public string Interpret(EnqueuedInstruction in_instruction)
        instruction = in_instruction;
        MemoryBlock memoryBlock = instruction.GetNode().GetMemory(instruction.GetSource());
        double      in_command  = memoryBlock.GetCell(0).value;

        // Interpret command
        // XXX: Comparing using values instead of strings to guarantee interpretation
        //		Will require a better setup
        Command cmd = null;

        //Debug.Log("IN: " + in_command);
        foreach (string commandString in commands.Keys)
            double commandValue;
            AlphaNumeral.StringToDbl(commandString, out commandValue);

            //Debug.Log("CMD: " + commandString);
            //Debug.Log("VAL: " + commandValue);

            if (in_command == commandValue)
                cmd = commands[commandString];
        if (cmd == null)
            return("Commands '" + memoryBlock.GetCell(0).content + "' not found");

        // Gather 'input' string from MemoryBlock contents
        string input = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < GameManager.gameOptions.memoryCellCount; i++)
            input += memoryBlock.GetCell(i).content + " ";

        bool   success;
        string output = cmd(input, out success);

        instruction = null;