Exemple #1
        static void Main()
            Application.AddMessageFilter(new MouseWheelMessageFilter());

                SemanticTypeSystem = new STS();
                Skin      = new Membrane(SemanticTypeSystem);
                Skin.Name = "Skin";
                // Receptors = new ReceptorsContainer();
                // Receptors.SemanticTypeSystem = SemanticTypeSystem;

                DropReceptor = new DropReceptor(Skin.ReceptorSystem);
                // Program.Skin.RegisterReceptor("DropReceptor", dr);


                AppState = new StatePersistence();
                AppState.ReadState("appState.xml");                                                                                                                                                     // Load the last application state.
                MainForm = MycroParser.InstantiateFromFile <Form>("mainform.xml", null);
                AppState.WriteState("appState.xml");                                                                                                                                            // Save the application state.
            catch (Exception ex)
 public void ConnectTo(Membrane newNext)
     nextJoint = JointWrapper.MakeJoint(this, newNext);
    public void DoDraw()
        if (current == null)

        if (current.nextJoint != null)
            if (Mouse.RightMouseDown())
                Membrane nextNext = (Membrane)current.nextJoint.GetConnected();
                Membrane next = CreateMembrane((nextNext.transform.position + current.transform.position) / 2);
            var   difference = Mouse.WorldPosition() - (Vector2)current.transform.position;
            float springDist = current.GetNearbyRadius() + .25f;
            // if mouse is more than immediateSpringDist from current, make a new node
            if (difference.magnitude > springDist)
                Membrane next = CreateMembrane((Vector2)current.transform.position + difference.normalized * springDist);


                current = next;
    void FindNext()

        Membrane closest = null;

        foreach (SimplePart sibling in nearby.nearby)
            if (sibling != this && sibling is Membrane m)
                if (closest == null || Distance(m) < Distance(closest))
                    if (m.prev == null && !m.GetNexts(minLoopSize).Contains(this))
                        closest = m;

        if (closest != null)
Exemple #5
    public virtual void Update(float elapsed)
        // TODO: it would be nicer if this were notified when the
        // membrane changes to not recheck this constantly

        Vector3 middle = Hex.AxialToCartesian(new Hex(0, 0));
        var     relativeOrganellePosition = middle - organellePos;

        if (relativeOrganellePosition == Vector3.Zero)
            relativeOrganellePosition = DefaultVisualPos;

        Vector3 exit           = middle - relativeOrganellePosition;
        var     membraneCoords = organelle !.ParentMicrobe !.Membrane.GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane(exit.x,

        if (!membraneCoords.Equals(lastCalculatedPosition) || NeedsUpdateAnyway())
            float angle = GetAngle(relativeOrganellePosition);

            var rotation = MathUtils.CreateRotationForExternal(angle);

            OnPositionChanged(rotation, angle, membraneCoords);

            lastCalculatedPosition = membraneCoords;
Exemple #6
 public Tuple<ActionEnum, DirectionEnum> MyTurn(FoodMatrix eatMatrix, Membrane[,] creatures, Point position, 
     Random random, bool hasOneBite, int energyPoints)
     var action = GetAction(random, hasOneBite, energyPoints);
     var direction = (action == ActionEnum.Eat || action == ActionEnum.MakeChild)
         ? DirectionEnum.Stay : GetDirection(eatMatrix, creatures, position, random);
     return Tuple.Create(action, direction);
Exemple #7
 public Speaker(double x, double c = 1e-3) : base(x)
     Membrane = new Membrane(x, c)
         Color  = Color.Aquamarine
         , Mass = Mass
Exemple #8
        public void InboundPermeableTo <M, T>()
            where M : IMembrane, new()
            where T : ISemanticType
            Membrane m = (Membrane)RegisterMembrane <M>();

            m.InboundPermeableTo <T>();
 public override void OnUnownedJointBroke(JointWrapper joint)
     if (joint.GetSource() is Membrane m)
         Assert.AreEqual(m, prev, "Unexpected joint connection broke");
         prev = null;
 public override void OnConnectedTo(JointWrapper joint)
     if (joint.GetSource() is Membrane m)
         Assert.IsNull(prev, "Unexpected joint connection");
         prev = m;
    private Membrane CreateMembrane(Vector2 position)
        Membrane next = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(Refs.inst.membrane, current.transform.parent).GetComponent <Membrane>();

        next.transform.position = position;

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the child (second generic type) to the outer (first generic type) membrane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="Outer"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="Inner"></typeparam>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void AddChild <Outer, Inner>()
            where Outer : IMembrane, new()
            where Inner : IMembrane, new()
            Membrane mOuter = (Membrane)RegisterMembrane <Outer>();
            Membrane mInner = (Membrane)RegisterMembrane <Inner>();

 List <Membrane> GetNexts(int numNext)
     if (nextJoint == null || numNext == 0)
         return(new List <Membrane>());
         Membrane        n = nextJoint.GetConnected() as Membrane;
         List <Membrane> l = n.GetNexts(numNext - 1);
Exemple #14
 protected override DirectionEnum GetDirection(FoodMatrix eatMatrix, Membrane[,] creatures, Point position, Random random)
     var points = CommonMethods.GetPoints(position);
     var directions = new List<DirectionEnum>();
     var directionsWithFood = new List<DirectionEnum>();
     foreach (var item in points)
         if (!CommonMethods.IsValidAndFree(item, creatures)) continue;
         directions.Add(DirectionEx.DirectionByPoints(position, item));
             directionsWithFood.Add(DirectionEx.DirectionByPoints(position, item));
     if (directions.Count == 0) return DirectionEnum.Stay;
     return directionsWithFood.Count == 0 ? directions.ElementAt(random.Next(directions.Count)) : directionsWithFood.ElementAt(random.Next(directionsWithFood.Count));
Exemple #15
    public void SetMembrane(string membraneName)
        var membrane = SimulationParameters.Instance.GetMembrane(membraneName);

        if (Membrane.Equals(membrane))

        var action = new EditorAction(this, membrane.EditorCost, DoMembraneChangeAction, UndoMembraneChangeAction,
            new MembraneActionData(Membrane, membrane));


        // In case the action failed, we need to make sure the membrane buttons are updated properly
Exemple #16
    public void SetMembrane(Membrane membrane)
        if (Membrane.Equals(membrane))

        throw new NotImplementedException();

        // int cost = SimulationParameters::membraneRegistry().getTypeData(
        // string(vars.GetSingleValueByName("membrane"))).editorCost;

        // EditorAction@ action = EditorAction(cost,
        //     // redo
        //     function(EditorAction@ action, MicrobeEditor@ editor){
        //         editor.membrane = MembraneTypeId(action.data["membrane"]);
        //         GenericEvent@ event = GenericEvent("MicrobeEditorMembraneUpdated");
        //         NamedVars@ vars = event.GetNamedVars();
        //         vars.AddValue(ScriptSafeVariableBlock("membrane",
        //         SimulationParameters::membraneRegistry().getInternalName(editor.membrane)));
        //         GetEngine().GetEventHandler().CallEvent(event);
        //         // Calculate and send energy balance to the GUI
        //         calculateEnergyBalanceWithOrganellesAndMembraneType(
        //         editor.editedMicrobeOrganelles, editor.membrane, editor.targetPatch);
        //         // not using _onEditedCellChange due to visuals not needing update
        //     },
        //     // undo
        //     function(EditorAction@ action, MicrobeEditor@ editor){
        //         editor.membrane = MembraneTypeId(action.data["prevMembrane"]);
        //         GenericEvent@ event = GenericEvent("MicrobeEditorMembraneUpdated");
        //         NamedVars@ vars = event.GetNamedVars();
        //         vars.AddValue(ScriptSafeVariableBlock("membrane",
        //         SimulationParameters::membraneRegistry().getInternalName(editor.membrane)));
        //         GetEngine().GetEventHandler().CallEvent(event);
        //         // Calculate and send energy balance to the GUI
        //         calculateEnergyBalanceWithOrganellesAndMembraneType(
        //         editor.editedMicrobeOrganelles, editor.membrane, editor.targetPatch);
        //     }
        // );

        // action.data["membrane"] = SimulationParameters::membraneRegistry().getTypeId(
        //     string(vars.GetSingleValueByName("membrane")));
        // action.data["prevMembrane"] = membrane;

        // enqueueAction(action);
Exemple #17
    /// <summary>
    ///   Calculates a world pos for emitting compounds
    /// </summary>
    private Vector3 CalculateNearbyWorldPosition()
        // The back of the microbe
        var exit           = Hex.AxialToCartesian(new Hex(0, 1));
        var membraneCoords = Membrane.GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane(exit.x, exit.z);

        // Get the distance to eject the compounds
        var ejectionDistance = Membrane.EncompassingCircleRadius;

        // The membrane radius doesn't take being bacteria into account
        if (Species.IsBacteria)
            ejectionDistance *= 0.5f;

        float angle = 180;

        // Find the direction the microbe is facing
        var yAxis        = Transform.basis.y;
        var microbeAngle = Mathf.Atan2(yAxis.x, yAxis.y);

        if (microbeAngle < 0)
            microbeAngle += 2 * Mathf.Pi;

        microbeAngle = microbeAngle * 180 / Mathf.Pi;

        // Take the microbe angle into account so we get world relative degrees
        var finalAngle = (angle + microbeAngle) % 360;

        var s = Mathf.Sin(finalAngle / 180 * Mathf.Pi);
        var c = Mathf.Cos(finalAngle / 180 * Mathf.Pi);

        var ejectionDirection = new Vector3(-membraneCoords.x * c + membraneCoords.z * s, 0,
                                            membraneCoords.x * s + membraneCoords.z * c);

        return(Translation + (ejectionDirection * ejectionDistance));
Exemple #18
    /// <summary>
    ///   This method calculates the relative rotation and translation this microbe should have to its microbe parent.
    ///   <a href="https://randomthrivefiles.b-cdn.net/documentation/fixed_colony_rotation_explanation_image.png">
    ///     Visual explanation
    ///   </a>
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   <para>
    ///     Storing the old global translation and rotation, re-parenting and then reapplying the stored values is
    ///     worse than this code because this code utilizes GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane. This reduces the
    ///     visual gap between the microbes in a colony.
    ///   </para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <returns>Returns relative translation and rotation</returns>
    private (Vector3 Translation, Vector3 Rotation) GetNewRelativeTransform()
        // Gets the global rotation of the parent
        var globalParentRotation = ColonyParent.GlobalTransform.basis.GetEuler();

        // A vector from the parent to me
        var vectorFromParent = GlobalTransform.origin - ColonyParent.GlobalTransform.origin;

        // A vector from me to the parent
        var vectorToParent = -vectorFromParent;

        // TODO: using quaternions here instead of assuming that rotating about the up/down axis is right would be nice
        // This vector represents the vectorToParent as if I had no rotation.
        // This works by rotating vectorToParent by the negative value (therefore Down) of my current rotation
        // This is important, because GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane only works with non-rotated microbes
        var vectorToParentWithoutRotation = vectorToParent.Rotated(Vector3.Down, Rotation.y);

        // This vector represents the vectorFromParent as if the parent had no rotation.
        var vectorFromParentWithoutRotation = vectorFromParent.Rotated(Vector3.Down, globalParentRotation.y);

        // Calculates the vector from the center of the parent's membrane towards me with canceled out rotation.
        // This gets added to the vector calculated one call before.
        var correctedVectorFromParent = ColonyParent.Membrane
                                                                                vectorFromParentWithoutRotation.z).Rotated(Vector3.Up, globalParentRotation.y);

        // Calculates the vector from my center to my membrane towards the parent.
        // This vector gets rotated back to cancel out the rotation applied two calls above.
        // -= to negate the vector, so that the two membrane vectors amplify
        correctedVectorFromParent -= Membrane
                                     .GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane(vectorToParentWithoutRotation.x, vectorToParentWithoutRotation.z)
                                     .Rotated(Vector3.Up, Rotation.y);

        // Rotated because the rotational scope is different.
        var newTranslation = correctedVectorFromParent.Rotated(Vector3.Down, globalParentRotation.y);

        return(newTranslation, Rotation - globalParentRotation);
Exemple #19
        protected override DirectionEnum GetDirection(FoodMatrix eatMatrix, 
            Membrane[,] creatures, Point position, Random random)
            var points = CommonMethods.GetPoints(position);
            var state = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            foreach (var point in points)
                var direction = DirectionEx.DirectionByPointsWithNumber(position, point);

                if (CommonMethods.IsValidAndFree(point, creatures))
                    state.Add(direction, eatMatrix.HasOneBite(point) ? 4 : 3);

                if (!CommonMethods.IsValid(point, eatMatrix.Length, eatMatrix.Height))
                    state.Add(direction, 1);
                    if (!CommonMethods.IsFree(point, creatures))
                        state.Add(direction, 2);

            var result = _executor.Execute(CommandsForGetDirection, new MyExecutorToolset(random, state));

            return DirectionEx.DirectionByNumber(int.Parse(result));
Exemple #20
 public static bool IsFree(Point currentPoint, Membrane[,] creatures)
     return creatures[currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y] == null;
Exemple #21
        protected void DeserializeMembranes(MembraneDef membraneDef, Membrane membrane, List <Membrane> membraneList)
            Dictionary <IReceptor, Point> receptorLocationMap  = new Dictionary <IReceptor, Point>();
            Dictionary <IReceptor, List <UserConfig> > configs = new Dictionary <IReceptor, List <UserConfig> >();
            Point noLocation = new Point(-1, -1);

            membrane.Name = membraneDef.Name;

            membraneDef.Receptors.ForEach(n =>
                IReceptor r            = membrane.RegisterReceptor(n.Name, n.AssemblyName);
                receptorLocationMap[r] = n.Location;
                r.Enabled  = n.Enabled;
                configs[r] = n.UserConfigs;

            // After registration, but before the NewReceptor fire event, set the drop point.
            // Load all the receptors defined in this membrane first.
            membrane.LoadReceptors((rec) =>
                // Restore any user configuration values.
                List <UserConfig> configList;

                if (configs.TryGetValue(rec, out configList))
                    configList.ForEach(uc =>
                        Type rt         = rec.Instance.GetType();
                        PropertyInfo pi = rt.GetProperty(uc.Name);
                        string strVal   = uc.Value;
                        object val      = Converter.Convert(strVal, pi.PropertyType);
                        pi.SetValue(rec.Instance, val);

                Point p;

                // Internal receptors, like ourselves, will not be in this deserialized collection.
                if (receptorLocationMap.TryGetValue(rec, out p))
                    if (p == noLocation)
                        VisualizerController.View.ClientDropPoint = VisualizerController.View.GetRandomLocation();
                        VisualizerController.View.ClientDropPoint = p;

            // Load the permeability configuration.  We do this after loading the receptors, because
            // this way the permeability has been initialized via the NewReceptor event hook.
            membraneDef.Permeabilities.ForEach(p =>
                membrane.ProtocolPermeability[new PermeabilityKey()
                                                  Protocol = p.Protocol, Direction = p.Direction
                                              }] = new PermeabilityConfiguration()
                    Permeable = p.Permeable

            // Next, load the inner membrane and receptors.
            membraneDef.Membranes.ForEach(innerMembraneDef =>
                Membrane innerMembrane = membrane.CreateInnerMembrane();
                // Handled now by the NewMembrane event handler.
                // Each membrane needs a system receptor to handle, among other things, the carrier animation.
                // innerMembrane.RegisterReceptor("System", this);
                DeserializeMembranes(innerMembraneDef, innerMembrane, membraneList);
Exemple #22
        public void LoadApplet(string filename)
            Reset(null, EventArgs.Empty);
            CurrentFilename = filename;
            applet = MycroParser.InstantiateFromFile <Applet>(filename, null);

            // Create the membranes and their containing receptors:
            List <Membrane> membraneList = new List <Membrane>();


            VisualizerController.View.StartDrop     = true;
            VisualizerController.View.ShowMembranes = false;                            // don't show membranes while we're loading the applet.  Causes problems because the model isn't fully loaded!
            // Skin is the the root membrane.  It has no siblings.
            DeserializeMembranes(applet.MembranesDef.Membranes[0], Program.Skin, membraneList);
            VisualizerController.View.StartDrop     = false;
            VisualizerController.View.ShowMembranes = true;

            // Create the carriers if they exist.

            if (applet.CarriersDef != null)
                applet.CarriersDef.Carriers.ForEach(c =>
                    ISemanticTypeStruct protocol = Program.Skin.SemanticTypeSystem.GetSemanticTypeStruct(c.Protocol);
                    dynamic signal = Program.Skin.SemanticTypeSystem.Create(c.Protocol);
                    Type t         = signal.GetType();

                    c.Attributes.ForEach(attr =>
                        PropertyInfo pi      = t.GetProperty(attr.Name);
                        TypeConverter tcFrom = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(pi.PropertyType);

                        if (tcFrom.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)))
                            object val = tcFrom.ConvertFromInvariantString(attr.Value);
                            pi.SetValue(signal, val);
                            throw new ApplicationException("Cannot convert string to type " + t.Name);

                    // TODO: Carriers need to specify into which membrane they are placed.
                    Membrane inMembrane = membraneList.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Name == c.Membrane);

                    if (inMembrane != null)
                        inMembrane.CreateCarrier(Program.Skin["DropReceptor"].Instance, protocol, signal);
                        // TODO: Inform user that carrier is not associated with a defined membrane.

            // When we're all done, recreate the connections because the membrane permeability might have changed.
            // TODO: Should this be an event the visualizer picks up on?

            // Inform all receptors that the system is fully initialized.
 public MembraneDrawer(Membrane startPoint)
     current = startPoint;
Exemple #24
 public static bool IsValidAndFree(Point position, Membrane[,] creatures)
     return IsValid(position, creatures.GetLength(0), creatures.GetLength(1))
            && IsFree(position, creatures);
Exemple #25
 protected abstract DirectionEnum GetDirection(FoodMatrix eatMatrix, Membrane[,] creatures, Point position, Random random);