopwatch, trailsToTest,
                if (GCSettings.LatencyMode == GCLatencyMode.NoGCRegion)
Exemple #4
        private static MemoryCheckPoint RunPathfindingAndPrintResults(int xSize, int ySize, TestGridInfoProvider.GridDensity density, bool hasWalls,
                                                                      int trailsCount, int seed, Func <Position, Position, PathfindingResult>[] findersToTest, Stopwatch stopwatch, Dictionary <Position, Position> trails,
                                                                      MemoryCheckPoint lastCheckPoint)
            foreach (Func <Position, Position, PathfindingResult> finder in findersToTest)
                Console.WriteLine("Method name;" + finder.Method.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("xSize;" + xSize);
                Console.WriteLine("ySize;" + ySize);
                Console.WriteLine("density;" + density);
                Console.WriteLine("hasWalls;" + hasWalls);
                Console.WriteLine("trailsCount;" + trailsCount);
                Console.WriteLine("seed;" + seed);
                int pathNotFoundCount = 0;
                int totalStepsCount   = 0;
                foreach (var startToEnd in trails)
                    List <Position> jumpPoints = finder(startToEnd.Key, startToEnd.Value).Positions;
                    if (jumpPoints != null)
                        totalStepsCount += jumpPoints.Count;
                Console.WriteLine("total time;" + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                Console.WriteLine("paths found;" + (trailsCount - pathNotFoundCount));
                Console.WriteLine("paths not found;" + pathNotFoundCount);
                Console.WriteLine("total count of steps to follow;" + totalStepsCount);

 *                                      var previousCheckPoint = lastCheckPoint;
 *                                      lastCheckPoint = dotMemory.Check(memory =>
 *                                      {
 *                                              var traffic = memory.GetTrafficFrom(previousCheckPoint);
 *                                              var difference = memory.GetDifference(previousCheckPoint);
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("DIFFERENCE — NEW OBJECTS COUNT;" + difference.GetNewObjects().ObjectsCount);
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("DIFFERENCE — NEW OBJECTS SIZE IN BYTES;" + difference.GetNewObjects().SizeInBytes);
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("TRAFFIC — ALLOCATED OBJECTS COUNT;" + traffic.AllocatedMemory.ObjectsCount);
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("TRAFFIC — ALLOCATED SIZE IN BYTESl" + traffic.AllocatedMemory.SizeInBytes);
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("TRAFFIC — COLLECTED OBJECTS COUNT;" + traffic.CollectedMemory.ObjectsCount);
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("TRAFFIC — COLLECTED SIZE IN BYTESl" + traffic.CollectedMemory.SizeInBytes);
 *                                              Console.WriteLine();
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("NEW OBJECTS WITH COUNT OVER 50:");
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("OBJECT NAME;COUNT;BYTES");
 *                                              var types = difference.GetNewObjects().GroupByType();
 *                                              foreach (var tmi in types)
 *                                              {
 *                                                      if (tmi.ObjectsCount < 50) continue;
 *                                                      string full = String.Format("{0};{1};{2}", tmi.Type.ToString(), tmi.ObjectsCount,
 *                                                              tmi.SizeInBytes);
 *                                                      Console.WriteLine(full);
 *                                              }
 *                                              Console.WriteLine();
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("TRAFFIC OF TYPES WITH COUNT OVER 50:");
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("TYPE NAME;ALLOCATED MEMORY;COLLECTED MEMORY");
 *                                              var types2 = traffic.GroupByType();
 *                                              foreach (var tmi in types2)
 *                                              {
 *                                                      if (tmi.AllocatedMemoryInfo.ObjectsCount > 50)
 *                                                      {
 *                                                              string full = String.Format("{0};{1};{2}", tmi.Type.ToString(), tmi.AllocatedMemoryInfo,
 *                                                                      tmi.CollectedMemoryInfo);
 *                                                              Console.WriteLine(full);
 *                                                      }
 *                                              }
 *                                              Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------------");
 *                                      });*/