Exemple #1
        private async void Button1_ClickAsync(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (pID != 0 && comp == true)
                findBase_button.Text    = "Please Wait!";
                findBase_button.Enabled = false;
                Cursor  = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                Enabled = false;

                    AoBadr = (await MemLib.AoBScan(AoBstr, true, true)).FirstOrDefault();
                    Enabled = true;
                    Cursor  = Cursors.Default;
                    findBase_button.Enabled = true;

                if (AoBadr != 0)
                    findBase_button.Text  = "Found!";
                    playerBase_label.Text = "0x" + AoBadr.ToString("x8");
                    findBase_button.Text = "Not Found!";
Exemple #2
        public static void afterGameLoad(Process proc)
            new Game(proc);
            new TowerShop();
            new InjectionManager();
            Game.getBTD5().setGameTitle("Bloons TD 5 - Game attached with NKHook5");
            Console.WriteLine("Game hooked & Events registered!");
            Console.WriteLine("Loading plugins...");
            List <long> res = memlib.AoBScan("68 74 74 70 73 3A 2F 2F 6E 65 77 67 61 6D 2E 65 73 2F 62 74 64 35 62 74 64 36", true, true).Result.ToList();

            foreach (long addr in res)
                memlib.writeMemory(addr.ToString("X"), "string", "https://discord.gg/VADMF2M");
            BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();

            bw.DoWork += (object sender, DoWorkEventArgs ev) =>
                NKGDI gdi = new NKGDI(memlib);

            GameCloseEvent.Event += (object sender, EventArgs arg) =>
Exemple #3
        static async void Test()
            //"name": "dwLocalPlayer",
            //"extra": 4,
            //"relative": true,
            //"module": "client_panorama.dll",
            //"offsets": [
            //    ],
            //"pattern": "8D 34 85 ? ? ? ? 89 15 ? ? ? ? 8B 41 08 8B 48 04 83 F9 FF"

            //dwLocalPlayer = 0xCF6A4C;

            Mem mem = new Mem();


            long client_panorama = mem.modules["client_panorama.dll"].ToInt64();
            long addr            = (await mem.AoBScan("8D 34 85 ? ? ? ? 89 15 ? ? ? ? 8B 41 08 8B 48 04 83 F9 FF")).FirstOrDefault() + 3;
            long dwLocalPlayer   = mem.readInt(addr.ToString());

            long a = 0xCF1A3C - dwLocalPlayer;

Exemple #4
    static void Main(string[] args) => EditMemory(); //pls do it this way so i wont feel like i wasted my time understanding how to hack program's memory

    //static void Main(string[] args) => WriteFromFile(args[0]);

    static void EditMemory()
        Process aottg = (from proc in Process.GetProcesses() where proc.MainWindowTitle == "ATTACK_ON_TITAN" select proc).FirstOrDefault(); //get aottg process by process window title

        while (aottg == null)
            Console.WriteLine("No process found");
            Thread.Sleep(10000); //wait 10s and try again
            aottg = (from proc in Process.GetProcesses() where proc.MainWindowTitle == "ATTACK_ON_TITAN" select proc).FirstOrDefault();
        Console.WriteLine("Process found!");
        memoryEditor.OpenProcess(aottg.Id);                                               //attach our memory editor to the process using its PID

        Task <IEnumerable <long> > scan = memoryEditor.AoBScan(appID_bytes, true, false); //scans for an array of bytes in memory. we want to get old appID address and modify its value so we gotta scan for appID bytes

        scan.Wait();                                                                      //wait for task to finish
        foreach (long address in scan.Result)                                             //now lets try to write the new appID in the addresses we got
            //string prev = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(memoryEditor.ReadBytes(address.ToHex(), Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(oldAppID).Length));
            if (!memoryEditor.WriteMemory(address.ToHex(), "string", newAppID, "", Encoding.Unicode))
                Console.WriteLine($"Failed writing address {address.ToHex()}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Done! Written new AppID in address {address.ToHex()}");
            //Console.WriteLine($"Done! Address {address.ToHex()} written\n(old value: {prev} | updated value: {Encoding.Unicode.GetString(memoryEditor.ReadBytes(address.ToHex(), Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(newAppID).Length))})");
        Console.WriteLine("You should be able to connect to new servers now");
        // ========================================================================
        static async Task ScanDeathAddressAsync()
            long aobScanAddress = (await Memory.AoBScan("48 8B 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 C0 ?? ?? 48 8B 40 ?? C3")).FirstOrDefault();
            int  offset         = Memory.readInt("0x" + (aobScanAddress + 3).ToString("X"));
            long heroAddress    = aobScanAddress + offset + 7;

            _deathPtr = heroAddress.ToString("X") + ",0x98";
 private void ThreadSignatureScan_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     m    = new Mem();
     curx = 0f; cury = 0f; curz = 0f;
     Xbase = m.AoBScan(Properties.Settings.Default.positionAOB, true, true).Result.FirstOrDefault();
     X     = Xbase + 0x20;
     Y     = X + 0x4;
     Z     = X + 0x8;
        public async void getPlayerList()
            //83 EC 0C C7 05 98 19 AE 00 01 00 00 00
            //E0 22 AA 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 00 00 00 ?? 39 05 39 05

            List <long> offsetofplayer = (await memory.AoBScan("E0 22 AA 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 00 00 00 ?? 39 05 39 05", true)).ToList();

            foreach (long offset in offsetofplayer)
                Player player = new Player(offset, false);

            long offsetself = (await memory.AoBScan("18 FC A9 00 00 00 00 00", true)).FirstOrDefault();

            //long offsetcamera = (await memory.AoBScan("18 FC A9 00 00 00 00 00", true)).FirstOrDefault();
            Self = new Player(offsetself, true);

            //long playeroffset = (await memory.AoBScan("E0 22 AA 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 00 00 00 ?? 39 05 39 05", true)).FirstOrDefault();
        }//D8 F4 D9 00 A6 6F 68 00 A0 FA AD
Exemple #8
        public static bool Attach()
            bool code = mem.OpenProcess("ffxiv_dx11.exe");

            currentGPAddress  = mem.AoBScan(playerSig, true, true, "").Result.FirstOrDefault();
            currentGPAddress += playerStartOffset + currentGPOffset;
            while (currentGPAddress == 0)
            scan = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(TickTimer), null, 100, 100);
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan for a byte signature in the .text section.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="signature">The signature.</param>
        /// <returns>The real offset of the found signature.</returns>
        public IntPtr ScanText(string signature)
            var mBase = IsCopy ? this.moduleCopyPtr : TextSectionBase;

            //var scanRet = Scan(mBase, TextSectionSize, signature);
            var scanRet = (IntPtr)MemLib.AoBScan(signature, false, true).GetAwaiter().GetResult().FirstOrDefault();

            if (IsCopy)
                scanRet = new IntPtr(scanRet.ToInt64() - this.moduleCopyOffset);

            if (ReadByte(scanRet) == 0xE8)

Exemple #10
        private void BetterTextBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (betterTextBox.Checked)
                //Change co-op text
                List <long> coop = memlib.AoBScan("43 6F 2D 6F 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00", true, true).Result.ToList();
                if (coop.Count > 0)
                    memlib.writeMemory("0x" + coop[0].ToString("X"), "bytes", "0x44 0x6F 0x6E 0x27 0x74 0x20 0x62 0x65 0x20 0x73 0x63 0x75 0x6D 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0D");

                //Change new game text
                List <long> ng = memlib.AoBScan("4E 65 77 0A 47 61 6D 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08", true, true).Result.ToList();
                if (ng.Count > 0)
                    memlib.writeMemory("0x" + ng[0].ToString("X"), "bytes", "0x53 0x65 0x6E 0x64 0x0A 0x4E 0x75 0x64 0x65 0x73 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0A");

                //Change odessy text
                List <long> odessy = memlib.AoBScan("4F 64 79 73 73 65 79 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07", true, true).Result.ToList();
                if (odessy.Count > 0)
                    memlib.writeMemory("0x" + odessy[0].ToString("X"), "bytes", "0x4E 0x6F 0x74 0x0A 0x4D 0x61 0x72 0x69 0x6F 0x0A 0x4F 0x64 0x79 0x73 0x73 0x65 0x79 0x0A");
                //Change co-op text
                List <long> coop = memlib.AoBScan("44 6F 6E 27 74 20 62 65 20 73 63 75 6D 00 00 00 0D", true, true).Result.ToList();
                if (coop.Count > 0)
                    memlib.writeMemory("0x" + coop[0].ToString("X"), "bytes", "0x43 0x6F 0x2D 0x6F 0x70 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x05");

                //Change new game text
                List <long> ng = memlib.AoBScan("53 65 6E 64 0A 4E 75 64 65 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A", true, true).Result.ToList();
                if (ng.Count > 0)
                    memlib.writeMemory("0x" + ng[0].ToString("X"), "bytes", "0x4E 0x65 0x77 0x0A 0x47 0x61 0x6D 0x65 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08");

                //Change odessy text
                List <long> odessy = memlib.AoBScan("4E 6F 74 0A 4D 61 72 69 6F 0A 4F 64 79 73 73 65 79 0A", true, true).Result.ToList();
                if (odessy.Count > 0)
                    memlib.writeMemory("0x" + odessy[0].ToString("X"), "bytes", "0x4F 0x64 0x79 0x73 0x73 0x65 0x79 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x07A 0x0");
Exemple #11
        private async void UpdateToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (memlib == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please attach to a process before updating.");
                tsslStatus.Text = "Running";

                foreach (ListViewItem items in lvAddy.Items)
                    tsslCompletionRate.Text = ((items.Index + 1) / (float)lvAddy.Items.Count).ToString("P0");

                    long myAddress = (await memlib.AoBScan(items.SubItems[3].Text)).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (myAddress == 0)
                        items.SubItems[1].Text = "0xERROR";
                    else if ((Enum.TryParse(items.SubItems[2].Text, true, out AoBType result) == true))
                        switch (result)
                        case AoBType.Address:
                            items.SubItems[1].Text = "0x" + myAddress.ToString("X8");

                        case AoBType.FollowCall:
                            items.SubItems[1].Text = "0x" + GetCall(myAddress).ToString("X8");

                        case AoBType.Pointer:
                            items.SubItems[1].Text = "0x" + GetPointer(myAddress).ToString("X8");
Exemple #12
 private static void scan(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     while (true)
         List <long> scanResult  = memlib.AoBScan("0? 01 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??", true, true).Result.ToList();
         List <int>  towerResult = new List <int>();
         hoveredTowers  = new List <int>();
         selectedTowers = new List <int>();
         foreach (long result in scanResult)
                 int    baseV = (int)result & int.MaxValue;
                 string hexS  = baseV.ToString("X");
                 int    hexI  = int.Parse(hexS, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                 hexI -= 0xF0;
                 int soldCheck = hexI + 0x12C;
                 if (memlib.readByte(soldCheck.ToString("X")) < 1)
                     int hoverCheck    = hexI + 0x215;
                     int selectedCheck = hexI + 0xF0;
                     if (memlib.readByte(hoverCheck.ToString("X")) > 0)
                     if (memlib.readByte(selectedCheck.ToString("X")) > 0)
             catch (OverflowException) { }
         allTowers = towerResult;
 public Task <IEnumerable <long> > AoBScan(string search)
     return(meme.AoBScan(0x10000000000, 0x2FFFFFFFFFF, search, true, false));
Exemple #14
        public void ScanAobs(Mem m)
            // Scan aob set health to 7FFFFFFF = freezes health: 2,147,483,647
            aobStartHit0 = "8B 87 B4 03 00 00 89 06 8B 87 B8 03 00 00";                           // aob Start
            aobOnHit0    = Form1.ConvertStringToAOB("C7 82 B4 03 00 00 FF FF FF 7F 90 90 90 90"); // aob On
            aobOffHit0   = Form1.ConvertStringToAOB(aobStartHit0);

            if (m.AoBScan(0x01000000, 0xf10000000, "C7 82 B4 03 00 00 FF FF FF 7F").Result.ToList().Count >= 1)
                addrsHit0   = m.AoBScan(0x01000000, 0xf10000000, "C7 82 B4 03 00 00 FF FF FF 7F").Result.FirstOrDefault();
                addressHit0 = "0x" + addrsHit0.ToString("x8");

                Form1.cbGodMode.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Form1.cbGodMode.Checked = true));
                Form1.cbGodMode.ForeColor = Color.Gold;
                Form1.cbGodMode.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Form1.cbGodMode.Enabled = true));
            else if (m.AoBScan(0x01000000, 0xf10000000, "8B 87 B4 03 00 00 89 06 8B 87 B8 03 00 00").Result.ToList().Count >= 1)
                addrsHit0   = m.AoBScan(0x01000000, 0xf10000000, "8B 87 B4 03 00 00 89 06 8B 87 B8 03 00 00").Result.LastOrDefault();
                addressHit0 = "0x" + addrsHit0.ToString("x8");

                Form1.cbGodMode.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Form1.cbGodMode.Checked = false));
                Form1.cbGodMode.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(227, 227, 234);
                Form1.cbGodMode.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Form1.cbGodMode.Enabled = true));

            // Scan aob detect hit

            aobStartHit1 = "80 B8 C1 06 00 00 00 74 0D";
            aobOnHit1    = Form1.ConvertStringToAOB("80 B8 C1 06 00 00 02");
            aobOffHit1   = Form1.ConvertStringToAOB(aobStartHit1);

            if (m.AoBScan(0x01000000, 0xf10000000, "80 B8 C1 06 00 00 02").Result.ToList().Count >= 1)
                addrsHit1   = m.AoBScan(0x01000000, 0xf10000000, "80 B8 C1 06 00 00 02").Result.FirstOrDefault();
                addressHit1 = "0x" + addrsHit1.ToString("x8");

                Form1.cbUntouch.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Form1.cbUntouch.Checked = true));
                Form1.cbUntouch.ForeColor = Color.Gold;
                Form1.cbUntouch.Enabled   = true;
            else if (m.AoBScan(0x01000000, 0xf10000000, "80 B8 C1 06 00 00 00 74 0D").Result.ToList().Count >= 1)
                addrsHit1   = m.AoBScan(0x01000000, 0xf10000000, "80 B8 C1 06 00 00 00 74 0D").Result.FirstOrDefault();
                addressHit1 = "0x" + addrsHit1.ToString("x8");

                Form1.cbUntouch.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Form1.cbUntouch.Checked = false));
                Form1.cbUntouch.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(227, 227, 234);
                Form1.cbUntouch.Enabled   = true;

            // Set visible untouchable checkbox to true
            if (Form1.cbGodMode.Checked)
                Form1.cbUntouch.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Form1.cbUntouch.Visible = true));
Exemple #15
        internal async Task AoBScanAsync()
            IEnumerable <long> vs = await MemoryReader.AoBScan(AOB_SCAN_QUERY, writable : true);

            baseAddress = vs.Single();