Exemple #1
        private void UpdateSettingsGrid()
            MemberwisePropertyEditor rootEditor = this.settingsGrid.MainEditor as MemberwisePropertyEditor;

            rootEditor.HeaderStyle  = GroupedPropertyEditor.GroupHeaderStyle.Flat;
            rootEditor.HeaderHeight = 0;
            rootEditor.Hints        = PropertyEditor.HintFlags.None;
            if (rootEditor.VisibleChildEditors.Count > 0)
Exemple #2
            public PropertyEditor CreateEditor(Type baseType, ProviderContext context)
                PropertyEditor e = null;

                // Basic numeric data types
                if (baseType == typeof(sbyte) || baseType == typeof(byte) ||
                    baseType == typeof(short) || baseType == typeof(ushort) ||
                    baseType == typeof(int) || baseType == typeof(uint) ||
                    baseType == typeof(long) || baseType == typeof(ulong) ||
                    baseType == typeof(float) || baseType == typeof(double) || baseType == typeof(decimal))
                    e = new NumericPropertyEditor();
                // Basic data type: Boolean
                else if (baseType == typeof(bool))
                    e = new BoolPropertyEditor();
                // Basic data type: Flagged Enum
                else if (baseType.IsEnum && baseType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagsAttribute), true).Any())
                    e = new FlaggedEnumPropertyEditor();
                // Basic data type: Other Enums
                else if (baseType.IsEnum)
                    e = new EnumPropertyEditor();
                // Basic data type: String
                else if (baseType == typeof(string))
                    e = new StringPropertyEditor();
                // IList
                else if (typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(baseType))
                    e = new IListPropertyEditor();
                // IList
                else if (typeof(System.Collections.IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(baseType))
                    e = new IDictionaryPropertyEditor();
                // Unknown data type
                    // Ask around if any sub-editor can handle it and choose the most specialized
                    var availSubProviders =
                        from p in this.subProviders
                        where p.IsResponsibleFor(baseType, context) != EditorPriority_None
                        orderby p.IsResponsibleFor(baseType, context) descending
                        select p;
                    IPropertyEditorProvider subProvider = availSubProviders.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (subProvider != null)
                        e = subProvider.CreateEditor(baseType, context);
                        e.EditedType = baseType;
                        return e;

                    // If not, default to reflection-driven MemberwisePropertyEditor
                    e = new MemberwisePropertyEditor();

                e.EditedType = baseType;
                return e;
        public override void ConfigureEditor(PropertyEditor editor, object configureData = null)
            IEnumerable <EditorHintAttribute> hintOverride = configureData as IEnumerable <EditorHintAttribute>;
            IEnumerable <EditorHintAttribute> parentHint   = null;

            if (editor.ParentEditor != null)
                IEnumerable <EditorHintAttribute> parentHintOverride = editor.ParentEditor.ConfigureData as IEnumerable <EditorHintAttribute>;
                if (editor.ParentEditor.EditedMember != null)
                    parentHint = EditorHintAttribute.GetAll <EditorHintAttribute>(editor.ParentEditor.EditedMember, parentHintOverride);
                    parentHint = parentHintOverride;

            if (hintOverride == null && parentHint != null)
                // No configuration data available? Allow to derive certain types from parent list or dictionary.
                if (editor.ParentEditor is IListPropertyEditor || editor.ParentEditor is IDictionaryPropertyEditor)
                    hintOverride = parentHint.Where(a =>
                                                    a is EditorHintDecimalPlacesAttribute ||
                                                    a is EditorHintIncrementAttribute ||
                                                    a is EditorHintRangeAttribute);
                // That way we can specify the decimal places of an array of Vector2-structs and actually change those Vector2 editors.

            // Invoke the PropertyEditor's configure method
            base.ConfigureEditor(editor, hintOverride);

            // Do some final configuration for editors that do not behave as intended by default.
            if (editor is MemberwisePropertyEditor)
                MemberwisePropertyEditor memberEditor = editor as MemberwisePropertyEditor;
                memberEditor.MemberPredicate      = this.EditorMemberPredicate;
                memberEditor.MemberAffectsOthers  = this.EditorMemberAffectsOthers;
                memberEditor.MemberPropertySetter = this.EditorMemberPropertySetter;
                memberEditor.MemberFieldSetter    = this.EditorMemberFieldSetter;
            if (editor is IListPropertyEditor)
                IListPropertyEditor listEditor = editor as IListPropertyEditor;
                listEditor.ListIndexSetter = this.EditorListIndexSetter;
            if (editor is IDictionaryPropertyEditor)
                IDictionaryPropertyEditor dictEditor = editor as IDictionaryPropertyEditor;
                dictEditor.DictionaryKeySetter = this.EditorDictionaryKeySetter;

            var flagsAttrib = EditorHintAttribute.Get <EditorHintFlagsAttribute>(editor.EditedMember, hintOverride);

            if (flagsAttrib != null)
                editor.ForceWriteBack = (flagsAttrib.Flags & MemberFlags.ForceWriteback) == MemberFlags.ForceWriteback;
                if ((flagsAttrib.Flags & MemberFlags.ReadOnly) == MemberFlags.ReadOnly)
                    editor.Setter = null;

            if (editor is NumericPropertyEditor)
                var rangeAttrib  = EditorHintAttribute.Get <EditorHintRangeAttribute>(editor.EditedMember, hintOverride);
                var incAttrib    = EditorHintAttribute.Get <EditorHintIncrementAttribute>(editor.EditedMember, hintOverride);
                var placesAttrib = EditorHintAttribute.Get <EditorHintDecimalPlacesAttribute>(editor.EditedMember, hintOverride);
                NumericPropertyEditor numEditor = editor as NumericPropertyEditor;
                if (rangeAttrib != null)
                    numEditor.ValueBarMaximum = rangeAttrib.ReasonableMaximum;
                    numEditor.ValueBarMinimum = rangeAttrib.ReasonableMinimum;
                    numEditor.Maximum         = rangeAttrib.LimitMaximum;
                    numEditor.Minimum         = rangeAttrib.LimitMinimum;
                if (incAttrib != null)
                    numEditor.Increment = incAttrib.Increment;
                if (placesAttrib != null)
                    numEditor.DecimalPlaces = placesAttrib.Places;