public void Visit_SalesPerson_Customer_Orders_Should_Return_Customer_Orders_As_Path()
     Expression<Func<SalesPerson, object>> expression = x => x.PrimaryCustomer.Orders;
     var visitor = new MemberAccessPathVisitor();
     Assert.That(visitor.Path, Is.EqualTo("PrimaryCustomer.Orders"));
        public virtual void Expand <T, TTarget>(Expression <Func <TTarget, object> > path)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(path, "path");

            string pathExpression = String.Empty;

            var visitor = new MemberAccessPathVisitor();

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(TTarget))
                //The path represents a collection association. Find the property on the target type that
                //matches an IEnumerable<TTarget> property.
                pathExpression = visitor.Path;
                var rootType       = typeof(T);
                var targetType     = typeof(IEnumerable <TTarget>);
                var targetProperty = (from property in rootType.GetProperties()
                                      where targetType.IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType)
                                      select property).FirstOrDefault();
                if (targetProperty != null)
                    pathExpression = String.Format("{0}.{1}", targetProperty.Name, pathExpression);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pathExpression))
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Instructs the repository to eager load entities that may be in the repository's association path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path of the child entities to eager load.</param>
        /// <remarks>Implementors should throw a <see cref="NotSupportedException"/> if the underling provider
        /// does not support eager loading of entities</remarks>
        public override IRepository <TEntity> With <T>(Expression <Func <T, object> > path)
            Guard.Against <ArgumentNullException>(path == null,
                                                  "Expected a non null Expression representing a path to be eger loaded.");
            var visitor = new MemberAccessPathVisitor();

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(TEntity))
                //The path represents an collection association. Find the property on the target type that
                //matches a IEnumerable<T> property.
                var pathExpression = visitor.Path;
                var targetType     = typeof(TEntity);
                var matchesType    = typeof(IEnumerable <T>);
                var targetProperty = (from property in targetType.GetProperties()
                                      where matchesType.IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType)
                                      select property).FirstOrDefault();
                if (targetProperty != null)
                    pathExpression = string.Format("{0}.{1}", targetProperty.Name, pathExpression);
        public void Visit_Throws_NotSupportedException_When_Expression_Contains_Method_Call()
            Expression <Func <SalesPerson, object> > expression = x => x.MethodAccess();
            var visitor = new MemberAccessPathVisitor();

            Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => visitor.Visit(expression));
        public void Visit_SalesPerson_Customer_Orders_Should_Return_Customer_Orders_As_Path()
            Expression <Func <SalesPerson, object> > expression = x => x.PrimaryCustomer.Orders;
            var visitor = new MemberAccessPathVisitor();

            Assert.That(visitor.Path, Is.EqualTo("PrimaryCustomer.Orders"));
Exemple #6
        protected override void ApplyFetchingStrategy(Expression[] paths)
            Guard.Against <ArgumentNullException>((paths == null) || (paths.Length == 0), "Expected a non-null and non-empty array of Expression instances representing the paths to eagerly load.");
            string currentPath = string.Empty;

            paths.ForEach <System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>(delegate(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression path) {
                MemberAccessPathVisitor visitor = new MemberAccessPathVisitor();
                currentPath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPath) ? (currentPath + "." + visitor.Path) : visitor.Path;
                ((EFCoreRepository <TEntity>) this)._includes.Add(currentPath);
Exemple #7
        public static IEFFetchingRepository <TEntity, TReleated> ThenFetchMany <TEntity, TFetch, TReleated>(this IEFFetchingRepository <TEntity, TFetch> repository, Expression <Func <TFetch, IEnumerable <TReleated> > > selector) where TEntity : class
            Guard.Against <ArgumentNullException>(repository == null, "Expected a non-null IEFFetchingRepository<> instance.");

            var visitor = new MemberAccessPathVisitor();

            var includePath = repository.FetchingPath + "." + visitor.Path;


            return((IEFFetchingRepository <TEntity, TReleated>)
                   Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EFFetchingRepository <TEntity, TReleated>), repository.RootRepository, includePath));
Exemple #8
        public static IEFFetchingRepository <TEntity, TReleated> Fetch <TEntity, TReleated>(this IRepository <TEntity> repository, Expression <Func <TEntity, TReleated> > selector) where TEntity : class
            Guard.Against <ArgumentNullException>(repository == null, "Expected a non-null IRepository<> instance.");

            var efRepository = repository as EFRepository <TEntity>;

            Guard.Against <InvalidOperationException>(efRepository == null,
                                                      "Cannot use Entity Framework's Fetch extension on the underlying repository. The repository " +
                                                      "does not inherit or is not a EFRepository<> instance. The Entity Framework's fetching extensions can " +
                                                      "only be used by entity framework's repository EFRepository<>.");

            var visitor = new MemberAccessPathVisitor();


            return((IEFFetchingRepository <TEntity, TReleated>)
                   Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EFFetchingRepository <TEntity, TReleated>), efRepository, visitor.Path));
 public void Visit_Throws_NotSupportedException_When_Expression_Contains_Method_Call()
     Expression<Func<SalesPerson, object>> expression = x => x.MethodAccess();
     var visitor = new MemberAccessPathVisitor();
     Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => visitor.Visit(expression));